The Desert Home Part 18

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"Our next was a fis.h.i.+ng excursion. As I have said, Cudjo had already discovered that our stream contained fish, and had caught several of them. They were something like ba.s.s, although differing considerably from the common species. Nevertheless they were very delicious eating, and we were all very fond of them.

"We set forth in the morning, but on this occasion we left Pompo and his cart behind, as we had not far to go--only a short distance down the stream, where Cudjo knew a large pool in which the fish were plenty. We took with us lines, made out of the wild flax that grows in the valley, and which, Mary tells us, is found in all countries that border upon the Rocky Mountains. Our rods were long tapering canes such as grew in abundance around us. For hooks we used pins bent into the proper shape; and our bait consisted of a variety of worms. All these things were carried by Harry and Frank, while Cudjo and I took the younger ones in our arms, and Mary was left free to botanise as we pa.s.sed along. Castor and Pollux accompanied us of course; and Pompo, as he saw us leave the house, ran neighing around his enclosure, as if quite vexed at our leaving him behind. Cudjo, of course, became our guide, taking us through the woods to that part of the stream where was his favourite fis.h.i.+ng-ground.

"After travelling at our leisure about a quarter of a mile, we were all brought to a sudden halt by an exclamation from my wife, who stood pointing at some trees a little to one side of the path.

"'What, mamma!' cried Harry, 'another fine tree? Why, the real bread-fruit and the cocoa-nuts will turn up yet, I believe, in spite of our lat.i.tude.'

"'I am sorry for your sake, Harry,' replied his mamma, 'as well as our own, that I have not made the discovery of another fine tree. No, it is quite another thing, and not a very useful discovery. But it may be curious to you; and papa, here, can read you a chapter of natural history upon it. It is in his line. It is a four-footed animal.'

"'Animal!' exclaimed Harry; 'I see no animal. Where is it, mamma?'

"'Nor do I,' replied his mother; 'but I see indications of the presence of one, and a very destructive one, too. Look there!'

"As Mary said this, she pointed to a grove of young cotton-wood trees, from which the bark and leaves were stripped off as cleanly as if they had been gnawed by goats, or sc.r.a.ped with a knife. Some of the trees were quite dead, while others of them were freshly peeled, and only waited for a little time to go to decay also.

"'Oh, I see what you mean now, mamma,' said Harry. 'Some animal has done this--but what one? The beavers cannot climb; and I am sure neither squirrels, racc.o.o.ns, nor opossums, would take the bark from trees in that manner.'

"'No; it was none of them. Your papa can best inform you what sort of animal has been so destructive to these young trees, which, you perceive, are of the beautiful cotton-wood species,--the _populus angulatus_ of botanists.'

"'Come, Harry,' said I, 'let us first find the animal if we can.'

"We all turned toward the leafless grove. We had not walked many steps in that direction, when the very animal we were in search of appeared on the ground before us. It was quite three feet long, thick, broad in the back, and arched from the nose to the tail. It was of a speckled grey colour, but with the roughest coat of hair that could possibly be imagined. Its head and nose were very small for the size of its body; and its short, stout legs, with their long claws, were scarcely visible under the thick, s.h.a.ggy hair. Its ears were also buried under the hair; and it looked more like a round tufted ma.s.s than an animal. It was down upon the ground; and had evidently perceived our approach, as it was making off through the gra.s.s as fast as it could. That, however, was not very fast--not faster than a frog could go--for the animal in question is one of the very slowest travellers.

"As soon as I caught sight of it, and saw that it was upon the ground-- and not among the branches, where I had expected to find it--I turned round to secure the dogs. I was too late, for these unreasoning animals had already seen it, and, forgetful of the lesson which the skunk had taught them, were das.h.i.+ng forward in full cry. I endeavoured to call them off; but, heedless of our shouts, both rushed on the strange creature at once. The latter, seeing them approach, immediately stopped, buried its head under its breast, seemed suddenly to swell upward and outward to twice its natural size--while its rough thick tail was brandished from side to side in a furious and threatening manner.

"We could all now see that that which had appeared to be coa.r.s.e thick hair was nothing else than long bristling spines, and Harry at once cried out,--

"'A porcupine! a porcupine!'

"The dogs, unfortunately for themselves, did not know what it was; nor did they stop to consider, but lashed upon it open-mouthed, as they usually do with any strange animal. They did not hold it long; for the next moment they dropped it, and came running back more open-mouthed than ever--uttering the most piteous howls--and we saw that their noses, lips, and jaws, were sticking full of the sharp quills! Meanwhile the porcupine again stretched himself out; and, crawling to the foot of a tree, commenced climbing up. But Cudjo, who was highly incensed with the treatment which his favourites had received, rushed after; and, knocking down the animal with his spear, soon despatched him.

"Harry, who had grown much wiser since his adventure with the skunk, was rather shy of approaching the porcupine--particularly as he had heard that this animal possesses the power of shooting his quills to some distance, and sticking them like arrows into his enemies. Frank inquired if this were true.

"'No,' I replied; 'it is only one of those fabulous stories which the ingenious French naturalist, Buffon, so much delighted to recount. The porcupine's quills may be pulled out easily by anything which presses too rudely against them, such as the mouth of a mastiff; and this because they are very slightly attached by their roots, and have a barb upon their tops that takes hold upon any enemy that may attempt to touch them. This is the only defence the poor animal has got--as it is so slow of foot that any of its enemies can easily come up with it. But, notwithstanding its slowness, most of the fierce creatures find it better to leave the porcupine to himself, and his innocent occupation of "barking" the trees. He generally proves more than a match for any of them; and, in fact, neither wolf, panther, nor wildcat, can kill him--as there is not a spot of his body which they can touch when he prepares himself for their attack. On the other hand, he frequently kills them-- only in self-defence, however, as he never attacks any animal, but lives altogether on his simple food, the bark and leaves of trees. The cougar is often found dead in the woods,--his death occasioned by the porcupine's quills that are seen sticking in his mouth and tongue. So also the lynx has been found, as well as many dogs and wolves.'

"So much of the natural history of this strange animal I related to my companions at the time; but, shortly after, an incident was witnessed by Harry and myself which showed us that the porcupine, notwithstanding his bristling armour, had one enemy, at least, who could master him upon occasions. Although it occurred some months after our fis.h.i.+ng excursion, now that we are speaking of the porcupine, I shall relate it."



"It was in the middle of the winter. A light snow had fallen upon the ground--just enough to enable us to follow the trail of any animal we might light upon. Of course, the snow filled us with the idea of hunting; and Harry and I started out upon the tracks of a brace of elk that had pa.s.sed through our opening during the night. The tracks were very fresh-looking; and it was evident that the animals had pa.s.sed in the morning, just before we were up. We concluded, therefore, that they had not gone far off, and we hoped soon to come up with them.

"The trail led us along the side of the lake, and then, up the left bank of the stream. Castor and Pollux were with us; but in our hunting excursions we usually led them in a leash, so that they might not frighten the game by running ahead of us.

"When about half a mile from the house, we found that the elk had crossed to the right bank of the stream. We were about to follow, when, all at once, our eyes fell upon a most singular track or tracks that led off in the direction of the woods. They were _the tracks of human feet--the feet of children_!

"You may fancy the surprise into which we were suddenly thrown. They were about five inches in length, and exactly such as would have been made by a barefooted urchin of six years old. There appeared to be two sets of them, as if two children had pa.s.sed, following one another on the same trail. What could it mean? After all, were there human beings in the valley besides ourselves? Could these be the footprints of two young Indians? All at once I thought of the Diggers--the _Yamparicos_-- the root-eaters,--who are found in almost every hole and corner of the American Desert. Could it be possible that a family of these wretched creatures existed in the valley? 'Quite possible,' thought I, when I reflected upon their habits. Living upon roots, insects, and reptiles,--burrowing in holes and caves like the wild animals around them,--a family, or more, might have been living all this time in some unexplored corner of the valley, without our having encountered any traces of them! Was this really so? and were the tracks before us the footmarks of a brace of young Diggers, who had been pa.s.sing from point to point?

"Of course, our elk-hunt was given up until this mystery should be solved; and we turned off from the trail of the latter to follow that of the children.

"In coming out to an open place, where the snow lay smoothly, and the footprints appeared well defined, I stooped down to examine them more minutely, in order to be satisfied that they _were_ the tracks of human feet. Sure enough, there were the heels, the regular widening of the foot near the toes, and the toes themselves, all plainly stamped upon the snow. Here, however, arose another mystery. On counting the toes, I found that in some of the tracks there were five--as there should have been,--while in others there were only four! This led me to examine the print of the toes more carefully; and I now saw that each of them was armed with a claw, which, on account of some hairy covering, had made but a very indefinite impression in the snow. The tracks, then, were _not_ the footmarks of children, but those of some animal with claws.

"Notwithstanding that we had come to this conclusion, we still continued to follow the trail. We were curious to see what sort of a creature had made it. Perhaps it might be some animal unknown to naturalists,--some new species; and we might one day have the merit of being the first to describe it.

"We had not far to go: a hundred yards, or so, brought us in sight of a grove of young cotton-woods; and these we saw at a glance were 'barked'

by a porcupine. The whole mystery was cleared up,--we had been following in the trail of this animal.

"I now remembered that the porcupine was one of the _plantigrade_ family, with five toes on his hind feet, and only four on the fore ones.

The tracks were undoubtedly his.

"My companion and I were somewhat chagrined at being thus drawn away from our hunt by such an insignificant object; and we vowed to take vengeance upon the porcupine as soon as we should set our eyes upon him.

We were not long in doing this,--for as we stole quietly forward, we caught sight of a s.h.a.ggy animal moving among the branches of a tree about fifty yards ahead of us. It was he, of course. At the same moment, however, another animal 'hove in sight,' in appearance as different from the porcupine as a bull from a blue-bottle.

"This creature--tail and all--was not less than a yard and a quarter in length, and yet its body was not thicker than the upper part of a man's arm. Its head was broad and somewhat flattened, with short, erect ears, and pointed nose. It was bearded like a cat, although the face had more of the dog in its expression. Its legs were short and strong; and both legs and body denoted the possession of agility and strength. It was of a reddish-brown colour, with a white mark on the breast, and darker along the back and on the legs, feet, nose, and tail. Its whole appearance reminded one of a gigantic weasel--which in fact it was--the great marten of America, generally, though improperly, called the 'fisher.' When we first saw it, it was crouching along a high log, that ran directly toward the tree, upon which was the porcupine. Its eyes were fixed intently upon the latter; and it was evidently meditating an attack. We stopped to watch it.

"The porcupine had not yet perceived his enemy, as he was busily engaged in splitting the bark from the cotton-wood. The marten, after reconnoitring him for some moments, sprang off from the log, and came running toward the tree. The other now saw him; and at the same instant uttered a sort of shrill, querulous cry, and appeared to be greatly affrighted. To our astonishment, however, instead of remaining where it was, it suddenly dropped to the ground almost at the very nose of its adversary! I could not at first understand the meaning of this artful movement on the part of the porcupine, but a moment's reflection convinced me it was sound policy. The marten would have been as much at home on the tree as himself; and had he remained among the branches-- which were slender ones--his throat and the under part of his body--both of which are soft and without quills--would have been exposed to the teeth of his adversary. This, then, was why he had let himself down so unexpectedly; and we noticed that the instant he touched the ground, he rolled himself into a round clew, presenting on all sides the formidable _chevaux-de-frise_ of his quills.

"The marten now ran around him, doubling his long vermiform body with great activity--at intervals showing his teeth, erecting his back, and snarling like a cat. We expected every moment to see him spring forward upon his victim; but he did not do so. He evidently understood the peril of such an act; and appeared for a moment puzzled as to how he should proceed. All this while, the porcupine lay quiet--except the tail. This was, in fact, the only 'feature' of the animal that could be seen, as the head and feet were completely hidden under the body. The tail, however, was kept constantly in motion--jerking from side to side, and flirted occasionally upwards.

"What would the marten do? There was not an inch of the other's body that was not defended by the sharp and barbed quills--not a spot where he could insert the tip of his nose. Would he abandon the contest? So thought we, for a while; but we were soon convinced of our error.

"After running around several times, as we have described, he at length posted himself near the hind-quarters of the porcupine, and with his nose a few inches from the tail of the latter. In this position he stood for some moments, apparently watching the tail, which still continued to oscillate rapidly. He stood in perfect silence, and without making a movement.

"The porcupine, not being able to see him, and perhaps thinking that he was gone, now waved his tail more slowly; and then suffered it to drop motionless.

"This was what the other was waiting for; and, the next moment, he had seized the tail in his teeth. We saw that he held it by the tip, where it is dest.i.tute of the th.o.r.n.y spines.

"What would he do next? Was he going to bite off the end of the porcupine's tail? No such thing. He had a game different from that to play--as we soon witnessed.

"The moment the marten caught the tail, the porcupine uttered its querulous cries; but the other heeding not these, commenced walking backward, dragging his victim after him. Where was he dragging it to?

We soon saw. He was pulling it to a tree, close by, with low branches that forked out near the ground. But for what purpose? thought we. We wondered as we watched.

"The porcupine could offer no resistance. Its feet gave way, and slipped along the snowy ground; for the marten was evidently the much stronger animal.

"In a short time, the latter had reached the tree, having pulled the other along with him to its foot. He now commenced ascending, still holding the porcupine's tail in his teeth; taking good care not to brush too closely against the quills. 'Surely,' thought we, 'he cannot climb up, carrying a body almost as big as himself!' It was not his intention to climb up--only to one of the lowermost branches--and the next moment he had reached it, stretching his long body out on the limb, and clutching it firmly with his cat-like claws. He still held fast hold of the porcupine which was now lifted into such a position, that only its forequarters rested on the ground, and it appeared to stand upon its head--all the while uttering its pitiful cries.

"For the life of us, we could not guess what the marten meant by all this manoeuvring. _He_ knew well enough, as he gave proof the moment after. When he had got the other as it were on a balance, he suddenly sprang back to the ground, in such a direction that the impetus of his leap jerked the porcupine upon its back. Before the clumsy creature was able to turn over and 'clew' itself, the active weasel had pounced upon its belly, and buried his claws in the soft flesh, while, at the same time, his teeth were made fast in its throat!

"In vain the porcupine struggled. The weasel rode him with such agility, that he was unable to get right side up again; and in a few moments the struggle would have ended, by the porcupine's throat being cut; but we saw that it was time for us to interfere; and, slipping Castor and Pollux from the leash, we ran forward.

"The dogs soon drove the marten from his victim, but he did not run from them. On the contrary, he turned round upon them, keeping both at bay with his sharp teeth and fierce snarling. In truth, they would have had a very tough job of it, had we not been near; but, on seeing us approach, the animal took to a tree, running up it like a squirrel. A rifle bullet soon brought him down again; and his long body lay stretched out on the earth, emitting a strong odour of musk, that was quite disagreeable.

"On returning to the porcupine--which our dogs took care not to meddle with--we found the animal already better than half-dead. The blood was running from its throat, which the marten had torn open. Of course, we put the creature out of pain by killing it outright; and taking the marten along with us for the purpose of skinning it, we returned homeward, leaving the elk-hunt for another day.

The Desert Home Part 18

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