Discovery of Witches Part 11
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ROGER NOWEL _and_ NICHOLAS BANESTER _Esquires, two of his Maiesties Iustices of Peace within the said Countie_, viz.
And being examined, he further saith, That vpon Sheare-Thursday last, in the euening, he this Examinate stole a Wether from _Iohn Robinson_ of Barley, and brought it to his Grand-mothers house, old _Dembdike_, and there killed it: and that vpon the day following, being Good-Friday, about twelue of the clocke in the day time, there dined in this Examinates mothers house a number of persons, whereof three were men, with this Examinate, and the rest women; and that they met there for three Causes following, as this Examinates said Mother told this Examinate.
1 The first was, for the naming of the Spirit which _Alizon Deuice_, now prisoner at Lancaster, had, but did not name him, because she was not there.
2 The second Cause was, for the deliuerie of his said Grand-mother; this Examinates said sister _Alizon_; the said _Anne Chattox_, and her daughter _Redferne_; killing the Gaoler at Lancaster; and before the next a.s.sises to blow vp the Castle there, to the end the aforesaid persons might by that meanes make an escape & get away; all which this Examinate then heard them conferre of.
3 And the third Cause was, for that there was a woman dwelling in Gisborne Parish, who came into this Examinates said Grandmothers house, who there came and craued a.s.sistance of the rest of them that were then there, for the killing of Master _Lister_ of Westby, because (as shee then said) he had borne malice vnto her, and had thought to haue put her away at the last a.s.sises at Yorke, but could not: and this Examinate heard the said woman say, That her power was not strong ynough to doe it her selfe, being now lesse then before time it had beene.
And also, that the said _Iennet Preston_ had a Spirit with her like vnto a white Foale, with a blacke spot in the forhead.
And he also saith, That the names of the said Witches as were on Good-Friday at this Examinates said Grand-mothers house, & now this Examinates owne mothers, for so many of them as he did know, were these, _viz._ the wife of _Hugh Hargreiues_ of Barley; the wife of _Christopher Bulc.o.c.k_ of the Mosse end, and _Iohn_ her sonne; the mother of _Myles Nutter_; _Elizabeth_, the wife of _Christopher Hargreiues_, of Thurniholme; _Christopher Howgate_, and _Elizabeth_, his wife; _Alice Graye_ of Coulne, and one _Mould-heeles_ wife, of the same: and this Examinate, and his Mother. And this Examinate further saith, That all the said Witches went out of the said House in their owne shapes and likenesses. And they all, by that they were forth of the dores, were gotten on Horsebacke, like vnto Foales, some of one colour, some of another; and _Prestons_ wife was the last: and when shee got on Horsebacke, they all presently vanished out of this Examinates sight. And before their said parting away, they all appointed to meete at the said _Prestons_ wiues house that day twelue-moneths; at which time the said _Prestons_ wife promised to make them a great Feast. And if they had occasion to meete in the meane time, then should warning be giuen, that they all should meete vpon _Romleyes_ Moore.
_The Examination and Euidence of_ IENNET DEVICE.
IAMES DEVICE _her said Brother, Prisoner at the Barre, vpon his Arraignement and Triall: Taken before_ ROGER NOWEL, _and_ NICHOLAS BANNESTER _Esquires: two of his Maiesties Iustices of Peace within the said Countie._ viz.
Shee saith, that vpon Good-Friday last there was about twentie persons, whereof only two were men, to this Examinates remembrance, at her said Grand-mothers house, called _Malking-Tower_ aforesaid, about twelue of the clock: all which persons this Examinates said Mother told her were Witches, and that they came to giue a name to _Alizon Deuice_ Spirit or Familiar, Sister to this Examinate, and now Prisoner, in the Castle of Lancaster: And also this Examinate saith, that the persons aforesaid had to their Dinners, Beefe, Bacon, and rosted Mutton, which Mutton, as this Examinates said brother said, was of a Weather of _Robinsons_ of Barley: which Weather was brought in the night before into this Examinates mothers house, by the said _Iames Deuice_ this Examinates said brother, and in this Examinates sight killed, and eaten, as aforesaid: And shee further saith, that shee knoweth the names of sixe of the said Witches, _viz._ the wife of the said _Hugh Hargreiues_, vnder Pendle: _Christopher Howget_, of Pendle, Vncle to this Examinate: and _d.i.c.k Miles_ wife, of the Rough-Lee: _Christopher Iacks_, of Th.o.r.n.y-holme, and his Wife: and the names of the residue shee this Examinate doth not know, sauing that this Examinates Mother and Brother were both there.
_The Examination of_ ELIZABETH DEVICE, _Mother of the said_ IAMES DEVICE, _of the Forrest of Pendle, taken the seuen and twentieth day of Aprill aforesaid._
ROGER NOWEL, _and_ NICHOLAS BANNESTER _Esquires; as aforesaid._ viz.
Being examined, the said _Elizabeth_ saith and confesseth, that vpon Good-Friday last there dined at this Examinates house, those which she hath said to be Witches, and doth verily thinke them to bee Witches, and their names are those, whom _Iames Deuice_ hath formerly spoken of to be there.
And shee also confesseth in all things touching the Christning of her Spirit, and the killing of Master _Lister_ of Westby, as the said _Iames Deuice_ confesseth. But denieth that any talke was amongst th[=e] the said Witches, to her now remembrance, at the said meeting together, touching the killing of the Gaoler at Lancaster; blowing vp of the Castle, thereby to deliuer old _Dembdike_ her Mother; _Alizon Deuice_ her Daughter, and other Prisoners, committed to the said Castle for Witchcraft.
After all these things opened, and deliuered in euidence against him; Master _Couil_, who hath the custodie of the Gaole at Lancaster, hauing taken great paines with him during the time of his imprisonment, to procure him to discouer his practizes, and such other Witches as he knew to bee dangerous: Humbly prayed the fauour of the Court that his voluntarie confession to M. _Anderton_, M. _Sands_ the Major of Lancaster, M. _Couel_, and others, might openly bee published and declared in Court.
_The voluntarie confession and declaration of_ IAMES DEVICE, _Prisoner in the Castle at Lancaster._
WILLIAM SANDS, _Maior of Lancaster_, IAMES ANDERTON, _Esquire, one of his Maiesties Iustices of Peace within the Countie of Lancaster: And_ THOMAS COVEL, _Gentleman, one of his Maiesties Coroners in the same Countie._ viz.
_Iames Deuice_, Prisoner in the Castle at Lancaster, saith, That his said Spirit _Dandie_, being very earnest with him to giue him his soule, He answered, he would giue him that part thereof that was his owne to giue: and thereupon the said Spirit said, hee was aboue CHRIST IESVS, and therefore hee must absolutely giue him his Soule: and that done, hee would giue him power to reuenge himselfe against any whom he disliked.
And he further saith, that the said Spirit did appeare vnto him after sundrie times, in the likenesse of a Dogge, and at euery time most earnestly perswaded him to giue him his Soule absolutely: who answered as before, that he would giue him his owne part and no further. And hee saith, that at the last time that the said Spirit was with him, which was the Tuesday next before his apprehension; when as hee could not preuaile with him to haue his Soule absolutely granted vnto him, as aforesaid; the said Spirit departed from him, then giuing a most fearefull crie and yell, and withall caused a great flash of fire to shew about him: which said Spirit did neuer after trouble this Examinate.
_William Sands_, _James Anderton._ _Tho. Couel, Coroner._
The said _Iennet Deuice_, his Sister, in the very end of her Examination against the said _Iames Deuice_, confesseth and saith, that her Mother taught her two Prayers: the one to get drinke, which was this. _viz._
_Crucifixus hoc signum vitam Eternam._ Amen.
And shee further saith, That her Brother _Iames Deuice_, the Prisoner at the Barre, hath confessed to her this Examinate, that he by this Prayer hath gotten drinke: and that within an houre after the saying the said Prayer, drinke hath come into the house after a very strange manner. And the other Prayer, the said _Iames Deuice_ affirmed, would cure one bewitched, which shee recited as followeth. _viz._
_A Charme._[K_b_1]
_Vpon Good-Friday, I will fast while I may Vntill I heare them knell Our Lords owne Bell, Lord in his messe With his twelue Apostles good, What hath he in his hand Ligh in leath wand:[K_b_2]
What hath he in his other hand?
Heauens doore key, Open, open Heauen doore keyes, Steck, steck h.e.l.l doore.
Let Crizum child Goe to it Mother mild,[K_b_3]
What is yonder that casts a light so farrandly,[K_b_4]
Mine owne deare Sonne that's naild to the Tree.
He is naild sore by the heart and hand, And holy harne Panne, Well is that man That Fryday spell can, His Childe to learne; A Crosse of Blew, and another of Red, As good Lord was to the Roode._ Gabriel _laid him downe to sleepe Vpon the ground of holy weepe:[K2_a_1]
Good Lord came walking by, Sleep'st thou, wak'st thou_ Gabriel, _No Lord I am sted with sticke and stake, That I can neither sleepe nor wake: Rise vp_ Gabriel _and goe with me, The stick nor the stake shall neuer deere thee.[K2_a_2]
Sweete Iesus our Lord, Amen._ _Iames Deuice._
What can be said more of this painfull Steward, that was so carefull to prouide Mutton against this Feast and solemne meeting at _Malking-Tower_, of this h.e.l.lish and diuellish band of Witches, (the like whereof hath not been heard of) then hath beene openly published and declared against him at the Barre, vpon his Arraignement and Triall: wherein it pleased G.o.d to raise vp Witnesses beyond expectation to conuince him; besides his owne particular Examinations, which being shewed and read vnto him; he acknowledged to be iust and true. And what I promised to set forth against him, in the beginning of his Arraignment and Triall, I doubt not but therein I haue satisfied your expectation at large, wherein I haue beene very sparing to charge him with any thing, but with sufficient matter of Record and Euidence, able to satisfie the consciences of the Gentlemen of the Iury of Life and Death; to whose good consideration I leaue him, with the perpetuall Badge and Brand of as dangerous and malicious a Witch, as euer liued in these parts of Lancas.h.i.+re, of his time: and spotted with as much Innocent bloud, as euer any Witch of his yeares.
After all these proceedings, by direction of his Lords.h.i.+p, were their seuerall Examinations, subscribed by euery one of them in particular, shewed vnto them at the time of their Triall, & acknowledged by th[=e]
to be true, deliuered to the gentlemen of the Iury of Life & Death, for the better satisfaction of their consciences: after due consideration of which said seuerall examinations, confessions, and voluntary declarations, as well of themselues as of their children, friends and confederates, The Gentlemen deliuered vp their Verdict against the Prisoners, as followeth. _viz._
_The Verdict of Life and Death._
Who found _Anne Whittle_, alias _Chattox_, _Elizabeth Deuice_, and _Iames Deuice_, guiltie of the seuerall murthers by Witchcraft, contained in the Indictments against them, and euery of them.
[Ill.u.s.tration: decoration]
_The Arraignement and Triall of_ IENNET BIERLEY ELLEN BIERLEY, _and_ IANE SOVTHWORTH _of Salmesbury, in the County of Lancaster; for Witchcraft vpon the bodie of_ GRACE SOWERBVTS, _vpon Wednesday the nineteenth of August: At the a.s.sises and generall Gaole-deliuery, holden at Lancaster._
_Sir_ EDWARD BROMLEY _Knight, one of his Maiesties Iustices of a.s.size at Lancaster: as hereafter followeth._ viz.
_Iennet Bierley._ _Ellen Bierley._ _Iane Southworth._
Thus haue we for a time left the Graund Witches of the Forrest of Pendle, to the good consideration of a verie sufficient Iury of worthy Gentlemen of their Co[=u]trey. We are now come to the famous Witches of Salmesbury, as the Countrey called them, who by such a subtill practise and conspiracie of a Seminarie Priest,[K3_b_1] or, as the best in this Honorable a.s.sembly thinke, a Iesuite, whereof this Countie of Lancaster hath good store,[K3_b_2] who by reason of the generall entertainement they find, and great maintenance they haue, resort hither, being farre from the Eye of Iustice, and therefore, _Procul a fulmine_; are now brought to the Barre, to receiue their Triall, and such a young witnesse prepared and instructed to giue Euidence against them, that it must be the Act of G.o.d that must be the means to discouer their Practises and Murthers, and by an infant: but how and in what sort Almightie G.o.d deliuered them from the stroake of Death, when the Axe was layd to the Tree, and made frustrate the practise of this bloudie Butcher, it shall appeare vnto you vpon their Arraignement and Triall, whereunto they are now come.
Master _Thomas Couel_, who hath the charge of the prisoners in the Castle at Lancaster, was commaunded to bring forth the said
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