The Ministry of Intercession Part 6
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The second lesson is: _Beware above everything of grieving the Holy Spirit_ (Eph. iv. 30). If you do, how can He work in you the quiet, trustful, and blessed sense of that union with Christ which makes your prayers well pleasing to the Father? Beware of grieving Him by sin, by unbelief, by selfishness, by unfaithfulness to His voice in conscience.
Do not think grieving Him a necessity: that cuts away the very sinews of your strength. Do not consider it impossible to obey the command, "Grieve not the Holy Spirit." He Himself is the very power of G.o.d to make you obedient. The sin that comes up in you against your will, the tendency to sloth, or pride, or self-will, or pa.s.sion that rises in the flesh, your will can, in the power of the Spirit, at once reject, and cast upon Christ and His blood, and your communion with G.o.d is immediately restored. Accept each day the Holy Spirit as your Leader and Life and Strength; you can count upon Him to do in your heart all that ought to be done there. He, the Unseen and Unfelt One, but known by faith, gives there, unseen and unfelt, the love and the faith and the power of obedience you need, because He reveals Christ unseen within you, as actually your Life and Strength. Grieve not the Holy Spirit by distrusting Him, because you do not feel His presence in you.
Especially in the matter of prayer grieve Him not. Do not expect, when you trust Christ to bring you into a new, healthy prayer-life, that you will be able all at once to pray as easily and powerfully and joyfully as you fain would. No; it may not come at once. But just bow quietly before G.o.d in your ignorance and weakness. That is the best and truest prayer, to put yourself before G.o.d just as you are, and to count on the hidden Spirit praying in you. "We know not what to pray as we ought"; ignorance, difficulty, struggle, marks our prayer all along. But, "the Spirit helpeth our infirmities." How? "The Spirit Himself," deeper down than our thoughts or feelings, "maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered." When you cannot find words, when your words appear cold and feeble, just believe: The Holy Spirit is praying in me. Be quiet before G.o.d, and give Him time and opportunity; in due season you will learn to pray. Beware of grieving the Spirit of prayer, by not honouring Him in patient, trustful surrender to His intercession in you.
The third lesson: "_Be filled with the Spirit_" (Eph. v. 18). I think that we have seen the meaning of the great truth: It is only the healthy spiritual life that can pray aright. The command comes to each of us: "Be filled with the Spirit." That implies that while some rest content with the beginning, with a small measure of the Spirit's working, it is G.o.d's will that we should be filled with the Spirit. That means, from our side, that our whole being ought to be entirely yielded up to the Holy Spirit, to be possessed and controlled by Him alone. And, from G.o.d's side, that we may count upon and expect the Holy Spirit to take possession and fill us. Has not our failure in prayer evidently been owing to our not having accepted the Spirit of prayer to be our life; to our not having yielded wholly to Him, whom the Father gave as the Spirit of His Son, to work the life of the Son in us? Let us, to say the very least, be willing to receive Him, to yield ourselves to G.o.d and trust Him for it. Let us not again wilfully grieve the Holy Spirit by declining, by neglecting, by hesitating to seek to have Him as fully as He is willing to give Himself to us. If we have at all seen that prayer is the great need of our work and of the Church, if we have at all desired or resolved to pray more, let us turn to the very source of all power and blessing--let us believe that the Spirit of prayer, even in His fulness, is for us.
We all admit the place the Father and the Son have in our prayer. It is to the Father we pray, and from whom we expect the answer. It is in the merit, and name, and life of the Son, abiding in Him and He in us, that we trust to be heard. But have we understood that in the Holy Trinity all the Three Persons have an equal place in prayer, and that the faith in the Holy Spirit of intercession as praying in us is as indispensable as the faith in the Father and the Son? How clearly we have this in the words, "Through Christ we have access by one Spirit to the Father." As much as prayer must be _to_ the Father, and _through_ the Son, it must be _by_ the Spirit. And the Spirit can pray in no other way in us, than as He lives in us. It is only as we give ourselves to the Spirit living and praying in us, that the glory of the prayer-hearing G.o.d, and the ever-blessed and most effectual mediation of the Son, can be known by us in their power. (Note D.)
Our last lesson: _Pray in the Spirit for all saints_ (Eph. vi. 18). The Spirit, who is called "the Spirit of supplication," is also and very specially the Spirit of intercession. It is said of Him, "the Spirit Himself maketh intercession for us with groanings that cannot be uttered." "He maketh intercession for the saints." It is the same word as is used of Christ, "who also maketh intercession for us." The thought is essentially that of mediation--one pleading for another. When the Spirit of intercession takes full possession of us, all selfishness, as if we wanted Him separate from His intercession for others, and have Him for ourselves alone, is banished, and we begin to avail ourselves of our wonderful privilege to plead for men. We long to live the Christ-life of self-consuming sacrifice for others, as our heart unceasingly yields itself to G.o.d to obtain His blessing for those around us. Intercession then becomes, not an incident or an occasional part of our prayers, but their one great object. Prayer for ourselves then takes its true place, simply as a means for fitting us better for exercising our ministry of intercession more effectually.
May I be allowed to speak a very personal word to each of my readers? I have humbly besought G.o.d to give me what I may give them--Divine light and help truly to forsake the life of failure in prayer, and to enter, even now, and at once, upon the life of intercession which the Holy Spirit can enable them to lead. It can be done by a simple act of faith, claiming the fulness of the Spirit, that is, the full measure of the Spirit which you are capable in G.o.d's sight of receiving, and He is therefore willing to bestow. Will you not, even now, accept of this by faith?
Let me remind you of what takes place at conversion. Most of us, you probably too, for a time sought peace in efforts and struggles to give up sin and please G.o.d. But you did not find it thus. The peace of G.o.d's pardon came by faith, trusting G.o.d's word concerning Christ and His salvation. You had heard of Christ as the gift of His love, you knew that He was for you too, you had felt the movings and drawings of His grace; but never till in faith in G.o.d's word you accepted Him as G.o.d's gift to you, did you know the peace and joy that He can give. Believing in Him and His saving love made all the difference, and changed your relation from one who had ever grieved Him, to one who loved and served Him. And yet, after a time, you have a thousand times wondered you love and serve Him so ill.
At the time of your conversion you knew little about the Holy Spirit.
Later on you heard of His dwelling in you, and His being the power of G.o.d in you for all the Father intends you to be, and yet His indwelling and inworking have been something vague and indefinite, and hardly a source of joy or strength. At conversion you did not yet know your need of Him, and still less what you might expect of Him. But your failures have taught it you. And now you begin to see how you have been grieving Him, by not trusting and not following Him, by not allowing Him to work in you all G.o.d's pleasure.
All this can be changed. Just as you, after seeking Christ, and praying to Him, and trying without success to serve Him, found rest in accepting Him by faith, just so you may even now yield yourself to the full guidance of the Holy Spirit, and claim and accept Him to work in you what G.o.d would have. Will you not do it? Just accept Him in faith as Christ's gift, to be the Spirit of your whole life, of your prayer-life too, and you can count upon Him to take charge. You can then begin, however feeble you feel, and unable to pray aright, to bow before G.o.d in silence, with the a.s.surance that He will teach you to pray.
My dear brother, as you consciously by faith accepted Christ, to pardon, you can consciously now in the like faith accept of Christ who gives the Holy Spirit to do His work in you. "Christ redeemed us that we might receive the promise of the Spirit by faith." Kneel down, and simply believe that the Lord Christ, who baptizeth with the Holy Spirit, does now, in response to your faith, begin in you the blessed life of a full experience of the power of the indwelling Spirit. Depend most confidently upon Him, apart from all feeling or experience, as the Spirit of supplication and intercession to do His work. Renew that act of faith each morning, each time you pray; trust Him, against all appearances, to work in you,--be sure He is working,--and He will give you to know what the joy of the Holy Spirit is as the power of your life.
"I will pour out the Spirit of supplication." Do you not begin to see that the mystery of prayer is the mystery of the Divine indwelling. G.o.d in heaven gives His Spirit in our hearts to be there the Divine power praying in us, and drawing us upward to our G.o.d. G.o.d is a Spirit, and nothing but a like life and Spirit within us can hold communion with Him. It was for this man was created, that G.o.d might dwell and work in Him, and be the life of his life. It was this Divine indwelling that sin lost. It was this that Christ came to exhibit in His life, to win back for us in His death, and then to impart to us by coming again from heaven in the Spirit to live in His disciples. It is this, the indwelling of G.o.d through the Spirit, that alone can explain and enable us to appropriate the wonderful promises given to prayer. G.o.d gives the Spirit as a Spirit of Supplication, too, to maintain His Divine life within us as a life out of which prayer ever rises upward.
Without the Holy Spirit no man can call Jesus Lord, or cry, Abba, Father; no man can wors.h.i.+p in spirit and truth, or pray without ceasing.
The Holy Spirit is given the believer to be and do in him all that G.o.d wants him to be or do. He is given him especially as the Spirit of prayer and supplication. Is it not clear that everything in prayer depends upon our trusting the Holy Spirit to do His work in us; yielding ourselves to His leading, depending only and wholly on Him?
We read, "Stephen was a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit." The two ever go together, in exact proportion to each other. As our faith sees and trusts the Spirit in us to pray, and waits on Him, He will do His work; and it is the longing desire, and the earnest supplication, and the definite faith the Father seeks. Do let us know Him, and in the faith of Christ who unceasingly gives Him, cultivate the a.s.sured confidence, we can learn to pray as the Father would have us.
In the Name of Christ
"Whatsoever ye shall ask _in My Name_, that will I do. If ye shall ask anything _in My Name_, I will do it. I have appointed you, that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father _in My Name_, He may give it you. Verily, verily I say unto you, whatsoever ye shall ask the Father _in My Name_, He will give it you. Hitherto have ye asked nothing _in My Name_; ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full. At that day ye shall ask _in My Name_."--JOHN xiv. 13, 14, xv. 16, xvi. 23, 24, 26.
In my name--repeated six times over. Our Lord knew how slow our hearts would be to take it in, and He so longed that we should really believe that His Name is the power in which every knee should bow, and in which every prayer could be heard, that He did not weary of saying it over and over: _In My Name!_ Between the wonderful _whatsoever ye shall ask_, and the Divine _I will do it, the Father will give it_, this one word is the simple link: _In My Name._ Our asking and the Father's giving are to be equally in the Name of Christ. Everything in prayer depends upon our apprehending this--_In My Name._
We know what a name is: a word by which we call up to our mind the whole being and nature of an object. When I speak of a lamb or a lion, the name at once suggests the different nature peculiar to each. The Name of G.o.d is meant to express His whole Divine nature and glory. And so the Name of Christ means His whole nature, His person and work, His disposition and Spirit. To ask in the Name of Christ is to pray in union with Him. When first a sinner believes in Christ, he only knows and thinks of His merit and intercession. And to the very end that is the one foundation of our confidence. And yet, as the believer grows in grace and enters more deeply and truly into union with Christ--that is, as he abides in Him--he learns that to pray in the Name of Christ also means in His Spirit, and in the possession of His nature, as the Holy Spirit imparts it to us. As we grasp the meaning of the words, "_At that day_ ye shall ask in My Name"--the day when in the Holy Spirit Christ came to live in His disciples--we shall no longer be staggered at the greatness of the promise: "_Whatsoever_ ye shall ask in My Name, I will do it." We shall get some insight into the unchangeable necessity and certainty of the law: what is asked in the Name of Christ, in union with Him, out of His nature and Spirit, must be given. As Christ's prayer-nature lives in us, His prayer-power becomes ours too. Not that the measure of our attainment or experience is the ground of our confidence, but the honesty and whole-heartedness of our surrender to all that we see that Christ seeks to be in us, will be the measure of our spiritual fitness and power to pray in His Name. "If ye abide in Me," He says, "ye shall ask what ye will." As we live in Him, we get the spiritual power to avail ourselves of His Name. As the branch wholly given up to the life and service of the Vine can count upon all its sap and strength for its fruit, so the believer, who in faith has accepted the fulness of the Spirit to possess his whole life, can indeed avail himself of all the power of Christ's Name.
Here on earth Christ as man came to reveal what prayer is. To pray in the Name of Christ we must pray as He prayed on earth; as He taught us to pray; in union with Him, as He now prays in heaven. We must in love study, and in faith accept, Him as our Example, our Teacher, our Intercessor.
Prayer in Christ on earth and in us cannot be two different things. Just as there is but one G.o.d, who is a Spirit, who hears prayer, there is but one spirit of acceptable prayer. When we realise what time Christ spent in prayer, and how the great events of His life were all connected with special prayer, we learn the necessity of absolute dependence on and unceasing direct communication with the heavenly world, if we are to live a heavenly life, or to exercise heavenly power around us. We see how foolish and fruitless the attempt must be to do work for G.o.d and heaven, without in the first place in prayer getting the life and the power of heaven to possess us. Unless this truth lives in us, we cannot avail ourselves aright of the mighty power of the Name of Christ. His example must teach us the meaning of His Name.
Of His baptism we read, "Jesus having been baptized, _and praying_, the heaven was opened." It was in prayer heaven was opened to Him, that heaven came down to Him with the Spirit and the voice of the Father. In the power of these He was led into the wilderness, in fasting and prayer to have them tested and fully appropriated. Early in His ministry Mark records (i. 35), "And in the morning, a great while before day, He rose and departed into a desert place, _and there prayed_." And somewhat later Luke tells (v. 16), "Mult.i.tudes came together to hear and to be healed. _But He withdrew Himself into the desert, and prayed._" He knew how the holiest service, preaching and healing, can exhaust the spirit; how too much intercourse with men could cloud the fellows.h.i.+p with G.o.d; how time, time, full time, is needed if the spirit is to rest and root in Him; how no pressure of duty among men can free from the absolute need of much prayer. If anyone could have been satisfied with always living and working in the spirit of prayer, it would have been our Master. But He could not; He needed to have His supplies replenished by continual and long-continued seasons of prayer. To use Christ's Name in prayer surely includes this, to follow His example and to pray as He did.
Of the night before choosing His apostles we read (Luke vi. 12), "He went out into the mountain _to pray, and continued all night in prayer to G.o.d_." The first step towards the const.i.tution of the Church, and the separation of men to be His witnesses and successors, called Him to special long-continued prayer. All had to be done according to the pattern on the mount. "The Son can do nothing of Himself: the Father showeth Him all things that Himself doeth." It was in the night of prayer it was shown Him.
In the night between the feeding of the five thousand, when Jesus knew that they wanted to take Him by force and make Him King, and the walking on the sea, "He withdrew again into the mountain, Himself alone, _to pray_" (Matt. xiv. 23; Mark vi. 46; John vi. 15). It was G.o.d's will He was come to do, and G.o.d's power He was to show forth. He had it not as a possession of His own; it had to be prayed for and received from above.
The first announcement of His approaching death, after He had elicited from Peter the confession that He was the Christ, is introduced by the words (Luke ix. 15), "And it came to pa.s.s that _He was praying alone_."
The introduction to the story of the Transfiguration is (Luke ix. 28), "He went up into the mountain _to pray_." The request of the disciples, "Lord, teach us to pray" (Luke xi. 1), follows on, "It came to pa.s.s _as He was praying_ in a certain place." In His own personal life, in His intercourse with the Father, in all He is and does for men, the Christ whose name we are to use is a Man of prayer. It is prayer gives Him His power of blessing, and transfigures His very body with the glory of heaven. It is His own prayer-life makes Him the teacher of others how to pray. How much more must it be prayer, prayer alone, much prayer, that can fit us to share His glory of a transfigured life, or make us the channel of heavenly blessing and teaching to others. To pray in the Name of Christ is to pray as He prays.
As the end approaches, it is still more prayer. When the Greeks asked to see Him, and He spoke of His approaching death, He prayed. At Lazarus'
grave He prayed. In the last night He prayed His prayer as our High-Priest, that we might know what His sacrifice would win, and what His everlasting intercession on the throne would be. In Gethsemane He prayed His prayer as Victim, the Lamb giving itself to the slaughter. On the Cross it is still all prayer--the prayer of compa.s.sion for His murderers; the prayer of atoning suffering in the thick darkness; the prayer in death of confiding resignation of His spirit to the Father.
(Note E.)
Christ's life and work, His suffering and death--it was all prayer, all dependence on G.o.d, trust in G.o.d, receiving from G.o.d, surrender to G.o.d.
Thy redemption, O believer, is a redemption wrought out by prayer and intercession: thy Christ is a praying Christ: the life He lived for thee, the life He lives in thee, is a praying life, that delights to wait on G.o.d and receive all from Him. To pray in His Name is to pray as He prayed. Christ is only our example because He is our Head, our Saviour, and our Life. In virtue of His Deity and of His Spirit He can live in us: we can pray in His Name, because we abide in Him and He in us.
Christ was what He taught. All His teaching was just the revelation of how He lived, and--praise G.o.d--of the life He was to live in us. His teaching of the disciples was first to awaken desire, and so prepare them for what He would by the Holy Spirit be and work in them. Let us believe very confidently: all He was in prayer, and all He taught, He Himself will give. He came to fulfil the law; much more will He fulfil the gospel in all He taught us, as to what to pray, and how.
_What to pray._--It has sometimes been said that direct pet.i.tions, as compared with the exercise of fellows.h.i.+p with G.o.d, are but a subordinate part of prayer, and that "in the prayer of those who pray best and most, they occupy but an inconsiderable place." If we carefully study all that our Lord spoke of prayer, we shall see that this is not His teaching. In the Lord's Prayer, in the parables on prayer, in the ill.u.s.tration of a child asking bread, of our seeking and knocking, in the central thought of the prayer of faith, "Whatsoever ye pray, believe that ye have received," in the oft-repeated "_whatsoever_" of the last evening--everywhere our Lord urges and encourages us to offer definite pet.i.tions, and to expect definite answers. It is only because we have too much confined prayer to our own needs, that it has been thought needful to free it from the appearance of selfishness, by giving the pet.i.tions a subordinate place. If once believers were to awake to the glory of the work of intercession, and to see that in it, and the definite pleading for definite gifts on definite spheres and persons, lie our highest fellows.h.i.+p with our glorified Lord, and our only real power to bless men, it would be seen that there can be no truer fellows.h.i.+p with G.o.d than these definite pet.i.tions and their answers, by which we become the channel of His grace and life to men. Then our fellows.h.i.+p with the Father is even such as the Son has in His intercession.
_How to pray._--Our Lord taught us to pray in secret, in simplicity, with the eye on G.o.d alone, in humility, in the spirit of forgiving love.
But the chief truth He reiterated was ever this: to pray in faith. And He defined that faith, not only as a trust in G.o.d's goodness or power, but as the definite a.s.surance that we have received the very thing we ask. And then, in view of the delay in the answer, He insisted on perseverance and urgency. We must be followers of those "who through faith and patience inherit the promises"--the faith that accepts the promise, and knows it has what it has asked--the patience that obtains the promise and inherits the blessing. We shall then learn to understand why G.o.d, who promises to avenge His elect speedily, bears with them in seeming delay. It is that their faith may be purified from all that is of the flesh, and tested and strengthened to become that spiritual power that can do all things--can even cast mountains into the heart of the sea.
We have gazed on Christ in His prayers; we have listened to His teaching as to how we must pray; to know fully what it is to pray in His Name, we must know Him too in His heavenly intercession.
Just think what it means: that all His saving work wrought from heaven is still carried on, just as on earth, in unceasing communication with, and direct intercession to the Father, who worketh all in all, who is All in All. Every act of grace in Christ has been preceded by, and owes its power to, intercession. G.o.d has been honoured and acknowledged as its Author. On the throne of G.o.d, Christ's highest fellows.h.i.+p with the Father, and His partners.h.i.+p in His rule of the world, is in intercession. Every blessing that comes down to us from above bears upon it the stamp from G.o.d: through Christ's intercession. His intercession is nothing but the fruit and the glory of His atonement. When He gave Himself a sacrifice to G.o.d for men, He proved that His whole heart had the one object: the glory of G.o.d, in the salvation of men. In His intercession this great purpose is realised: He glorifies the Father by asking and receiving all of Him; He saves men by bestowing what He has obtained from the Father. Christ's intercession is the Father's glory, His own glory, our glory.
And now, this Christ, the Intercessor, is our life; He is our Head, and we are His body; His Spirit and life breathe in us. As in heaven so on earth, intercession is G.o.d's chosen, G.o.d's only channel of blessing. Let us learn from Christ what glory there is in it; what the way to exercise this wondrous power; what the part it is to take in work for G.o.d.
_The glory of it._--By it, beyond anything, we glorify G.o.d. By it we glorify Christ. By it we bring blessing to the Church and the world. By it we obtain our highest n.o.bility--the G.o.dlike power of saving men.
_The way to it._--Paul writes, "Walk in love, even as Christ loved us, and gave Himself a sacrifice to G.o.d for us." If we live as Christ lived, we will, as He did, give ourselves, for our whole life, to G.o.d, to be used by Him for men. When once we have done this, given ourselves, no more to seek anything for ourselves, but for men, and that to G.o.d, for Him to use us, and to impart to us what we can bestow on others, intercession will become to us, as it is in Christ in heaven, the great work of our life. And if ever the thought comes that the call is too high, or the work too great, the faith in Christ, the Interceding Christ, who lives in us, will give us the victory. We will listen to Him who said, "The works that I do, shall ye do; and greater works shall ye do." We shall remember that we are not under the law, with its impotence, but under grace with its omnipotence, working all in us. We shall believe again in Him who said to us, Rise and walk, and gave us--and we received it--His life as our strength. We shall claim afresh the fulness of G.o.d's Spirit as His sufficient provision for our need, and count Him to be in us the Spirit of Intercession, who makes us one with Christ in His. Oh! let us only keep our place--giving up ourselves, like Him, in Him, to G.o.d for men.
Then we shall understand the part intercession is to take in G.o.d's work through us. We shall no longer try to work for G.o.d, and ask Him to follow it with His blessing. We shall do what the friend at midnight did, what Christ did on earth, and ever does in heaven--we shall first get from G.o.d, and then turn to men to give what He gave us. As with Christ, we shall make our chief work, we shall count no time or trouble too great, to receive from the Father; giving to men will then be in power.
Servants of Christ! children of G.o.d! be of good courage. Let no fear of feebleness or poverty make you afraid--ask in the Name of Christ. His Name is Himself, in all His perfection and power. He is the living Christ, and will Himself make His Name a power in you. Fear not to plead the Name; His promise is a threefold cord that cannot be broken: _Whatsoever ye ask--in My Name_--IT SHALL BE DONE UNTO YOU.
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