Discovery of Witches Part 4

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_Robin._ A pox take them, must only they feed upon hot meat, and I upon nothing but cold sallads.

_Mrs. Gener._ This meat is tedious, now some Farie, Fetch what belongs unto the Dairie,

_Mal._ Thats b.u.t.ter, Milk, Whey, Curds and Cheese, Wee nothing by the bargaine leese.

_All._ Ha, ha, ha.

_Goody d.i.c.kison._ Boy, theres meat for you.

_Boy._ Thanke you.

_Gooddy d.i.c.kis._ And drinke too.

_Meg._ What Beast was by thee hither rid?

_Mawd._ A Badger nab.

_Meg._ And I bestrid A Porcupine that never p.r.i.c.kt.

_Mal._ The dull sides of a Beare I kickt.

I know how you rid, Lady Nan.

_Mrs. Gen._ Ha, ha, ha, upon the knave my man.

_Rob._ A murrein take you, I am sure my hoofes payd for't.

_Boy._ Meat lie there, for thou hast no taste, and drinke there, for thou hast no relish, for in neither of them is there either salt or savour.

_All._ Pull for the posset, pull.

_Robin._ The brides posset on my life, nay if they come to their spoone meat once, I hope theil breake up their feast presently.

_Mrs. Gen._ So those that are our waiters nere, Take hence this Wedding cheere.

We will be lively all, And make this barn our hall.

_Gooddy d.i.c.k._ You our Familiers, come.

In speech let all be dumbe, And to close up our Feast, To welcome every gest A merry round let's daunce.

_Meg._ Some Musicke then ith aire Whilest thus by paire and paire, We nimbly foot it; strike.


_Mal._ We are obeyd.

_Sprite._ And we hels ministers shall lend our aid.

_Dance and Song together. In the time of which the Boy speakes._

_Boy._ Now whilest they are in their jollitie, and do not mind me, ile steale away, and s.h.i.+ft for my selfe, though I lose my life for't.


"_Dought._ He came to thee like a Boy thou sayest, about thine own bignesse?

_Boy._ Yes Sir, and he asked me where I dwelt, and what my name was.

_Dough._ Ah Rogue!

_Boy._ But it was in a quarrelsome way; Whereupon I was as stout, and ask'd him who made him an examiner?

_Dough._ Ah good Boy.

_Mil._ In that he was my Sonne.

_Boy._ He told me he would know or beat it out of me, And I told him he should not, and bid him doe his worst; And to't we went.

_Dough._ In that he was my sonne againe, ha boy; I see him at it now.

_Boy._ We fought a quarter of an houre, till his sharpe nailes made my eares bleed.

_Dough._ O the grand Divell pare 'em.

_Boy._ I wondred to finde him so strong in my hands, seeming but of mine owne age and bignesse, till I looking downe, perceived he had clubb'd cloven feet like Oxe feet; but his face was as young as mine.

_Dought._ A pox, but by his feet, he may be the Club-footed Horse-coursers father, for all his young lookes.

_Boy._ But I was afraid of his feet, and ran from him towards a light that I saw, and when I came to it, it was one of the Witches in white upon a Bridge, that scar'd me backe againe, and then met me the Boy againe, and he strucke me and layd mee for dead.

_Mil._ Till I wondring at his stay, went out and found him in the Trance; since which time, he has beene haunted and frighted with Goblins, 40 times; and never durst tell any thing (as I sayd) because the Hags had so threatned him till in his sicknes he revealed it to his mother.

_Dough._ And she told no body but folkes on't. Well Gossip Gretty, as thou art a Miller, and a close thiefe, now let us keepe it as close as we may till we take 'hem, and see them handsomly hanged o'the way: Ha my little Cuffe-divell, thou art a made man. Come, away with me.


Heywood and Broome's _Late Lancas.h.i.+re Witches_, Acts 2 and 3.]

[Footnote D: _Sic in orig._]

[Footnote 57: These names are thus given in Baines's Transcript:--

"d.i.c.kensons Henrie Priestleyes wife and his ladd Alice Hargrave, widdowe Jane Davies (als. Jennet Device) William Davies The wife of Henrie Offep and her sonnes John and Myles The wife of Duckers James Hargrave of Maresden Loyards wife James wife Sanders wife, And as hee beleeveth Lawnes wife Sander Pynes wife of Baraford One Foolegate and his wife And Leonards of the West Close."

And thus in Webster:--

"d.i.c.kensons Wife, Henry Priestleys Wife, and his Lad, Alice Hargreene Widow, Jane Davies, William Davies, and the Wife of Henry Fackes, and her Sons John and Miles, the Wife of ---- Denneries, James Hargreene of Marsdead, Loynd's Wife, one James his Wife, Saunders his Wife, and Saunders himself _sicut credit_, one Laurence his Wife, one Saunder Pyn's Wife of Barraford, one Holgate and his Wife of Leonards of the West close."]

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