The Mind of the Child Part 3

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_Reflex Movements._--Sighing appears (216).

_Instinctive Movements._--Thirtieth week, seizing more perfect (249).

Child places himself upright on lap, twenty-eighth week (275).

_Imitative Movements._--Imitation of movements of head; of pursing lips (283).

_Expressive Movements._--Averting head as sign of refusal; thrusting nipple out of mouth (313, 314). Astonishment shown by open mouth and eyes (55).


Child did not recognize nurse after absence of four weeks (7); but children distinguish faces before thirtieth week (6).

_Speech._--When hungry, child screams _ma_, _a_, _[)u]a_, _[)u]a[)e]_; when contented, says _orro_; _la_, _[)u]-[=a]-[)u]-i-i_; _t_ seldom, _k_ only in yawning, _p_ very rarely (106).



SIGHT.--_Movements of Eyelids._--Brow not wrinkled invariably in looking upward (24). Play of lid on hearing new noises; no lifting of eyebrows (30, 31). Thirty-fourth week, eyes opened wide with longing (31).

_Direction of Look._--Thirty-first week, gaze turned in direction of falling object. Thirty-third week, objects moved slowly downward are followed with close gaze. Thirty-fourth week, objects let fall by him are seldom looked after (49).

_Interpretation of what is seen._--Interest in bottles (62).

HEARING.--Quick closing of lids at new impressions of sound (86).

TASTE.--Pleasure in the "prepared food" (125).

ORGANIC SENSATIONS AND EMOTIONS.--Discomfort accompanied by square form of the mouth (149). Craving for food shown by cooing sound (155).

Strongest feeling connected with appeasing of hunger (157). Restless nights (162). Astonishment at new sounds and sights; with fright (86).

Thirty-first week, at clapping of fan. Thirty-fourth week, at imitation of voices of animals (173).


_Impulsive Movements._--Accompanying movement of hand (210).

Thirty-fourth week, stretchings of arms and legs accompanying utterance (II, 108).

_Instinctive Movements._--Thirty-second week, seizing with both hands more perfect; attention more active (248). In same week, legs stretched up vertically, feet observed attentively, toes carried to mouth with the hands (249). Pulling objects to him; grasping at bottle (250).

Thirty-fourth week, carrying things to mouth (251).

_Expressive Movements._--Laugh begins to be persistently loud (299).

Thirty-second week, child no longer sucks at lips when he is kissed, but licks them (305). Eyelid half closed in disinclination (315). Interest in objects shown by stretching out hands (321).


_Speech._--Variety of sounds made in the first eight months at random (76). Concept of bottle before language (79). Sounds in screaming different (106). Once the sound _h[=a]-upp_; frequently _a-[(ei]_, _a-[(au]_, _[)a]-h[(au]-[)a]_, _horro_. Also _nt[)e]-o_, _mi-ja mija_; once _o[)u][=a][)e]i_ (107).

FEELING OF SELF.--Thirty-second week, child looks at his legs and feet as if they were foreign to him (194).



SIGHT.--_Movements of Eyes._--Eyes converged easily (38).

_Direction of Look._--Thirty-sixth week, objects that fall are not regularly looked after, but slowly moving objects, e. g., tobacco-smoke, are followed (49).

_Interpretation of what is seen._--Boxes are gazed at (62). More interest shown in things in general (63).

HEARING.--Winking and starting at slamming noise (86).

TASTE.--Yolk of egg with cane-sugar taken with expression of surprise.

Water and bread liked (126).

ORGANIC SENSATIONS AND EMOTIONS.--Striking hands together and laughing for joy (145). Eyes shut when something disagreeable is to be endured; head turned away also (148). Cooing, as in eighth month (155). Fear of dog (167, 168).


_Reflex Movements._--Number of respirations (in fever) forty and forty-two in a minute (217).

_Instinctive Movements._--Teeth-grinding (262). Turning over when laid face downward (266). Thirty-fifth week, child places himself on arm and hand of nurse, and looks over her shoulder (275). Thirty-ninth week, likes to sit with support (267). Thirty-ninth week, stands on feet a moment without support (269).

_Expressive Movements._--Loud laughing at new, pleasing objects (299).

Turns head to light when asked where it is (321).

_Deliberate Movements._--Things brought to mouth are put quickly on tongue (329).


Question understood before child can speak (I, 321).

_Speech._--Voice more modulated: screaming varies with different causes (107). Delight shown by crowing sounds: _ma-ma_, _amma_, _ma_, are expressions of pleasure; _[=a]-au-[=a]-[=a]_, _[=a]-[)o]_, _a-u-au_, _na-na_; _apa_, _ga-au-[)a]_, _acha_ (108).

FEELING OF SELF.--Feet are felt of, and toes are carried to mouth (190).

Thirty-fifth week, foot grasped and carried to mouth. Thirty-sixth week, other objects preferred to hands and feet. Thirty-ninth week, in the bath his own skin is looked at and felt of, also his legs (194).

Thirty-fifth week, his image in mirror is grasped at gayly (198).



SIGHT.--_Movements of Eyelids._--Brow invariably wrinkled at looking upward (24).

_Movements of Eyes._--Convergence of lines of vision disturbed (38).

The Mind of the Child Part 3

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