Discovery of Witches Part 9

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This _Elizabeth Deuice_, late the wife of _Iohn Deuice_, of the Forrest of Pendle in the Countie of Lancaster Widdow, being indicted, for that shee felloniously had practized, vsed, and exercised diuers wicked and deuillish Arts, called _Witch-crafts_, _Inchantments_, _Charmes_, and _Sorceries_, in, and vpon one _Iohn Robinson_, alias _Swyer_: and by force of the same felloniously, the said _Iohn Robinson_, alias _Swyer_, had killed. _Contra pacem, &c._ being at the Barre was arraigned.

2. Indictment.

The said _Elizabeth Deuice_ was the second time indicted in the same manner and forme, for the death of _Iames Robinson_, by Witch-craft.

_Contra pacem, &c._

3. Indictment.

The said _Elizabeth Deuice_, was the third time with others, _viz._ _Alice Nutter_, and _Elizabeth Sothernes_, alias _Old-Dembdike_, her Grand-mother, Indicted in the same manner and forme, for the death of _Henrie Mytton_. _Contra pacem, &c._

To these three seuerall Indictments vpon her Arraignement, shee pleaded not guiltie; and for the tryall of her life, put her selfe vpon G.o.d and her Countrie.

So as now the Gentlemen of the Iurie of life and death, stand charged to finde, whether shee bee guiltie of them, or any of them.

Whereupon there was openly read, and giuen in euidence against her, for the Kings Majestie, her owne voluntarie Confession and Examination, when shee was apprehended, taken, and committed to the Castle of Lancaster by M. _Nowel_, and M. _Bannester_, two of his Maiesties Iustices of Peace in the same Countie. _viz._

_The Examination and voluntarie Confession of_ ELIZABETH DEVICE, _taken at the house of_ IAMES WILSEY _of the Forrest of Pendle, in the Countie of Lancaster, the seuen and twentieth day of Aprill: Anno Reg._ IACOBI, _Angl. &c. decimo, & Scotiae_ xlv.


ROGER NOWEL, _and_ NICHOLAS BANNESTER, _Esquires; two of his Maiesties Iustices of the Peace within the same Countie._ viz.

The said _Elizabeth Deuice_, Mother of the said _Iames_, being examined, confesseth and saith.

That at the third time her Spirit,[F4_a_] the Spirit _Ball_, appeared to her in the shape of a browne Dogge, at, or in her Mothers house in Pendle Forrest aforesaid: about foure yeares agoe the said Spirit bidde this Examinate make a picture of Clay after the said _Iohn Robinson_, alias _Swyer_, which this Examinate did make accordingly at the West end of her said Mothers house, and dryed the same picture with the fire and crumbled all the same picture away within a weeke or thereabouts, and about a weeke after the Picture was crumbled or mulled away; the said _Robinson_ dyed.

The reason wherefore shee this Examinate did so bewitch the said _Robinson_ to death, was: for that the said _Robinson_ had chidden and becalled this Examinate, for hauing a b.a.s.t.a.r.d-child with one _Seller_.

And this Examinate further saith and confesseth, that shee did bewitch the said _Iames Robinson_ to death, as in the said _Iennet Deuice_ her examination is confessed.

And further shee saith, and confesseth, that shee with the wife of _Richard Nutter_, and this Examinates said Mother, ioyned altogether, and did bewitch the said _Henrie Mytton_ to death.

_The Examination and Euidence of_ IENNET DEVICE, _Daughter of the said_ ELIZABETH DEVICE, _late Wife of_ IOHN DEVICE, _of the Forrest of Pendle, in the Countie of Lancaster._


ELIZABETH DEVICE _her Mother, Prisoner at the Barre vpon her Arraignement and Triall._ viz.

The said _Iennet Deuice_, being a yong Maide, about the age of nine yeares,[F4_b_] and commanded to stand vp to giue euidence against her Mother, Prisoner at the Barre: Her Mother, according to her accustomed manner, outragiously cursing, cryed out against the child in such fearefull manner, as all the Court did not a little wonder at her, and so amazed the child, as with weeping teares shee cryed out vnto my Lord the Iudge, and told him, shee was not able to speake in the presence of her Mother.

This odious Witch was branded with a preposterous marke in Nature, euen from her birth, which was her left eye, standing lower then the other; the one looking downe, the other looking vp, so strangely deformed, as the best that were present in that Honorable a.s.sembly, and great Audience, did affirme, they had not often seene the like.

No intreatie, promise of fauour, or other respect, could put her to silence, thinking by this her outragious cursing and threatning of the child, to inforce her to denie that which she had formerly confessed against her Mother, before M. _Nowel_: Forswearing and denying her owne voluntarie confession, which you haue heard, giuen in euidence against her at large, and so for want of further euidence to escape that, which the Iustice of the Law had prouided as a condigne punishment for the innocent bloud shee had spilt, and her wicked and deuillish course of life.

In the end, when no meanes would serue, his Lords.h.i.+p commanded the Prisoner to be taken away, and the Maide to bee set vpon the Table in the presence of the whole Court, who deliuered her euidence in that Honorable a.s.sembly, to the Gentlemen of the Iurie of life and death, as followeth. _viz._

_Iennet Deuice_, Daughter of _Elizabeth Deuice_, late Wife of _Iohn Deuice_, of the Forrest of Pendle aforesaid Widdow, confesseth and saith, that her said Mother is a Witch, and that this shee knoweth to be true; for, that shee had seene her Spirit sundrie times come vnto her said Mother in her owne house, called _Malking-Tower_, in the likenesse of a browne Dogge, which shee called _Ball_; and at one time amongst others, the said _Ball_ did aske this Examinates Mother what she would haue him to doe: and this Examinates Mother answered, that she would haue the said _Ball_ to helpe her to kill _Iohn Robinson_ of _Barley_, alias _Swyer_: by helpe of which said _Ball_, the said _Swyer_ was killed by witch-craft accordingly; and that this Examinates Mother hath continued a Witch for these three or foure yeares last past. And further, this Examinate confesseth, that about a yeare after, this Examinates Mother called for the said _Ball_, who appeared as aforesaid, asking this Examinates Mother what shee would haue done, who said, that shee would haue him to kill _Iames Robinson_, alias _Swyer_, of Barlow aforesaid, Brother to the said _Iohn_: whereunto _Ball_ answered, hee would doe it; and about three weekes after, the said _Iames_ dyed.

And this Examinate also saith, that one other time shee was present, when her said Mother did call for the _Ball_, [Sidenote: Her Spirit.]

who appeared in manner as aforesaid, and asked this Examinates Mother what shee would haue him to doe, whereunto this Examinates Mother then said shee would haue him to kill one _Mitton_ of the Rough-Lee, whereupon the said _Ball_ said, he would doe it, and so vanished away, and about three weekes after, the said _Mitton_ likewise dyed.

_The Examination of_ IAMES DEVICE, _sonne of the said_ ELIZABETH DEVICE: _Taken the seuen and twentieth day of Aprill_, Annoq; Reg. Regis IACOBI Angliae, &c. Decimo ac Scociae, xlv.


ROGER NOWEL _and_ NICHOLAS BANESTER, _Esquires, two of his Maiesties Iustices of the Peace, within the said Countie._ viz.

The said _Iames Deuice_ being examined, saith, That he heard his Grand-mother say, about a yeare agoe, That his mother called _Elizabeth Deuice_, and others, had killed one _Henry Mitton_ of the Rough-Lee aforesaid, by Witchcraft. The reason wherefore he was so killed, was for that this Examinates said Grand-mother _Old Demdike_, had asked the said _Mitton_ a penny; and he denying her thereof, thereupon she procured his death, as aforesaid.

And he, this Examinate also saith, That about three yeares agoe, this Examinate being in his Grand-mothers house, with his said mother; there came a thing in shape of a browne dogge, which his mother called _Ball_, who spake to this Examinates mother, in the sight and hearing of this Examinate, and bad her make a Picture of Clay like vnto _Iohn Robinson_, alias _Swyer_, and drie it hard, and then crumble it by little and little; and as the said Picture should crumble or mull away, so should the said _Io. Robinson_ alias _Swyer_ his body decay and weare away. And within two or three dayes after, the Picture shall so all be wasted, and mulled away; so then the said _Iohn Robinson_ should die presently. Vpon the agreement betwixt the said dogge and this Examinates mother; the said dogge suddenly vanished out of this Examinates sight. And the next day, this Examinate saw his said mother take Clay at the West end of her said house, and make a Picture of it after the said _Robinson_, and brought into her house, and dried it some two dayes: and about two dayes after the drying thereof, this Examinates said mother fell on crumbling the said Picture of Clay, euery day some, for some three weekes together; and within two dayes after all was crumbled or mulled away, the said _Iohn Robinson_ died.

Being demanded by the Court, what answere shee could giue to the particular points of the Euidence against her, for the death of these seuerall persons; Impudently shee denied them, crying out against her children, and the rest of the Witnesses against her.

But because I haue charged her to be the princ.i.p.all Agent, to procure a solemne meeting at _Malking-Tower_ of the Grand-witches, to consult of some speedy course for the deliuerance of her mother, _Old Demdike_, her daughter, and other Witches at Lancaster: the speedie Execution of Master _Couell_, who little suspected or deserued any such practise or villany against him: The blowing up of the Castle, with diuers other wicked and diuellish practises and murthers; I shall make it apparant vnto you, by the particular Examinations and Euidence of her owne children, such as were present at the time of their Consultation, together with her owne Examination and Confession, amongst the Records of the Crowne at Lancaster, as hereafter followeth.

_The voluntary Confession and Examination of_ ELIZABETH DEVICE, _taken at the house of_ IAMES WILSEY, _of the Forrest of Pendle, in the Countie of Lancaster, the seuen and twentieth day of Aprill_, Annoq: Reg. Regis IACOBI Angliae, &c. Decimo, & Scotiae Quadragesimo quinto.


ROGER NOWEL and NICHOLAS BANISTER, _Esquires, two of his Maiesties Iustices of the Peace within the same Countie._ viz.

The said _Elizabeth Deuice_ being further Examined, confesseth that vpon Good-Friday last, there dined at this Examinates house, called _Malking-Tower_, those which she hath said are Witches, and doth verily think them to be Witches: and their names are those whom _Iames Deuice_ hath formerly spoken of to be there. And she further saith, that there was also at her said mothers house, at the day and time aforesaid, two women of Burneley Parish, whose names the wife of _Richard Nutter_ doth know. And there was likewise there one _Anne Crouckshey_[G3_a_] of Marsden: And shee also confesseth, in all things touching the Christening of the Spirit, and the killing of Master _Lister_ of Westbie, as the said _Iames Deuice_ hath before confessed; but denieth of any talke was amongst them the said Witches, to her now remembrance, at the said meeting together, touching the killing of the Gaoler, or the blowing vp of Lancaster Castle.

_The Examination and Euidence of_ IENNET DEVICE, _Daughter of the said_ ELIZABETH DEVICE, _late Wife of_ IOHN DEVICE, _of the Forrest of Pendle, in the Countie of Lancaster._


ELIZABETH DEVICE, _her Mother, Prisoner at the Barre, vpon her Arraignement and Triall_, viz.

The said _Iennet Deuice_ saith, That vpon Good Friday last there was about twentie persons[G3_b_1] (whereof onely two were men, to this Examinates remembrance) at her said Grandmothers house, called Malking-Tower aforesaid, about twelue of the clocke: all which persons this Examinates said mother told her, were Witches, and that they came to giue a name to _Alizon Deuice_ Spirit, or Familiar, sister to this Examinate, and now prisoner at Lancaster. And also this Examinate saith, That the persons aforesaid had to their dinners Beefe, Bacon, and roasted Mutton; which Mutton (as this Examinates said brother said) was of a Wether of _Christopher Swyers_ of Barley: which Wether was brought in the night before into this Examinates mothers house by the said _Iames Deuice_, this Examinates said brother: and in this Examinates sight killed and eaten, as aforesaid. And shee further saith, That shee knoweth the names of sixe of the said Witches, _viz._ the wife of _Hugh Hargraues_ vnder Pendle, _Christopher Howgate_ of Pendle, vnckle to this Examinate, and _Elizabeth_ his wife, and Miles_ his wife of the Rough-Lee; _Christopher Iackes_ of Th.o.r.n.y-holme, and his wife:[G3_b_2] and the names of the residue shee this Examinate doth not know, sauing that this Examinates mother and brother were both there. And lastly, she this Examinate confesseth and saith, That her mother hath taught her two prayers: the one to cure the bewitched, and the other to get drinke; both which particularly appeare.

_The Examination and Euidence of_ IAMES DEVICE, _sonne of the said_ ELIZABETH DEVICE, _late wife of_ IOHN DEVICE, _of the Forrest of Pendle, in the Countie of Lancaster._


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