Letters on Astronomy Part 14
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"With what an awful, world-revolving power, Were first the unwieldy planets launched along The illimitable void! There to remain Amidst the flux of many thousand years, That oft has swept the toiling race of men, And all their labored monuments, away."--_Thomson._
MERCURY AND VENUS, as we have seen, are always observed near the sun, and from this circ.u.mstance, as well as from the changes of magnitude and form which they undergo, we know that they have their orbits within that of the earth, and hence we call them _inferior_ planets. On the other hand, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Ura.n.u.s, exhibit such appearances, at different times, as show that they revolve around the sun at a greater distance than the earth, and hence we denominate them _superior_ planets. We know that they never come between us and the sun, because they never undergo those changes which Mercury and Venus, as well as the moon, sustain, in consequence of their coming into such a position.
They, however, wander to the greatest angular distance from the sun, being sometimes seen one hundred and eighty degrees from him, so as to rise when the sun sets. All these different appearances must naturally result from their orbits' being exterior to that of the earth, as will be evident from the following representation. Let E, Fig. 58, page 244, be the earth, and M, one of the superior planets, Mars, for example, each body being seen in its path around the sun. At M, the planet would be in opposition to the sun, like the moon at the full; at Q and Q', it would be seen ninety degrees off, or in quadrature; and at M', in conjunction. We know, however, that this must be a superior and not an inferior conjunction, for the illuminated disk is still turned towards us; whereas, if it came between us and the sun, like Mercury, or Venus, in its inferior conjunction, its dark side would be presented to us.
[Ill.u.s.tration Fig. 58.]
The superior planets do not exhibit to the telescope different phases, but, with a single exception, they always present the side that is turned towards the earth fully enlightened. This is owing to their great distance from the earth; for were the spectator to stand upon the sun, he would of course always have the illuminated side of each of the planets turned towards him; but so distant are all the superior planets, except Mars, that they are viewed by us very nearly, in the same manner as they would be if we actually stood on the sun. Mars, however, is sufficiently near to appear somewhat gibbous when at or near one of its quadratures. Thus, when the planet is at Q, it is plain that, of the hemisphere that is turned towards the earth, a small part is unilluminated.
Mars is a small planet, his diameter being only about half that of the earth, or four thousand two hundred miles. He also, at times, comes nearer to the earth than any other planet, except Venus. His _mean_ distance from the sun is one hundred and forty-two millions of miles; but his...o...b..t is so elliptical, that his distance varies much in different parts of his revolution. Mars is always very near the ecliptic, never varying from it more than two degrees. He is distinguished from all the planets by his deep red color, and fiery aspect; but his brightness and apparent magnitude vary much, at different times, being sometimes nearer to us than at others by the whole diameter of the earth's...o...b..t; that is, by about one hundred and ninety millions of miles. When Mars is on the same side of the sun with the earth, or at his opposition, he comes within forty-seven millions of miles of the earth, and, rising about the time the sun sets, surprises us by his magnitude and splendor; but when he pa.s.ses to the other side of the sun, to his superior conjunction, he dwindles to the appearance of a small star, being then two hundred and thirty-seven millions of miles from us. Thus, let M, Fig, 58, represent Mars in opposition, and M', in the superior conjunction, while E represents the earth. It is obvious that, in the former situation, the planet must be nearer to the earth than in the latter, by the whole diameter of the earth's...o...b..t.
When viewed with a powerful telescope, the surface of Mars appears diversified with numerous varieties of light and shade. The region around the poles is marked by white spots, (see Fig. 56, page 237,) which vary their appearances with the changes of seasons in the planet.
Hence Dr. Herschel conjectured that they were owing to ice and snow, which alternately acc.u.mulate and melt away, according as it is Winter or Summer, in that region. They are greatest and most conspicuous when that part of the planet has just emerged from a long Winter, and they gradually waste away, as they are exposed to the solar heat. Fig. 56, represents the planet, as exhibited, under the most favorable circ.u.mstances, to a powerful telescope, at the time when its gibbous form is strikingly obvious. It has been common to ascribe the ruddy light of Mars to an extensive and dense atmosphere, which was said to be distinctly indicated by the gradual diminution of light observed in a star, as it approaches very near to the planet, in undergoing an occultation; but more recent observations afford no such evidence of an atmosphere.
By observations on the spots, we learn that Mars revolves on his axis in very nearly the same time with the earth, (twenty-four hours thirty-nine minutes twenty-one seconds and three tenths,) and that the inclination of his axis to that of his...o...b..t is also nearly the same, being thirty degrees eighteen minutes ten seconds and eight tenths. Hence the changes of day and night must be nearly the same there as here, and the seasons also very similar to ours. Since, however, the distance of Mars from the sun is one hundred and forty-two while that of the earth is only ninety-five millions of miles, the sun will appear more than twice as small on that planet as on ours, (see Fig. 53, page 236,) and its light and heat will be diminished in the same proportion. Only the equatorial regions, therefore, will be suitable for the existence of animals and vegetables.
The earth will be seen from Mars as an inferior planet, always near the sun, presenting appearances similar, in many respects, to those which Venus presents to us. It will be to that planet the evening and morning star, sung by their poets (if poets they have) with a like enthusiasm.
The moon will attend the earth as a little star, being never seen further from her side than about the diameter under which we view the moon. To the telescope, the earth will exhibit phases similar to those of Venus; and, finally, she will, at long intervals, make her transits over the solar disk. Mean-while, Venus will stand to Mars in a relation similar to that of Mercury [Ill.u.s.tration Figures 59, 60. JUPITER AND SATURN.] to us, revealing herself only when at the periods of her greatest elongation, and at all other times hiding herself within the solar blaze. Mercury will never be visible to an inhabitant of Mars.
Jupiter is distinguished from all the other planets by his great _magnitude_. His diameter is eighty-nine thousand miles, and his volume one thousand two hundred and eighty times that of the earth. His figure is strikingly spheroidal, the equatorial being more than six thousand miles longer than the polar diameter. Such a figure might naturally be expected from the rapidity of his diurnal rotation, which is accomplished in about ten hours. A place on the equator of Jupiter must turn twenty-seven times as fast as on the terrestrial equator. The distance of Jupiter from the sun is nearly four hundred and ninety millions of miles, and his revolution around the sun occupies nearly twelve years. Every thing appertaining to Jupiter is on a grand scale. A world in itself, equal in dimensions to twelve hundred and eighty of ours; the whole firmament rolling round it in the short s.p.a.ce of ten hours, a movement so rapid that the eye could probably perceive the heavenly bodies to change their places every moment; its year dragging out a length of more than four thousand days, and more than ten thousand of its own days, while its nocturnal skies are lighted up with four brilliant moons;--these are some of the peculiarities which characterize this magnificent planet.
The view of Jupiter through a good telescope is one of the most splendid and interesting spectacles in astronomy. The disk expands into a large and bright orb, like the full moon; the spheroidal figure which theory a.s.signs to revolving spheres, especially to those which turn with great velocity, is here palpably exhibited to the eye; across the disk, arranged in parallel stripes, are discerned several dusky bands, called _belts_; and four bright satellites, always in attendance, and ever varying their positions, compose a splendid retinue. Indeed, astronomers gaze with peculiar interest on Jupiter and his moons, as affording a miniature representation of the whole solar system, repeating, on a smaller scale, the same revolutions, and exemplifying more within the compa.s.s of our observation, the same laws as regulate the entire a.s.semblage of sun and planets. Figure 59, facing page 247, gives a correct view of Jupiter, as exhibited to a powerful telescope in a clear evening. You will remark his flattened or spheroidal figure, the belts which appear in parallel stripes across his disk, and the four satellites, that are seen like little stars in a straight line with the equator of the planet.
The _belts of Jupiter_ are variable in their number and dimensions. With the smaller telescopes only one or two are seen, and those across the equatorial regions; but with more powerful instruments, the number is increased, covering a large part of the entire disk. Different opinions have been entertained by astronomers respecting the cause of these belts; but they have generally been regarded as clouds formed in the atmosphere of the planet, agitated by winds, as is indicated by their frequent changes, and made to a.s.sume the form of belts parallel to the equator, like currents that circulate around our globe. Sir John Herschel supposes that the belts are not ranges of clouds, but portions of the planet itself, brought into view by the removal of clouds and mists, that exist in the atmosphere of the planet, through which are openings made by currents circulating around Jupiter.
The _satellites of Jupiter_ may be seen with a telescope of very moderate powers. Even a common spygla.s.s will enable us to discern them.
Indeed, one or two of them have been occasionally seen with the naked eye. In the largest telescopes they severally appear as bright as Sirius. With such an instrument, the view of Jupiter, with his moons and belts, is truly a magnificent spectacle. As the orbits of the satellites do not deviate far from the plane of the ecliptic, and but little from the equator of the planet, they are usually seen in nearly a straight line with each other, extending across the central part of the disk.
(See Fig. 59, facing page 247.)
Jupiter and his satellites exhibit in miniature all the phenomena of the solar system. The satellites perform, around their primary, revolutions very a.n.a.logous to those which the planets perform around the sun, having, in like manner, motions alternately direct, stationary, and retrograde. They are all, with one exception, a little larger than the moon; and the second satellite, which is the smallest, is nearly as large as the moon, being two thousand and sixty-eight miles in diameter.
They are all very small compared with the primary, the largest being only one twenty-sixth part of the primary. The outermost satellite extends to the distance from the planet of fourteen times his diameter.
The whole system, therefore, occupies a region of s.p.a.ce more than one million miles in breadth. Rapidity of motion, as well as greatness of dimensions, is characteristic of the system of Jupiter. I have already mentioned that the planet itself has a motion on its own axis much swifter than that of the earth, and the motions of the satellites are also much more rapid than that of the moon. The innermost, which is a little further off than the moon is from the earth, goes round its primary in about a day and three quarters; and the outermost occupies less than seventeen days.
The orbits of the satellites are nearly or quite circular, and deviate but little from the plane of the planet's equator, and of course are but slightly inclined to the plane of his...o...b..t. They are therefore in a similar situation with respect to Jupiter, as the moon would be with respect to the earth, if her orbit nearly coincided with the ecliptic, in which case, she would undergo an eclipse at every opposition. The eclipses of Jupiter's satellites, in their general circ.u.mstances, are perfectly a.n.a.logous to those of the moon, but in their details they differ in several particulars. Owing to the much greater distance of Jupiter from the sun, and its greater magnitude, the cone of its shadow is much longer and larger than that of the earth. On this account, as well as on account of the little inclination of their orbit to that of the primary, the three inner satellites of Jupiter pa.s.s through his shadow, and are totally eclipsed, at every revolution. The fourth satellite, owing to the greater inclination of its...o...b..t, sometimes, though rarely, escapes eclipse, and sometimes merely grazes the limits of the shadow, or suffers a partial eclipse. These eclipses, moreover, are not seen, as is the case with those of the moon, from the centre of their motion, but from a remote station, and one whose situation with respect to the line of the shadow is variable. This makes no difference in the _times_ of the eclipses, but it makes a very great one in their visibility, and in their apparent situations with respect to the planet at the moment of their entering or quitting the shadow.
[Ill.u.s.tration Fig. 61.]
The eclipses of Jupiter's satellites present some curious phenomena, which you will easily understand by studying the following diagram. Let A, B, C, D, Fig. 61, represent the earth in different parts of its...o...b..t; J, Jupiter, in his...o...b..t, surrounded by his four satellites, the orbits of which are marked 1, 2, 3, 4. At _a_, the first satellite enters the shadow of the planet, emerges from it at _b_, and advances to its greatest elongation at _c_. The other satellites traverse the shadow in a similar manner. The apparent place, with respect to the planet, at which these eclipses will be seen to occur, will be altered by the position the earth happens at that moment to have in its...o...b..t; but their appearances for any given night, as exhibited at Greenwich, are calculated and accurately laid down in the Nautical Almanac.
When one of the satellites is pa.s.sing between Jupiter and the sun, it casts its shadow on the primary, as the moon casts its shadow on the earth in a solar eclipse. We see with the telescope the shadow traversing the disk. Sometimes, the satellite itself is seen projected on the disk; but, being illuminated as well as the primary, it is not so easily distinguished as Venus or Mercury, when seen on the sun's disk in one of their transits, since these bodies have their dark sides turned towards us; but the satellite is illuminated by the sun, as well as the primary, and therefore is not easily distinguishable from it.
The eclipses of Jupiter's satellites have been studied with great attention by astronomers, on account of their affording one of the easiest methods of determining the _longitude_. On this subject, Sir John Herschel remarks: "The discovery of Jupiter's satellites by Galileo, which was one of the first fruits of the invention of the telescope, forms one of the most memorable epochs in the history of astronomy. The first astronomical solution of the problem of 'the longitude,'--the most important problem for the interests of mankind that has ever been brought under the dominion of strict scientific principles,--dates immediately from this discovery. The final and conclusive establishment of the Copernican system of astronomy may also be considered as referable to the discovery and study of this exquisite miniature system, in which the laws of the planetary motions, as ascertained by Kepler, and especially that which connects their periods and distances, were speedily traced, and found to be satisfactorily maintained."
The entrance of one of Jupiter's satellites into the shadow of the primary, being seen like the entrance of the moon into the earth's shadow at the same moment of absolute time, at all places where the planet is visible, and being wholly independent of parallax, that is, presenting the same phenomenon to places remote from each other; being, moreover, predicted beforehand, with great accuracy, for the instant of its occurrence at Greenwich, and given in the Nautical Almanac; this would seem to be one of those events which are peculiarly adapted for finding the longitude. For you will recollect, that "any instantaneous appearance in the heavens, visible at the same moment of absolute time at any two places, may be employed for determining the difference of longitude between those places; for the difference in their local times, as indicated by clocks or chronometers, allowing fifteen degrees for every hour, will show their difference of longitude."
With respect to the method by the eclipses of Jupiter's satellites, it must be remarked, that the extinction of light in the satellite, at its immersion, and the recovery of its light at its emersion, are not instantaneous, but gradual; for the satellite, like the moon, occupies some time in entering into the shadow, or in emerging from it, which occasions a progressive diminution or increase of light. Two observers in the same room, observing with different telescopes the same eclipse, will frequently disagree, in noting its time, to the amount of fifteen or twenty seconds. Better methods, therefore, of finding the longitude, are now employed, although the facility with which the necessary observations can be made, and the little calculation required, still render this method eligible in many cases where extreme accuracy is not important. As a telescope is essential for observing an eclipse of one of the satellites, it is obvious that this method cannot be practised at sea, since the telescope cannot be used on board of s.h.i.+p, for want of the requisite steadiness.
The grand discovery of the _progressive motion of light_ was first made by observations on the eclipses of Jupiter's satellites. In the year 1675, it was remarked by Roemer, a Danish astronomer, on comparing together observations of these eclipses during many successive years, that they take place sooner by about sixteen minutes, when the earth is on the same side of the sun with the planet, than when she is on the opposite side. The difference he ascribes to the progressive motion of light, which takes that time to pa.s.s through the diameter of the earth's...o...b..t, making the velocity of light about one hundred and ninety-two thousand miles per second. So great a velocity startled astronomers at first, and produced some degree of distrust of this explanation of the phenomenon; but the subsequent discovery of what is called the aberration of light, led to an independent estimation of the velocity of light, with almost precisely the same result.
Few greater feats have ever been performed by the human mind, than to measure the speed of light,--a speed so great, as would carry it across the Atlantic Ocean in the sixty-fourth part of a second, and around the globe in less than the seventh part of a second! Thus has man applied his scale to the motions of an element, that literally leaps from world to world in the twinkling of an eye. This is one example of the great power which the invention of the telescope conferred on man.
Could we plant ourselves on the surface of this vast planet, we should see the same starry firmament expanding over our heads as we see now; and the same would be true if we could fly from one planetary world to another, until we made the circuit of them all; but the sun and the planetary system would present themselves to us under new and strange aspects. The sun himself would dwindle to one twenty-seventh of his present surface, (Fig. 53, facing page 236,) and afford a degree of light and heat proportionally diminished; Mercury, Venus, and even the Earth, would all disappear, being too near the sun to be visible; Mars would be as seldom seen as Mercury is by us, and const.i.tute the only inferior planet. On the other hand, Saturn would s.h.i.+ne with greatly augmented size and splendor. When in opposition to the sun, (at which time it comes nearest to Jupiter,) it would be a grand object, appearing larger than either Venus or Jupiter does to us. When, however, pa.s.sing to the other side of the sun, through its superior conjunction, it would gradually diminish in size and brightness, and at length become much less than it ever appears to us, since it would then be four hundred millions of miles further from Jupiter than it ever is from us.
Although Jupiter comes four hundred millions of miles nearer to Ura.n.u.s than the earth does, yet it is still thirteen hundred millions of miles distant from that planet. Hence the augmentation of the magnitude and light of Ura.n.u.s would be barely sufficient to render it distinguishable by the naked eye. It appears, therefore, that Saturn is the peculiar ornament of the firmament of Jupiter, and would present to the telescope most interesting and sublime phenomena. As we owe the revelation of the system of Jupiter and his attendant worlds wholly to the telescope, and as the discovery and observation of them const.i.tuted a large portion of the glory of Galileo, I am now forcibly reminded of his labors, and will recur to his history, and finish the sketch which I commenced in a previous Letter.
"They leave at length the nether gloom, and stand Before the portals of a better land; To happier plains they come, and fairer groves, The seats of those whom Heaven, benignant, loves; A brighter day, a bluer ether, spreads Its lucid depths above their favored heads; And, purged from mists that veil our earthly skies, s.h.i.+ne suns and stars unseen by mortal eyes."--_Virgil._
IN order to appreciate the value of the contributions which Galileo made to astronomy, soon after the invention of the telescope, it is necessary to glance at the state of the science when he commenced his discoveries For many centuries, during the middle ages, a dark night had hung over astronomy, through which hardly a ray of light penetrated, when, in the eastern part of civilized Europe, a luminary appeared, that proved the harbinger of a bright and glorious day. This was Copernicus, a native of Thorn, in Prussia. He was born in 1473. Though destined for the profession of medicine, from his earliest years he displayed a great fondness and genius for mathematical studies, and pursued them with distinguished success in the University of Cracow. At the age of twenty-five years, he resorted to Italy, for the purpose of studying astronomy, where he resided a number of years. Thus prepared, he returned to his native country, and, having acquired an ecclesiastical living that was adequate to his support in his frugal mode of life, he established himself at Frauenberg, a small town near the mouth of the Vistula, where he spent nearly forty years in observing the heavens, and meditating on the celestial motions. He occupied the upper part of a humble farm-house, through the roof of which he could find access to an un.o.bstructed sky, and there he carried on his observations. His instruments, however, were few and imperfect, and it does not appear that he added any thing to the art of practical astronomy. This was reserved for Tycho Brahe, who came a half a century after him. Nor did Copernicus enrich the science with any important discoveries. It was not so much his genius or taste to search for new bodies, or new phenomena among the stars, as it was to explain the reasons of the most obvious and well-known appearances and motions of the heavenly bodies. With this view, he gave his mind to long-continued and profound meditation.
Copernicus tells us that he was first led to think that the apparent motions of the heavenly bodies, in their diurnal revolution, were owing to the real motion of the earth in the opposite direction, from observing instances of the same kind among terrestrial objects; as when the sh.o.r.e seems to the mariner to recede, as he rapidly sails from it; and as trees and other objects seem to glide by us, when, on riding swiftly past them, we lose the consciousness of our own motion. He was also smitten with the _simplicity_ prevalent in all the works and operations of Nature, which is more and more conspicuous the more they are understood; and he hence concluded that the planets do not move in the complicated paths which most preceding astronomers a.s.signed to them.
I shall explain to you, hereafter, the details of his system. I need only at present remind you that the hypothesis which he espoused and defended, (being substantially the same as that proposed by Pythagoras, five hundred years before the Christian era,) supposes, first, that the apparent movements of the sun by day, and of the moon and stars by night, from east to west, result from the actual revolution of the earth on its own axis from west to east; and, secondly, that the earth and all the planets revolve about the sun in circular orbits. This hypothesis, when he first a.s.sumed it, was with him, as it had been with Pythagoras, little more than mere conjecture. The arguments by which its truth was to be finally established were not yet developed, and could not be, without the aid of the telescope, which was not yet invented. Upon this hypothesis, however, he set out to explain all the phenomena of the visible heavens,--as the diurnal revolutions of the sun, moon, and stars, the slow progress of the planets through the signs of the zodiac, and the numerous irregularities to which the planetary motions are subject. These last are apparently so capricious,--being for some time forward, then stationary, then backward, then stationary again, and finally direct, a second time, in the order of the signs, and constantly varying in the velocity of their movements,--that nothing but long-continued and severe meditation could have solved all these appearances, in conformity with the idea that each planet is pursuing its simple way all the while in a circle around the sun. Although, therefore, Pythagoras fathomed the profound doctrine that the sun is the centre around which the earth and all the planets revolve, yet we have no evidence that he ever solved the irregular motions of the planets in conformity with his hypothesis, although the explanation of the diurnal revolution of the heavens, by that hypothesis, involved no difficulty.
Ignorant as Copernicus was of the principle of gravitation, and of most of the laws of motion, he could go but little way in following out the consequences of his own hypothesis; and all that can be claimed for him is, that he solved, by means of it, most of the common phenomena of the celestial motions. He indeed got upon the road to truth, and advanced some way in its sure path; but he was able to adduce but few independent proofs, to show that it was the truth. It was only quite at the close of his life that he published his system to the world, and that only at the urgent request of his friends; antic.i.p.ating, perhaps, the opposition of a bigoted priesthood, whose fury was afterwards poured upon the head of Galileo, for maintaining the same doctrines.
Although, therefore, the system of Copernicus afforded an explanation of the celestial motions, far more simple and rational than the previous systems which made the earth the centre of those motions, yet this fact alone was not sufficient to compel the a.s.sent of astronomers; for the greater part, to say the least, of the same phenomena, could be explained on either hypothesis. With the old doctrine astronomers were already familiar, a circ.u.mstance which made it seem easier; while the new doctrines would seem more difficult, from their being imperfectly understood. Accordingly, for nearly a century after the publication of the system of Copernicus, he gained few disciples. Tycho Brahe rejected it, and proposed one of his own, of which I shall hereafter give you some account; and it would probably have fallen quite into oblivion, had not the observations of Galileo, with his newly-invented telescope, brought to light innumerable proofs of its truth, far more cogent than any which Copernicus himself had been able to devise.
Galileo no sooner had completed his telescope, and directed it to the heavens, than a world of wonders suddenly burst upon his enraptured sight. Pointing it to the moon, he was presented with a sight of her mottled disk, and of her mountains and valleys. The sun exhibited his spots; Venus, her phases; and Jupiter, his expanded orb, and his retinue of moons. These last he named, in honor of his patron, Cosmo d'Medici, _Medicean stars_. So great was this honor deemed of a.s.sociating one's name with the stars, that express application was made to Galileo, by the court of France, to award this distinction to the reigning Monarch, Henry the Fourth, with plain intimations, that by so doing he would render himself and his family rich and powerful for ever.
Galileo published the result of his discoveries in a paper, denominated '_Nuncius Sidereus_,' the 'Messenger of the Stars.' In that ignorant and marvellous age, this publication produced a wonderful excitement. "Many doubted, many positively refused to believe, so novel an announcement; all were struck with the greatest astonishment, according to their respective opinions, either at the new view of the universe thus offered to them, or at the high audacity of Galileo, in inventing such fables."
Even Kepler, the great German astronomer, of whom I shall tell you more by and by, wrote to Galileo, and desired him to supply him with arguments, by which he might answer the objections to these pretended discoveries with which he was continually a.s.sailed. Galileo answered him as follows: "In the first place, I return you my thanks that you first, and almost alone, before the question had been sifted, (such is your candor, and the loftiness of your mind,) put faith in my a.s.sertions. You tell me you have some telescopes, but not sufficiently good to magnify distant objects with clearness, and that you anxiously expect a sight of mine, which magnifies images more than a thousand times. It is mine no longer, for the Grand Duke of Tuscany has asked it of me, and intends to lay it up in his museum, among his most rare and precious curiosities, in eternal remembrance of the invention.
"You ask, my dear Kepler, for other testimonies. I produce, for one, the Grand Duke, who, after observing the Medicean planets several times with me at Pisa, during the last months, made me a present, at parting, of more than a thousand florins, and has now invited me to attach myself to him, with the annual salary of one thousand florins, and with the t.i.tle of 'Philosopher and Princ.i.p.al Mathematician to His Highness;' without the duties of any office to perform, but with the most complete leisure.
I produce, for another witness, myself, who, although already endowed in this College with the n.o.ble salary of one thousand florins, such as no professor of mathematics ever before received, and which I might securely enjoy during my life, even if these planets should deceive me and should disappear, yet quit this situation, and take me where want and disgrace will be my punishment, should I prove to have been mistaken."
The learned professors in the universities, who, in those days, were unaccustomed to employ their senses in inquiring into the phenomena of Nature, but satisfied themselves with the authority of Aristotle, on all subjects, were among the most incredulous with respect to the discoveries of Galileo. "Oh, my dear Kepler," says Galileo, "how I wish that we could have one hearty laugh together. Here, at Padua, is the princ.i.p.al Professor of Philosophy, whom I have repeatedly and urgently requested to look at the moon and planets through my gla.s.s, which he pertinaciously refuses to do. Why are you not here? What shouts of laughter we should have at this glorious folly, and to hear the Professor of Philosophy at Pisa laboring before the Grand Duke, with logical arguments, as if with magical incantations, to charm the new planets out of the sky."
The following argument by Sizzi, a contemporary astronomer of some note, to prove that there can be only seven planets, is a specimen of the logic with which Galileo was a.s.sailed. "There are seven windows given to animals in the domicile of the head, through which the air is admitted to the tabernacle of the body, to enlighten, to warm, and to nourish it; which windows are the princ.i.p.al parts of the microcosm, or little world,--two nostrils, two eyes, two ears, and one mouth. So in the heavens, as in a macrocosm, or great world, there are two favorable stars, Jupiter and Venus; two unpropitious, Mars and Saturn; two luminaries, the Sun and Moon; and Mercury alone, undecided and indifferent. From which, and from many other phenomena of Nature, such as the seven metals, &c., which it were tedious to enumerate, we gather that the number of planets is necessarily seven. Moreover, the satellites are invisible to the naked eye, and therefore can exercise no influence over the earth, and therefore would be useless, and therefore do not exist. Besides, as well the Jews and other ancient nations, as modern Europeans, have adopted the division of the week into seven days, and have named them from the seven planets. Now, if we increase the number of planets, this whole system falls to the ground."
When, at length, the astronomers of the schools found it useless to deny the fact that Jupiter is attended by smaller bodies, which revolve around him, they s.h.i.+fted their ground of warfare, and a.s.serted that Galileo had not told the whole truth; that there were not merely _four_ satellites, but a still greater number; one said five; another, nine; and another, twelve; but, in a little time, Jupiter moved forward in his...o...b..t, and left all behind him, save the four Medicean stars.
It had been objected to the Copernican system, that were Venus a body which revolved around the sun in an orbit interior to that of the earth, she would undergo changes similar to those of the moon. As no such changes could be detected by the naked eye, no satisfactory answer could be given to this objection; but the telescope set all right, by showing, in fact, the phases of Venus. The same instrument, disclosed, also, in the system of Jupiter and his moons, a miniature exhibition of the solar system itself. It showed the actual existence of the motion of a number of bodies around one central orb, exactly similar to that which was predicated of the sun and planets. Every one, therefore, of these new and interesting discoveries, helped to confirm the truth of the system of Copernicus.
But a fearful cloud was now rising over Galileo, which spread itself, and grew darker every hour. The Church of Rome had taken alarm at the new doctrines respecting the earth's motion, as contrary to the declarations of the Bible, and a formidable difficulty presented itself, namely, how to publish and defend these doctrines, without invoking the terrible punishments inflicted by the Inquisition on heretics. No work could be printed without license from the court of Rome; and any opinions supposed to be held and much more known to be taught by any one, which, by an ignorant and superst.i.tious priesthood, could be interpreted as contrary to Scripture, would expose the offender to the severest punishments, even to imprisonment, scourging, and death. We, who live in an age so distinguished for freedom of thought and opinion, can form but a very inadequate conception of the bondage in which the minds of men were held by the chains of the Inquisition. It was necessary, therefore, for Galileo to proceed with the greatest caution in promulgating truths which his own discoveries had confirmed. He did not, like the Christian martyrs, proclaim the truth in the face of persecutions and tortures; but while he sought to give currency to the Copernican doctrines, he labored, at the same time, by cunning artifices, to blind the ecclesiastics to his real designs, and thus to escape the effects of their hostility.
Before Galileo published his doctrines in form, he had expressed himself so freely, as to have excited much alarm among the ecclesiastics. One of them preached publicly against him, taking for his text, the pa.s.sage, "Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye here gazing up into heaven?" He therefore thought it prudent to resort to Rome, and confront his enemies face to face. A contemporary describes his appearance there in the following terms, in a letter addressed to a Romish Cardinal: "Your Eminence would be delighted with Galileo, if you heard him holding forth, as he often does, in the midst of fifteen or twenty, all violently attacking him, sometimes in one house, sometimes in another.
But he is armed after such fas.h.i.+on, that he laughs all of them to scorn; and even if the novelty of his opinions prevents entire persuasion, at least he convicts of emptiness most of the arguments with which his adversaries endeavor to overwhelm him."
In 1616, Galileo, as he himself states, had a most gracious audience of the Pope, Paul the Fifth, which lasted for nearly an hour, at the end of which his Holiness a.s.sured him, that the Congregation were no longer in a humor to listen lightly to calumnies against him, and that so long as he occupied the Papal chair, Galileo might think himself out of all danger. Nevertheless, he was not allowed to return home, without receiving formal notice not to teach the opinions of Copernicus, "that the sun is in the centre of the system, and that the earth moves about it," from that time forward, in any manner.
Galileo had a most sarcastic vein, and often rallied his persecutors with the keenest irony. This he exhibited, some time after quitting Rome, in an epistle which he sent to the Arch Duke Leopold, accompanying his 'Theory of the Tides.' "This theory," says he, "occurred to me when in Rome, whilst the theologians were debating on the prohibition of Copernicus's book, and of the opinion maintained in it of the motion of the earth, which I at that time believed; until it pleased those gentlemen to suspend the book, and to declare the opinion false and repugnant to the Holy Scriptures. Now, as I know how well it becomes me to obey and believe the decisions of my superiors, which proceed out of more profound knowledge than the weakness of my intellect can attain to, this theory, which I send you, which is founded on the motion of the earth, I now look upon as a fiction and a dream, and beg your Highness to receive it as such. But, as poets often learn to prize the creations of their fancy, so, in like manner, do I set some value on this absurdity of mine. It is true, that when I sketched this little work, I did hope that Copernicus would not, after eighty years, be convicted of error; and I had intended to develope and amplify it further; but a voice from heaven suddenly awakened me, and at once annihilated all my confused and entangled fancies."
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