Exiled for the Faith Part 9
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Tec.u.mah and Cora had during this time made frequent visits to the island. Tec.u.mah was welcomed by the governor, as he was always well informed of the movements of the Portuguese and hostile Indians, besides having already rendered important services to the colony. The governor only looked on him in the light of an intelligent young savage and a faithful ally to the French. He had, however, already advanced in a knowledge of Christian truth, and had become an earnest and believing follower of the Lord. He one day came over to report that a party of the Tuparas had been seen on the high ground beyond the southern extremity of the harbour, making their way to the Portuguese settlement.
He advised that boats should be sent out and advanced posts stationed, to give due notice of an attack, should one be contemplated. These arrangements having been made, the governor invited Tec.u.mah to accompany him in a walk to a part of the island which he was about to visit. The strains of solemn music reached their ears. Tec.u.mah attentively listened with much delight, and inquired whence they proceeded.
"The ministers of our religion are performing a sacred service, my friend," answered the governor. "If you please, we will enter and pay our devotions to the Holy Virgin and saints."
"I thought that Christians wors.h.i.+p G.o.d alone," observed the Indian.
"Of course, so we do," said the governor; "but we wors.h.i.+p also, in a different way, the mother of G.o.d and His holy saints and apostles."
"I have heard that G.o.d is a jealous G.o.d, and will have none other G.o.ds wors.h.i.+pped but Himself," said the Indian.
"But the mother of G.o.d; surely He will have us wors.h.i.+p her?" observed the governor.
"The Bible does not say so," answered Tec.u.mah, boldly. "When Jesus hung on the cross He said to John, 'Behold thy mother,' and to His mother, 'Behold thy son;' and looking round on His disciples, He once observed, when He was told that His mother and brethren were near, 'Behold My mother, and My brethren.'"
"Where did you learn all that?" asked the governor, in an angry tone.
"From one of your good ministers; and I am sure he spoke the truth,"
answered Tec.u.mah, innocently.
"He shall suffer for it," muttered the governor.
They had just then reached the door of the church, and Tec.u.mah followed the governor, who went up towards the so-called "holy altar." The Indian gazed around with astonishment at the gorgeous drapery, the images, the lighted candles, and the large silver crucifix, with the figure of the Virgin on one side, and Saint John on the other, and the vases of flowers, and numerous other ornaments. He said not a word during the whole ceremony, but watched attentively what took place.
There was the usual chanting in Latin, and so-called prayers muttered over in the same language; while the church was filled with incense from censers waved to and fro. Then, during a solemn silence, the chief officiating priest lifted up something (what it was he could not make out) above his head. He then observed that they put something into their mouths and drank wine, which they had mixed with water from a silver cup. Then the people came up and the priests put something into their mouths, and there was more chanting and prayers in an unknown tongue. Then those who had been on their knees rose and filed out of the church, laughing and talking and making jokes with each other.
Tec.u.mah followed the governor, anxious to know what had taken place, and inquired what the priests were about when they muttered prayers over the silver dish and wine.
"They were then performing the greatest miracle of our Church," answered the governor. "They were converting the wafer and wine into the body and blood of Christ."
"What?" asked the Indian. "Christ has a.s.sumed His glorified body, and is now in heaven at the right hand of G.o.d. Which body, may I ask, do they think they eat, His human body or His glorified body? I cannot understand the matter."
"Nor can I enlighten you," answered the governor, looking much perplexed. "I am not fond of having such questions put to me."
"Pardon me if I ask one more," said the Indian, who was eager to gain information on the subject. "What were they doing when they lifted the wafer above their heads?"
"They were then offering up to G.o.d the great sacrifice, the real body and blood of His dear Son."
"Christ was once offered up as a sacrifice for sinners on the cross,"
said the Indian; "surely they cannot offer Him again?"
"Our Church says they can; and that's all we know about the matter,"
answered the governor, in a tone of irritation.
"Let me then ask you another question," said Tec.u.mah. "What were they doing when they ate the wafers and drank the wine, and then put the wafers into the mouths of the people?"
"They were eating the real body and drinking the blood of Christ,"
answered the governor, "and feeding the people with the body, for the priests alone are allowed to drink the blood. They were, in other words, performing the sacrifice of the ma.s.s."
"What?" exclaimed the Indian, starting back. "It is too solemn a thing to joke about; but do you wish to make me believe that the people can really believe that they eat the body of their G.o.d, and that human beings can change pieces of paste into that body? No, no, no! Monsieur Governor. We Indians have not a knowledge of the numerous arts you Frenchmen possess, but we are not so foolish as to believe such a gross imposture as that. I am afraid that your priests are like our medicine-men, in whom we trusted till we found them to be rogues and deceivers."
These words were uttered by Tec.u.mah in a loud, indignant tone, and were overheard by one of the priests, who, having changed his gorgeous robes, had followed the governor out of the church in order to speak to him.
"Beware, young man, what you say!" he exclaimed, in an angry tone. "How can you understand the mysteries of our faith? But I know well where you received your instruction, and he who taught you shall have his just reward."
Tec.u.mah stood calmly listening to the priest's angry threats. "He who taught me is under the protection of my tribe," he answered, "and those who injure him will be our foes. I now see that you are one of the men who played the tricks in the church hard by, and deceived the people by persuading them that you have the power which belongs to G.o.d alone, to work a miracle."
These words so enraged the priest, that he would have struck the Indian had he dared. The governor observed his anger, and being well aware of the importance of not offending their Indian allies, on whose support their very existence depended, now interfered and tried to soothe the angry priest as well as Tec.u.mah. The latter, however, felt more scorn than anger towards the man whom he, with his acute and unprejudiced mind, looked upon as guilty of practising a gross imposture, and he was therefore quickly pacified; but the priest, grinding his teeth, continued to mutter threats of vengeance, till the governor, drawing him aside, reminded him of the importance of not offending the Indians.
"You may do what you like with the heretic minister," he observed; "but the services of these Indians are required, and we cannot afford to lose them."
"The guilty one shall feel the vengeance of our Church, then," answered the priest. "We cannot allow a doctrine which so greatly supports our authority to be called in question."
"Of course not, my friend, of course not," said the governor; "though, as men of sense, you and I no more believe in it than does that clever young Indian."
"As to that, Monsieur Governor, we keep our opinions to ourselves," said the priest, with as near an approach to a laugh as he ever indulged in.
"At the same time, the sooner we put that acute, clever-minded young Indian out of the way, together with his instructor, Monsieur Laporte, the better for the maintenance of our holy religion." The countenance of the priest had a.s.sumed its usual undemonstrative expression as he continued, "Listen, Monsieur Governor. I believe that the Count de Tourville and his daughter and son-in-law are equally dangerous. That young Indian and his sister are constantly at their house, and have imbibed their pestiferous notions from them. I have had my eye on them for some time, when they were not aware that they were watched. I do my duty in looking after the spiritual interests of my countrymen,"--the priest crossed his arms and cast his eyes on the ground--"but I feel that my humble efforts unaided are not sufficient. When our community increases, we shall have many of these accursed Protestants among us, and it will be absolutely necessary to devise effectual means for the preservation of our authority. I would therefore suggest the establishment of the Holy Inquisition, by which alone heresy can be rooted out. It will prove our zeal for religion, and gain the approbation of our patrons, the excellent Duke de Guise and his brother, the Cardinal of Lorraine."
"You will have my permission to carry out your plan as you may wish, holy father," said the governor. "You may exercise your authority on our countrymen as you may deem necessary to bring them under the wholesome control of the Church; but I cannot have the Indians interfered with until we are strong enough to do without them. When we are, you will have my full permission to manage them as you think best for the purpose of bringing them into the true fold; but in the mean time their savage relatives may not understand your object in burning them for the good of their souls, and may be apt in their ignorance to revenge their deaths by cutting us to pieces."
"I understand your wise policy," answered the priest. "We will bide our time, then, for commencing the conversion of the Indians. But I have your permission to act towards the count and his family, and that pestiferous heretic minister, as I may judge necessary for the full establishment of the faith in our colony?"
"Certainly, certainly," answered the governor; "I willingly grant you all the power you ask."
The priest returned into the church to hear the confessions of several of his congregation, who were waiting to get absolution that they might sin again without having too great a load on their shoulders; as also to put out the candles, which he in his hurry had left burning. The governor returned to the fort, while Tec.u.mah went to pay his usual visit to Monsieur Laporte. He naturally expressed his astonishment at what he had seen and heard.
"Surely," he exclaimed, "sensible men do not really believe that, by the words of a priest, Jesus Christ, sitting at the right hand of G.o.d, really does allow His body to descend into the bits of paste which the priest puts into the mouths of the people. The Bible, as you read it to me, says that He is seated at the right hand of G.o.d, to make intercession for us sinners, and that He acts as our great High Priest."
"I cannot tell what the poor ignorant people may really believe, though it does seem astounding that they should be so imposed on by their priests," answered Monsieur Laporte. "It was many centuries even before the corrupted Church of Rome introduced the dogma or notion, which was invented by a monk in the eighth century, when it was eagerly seized upon by the Pope, who saw that it would enable him and his army of subordinates to become sacrificing priests, which would give them immense influence over the minds of people, if they could persuade them to believe it. They had taught the great ma.s.s of the people to believe in the power of dead men's bones and other relics to work miracles; in the heathen notion of purgatory for cleansing the soul by fire; to wors.h.i.+p idols with the names of saints; to pray for the dead; and to pray to dead men whom they had dubbed saints, as well as to put faith in many other abominable falsehoods. They found, therefore, no difficulty in persuading the more ignorant people to believe this most blasphemous fable, which from henceforth became one of the most powerful engines for increasing the influence of the priests over the minds of men, though many, both learned and unlearned persons in our own and other countries loudly protested against the novel doctrine, as contrary to the true meaning of our Lord's language at the last supper and the teaching and practice of the apostles."
"I thought that you and other sensible men could not possibly believe so outrageous a notion, and so contrary to G.o.d's word," observed Tec.u.mah.
"But how comes it that men can be so wicked as to teach what is in direct opposition to the Bible?"
"Influenced by Satan, they make use of every means, however impious, to gain an influence over their fellow-creatures. It has been the same everywhere from the earliest ages of the world. They are like your medicine-men, whom you now know to be gross impostors. In all countries there have been found men, for their own ends, or for the support of the authority they serve, willing to deceive their fellow men, in many instances, as is often the case with these priests of Rome, being deceived themselves. Our only sure guide and prevention against such impostures is the study of G.o.d's Word and constant obedience to its holy precepts. As Jesus withstood the temptations of Satan by replying to him with the Scriptures, so must we arm ourselves, and ever be ready to withstand our foes, in whatever form they come, by the same blessed word of G.o.d. A sure sign that the Romish system is the invention of Satan is that it dreads the Word, and whenever it has the power, keeps it from the people or grossly misinterprets its meaning."
"I would that I could have that blessed Book translated into the language of my people," exclaimed Tec.u.mah. "I can now understand it in French, and may be able to explain it to those who are willing to hear me; but I should desire to send it throughout the whole country, that all the native tribes might hear the glad tidings that there is a loving Saviour ready to receive them into the kingdom."
The above conversation occupied a much longer time than we have in repeating it, and both the minister and young chief used very different language to that which has been employed. Tec.u.mah showed by his questions and replies how completely he understood it, and how his pure unprejudiced mind revolted against the falsehoods of Rome, while it quickly embraced the truth of the Gospel.
After quitting Monsieur Laporte, he paid a visit to the count. He found Nigel hard at work in the garden, and Constance helping him. He repeated to them what he had seen and the impression formed on his mind, and they explained the truth much as the minister had done; to which Constance added an account of the horrible system of the confessional, which she had heard from some of her Papist friends, who had been subjected to it, and the abominable questions which had been put to them by the priests.
"That alone would have been sufficient to convince me that this system is not of G.o.d. And He tells us from the mouth of the Apostle Paul that we may come boldly to the throne of grace, trusting in the all cleansing blood of Jesus; and Jesus Himself says, 'Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.' I am sure that He never refuses to hear when a human being comes trusting to His blood shed on Calvary. Monsieur Laporte was reading from the Epistle of Timothy a prophecy that there should come 'some who shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which G.o.d hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth,' who would advocate will-wors.h.i.+p and their own good deeds in opposition to the all perfect atonement of Jesus. Such truly is what the priests of Rome teach, though nearly for a thousand years after Christ came Christian ministers, whom they acknowledged as belonging to their communion, were allowed to marry like other men; and certainly those who did so were less corrupt than the celibates who, having no family ties, became the servile tools of Rome's tyranny."
Constance had now to go in to prepare for dinner, and Nigel then asked Tec.u.mah what remarks he had made to the governor and the priest. The Indian told him.
"You spoke truly; but knowing what these priests are, I fear much that they will endeavour to entrap you; and if they find that they cannot compel you to believe in their false doctrines and to acknowledge their authority, they will use other means to bring about your destruction."
"I will be watchful, and keep out of their power," said Tec.u.mah. "I fear much, though, that they will equally endeavour to persecute you whom they look upon as my instructor; but I will be on the watch, and try to defend you as well as myself."
Tec.u.mah spent the rest of the day with his friends, and it was late in the evening when his canoe was seen gliding rapidly across the harbour towards the mainland.
Exiled for the Faith Part 9
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