How To Behave: A Pocket Manual Of Republican Etiquette, And Guide To Correct Personal Habits Part 22

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29. ORDER.--_Method_, system, going by _rule_.

30. CALCULATION.--Mental arithmetic.

31. LOCALITY.--Memory of place, position.

32. EVENTUALITY.--Memory of facts, events.

33. TIME.--Telling _when_, time of day, dates.

34. TUNE.--Love of music, singing.

35. LANGUAGE.--_Expression_ by words, acts.

36. CAUSALITY.--_Planning_, thinking.

37. COMPARISON.--a.n.a.lysis, inferring.

C. HUMAN NATURE.--Sagacity.

D. SUAVITY.--_Pleasantness_, blandness.

For complete definitions of all the organs of the BRAIN, and the features of the FACE, see New Physiognomy by S. R. WELLS, with 1,000 Ill.u.s.trations. Price, post-paid, $5, $8, and $10, according to styles of binding.


Education and Self-Improvement Complete.--Comprising Physiology--Animal and Mental: Self-Culture and Perfection of Character: including the Management of Youth: Memory and Intellectual Improvement. Complete in one large, well-bound 12mo volume, with 855 pp., and upward Seventy Engravings. Price, pre-paid, by mail. $3

This work is, in all respects, one of the best educational hand-books in the English language. Any system of education that neglects the training and developing all that goes to make up a MAN, must necessarily be incomplete. The mind and body are so intimately related and connected that it is impossible to cultivate the former without it is properly supplemented by the latter. The work is subdivided into three departments--the first devoted to the preservation and restoration of health and the improvement of mentality; the second to the regulation of the feelings and perfection of the moral character; and the third, to the intellectual cultivation. "EDUCATION COMPLETE"

is a library in itself, and covers the ENTIRE NATURE OF MAN. We append below a synopsis of the table of contents:



Happiness const.i.tutional; Pain not necessary; Object of all Education; Reciprocation existing between Body and Mind; Health defined; Sickness--not providential.

FOOD--ITS NECESSITY AND SELECTION.--Unperverted Appet.i.te an Infallible Directory; Different Diets Feed Different Powers; How to Eat--or Mastication. Quant.i.ty, Time, etc.; How Appet.i.te can be Restrained; The Digestive Process; Exercise after Meals.

CIRCULATION, RESPIRATION, PERSPIRATION, SLEEP.--The Heart, its Structure and Office; The Circulatory System; The Lungs, their Structure and Functions; Respiration, and its importance; Perspiration; Prevention and Cure of Colds, and their consequences; Regulation of Temperature by Fire and Clothing; Sleep.

THE BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM.--Position, Function, and Structure of the Brain; Consciousness or the seat of the soul; Function of the Nerves; How to seep the Nervous system in Health; The Remedy of Diseases; Observance of the Laws of Health Effectual; The Drink of Dyspeptics--its kind, times and quant.i.ty; Promotion of Circulation; Consumption--its Prevention and Cure; Preventives of Insanity, etc.


CONSt.i.tUENT ELEMENTS OR CONDITIONS OF PERFECTION OF CHARACTER--Progression a Law of Things--its application to human improvement; Human perfectibility,--the harmonious action of all the faculties; Governing the propensities by the intellectual and moral faculties. Proof that the organs can be enlarged and diminished; The proper management of Youth, etc.

a.n.a.lYSIS AND MEANS OF STRENGTHENING OF THE FACULTIES.--Amativeness; Philoprogenitiveness; Adhesiveness; Union for Life; Inhabitiveness; Continuity; Vitativeness; Combativeness; Destructiveness, or Executiveness; Alimentiveness; Aquativeness, or Bibativeness; Acquisitiveness; Secretiveness; Cautiousness; Approbativeness; Self-Esteem; Firmness. Conscientiousness; Hope; Spirituality--Marvelousness; Veneration; Benevolence; Constructiveness; Ideality; Sublimity; Initiation; Mirthfulness; Agreeableness--with engraved ill.u.s.trations.


CLa.s.sIFICATION AND FUNCTION OF THE FACULTIES.--Man's superiority; Intellect his crowning endowment; How to strengthen and improve the Memory; Definition, location, a.n.a.lysis, and means of the strengthening the intellectual faculties.


LOCALITY. EVENTUALITY. TIME. TUNE: Influence of Music. LANGUAGE: Power of Eloquence & Good Language. PHONOGRAPHY: its advantages.

CAUSALITY: Teaching others to think; Astronomy; Anatomy and Physiology; Study of Nature. COMPARISON: Inductive reasoning.

HUMAN NATURE: Adaptation.

DEVELOPMENTS REQUIRING FOR PARTICULAR AVOCATIONS.--Good Teachers; Clergymen; Physician; Lawyers; Statesmen; Editors; Authors; Public Speakers; Poets; Lecturers; Merchants; Mechanics; Artists; Painters; Farmers; Engineers; Landlords; Printers; Milliners; Seamstresses; Fancy Workers, and the like.

Full and explicit directions are given for the cultivation and direction of all the powers of the mind, instruction for finding the exact location of each organ, and its relative size compared with others.

How To Behave: A Pocket Manual Of Republican Etiquette, And Guide To Correct Personal Habits Part 22

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How To Behave: A Pocket Manual Of Republican Etiquette, And Guide To Correct Personal Habits Part 22 summary

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