A Catechism of the Steam Engine Part 4
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_A._--To take the case of a beam subjected to a transverse strain, such as the great beam of an engine, it is clear, if we suppose the beam broken through the middle, that the amount of strain at the upper and lower edges of the beam, where the whole strain may be supposed to be collected, will, with any given pressure on the piston, depend upon the proportion of the length to the depth of the beam. One edge of the beam breaks by extension, and the other edge by compression; and the upper and lower edges may be regarded as pillars, one of which is extended by the strain, and the other is compressed. If, to make an extreme supposition, the depth of the beam is taken as equal to its length, then the pillars answering to the edges of the beam will be compressed, and extended by what is virtually a bellcrank lever with equal arms; the horizontal distance from the main centre to the end of the beam being one of the arms, and the vertical height from the main centre to the top edge of the beam being the other arm. The distance, therefore, pa.s.sed through by the fractured edge of the beam during a stroke of the engine, will be equal to the length of the stroke; and the strain it will have to sustain will consequently be equal to the pressure on the piston. If its motion were only half that of the piston, as would be the case if its depth were made one half less, the strain the beam would have to bear would be twice as great; and it may be set down as an axiom, that the strain upon any part of a steam engine or other machine is inversely equal to the strain produced by the prime mover, multiplied by the comparative velocity with which the part in question moves. If any part of an engine moves with a less velocity than the piston, it will have a greater strain on it, if resisted, than is thrown upon the piston. If it moves with a greater velocity than the piston, it will have a less strain upon it, and the difference of strain will in every case be in the inverse proportion of the difference of the velocity.
71. _Q._--Then, in computing the amount of metal necessary to give due strength to a beam, the first point is to determine the velocity with which the edge of the beam moves at that point were the strain is greatest?
_A._--The web of a cast-iron beam or girder serves merely to connect the upper and lower edges or f.l.a.n.g.es rigidly together, so as to enable the extending and compressing strains to be counteracted in an effectual manner by the metal of those f.l.a.n.g.es. It is only necessary, therefore, to make the f.l.a.n.g.es of sufficient strength to resist effectually the crus.h.i.+ng and tensile strains to which they are exposed, and to make the web of the beam of sufficient strength to prevent a distortion of its shape from taking place.
72. _Q._--Is the strain greater from being movable or intermittent than if it was stationary?
_A._--Yes it is nearly twice as great from being movable. Engineers are in the habit of making girders intended to sustain a stationary load, about three times stronger than the breaking weight; but if the load be a movable one, as is the case in the girders of railway bridges, they make the strength equal to six times the breaking weight.
73. _Q._--Then the strain is increased by the suddenness with which it is applied?
_A._--If a weight be placed on a long and slender beam propped up in the middle, and the prop be suddenly withdrawn, so as to allow deflection to take place, it is clear that the deflection must be greater than if the load had been gradually applied. The momentum of the weight and also of the beam itself falling through the s.p.a.ce through which it has been deflected, has necessarily to be counteracted by the elasticity of the beam; and the beam will, therefore, be momentarily bent to a greater extent than what is due to the load, and after a few vibrations up and down it will finally settle at that point of deflection which the load properly occasions. It is obvious that a beam must be strong enough, not merely to sustain the pressure due to the load, but also that accession of pressure due to the counteracted momentum of the weight and of the beam itself. Although in steam engines the beam is not loaded by a weight, but by the pressure of the steam, yet the momentum of the beam itself must in every case be counteracted, and the momentum will be considerable in every case in which a large and rapid deflection takes place. A rapid deflection increases the amount of the deflection as well as the amount of the strain, as is seen in the cylinder cover of a Cornish pumping engine, into which the steam is suddenly admitted, and in which the momentum of the particles of the metal put into motion increases the deflection to an extent such as the mere pressure of the steam could not produce.
74. _Q._--What will be the amount of increased strain consequent upon deflection?
_A._--The momentum of any moving body being proportional to the square of its velocity, it follows that the strain will be proportional to the square of the amount of deflection produced in a specified time.
75. _Q._--But will not the inertia of a beam resist deflection, as well as the momentum increase deflection?
_A._--No doubt that will be so; but whether in practical cases increase of ma.s.s without reference to strength or load will, upon the whole, increase or diminish deflection, will depend very much upon the magnitude of the ma.s.s relatively with the magnitude of the deflecting pressure, and the rapidity with which that pressure is applied and removed. Thus if a force or weight be very suddenly applied to the middle of a ponderous beam, and be as suddenly withdrawn, the inertia of the beam will, as in the case of the collision of bodies, tend to resist the force, and thus obviate deflection to a considerable extent; but if the pressure be so long continued as to produce the amount of deflection due to the pressure, the effect of the inertia in that case will be to increase the deflection.
76. _Q._--Will the pressure given to the beam of an engine in different directions facilitate its fracture?
_A._--Iron beams bent alternately in opposite directions, or alternately deflected and released, will be broken in the course of time with a much less strain than is necessary to produce immediate fracture. It has been found, experimentally, that a cast-iron bar, deflected by a revolving cam to only half the extent due to its breaking weight, will in no case withstand 900 successive deflections; but, if bent by the cam to only one third of its ultimate deflection, it will withstand 100,000 deflections without visible injury. Looking, however, to the jolts and vibrations to which engines are subject, and the sudden strains sometimes thrown upon them, either from water getting into the cylinder or otherwise, it does not appear that a strength answering to six times the breaking weight will give sufficient margin for safety in the case of cast-iron beams.
77. _Q._--Does the same law hold in the case of the deflection of malleable iron bars?
_A._--In the case of malleable iron bars it has been found that no very perceptible damage was caused by 10,000 deflections, each deflection being such as was due to half the load that produced a large permanent deflection.
78. _Q._--The power of a rod or pillar to resist compression becomes very little when the diameter is small and the length great?
_A._--The power of a rod or pillar to resist compression, varies nearly as the fourth power of the diameter divided by the square of the length. In the case of hollow cylindrical columns of cast iron, it has been found, experimentally, that the 3.55th power of the internal diameter, subtracted from the 3.55th power of the external diameter, and divided by the 1.7th power of the length, will represent the strength very nearly. In the case of hollow cylindrical columns of malleable iron, experiment shows that the 3.59th power of the internal diameter, subtracted from the 3.59th power of the external diameter, and divided by the square of the length, gives a proper expression for the strength; but this rule only holds where the strain does not exceed 8 or 9 tons on the square inch of section. Beyond 12 or 13 tons per square inch of section, the metal cannot be depended upon to withstand the strain, though hollow pillars will sometimes bear 15 or 16 tons per square inch of section.
79. _Q._--Does not the thickness of the metal of the pillars or tubes affect the question?
_A._--It manifestly does; for a tube of very thin metal, such as gold leaf or tin foil, would not stand on end at all, being crushed down by its own weight. It is found, experimentally, that in malleable iron tubes of the respective thicknesses of .525, .272, and .124 inches, the resistances per square inch of section are 19.17, 14.47, and 7.47 tons respectively. The power of plates to resist compression varies nearly as the cube, or more nearly as the 2.878th power of their thickness; but this law only holds so long as the pressure applied does not exceed from 9 to 12 tons per square inch of section. When the pressure is greater than this the metal is crushed, and a new law supervenes, according to which it is necessary to employ plates of twice or three times the thickness, to obtain twice the resisting power.
80. _Q._--In a riveted tube, will the riveting be much, damaged by heavy strains?
_A._--It will be most affected by percussion. Long-continued impact on the side of a tube, producing a deflection of only one fifth of that which would be required to injure it by pressure, is found to be destructive of the riveting; but in large riveted structures, such as a s.h.i.+p or a railway bridge, the inertia of the ma.s.s will, by resisting the effect of impact, prevent any injurious action from this cause from taking place.
81. _Q._--Will the power of iron to resist shocks be in all cases proportional to its power to resist strains?
_A._--By no means. Some cast iron is very hard and brittle; and although it will in this state resist compression very strongly, it, will be easily broken by a blow. Iron which has been remelted many times generally falls into this category, as it will also do if run into very small castings. It has been found, by experiment, that iron of which the crus.h.i.+ng weight per square inch is about 42 tons, will, if remelted twelve times, bear a crus.h.i.+ng weight of 70 tons, and if remelted eighteen times it will bear a crus.h.i.+ng weight of 83 tons; but taking its power to resist impact in its first state at 706, this power will be raised at the twelfth remelting to 1153, and will be sunk at the eighteenth remelting to 149.
82. _Q._--From all this it appears that a combination of cast iron and malleable iron is the best for the beams of engines?
_A._--Yes, and for all beams. Engine beams should be made deeper at the middle than they are now made; the web should be lightened by holes pierced in it, and round the edge of the beam there should be a malleable iron hoop or strap securely attached to the f.l.a.n.g.es by riveting or otherwise. The f.l.a.n.g.es at the edges of engine beams are invariably made too small. It is in them that the strength of the beam chiefly resides.
83. _Q._--What are the chief varieties of the steam engine in actual practical use?
_A._--There is first the single-acting engine, which is used for pumping water; the rotative land engine, which is employed to drive mills and manufactories; the rotative marine engine, which is used to propel steam vessels; and the locomotive engine, which is employed on railways. The last is always a high-pressure engine; the others are, for the most part, condensing engines.
84. _Q._--Will you explain the construction and action of the single-acting engine, used for draining mines?
_A._--Permit me then to begin with the boiler, which is common and necessary to all engines; and I will take the example of a wagon boiler, such as was employed by Boulton and Watt universally in their early engines, and which is still in extensive use. This boiler is a long rectangular vessel, with a rounded top, like that of a carrier's wagon, from its resemblance to which it derives its name. A fire is set beneath it, and flues constructed of brickwork encircle it, so as to keep the flame and smoke in contact with the boiler for a sufficient time to absorb the heat.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 3]
85. _Q._--This species of boiler has not an internal furnace, but is set in brickwork, in which the furnace is formed?
_A._--Precisely so. The general arrangement and configuration will be at once understood by a reference to the annexed figure (fig. 3), which is a transverse section of a wagon boiler. The line b represents the top of the grate or fire bars, which slope downward from the front at an angle of about 25, giving the fuel a tendency to move toward the back of the grate.
The supply of air ascends from the ash pit through the grate bars, and the flame pa.s.ses over a low wall or bridge, and traverses the bottom of the boiler. The smoke rises up at the back of the boiler, and proceeds through the flue F along one side to the front, and returns along the other side of the boiler, and then ascends the chimney. The performance of this course by the smoke is what is termed a wheel draught, as the smoke wheels once round the boiler, and then ascends the chimney.
86. _Q._--Is the performance of this course by the smoke universal in wagon boilers?
_A._--No; such boilers sometimes have what is termed a split draught. The smoke and flame, when they reach the end of the boiler, pa.s.s in this case through an iron flue or tube, reaching from end to end of the boiler; and on arriving at the front of the boiler, the smoke splits or separates--one half pa.s.sing through a flue on the one side of the boiler, and the other half pa.s.sing through a flue on the other side of the boiler--both of these flues having their debouch in the chimney.
87. _Q._--What are the appliances usually connected with a wagon boiler?
_A._--On the top of the boiler, near the front, is a short cylinder, with a lid secured by bolts. This is the manhole door, the purpose of which is to enable a man to get into the inside of the boiler when necessary for inspection and repair. On the top of this door is a small valve opening downward, called the atmospheric valve. The intention of this valve is to prevent a vacuum from being formed accidentally in the boiler, which might collapse it; for if the pressure in the boiler subsides to a point materially below the pressure of the atmosphere, the valve will open and allow air to get in. A bent pipe, which rises up from the top of the boiler, immediately behind the position of the manhole, is the steam pipe for conducting the steam to the engine; and a bent pipe which ascends from the top of the boiler, at the back end, is the waste-steam pipe for conducting away the steam, which escapes through the safety valve. This valve is set in a chest, standing on the top of the boiler, at the foot of the waste-steam pipe, and it is loaded with iron or leaden weights to a point answerable to the intended pressure of the steam.
88. _Q._--How is the proper level of the water in the boiler maintained?
_A._--By means of a balanced buoy or float. This float is attached to a rod, which in its turn is attached to a lever set on the top of a large upright pipe. The upper part of the pipe is widened out into a small cistern, through a short pipe in the middle of which a chain pa.s.ses to the damper; but any water emptied into this small cistern cannot pa.s.s into the pipe, except through a small valve fixed to the lever to which the rod is attached. The water for replenis.h.i.+ng the boiler is pumped into the small cistern on the top of the pipe; and it follows from these arrangements that when the buoy falls, the rod opens the small valve and allows the feed water to enter the pipe, which communicates with the water in the boiler; whereas, when the buoy rises, the feed cannot enter the pipe, and it has, therefore, to run to waste through an overflow pipe provided for the purpose.
89. _Q._--How is the strength of the fire regulated?
_A._--The draught through the furnaces of land boilers is regulated by a plate of metal or a damper, as it is called, which slides like a sluice up and down in the flue, and this damper is closed more or less when the intensity of the fire has to be moderated. In wagon boilers this is generally accomplished by self-acting mechanism. In the small cistern pipe, which is called a stand pipe, the water rises up to a height proportional to the pressure of the steam, and the surface of the water in this pipe will rise or fall with the fluctuations in the pressure of the steam. In this pipe a float is placed, which communicates by means of a chain with the damper. If the pressure of the steam rises, the float will be raised and the damper closed, whereas, if the pressure in the boiler falls, the reverse of this action will take place.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 4.]
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 5.]
90. _Q._--Are all land boilers of the same construction as that which you have just described?
A Catechism of the Steam Engine Part 4
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