Young's Night Thoughts Part 36

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BUTLER, 2 vols.; COWPER, 3 vols.; BLAIR, BRUCE, LOGAN, BEATTIE, and FALCONER, 1 vol.

These will immediately be followed by the publication of the Poetical Works of


The Publisher has much gratification in referring to the reception which this Series of the British Poets has met with, and he begs to a.s.sure the Subscribers that every exertion will be made to insure this Edition being distinguished by the specific features proposed, namely, "accuracy in the text, elegance of appearance, and extreme cheapness." The arrangements which now exist for collating the text, and securing accuracy in this important feature, are such as warrant the a.s.sertion that this Edition will be found to stand a favourable comparison with any hitherto published, or any that may hereafter be issued.

The Publisher and Editor have peculiar pleasure in acknowledging the ready and hearty approval of their efforts by the press. It is seldom that any undertaking has been so warmly received, or the manner in which it has been executed so generally approved. This appreciation of their purpose will stimulate them to still greater exertions in the prosecution of their design--to produce this portion of the standard literature of our country in a style more befitting the merits of the authors than any hitherto attempted, and to secure for this series that it shall be worthy of recognition as


Edinburgh, _November_ 1853.


_In Demy 8vo, Pica Type, Extra Cloth Boards._


Now ready, Vols. 1 & 2. Milton's Poetical Works.

" " 3. Thomson's Poetical Works.

" " 4. Herbert's Poetical Works.

" " 5. Young's Night Thoughts.

And on 1st Feb. 1854, the Poetical Works of Goldsmith, Collins, and T.




Prospectuses containing full details of the Scheme may be obtained from most Booksellers, or from the Publisher, on application. Non-Subscribers can obtain the Volumes separately at 4s. 6d. each.

Subscribers' Names received by all Booksellers for the Yearly Issue of Six Vols. for 1, 1s.

_The Publisher has pleasure in submitting the following Extracts from recent Notices which have appeared of the Vols. already issued:_--

Literary Gazette.

Coleridge said, that for a man fully to appreciate George Herbert, he must be "an affectionate and dutiful son of the Church, and from habit, conviction, and a const.i.tutional predisposition to ceremoniousness in piety as in manners, find her forms and ordinances aids of religion, not sources of formality." Mr Gilfillan has none of the qualifications here described, yet never was the character of Herbert more highly appreciated, nor his poetry more unreservedly admired, than by this Presbyterian editor. The editorial work is done with true Christian liberality, and with the sympathy of a man of genius. The present volume forms one of the new series of the "English Poetical Cla.s.sics," published by Mr Nichol of Edinburgh. In typography and appearance they are very superior, and they are issued at a price of unusual cheapness. The series will form a beautiful and valuable library edition of the English Cla.s.sic Poets.

Scottish Review.

In this age of puffs and puffing, it is really pleasing to find pretensions at first somewhat startling, though modestly enough proclaimed, so well sustained. Six such volumes for twenty-one s.h.i.+llings!

We are not surprised that they are said to be "offered at about one-third of the usual selling price." Independently altogether of the original matter furnished by Mr Gilfillan, the poetical works of John Milton, produced in such a style, are certainly worthy of a place in the best libraries. We know of no issue from the press which, as to paper, type, and general getting up, commends itself to public favour at so small a charge.

Eclectic Review.

The proposal issued by Mr Nichol is remarkable even in this age of cheap literature, and will go far to supply what has been long needed,--an accurate, elegant, and cheap edition of our Poets. Such a guinea's worth was never issued before, and we are much mistaken if the series does not obtain a large circulation. The volumes are issued in handsome style, and every care will be taken to secure the accuracy of the editions. Mr Gilfillan's temperament involves some of the choicest elements of poetic impressions, while his critical canons are for the most part sound and trustworthy.

Perths.h.i.+re Courier.

It is almost unnecessary for us to say more than what is now universally admitted, that this is the best and cheapest edition of the British Poets ever offered to the public. Setting aside their acknowledged and standard elegance, they are the cheapest books we have ever seen, and their being indispensable to the literary man, as well as the educated gentleman or well-read artisan, makes them doubly so.

Tait's Magazine.

These volumes form part of a new series of the "British Poets," published by Mr Nichol, in the form of substantial and elegant library volumes, at a price less than one third of that which the public have been accustomed to pay for tomes of such goodly parts and quality. Paper, print, and binding, are all excellent, the type large and clear.... The above extracts, more than anything we could say, will commend these volumes, and the series of which they form a part, to the good opinion of the reader. As a cheap and excellent library edition of the "British Poets,"

they will prove acceptable to a very numerous cla.s.s; and under the management of their present able editor, we cannot harbour a doubt of their success with the public.

The Monitor.

When it was proposed that, at so low a price as a subscription of a guinea in the year, six volumes, in a superior style of execution, would be issued, we could not but admire the enterprise of the publisher, and heartily wish all success to the undertaking.

These volumes, the first in the series, fully justified our fondest antic.i.p.ations, and give large promise that this admirable publication will secure, as it certainly deserves, extensive patronage. They are issued in a very attractive style--in a large bold type, paper of the best quality, and in neat and substantial binding. The editorial part of the undertaking is carefully and ably executed. Indeed, we know no living person who is better qualified to edit a uniform edition of the British Poets than the Rev. George Gilfillan. We tender to both the publisher and editor of this beautiful superior edition of the British Poets our grateful acknowledgments for commencing so important and valuable an undertaking.

Clydesdale Journal.

This series has now reached the fourth volume, and is fully sustaining the very favourable opinion expressed by the press in all parts of the country. Never was a work issued combining elegance and cheapness in so remarkable a degree.

Bell's Weekly Messenger.

This volume is an additional proof of the excellency of the selection, the ability of the gifted editor, and the elegance of the publication.

c.u.mberland Pacquet.

This is the fourth volume of the library edition of the British Poets, projected by Mr Nichol, the enterprising Edinburgh publisher, one or two of the former volumes of which we have already had the pleasure of noticing. The design, and the style in which it was proposed to carry it out, as indicated by the first volume of the series, elicited the expression of our special admiration several months ago, and we have pleasure in stating that the volume now before us is in every respect a worthy successor to those which have preceded it. We may observe that the critical dissertation prefixed, from the pen of Mr Gilfillan, is worth the price of the entire volume.

Aberdeen Journal.

... A few words respecting the series of publications of which this volume forms a part. They are issued, as our readers are aware, under the very efficient superintendence of George Gilfillan; and we cannot speak of them but in terms of the warmest approval; for, in point of form and elegance, and correctness of typography, they are on a level with the high-priced editions; and in point of price, they are on a level with the most ordinary publications of popular works that have been got up for the popular market. The enterprise is indeed a n.o.ble one, and we wish it all manner of success.

Dumfriess.h.i.+re and Galloway Herald.

This is the fourth volume of the new Edinburgh edition of the Poets--an edition, we must say, alike honourable to the publisher and editor. Mr Nichol's undertaking is a n.o.ble one. We wish him all success in it.

Glasgow Citizen.

The edition before us, with its ample page and masculine type--very suitable for feeble eyes--forms part of Nichol's fine and wonderfully cheap issue of the British Poets, under the able editors.h.i.+p of Mr Gilfillan. Four volumes are now out, comprising the works of Milton, Thomson, and Herbert.

Newcastle Chronicle.

The paper and printing of this volume, as of the others, are, however, beyond all praise, when compared with other "people's editions."

Montrose, Arbroath, and Brechin Review.

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