And the Kaiser abdicates Part 38

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Until the establishment of the National Administrative Court, the National Judicial Court takes its place in the organization of the Electoral Commission.


The provisions of Article 18, Paragraphs 3 to 6, become effective two years after the promulgation of the national Const.i.tution.


Until the adoption of the State law as provided in Article 63, but at the most for only one year, all the Prussian votes in the National Council may be cast by members of the State Cabinet.


The National Cabinet will determine when the provisions of Article 83, Paragraph 1, shall become effective.

Temporarily, for a reasonable period, the collection and administration of customs-duties and taxes on articles of consumption may be left to the States at their discretion.


The Postal and Telegraphic Administrations of Bavaria and Wurtemberg will be taken over by the Commonwealth not later than April 1, 1921.

If no understanding has been reached over the terms thereof by October 1, 1920, the matter will be decided by the Supreme Judicial Court.

The rights and duties of Bavaria and Wurtemberg remain in force as heretofore until possession is transferred to the Commonwealth.

Nevertheless, the postal and telegraphic relations with neighboring foreign countries will be regulated exclusively by the Commonwealth.


The state railroads, and aids to navigation will be taken over by the Commonwealth not later than April 1, 1921.

If no understanding has been reached over the terms thereof by October 1, 1920, the matter will be decided by the Supreme Judicial Court.


Until the national law regarding the Supreme Judicial Court becomes effective its powers will be exercised by a Senate of seven members, four of whom are to be elected by the National a.s.sembly and three by the National Judicial Court, each choosing among its own members. The Senate will regulate its own procedure.


Until the adoption of a national law according to Article 138, the existing state contributions to the religious societies, whether authorized by law, contract or special grant, will be continued.


Until the adoption of the national law provided for in Article 146, Paragraph 2, the existing legal situation will continue. The law shall give special consideration to parts of the Commonwealth where provision for separate schools of different religious faiths is not now made by law.


The provisions of Article 109 do not apply to orders and decorations conferred for services in the war-years 1914-1919.


All public officers and members of the armed forces shall be sworn upon this Const.i.tution. Details will be regulated by order of the National President.


Wherever by existing laws it is provided that the oath be taken in the form of a religious ceremony, the oath may be lawfully taken in the form of a simple affirmation by the person to be sworn: "I swear." Otherwise the content of the oath provided for in the laws remains unaltered.


The Const.i.tution of the German Empire of April 16, 1871, and the law of February 10, 1919, relating to the provisional government of the Commonwealth, are repealed.

The other laws and regulations of the Empire remain in force, in so far as they do not conflict with this Const.i.tution. The provisions of the Treaty of Peace signed on June 28, 1919, at Versailles, are not affected by the Const.i.tution.

Official regulations, legally issued on the authority of laws heretofore in effect, retain their validity until superseded by other regulations or legislation.


In so far as reference is made in laws or executive orders to provisions and inst.i.tutions which are abolished by this Const.i.tution, their places are taken by the corresponding provisions and inst.i.tutions of this Const.i.tution. In particular, the National a.s.sembly takes the place of the National Convention, the National Council that of the Committee of the States, and the National President elected by authority of this Const.i.tution that of the National President elected by authority of the law relating to the provisional government.

The power to issue executive orders, conferred upon the Committee of the States in accordance with the provisions heretofore in effect, is transferred to the National Cabinet; in order to issue executive orders it requires the consent of the National Council in accordance with the provisions of this Const.i.tution.


Until the convening of the first National a.s.sembly, the National Convention will function as the National a.s.sembly. Until the inauguration of the first National President the office will be filled by the National President elected by authority of the law relating to the provisional government.


The German People have ordained and established this Const.i.tution by their National Convention. It goes into effect upon the day of its promulgation.

SCHWARZBURG, August 11, 1919


The National President: EBERT.


And the Kaiser abdicates Part 38

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