Some Mooted Questions in Reinforced Concrete Design Part 11

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Professor Clifford has informed the writer that the tests on bent rods to which he refers were made on 3/4-in. rounds, embedded for 12 in. in concrete and bent sharply, the bent portion being 4 in. long. The 12-in.

portion was greased. The average maximum load necessary to pull the rods out was 16,000 lb. It seems quite probable that there would be some slipping or crus.h.i.+ng of the concrete before a very large part of this load was applied. The load at slipping would be a more useful determination than the ultimate, for the reason that repeated application of such loads will wear out a structure. In this connection three sets of tests described in Bulletin No. 29 of the University of Illinois, are instructive. They were made on beams of the same size, and reinforced with the same percentage of steel. The results were as follows:

Beams 511.1, 511.2, 512.1, 512.2: The bars were bent up at third points.

Average breaking load, 18,600 lb. All failed by slipping of the bars.

Beams 513.1, 513.2: The bars were bent up at third points and given a sharp right-angle turn over the supports. Average breaking load, 16,500 lb. The beams failed by cracking alongside the bar toward the end.

Beams 514.2, 514.3: The bars were bent up at third points and had anchoring nuts and washers at the ends over the supports. Average breaking load, 22,800 lb. These failed by tension in the steel.

By these tests it is seen that, in a beam, bars without hooks were stronger in their hold on the concrete by an average of 13% than those with hooks. Each test of the group of straight bars showed that they were stronger than either of those with hooked bars. Bars anch.o.r.ed over the support in the manner recommended in the paper were nearly 40% stronger than hooked bars and 20% stronger than straight bars. These percentages, furthermore, do not represent all the advantages of anch.o.r.ed bars. The method of failure is of greatest significance. A failure by tension in the steel is an ideal failure, because it is easiest to provide against. Failures by slipping of bars, and by cracking and disintegrating of the concrete beam near the support, as exhibited by the other tests, indicate danger, and demand much larger factors of safety.

Professor Clifford, in criticizing the statement that a member which cannot act until failure has started is not a proper element of design, refers to another statement by the writer, namely, "The steel in the tension side of the beam should be considered as taking all the tension." He states that this cannot take place until the concrete has failed in tension at this point. The tension side of a beam will stretch out a measurable amount under load. The stretching out of the beam vertically, alongside of a stirrup, would be exceedingly minute, if no cracks occurred in the beam.

Mr. Mensch says that "the stresses involved are mostly secondary." He compares them to web stresses in a plate girder, which can scarcely be called secondary. Furthermore, those stresses are carefully worked out and abundantly provided for in any good design. To give an example of how a plate girder might be designed: Many plate girders have rivets in the, s.p.a.ced 6 in. apart near the supports, that is, girders designed with no regard to good practice. These girders, perhaps, need twice as many rivets near the ends, according to good and acceptable practice, which is also rational practice. The girders stand up and perform their office. It is doubtful whether they would fail in these rivet lines in a test to destruction; but a reasonable a.n.a.lysis shows that these rivets are needed, and no good engineer would ignore this rule of design or claim that it should be discarded because the girders do their work anyway. There are many things about structures, as every engineer who has examined many of those erected without engineering supervision can testify, which are bad, but not quite bad enough to be cause for condemnation. Not many years ago the writer ordered reinforcement in a structure designed by one of the best structural engineers in the United States, because the floor-beams had sharp bends in the f.l.a.n.g.e angles. This is not a secondary matter, and sharp bends in reinforcing rods are not a secondary matter. No amount of a.n.a.lysis can show that these rods or f.l.a.n.g.e angles will perform their full duty.

Something else must be overstressed, and herein is a violation of the principles of sound engineering.

Mr. Mensch mentions the failure of the Quebec Bridge as an example of the unknown strength of steel compression members, and states that, if the designer of that bridge had known of certain tests made 40 years ago, that accident probably would not have happened. It has never been proven that the designer of that bridge was responsible for the accident or for anything more than a bridge which would have been weak in service. The testimony of the Royal Commission, concerning the chords, is, "We have no evidence to show that they would have actually failed under working conditions had they been axially loaded and not subject to transverse stresses arising from weak end details and loose connections." Diagonal bracing in the big erection gantry would have saved the bridge, for every feature of the wreck shows that the lateral collapse of that gantry caused the failure. Here are some more simple principles of sound engineering which were ignored.

It is when practice runs "ahead of theory" that it needs to be brought up with a sharp turn. It is the general practice to design dams for the horizontal pressure of the water only, ignoring that which works into horizontal seams and below the foundation, and exerts a heavy uplift.

Dams also fail occasionally, because of this uplifting force which is proven to exist by theory.

Mr. Mensch says:

"The author is manifestly wrong in stating that the reinforcing rods can only receive their increments of stress when the concrete is in tension. Generally, the contrary happens. In the ordinary adhesion test, the block of concrete is held by the jaws of the machine and the rod is pulled out; the concrete is clearly in compression."

This is not a case of increments at all, as the rod has the full stress given to it by the grips of the testing machine. Furthermore, it is not a beam. Also, Mr. Mensch is not accurate in conveying the writer's meaning. To quote from the paper:

"A reinforcing rod in a concrete beam receives its stress by increments imparted by the grip of the concrete, but these increments can only be imparted where the tendency of the concrete is to stretch."

This has no reference to an adhesion test.

Mr. Mensch's next paragraph does not show a careful perusal of the paper. The writer does not "doubt the advisability of using bent-up bars in reinforced concrete beams." What he does condemn is bending up the bars with a sharp bend and ending them nowhere. When they are curved up, run to the support, and are anch.o.r.ed over the support or run into the next span, they are excellent. In the tests mentioned by Mr. Mensch, the beams which had the rods bent up and "continued over the supports" gave the highest "ultimate values." This is exactly the construction which is pointed out as being the most rational, if the rods do not have the sharp bends which Mr. Mensch himself condemns.

Regarding the tests mentioned by him, in which the rods were fastened to anchor-plates at the end and had "slight increase of strength over straight rods, and certainly made a poorer showing than bent-up bars,"

the writer asked Mr. Mensch by letter whether these bars were curved up toward the supports. He has not answered the communication, so the writer cannot comment on the tests. It is not necessary to use threaded bars, except in the end beams, as the curved-up bars can be run into the next beam and act as top reinforcement while at the same time receiving full anchorage.

Mr. Mensch's statement regarding the retaining wall reinforced as shown at _a_, Fig. 2, is astounding. He "confesses that he never saw or heard of such poor practices." If he will examine almost any volume of an engineering periodical of recent years, he will have no trouble at all in finding several examples of these identical practices. In the books by Messrs. Reid, Maurer and Turneaure, and Taylor and Thompson, he will find retaining walls ill.u.s.trated, which are almost identical with Fig. 2 at _a_. Mr. Mensch says that the proposed design of a retaining wall would be difficult and expensive to install. The harp-like reinforcement could be put together on the ground, and raised to place and held with a couple of braces. Compare this with the difficulty, expense and uncertainty of placing and holding in place 20 or 30 separate rods. The Fink truss a.n.a.logy given by Mr. Mensch is a weak one. If he were making a cantilever bracket to support a slab by tension from the top, the bracket to be tied into a wall, would he use an indiscriminate lot of little vertical and horizontal rods, or would he tie the slab directly into the wall by diagonal ties? This is exactly the case of this retaining wall, the horizontal slab has a load of earth, and the counterfort is a bracket in tension; the vertical wall resists that tension and derives its ability to resist from the horizontal pressure of the earth.

Mr. Mensch states that "it would take up too much time to prove that the counterfort acts really as a beam." The writer proposes to show in a very short time that it is not a beam. A beam is a part of a structure subject to bending strains caused by transverse loading. This will do as a working definition. The concrete of the counterfort shown at _b_, Fig.

2, could be entirely eliminated if the rods were simply made to run straight into the anchoring angle and were connected with little cast skewbacks through slotted holes. There would be absolutely no bending in the rods and no transverse load. Add the concrete to protect the rods; the function of the rods is not changed in the least. M.S. Ketchum, M.

Am. Soc. C. E.,[U] calculates the counterfort as a beam, and the six 1-in. square bars which he uses diagonally do not even run into the front slab. He states that the vertical and horizontal rods are to "take the horizontal and vertical shear."

Mr. Mensch says of rectangular water tanks that they are not held (presumably at the corners) by any such devices, and that there is no doubt that they must carry the stress when filled with water. A water tank,[V] designed by the writer in 1905, was held by just such devices.

In a tank[W] not held by any such devices, the corner broke, and it is now held by reinforcing devices not shown in the original plans.

Mr. Mensch states that he "does not quite understand the author's reference to shear rods. Possibly he means the longitudinal reinforcement, which it seems is sometimes calculated to carry 10,000 lb. per sq. in. in shear;" and that he "never heard of such a practice."

His next paragraph gives the most pointed out-and-out statement regarding shear in shear rods which this voluminous discussion contains.

He says that stirrups "are best compared with the dowel pins and bolts of a compound wooden beam." This is the kernel of the whole matter in the design of stirrups, and is just how the ordinary designer considers stirrups, though the books and reports dodge the matter by saying "stress" and attempting no a.n.a.lysis. Put this stirrup in shear at 10,000 lb. per sq. in., and we have a shearing unit only equalled in the cheapest structural work on tight-fitting rivets through steel. In the light of this confession, the force of the writer's comparison, between a U-stirrup, 3/4-in. in diameter, and two 3/4-in. rivets tightly driven into holes in a steel angle, is made more evident, Bolts in a wooden beam built up of horizontal boards would be tightly drawn up, and the friction would play an important part in taking up the horizontal shear.

Dowels without head or nut would be much less efficient; they would be more like the stirrups in a reinforced concrete beam. Furthermore, wood is much stronger in bearing than concrete, and it is tough, so that it would admit of s.h.i.+fting to a firm bearing against the bolt. Separate slabs of concrete with bolts or dowels through them would not make a reliable beam. The bolts or dowels would be good for only a part of the safe shearing strength of the steel, because the bearing on the concrete would be too great for its compressive strength.

Mr. Mensch states that at least 99% of all reinforced structures are calculated with a reduction of 25% of the bending moment in the center.

He also says "there may be some engineers who calculate a reduction of 33 per cent." These are broad statements in view of the fact that the report of the Joint Committee recommends a reduction of 33% both in slabs and beams.

Mr. Mensch's remarks regarding the width of beams omit from consideration the element of span and the length needed to develop the grip of a rod. There is no need of making a rod any less in diameter than one-two-hundredth of the span. If this rule is observed, the beam with three 7/8-in. round rods will be of longer span than the one with the six 5/8-in. rods. The horizontal shear of the two beams will be equal to the total amount of that shear, but the shorter beam will have to develop that shear in a shorter distance, hence the need of a wider beam where the smaller rods are used.

It is not that the writer advocates a wide stem in the T-beam, in order to dispense with the aid of the slab. What he desires to point out is that a full a.n.a.lysis of a T-beam shows that such a width is needed in the stem.

Regarding the elastic theory, Mr. Mensch, in his discussion, shows that he does not understand the writer's meaning in pointing out the objections to the elastic theory applied to arches. The moment of inertia of the abutment will, of course, be many times that of the arch ring; but of what use is this large moment of inertia when the abutment suddenly stops at its foundation? The abutment cannot be anch.o.r.ed for bending into the rock; it is simply a block of concrete resting on a support. The great bending moment at the end of the arch, which is found by the elastic theory (on paper), has merely to overturn this block of concrete, and it is aided very materially in this by the thrust of the arch. The deformation of the abutment, due to deficiency in its moment of inertia, is a theoretical trifle which might very aptly be minutely considered by the elastic arch theorist. He appears to have settled all fears on that score among his votaries. The settlement of the abutment both vertically and horizontally, a thing of tremendously more magnitude and importance, he has totally ignored.

Most soils are more or less compressible. The resultant thrust on an arch abutment is usually in a direction cutting about the edge of the middle third. The effect of this force is to tend to cause more settlement of the abutment at the outer, than at the inner, edge, or, in other words, it would cause the abutment to rotate. In addition to this the same force tends to spread the abutments apart. Both these efforts put an initial bending moment in the arch ring at the springing; a moment not calculated, and impossible to calculate.

Messrs. Taylor and Thompson, in their book, give much s.p.a.ce to the elastic theory of the reinforced concrete arch. Little of that s.p.a.ce, however, is taken up with the abutment, and the case they give has abutments in solid rock with a slope about normal to the thrust of the arch ring. They recommend that the thrust be made to strike as near the middle of the base of the abutment as possible.

Malverd A. Howe, M. Am. Soc. C. E., in a recent issue of _Engineering News_, shows how to find the stresses and moments in an elastic arch; but he does not say anything about how to take care of the large bending moments which he finds at the springing.

Specialists in arch construction state that when the centering is struck, every arch increases in span by settlement. Is this one fact not enough to make the elastic theory a nullity, for that theory a.s.sumes immovable abutments?

Professor Howe made some recent tests on checking up the elastic behavior of arches. He reports[X] that "a very slight change at the support does seriously affect the values of _H_ and _M_." The arch tested was of 20-ft. span, and built between two heavy stone walls out of all proportion to the magnitude of the arch, as measured by comparison with an ordinary arch and its abutment. To make the arch fixed ended, a large heavily reinforced head was firmly bolted to the stone wall. Practical fixed endedness could be attained, of course, by means such as these, but the value of such tests is only theoretical.

Mr. Mensch says:

"The elastic theory was fully proved for arches by the remarkable tests, made in 1897 by the Austrian Society of Engineers and Architects, on full-sized arches of 70-ft. span, and the observed deflections and lateral deformations agreed exactly with the figured deformation."

The writer does not know of the tests made in 1897, but reference is often made to some tests reported in 1896. These tests are everywhere quoted as the unanswerable argument for the elastic theory. Let us examine a few features of those tests, and see something of the strength of the claim. In the first place, as to the exact agreement between the calculated and the observed deformations, this exact agreement was retroactive. The average modulus of elasticity, as found by specimen tests of the concrete, did not agree at all with the value which it was necessary to use in the arch calculations in order to make the deflections come out right.

As found by tests on blocks, the average modulus was about 2,700,000; the "practical" value, as determined from a.n.a.lysis of a plain concrete arch, was 1,430,000, a little matter of nearly 100 per cent. Mansfield Merriman, M. Am. Soc. C. E., gives a digest of these famous Austrian tests.[Y] There were no fixed ended arches among them. There was a long plain concrete arch and a long Monier arch. Professor Merriman says, "The beton Monier arch is not discussed theoretically, and, indeed, this would be a difficult task on account of the different materials combined." And these are the tests which the Engineering Profession points to whenever the elastic theory is questioned as to its applicability to reinforced concrete arches. These are the tests that "fully prove" the elastic theory for arches. These are the tests on the basis of which fixed ended reinforced concrete arches are confidently designed. Because a plain concrete bow between solid abutments deflected in an elastic curve, reinforced concrete arches between settling abutments are designed with fixed ends. The theorist has departed about as far as possible from his premise in this case. On an exceedingly slender thread he has hung an elaborate and important theory of design, with a.s.sumptions which can never be realized outside of the schoolroom or the designer's office. The most serious feature of such theories is not merely the approximate and erroneous results which they give, but the extreme confidence and faith in their certainty which they beget in their users, enabling them to cut down factors of safety with no regard whatever for the enormous factor of ignorance which is an essential accompaniment to the theory itself.

Mr. Mensch says, "The elastic theory enables one to calculate arches much more quickly than any graphical or guess method yet proposed." The method given by the writer[Z] enables one to calculate an arch in about the time it would take to work out a few of the many coefficients necessary in the involved method of the elastic theory. It is not a graphic method, but it is safe and sound, and it does not a.s.sume conditions which have absolutely no existence.

Mr. Mensch says that the writer brings up some erratic column tests and seems to have no confidence in reinforced concrete columns. In relation to this matter Sanford E. Thompson, M. Am. Soc. C. E., in a paper recently read before the National a.s.sociation of Cement Users, takes the same sets of tests referred to in the paper, and attempts to show that longitudinal reinforcement adds much strength to a concrete column. Mr.

Thompson goes about it by means of averages. It is not safe to average tests where the differences in individual tests are so great that those of one cla.s.s overlap those of the other. He includes the writer's "erratic" tests and some others which are "erratic" the other way. It is manifestly impossible for him to prove that longitudinal rods add any strength to a concrete column if, on one pair of columns, identically made as far as practicable, the plain concrete column is stronger than that with longitudinal rods in it, unless the weak column is defective.

It is just as manifest that it is shown by this and other tests that the supposedly reinforced concrete column may be weaker.

The averaging of results to show that longitudinal rods add strength, in the case of the tests reported by Mr. Withey, includes a square plain concrete column which naturally would show less compressive strength in concrete than a round column, because of the spalling off at the corners. This weak test on a square column is one of the slender props on which is based the conclusion that longitudinal rods add to the strength of a concrete column; but the weakness of the square concrete column is due to the inherent weakness of brittle material in compression when there are sharp corners which may spall off.

Mr. Worcester says that several of the writer's indictments. .h.i.t at practices which were discarded long ago, but from the att.i.tude of their defenders this does not seem to be true. There are benders to make sharp bends in rods, and there are builders who say that they must be bent sharply in order to simplify the work of fitting and measuring them.

There are examples in engineering periodicals and books, too numerous to mention, where no anchorage of any kind is provided for bent-up rods, except what grip they get in the concrete. If they reached beyond their point of usefulness for this grip, it would be all right, but very often they do not.

Mr. Worcester says: "It is not necessary that a stirrup at one point should carry all the vertical tension, as this vertical tension is distributed by the concrete." The writer will concede that the stirrups need not carry all the vertical shear, for, in a properly reinforced beam, the concrete can take part of it. The shear reinforcement, however, should carry all the shear apportioned to it after deducting that part which the concrete is capable of carrying, and it should carry it without putting the concrete in shear again. The stirrups at one point should carry all the vertical tension from the portion of shear a.s.sumed to be taken by the stirrups; otherwise the concrete will be compelled to carry more than its share of the shear.

Mr. Worcester states that cracks are just as likely to occur from stress in curved-up and anch.o.r.ed rods as in vertical reinforcement. The fact that the vertical stretching out of a beam from the top to the bottom, under its load, is exceedingly minute, has been mentioned. A curved-up bar, anch.o.r.ed over the support and lying near the bottom of the beam at mid-span, partakes of the elongation of the tension side of the beam and crosses the section of greatest diagonal tension in the most advantageous manner. There is, therefore, a great deal of difference in the way in which these two elements of construction act.

Mr. Worcester prefers the "customary method" of determining the width of beams--so that the maximum horizontal shearing stress will not be excessive--to that suggested by the writer. He gives as a reason for this the fact that rods are bent up out of the bottom of a beam, and that not all of them run to the end. The "customary method" must be described in literature for private circulation. Mention has been made of a method which makes the width of beam sufficient to insert the steel. Considerations of the horizontal shear in a T-beam, and of the capacity of the concrete to grip the steel, are conspicuous by their absence in the a.n.a.lyses of beams. If a reinforcing rod is curved up and anch.o.r.ed over the support, the concrete is relieved of the shear, both horizontal and vertical, incident to the stress in that rod. If a reinforcing rod is bent up anywhere, and not carried to the support, and not anch.o.r.ed over it, as is customary, the shear is all taken by the concrete; and there is just the same shear in the concrete as though the rods were straight.

For proper grip a straight rod should have a diameter of not more than one two-hundredth of the span. For economy of material, it should not be much smaller in diameter than this. With this balance in a beam, a.s.suming shear equal to bond, the rods should be s.p.a.ced a distance apart, equal to their perimeters. This is a rational and simple rule, and its use would go a long way toward the adoption of standards.

Mr. Worcester is not logical in his criticism of the writer's method of reinforcing a chimney. It is not necessary to a.s.sume that the concrete is not stressed, in the imaginary plain concrete chimney, beyond that which plain concrete could take in tension. The a.s.sumption of an imaginary plain concrete chimney and determinations of tensile stresses in the concrete are merely simplified methods of finding the tensile stress. The steel can take just as much tensile stress if its amount is determined in this way as it can if any other method is used. The s.h.i.+fting of the neutral axis, to which Mr. Worcester refers, is another of the fancy a.s.sumptions which cannot be realized because of initial and unknown stresses in the concrete and steel.

Some Mooted Questions in Reinforced Concrete Design Part 11

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