Some Mooted Questions in Reinforced Concrete Design Part 9
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_Point 11._--The writer has never designed a reinforced concrete chimney, but if he ever has to do so, he will surely not use any formula that is dependent on the modulus of elasticity of concrete.
_Points 12, 13, and 14._--The writer has never had to consider these points to any extent in his own work, and will leave discussion to those better qualified.
_Point 15._--There is much questionable practice in regard to reinforced concrete columns; but the matter is hardly disposed of as easily as indicated by the author. Other engineers draw different conclusions from the tests cited by the author, and from some to which he does not refer.
To the writer it appears that here is a problem still awaiting solution on a really satisfactory basis. It seems incredible that the author would use plain concrete in columns, yet that seems to be the inference.
The tests seem to indicate that there is much merit in both hooping and longitudinal reinforcement, if properly designed; that the fire-resisting covering should not be integral with the columns proper; that the high results obtained by M. Considere in testing small specimens cannot be depended on in practice, but that the reinforcement is of great value, nevertheless. The writer believes that when load-carrying capacity, stresses due to eccentricity, and fire-resisting qualities are all given due consideration, a type of column with close hooping and longitudinal reinforcement provided with shear members, will finally be developed, which will more than justify itself.
_Point 16_.--The writer has not gone as deeply into this question, from a theoretical point of view, as he would like; but he has had one experience that is pertinent. Some years ago, he built a plain slab floor supported by brick walls. The span was about 16 ft. The dimensions of the slab at right angles to the reinforcement was 100 ft. or more.
Plain round bars, 1/2 in. in diameter, were run at right angles to the reinforcement about 2 ft. on centers, the object being to lessen cracks.
The reinforcement consisted of Kahn bars, reaching from wall to wall.
The rounds were laid on top of the Kahn bars. The concrete was frozen and undeniably damaged, but the floors stood up, without noticeable deflection, after the removal of the forms. The concrete was so soft, however, that a test was decided on. An area about 4 ft. wide, and extending to within about 1 ft. of each bearing wall, was loaded with bricks piled in small piers not in contact with each other, so as to const.i.tute practically a uniformly distributed load. When the total load amounted to much less than the desired working load for the 4-ft. strip, considerable deflection had developed. As the load increased, the deflection increased, and extended for probably 15 or 20 ft. on either side of the loaded area. Finally, under about three-fourths of the desired breaking load for the 4-ft. strip, it became evident that collapse would soon occur. The load was left undisturbed and, in 3 or 4 min., an area about 16 ft. square tore loose from the remainder of the floor and fell. The first noticeable deflection in the above test extended for 8 or 10 ft. on either side of the loaded strip. It would seem that this test indicated considerable distributing power in the round rods, although they were not counted as reinforcement for load-carrying purposes at all. The concrete was extremely poor, and none of the steel was stressed beyond the elastic limit. While this test may not justify the designer in using lighter reinforcement for the short way of the slab, it at least indicates a very real value for some reinforcement in the other direction. It would seem to indicate, also, that light steel members in a concrete slab might resist a small amount of shear. The slab in this case was about 6 in. thick.
SANFORD E. THOMPSON, M. AM. SOC. C. E. (by letter).--Mr. G.o.dfrey's sweeping condemnation of reinforced concrete columns, referred to in his fifteenth point, should not be pa.s.sed over without serious criticism.
The columns in a building, as he states, are the most vital portion of the structure, and for this very reason their design should be governed by theoretical and practical considerations based on the most comprehensive tests available.
The quotation by Mr. G.o.dfrey from a writer on hooped columns is certainly more radical than is endorsed by conservative engineers, but the best practice in column reinforcement, as recommended by the Joint Committee on Concrete and Reinforced Concrete, which a.s.sumes that the longitudinal bars a.s.sist in taking stress in accordance with the ratio of elasticity of steel to concrete, and that the hooping serves to increase the toughness of the column, is founded on the most substantial basis of theory and test.
In preparing the second edition of "Concrete, Plain and Reinforced," the writer examined critically the various tests of concrete columns in order to establish a definite basis for his conclusions. Referring more particularly to columns reinforced with vertical steel bars, an examination of all the tests of full-sized columns made in the United States appears to bear out the fact very clearly that longitudinal steel bars embedded in concrete increase the strength of the column, and, further, to confirm the theory by which the strength of the combination of steel and concrete may be computed and is computed in practice.
Tests of large columns have been made at the Watertown a.r.s.enal, the Ma.s.sachusetts Inst.i.tute of Technology, the University of Illinois, by the City of Minneapolis, and at the University of Wisconsin. The results of these various tests were recently summarized by the writer in a paper presented at the January, 1910, meeting of the National a.s.sociation of Cement Users[O]. Reference may be made to this paper for fuller particulars, but the averages of the tests of each series are worth repeating here.
In comparing the averages of reinforced columns, specimens with spiral or other hooping designed to increase the strength, or with horizontal reinforcement placed so closely together as to prevent proper placing of the concrete, are omitted. For the Watertown a.r.s.enal tests the averages given are made up from fair representative tests on selected proportions of concrete, given in detail in the paper referred to, while in other cases all the corresponding specimens of the two types are averaged. The results are given in Table 1.
The comparison of these tests must be made, of course, independently in each series, because the materials and proportions of the concrete and the amounts of reinforcement are different in the different series. The averages are given simply to bring out the point, very definitely and distinctly, that longitudinally reinforced columns are stronger than columns of plain concrete.
A more careful a.n.a.lysis of the tests shows that the reinforced columns are not only stronger, but that the increase in strength due to the reinforcement averages greater than the ordinary theory, using a ratio of elasticity of 15, would predicate.
Certain of the results given are diametrically opposed to Mr. G.o.dfrey's conclusions from the same sets of tests. Reference is made by him, for example (page 69), to a plain column tested at the University of Illinois, which crushed at 2,001 lb. per sq. in., while a reinforced column of similar size crushed at 1,557 lb. per sq. in.,[P] and the author suggests that "This is not an isolated case, but appears to be the rule." Examination of this series of tests shows that it is somewhat more erratic than most of those made at the University of Illinois, but, even from the table referred to by Mr. G.o.dfrey, pursuing his method of reasoning, the reverse conclusion might be reached, for if, instead of selecting, as he has done, the weakest reinforced column in the entire lot and the strongest plain column, a reverse selection had been made, the strength of the plain column would have been stated as 1,079 lb. per sq. in. and that of the reinforced column as 3,335 lb. per sq. in. If extremes are to be selected at all, the weakest reinforced column should be compared with the weakest plain column, and the strongest reinforced column with the strongest plain column; and the results would show that while an occasional reinforced column may be low in strength, an occasional plain column will be still lower, so that the reinforcement, even by this comparison, is of marked advantage in increasing strength.
In such cases, however, comparisons should be made by averages. The average strength of the reinforced columns, even in this series, as given in Table 1, is considerably higher than that of the plain columns.
--------------+--------+--------------+--------------------------------- | | Average | |Average | strength of | Location |strength|longitudinally| Reference.
of test. |of plain| reinforced | |columns.| columns. | --------------+--------+--------------+--------------------------------- Watertown | 1,781 | 2,992 |Taylor and Thompson's a.r.s.enal. | | |"Concrete, Plain and Reinforced"
| | |(2nd edition), p. 493.
--------------+--------+--------------+--------------------------------- Ma.s.sachusetts| 1,750 | 2,370 |_Transactions_, Inst.i.tute of | | |Am. Soc. C. E., Vol. L, p. 487.
Technology. | | | --------------+--------+--------------+--------------------------------- University of| 1,550 | 1,750 |_Bulletin No. 10._ Illinois. | | |University of Illinois, 1907.
--------------+--------+--------------+--------------------------------- City of | 2,020 | 2,300 |_Engineering News_, Minneapolis.| | |Dec. 3d, 1908, p. 608.
--------------+--------+--------------+--------------------------------- University of| 2,033 | 2,438 |_Proceedings_, Wisconsin. | | |Am. Soc. for Testing Materials, | | |Vol. IX, 1909, p. 477.
In referring, in the next paragraph, to Mr. Withey's tests at the University of Wisconsin, Mr. G.o.dfrey selects for his comparison two groups of concrete which are not comparable. Mr. Withey, in the paper describing the tests, refers to two groups of plain concrete columns, _A1_ to _A4_, and _W1_ to _W3_. He speaks of the uniformity in the tests of the former group, the maximum variation in the four specimens being only 2%, but states, with reference to columns, _W1_ to _W3_, that:
"As these 3 columns were made of a concrete much superior to that in any of the other columns made from 1:2:4 or 1:2:3-1/2 mix, they cannot satisfactorily be compared with them. Failures of all plain columns were sudden and without any warning."
Now, Mr. G.o.dfrey, instead of taking columns _A1_ to _A3_, selects for his comparison _W1_ to _W3_, made, as Mr. Withey distinctly states, with an especially superior concrete. Taking columns, _A1_ to _A3_, for comparison with the reinforced columns, _E1_ to _E3_, the result shows an average of 2,033 for the plain columns and 2,438 for the reinforced columns.
Again, taking the third series of tests referred to by Mr. G.o.dfrey, those at Minneapolis, Minn., it is to be noticed that he selects for his criticism a column which has this note as to the manner of failure: "Bending at center (bad batch of concrete at this point)." Furthermore, the column is only 9 by 9 in., and square, and the stress referred to is calculated on the full section of the column instead of on the strength within the hooping, although the latter method is the general practice in a hooped column. The inaccuracy of this is shown by the fact that, with this small size of square column, more than half the area is outside the hooping and never taken into account in theoretical computations. A fair comparison, as far as longitudinal reinforcement is concerned, is always between the two plain columns and the six columns, _E_, _D_, and _F_. The results are so instructive that a letter[Q] by the writer is quoted in full as follows:
"In view of the fact that the column tests at Minneapolis, as reported in your paper of December 3, 1908, p. 608, are liable because of the small size of the specimens to lead to divergent conclusions, a few remarks with reference to them may not be out of place at this time.
"1. It is evident that the columns were all smaller, being only 9 in. square, than is considered good practice in practical construction, because of the difficulty of properly placing the concrete around the reinforcement.
"2. The tests of columns with flat bands, _A_, _B_, and _C_, in comparison with the columns _E_, _D_ and _F_, indicate that the wide bands affected the placing of the concrete, separating the internal core from the outside sh.e.l.l so that it would have been nearly as accurate to base the strength upon the material within the bands, that is, upon a section of 38 sq. in., instead of upon the total area of 81 sq. in. This set of tests, _A_, _B_ and _C_, is therefore inconclusive except as showing the practical difficulty in the use of bands in small columns, and the necessity for disregarding all concrete outside of the bands when computing the strength.
"3. The six columns _E_, _D_ and _F_, each of which contained eight 5/8-in. rods, are the only ones which are a fair test of columns longitudinally reinforced, since they are the only specimens except the plain columns in which the small sectional area was not cut by bands or hoops. Taking these columns, we find an average strength 38% in excess of the plain columns, whereas, with the percentage of reinforcement used, the ordinary formula for vertical steel (using a ratio of elasticity of steel to concrete of 15) gives 34% as the increase which might be expected. In other words, the actual strength of this set of columns was in excess of the theoretical strength. The wire bands on these columns could not be considered even by the advocates of hooped columns as appreciably adding to the strength, because they were square instead of circular. It may be noted further in connection with these longitudinally reinforced columns that the results were very uniform and, further, that the strength of _every specimen_ was much greater than the strength of the plain columns, being in every case except one at least 40% greater. In these columns the rods buckled between the bands, but they evidently did not do so until their elastic limit was pa.s.sed, at which time of course they would be expected to fail.
"4. With reference to columns, _A_, _B_, _C_ and _L_, which were essentially hooped columns, the failure appears to have been caused by the greater deformation which is always found in hooped columns, and which in the earlier stages of the loading is apparently due to lack of h.o.m.ogeneity caused by the difficulty in placing the concrete around the hooping, and in the later stage of the loading to the excessive expansion of the concrete. This greater deformation in a hooped column causes any vertical steel to pa.s.s its elastic limit at an earlier stage than in a column where the deformation is less, and therefore produces the buckling between the bands which is noted in these two sets of columns. This excessive deformation is a strong argument against the use of high working stresses in hooped columns.
"In conclusion, then, it may be said that the columns reinforced with vertical round rods showed all the strength that would be expected of them by theoretical computation. The hooped columns, on the other hand, that is, the columns reinforced with circular bands and hoops, gave in all cases comparatively low results, but no conclusions can be drawn from them because the unit-strength would have been greatly increased if the columns had been larger so that the relative area of the internal core to the total area of the column had been greater."
From this letter, it will be seen that every one of Mr. G.o.dfrey's comparisons of plain _versus_ reinforced columns requires explanations which decidedly reduce, if they do not entirely destroy, the force of his criticism.
This discussion can scarcely be considered complete without brief reference to the theory of longitudinal steel reinforcement for columns.
The principle[R] is comparatively simple. When a load is placed on a column of any material it is shortened in proportion, within working limits, to the load placed upon it; that is, with a column of h.o.m.ogeneous material, if the load is doubled, the amount of shortening or deformation is also doubled. If vertical steel bars are embedded in concrete, they must shorten when the load is applied, and consequently relieve the concrete of a portion of its load. It is therefore physically impossible to prevent such vertical steel from taking a portion of the load unless the steel slips or buckles.
As to the possible danger of the bars in the concrete slipping or buckling, to which Mr. G.o.dfrey also refers, again must tests be cited.
If the ends are securely held--and this is always the case when bars are properly b.u.t.ted or are lapped for a sufficient length--they cannot slip.
With reference to buckling, tests have proved conclusively that vertical bars such as are used in columns, when embedded in concrete, will not buckle until the elastic limit of the steel is reached, or until the concrete actually crushes. Beyond these points, of course, neither steel nor concrete nor any other material is expected to do service.
As proof of this statement, it will be seen, by reference to tests at the Watertown a.r.s.enal, as recorded in "Tests of Metals," that many of the columns were made with vertical bar reinforcement having absolutely no hoops or horizontal steel placed around them. That is, the bars, 8 ft. long, were placed in the four corners of the column--in some tests only 2 in. from the surface--and held in place simply by the concrete itself.[S] There was no sign whatever of buckling until the compression was so great that the elastic limit of the steel was pa.s.sed, when, of course, no further strength could be expected from it.
To recapitulate the conclusions reached as a result of a study of the tests: It is evident that, not only does theory permit the use of longitudinal bar reinforcement for increasing the strength of concrete columns, whenever such reinforcement is considered advisable, but that all the important series of column tests made in the United States to date show a decisive increase in strength of columns reinforced with longitudinal steel bars over those which are not reinforced.
Furthermore, as has already been mentioned, without treating the details of the proof, it can be shown that the tests bear out conclusively the conservatism of computing the value of the vertical steel bars in compression by the ordinary formulas based on the ratio of the moduli of elasticity of steel to concrete.
EDWARD G.o.dFREY, M. AM. SOC. C. E. (by letter).--As was to be expected, this paper has brought out discussion, some of which is favorable and flattering; some is in the nature of dust-throwing to obscure the force of the points made; some would attempt to belittle the importance of these points; and some simply brings out the old and over-worked argument which can be paraphrased about as follows: "The structures stand up and perform their duty, is this not enough?"
The last-mentioned argument is as old as Engineering; it is the "practical man's" mainstay, his "unanswerable argument." The so-called practical man will construct a building, and test it either with loads or by practical use. Then he will modify the design somewhere, and the resulting construction will be tested. If it through this modifying process and still does service, he has something which, in his mind, is una.s.sailable. Imagine the freaks which would be erected in the iron bridge line, if the capacity to stand up were all the designer had to guide him, a.n.a.lysis of stresses being unknown. Tests are essential, but a.n.a.lysis is just as essential. The fact that a structure carries the bare load for which it is computed, is in no sense a test of its correct design; it is not even a test of its safety. In Pittsburg, some years ago, a plate-girder span collapsed under the weight of a locomotive which it had carried many times. This bridge was, perhaps, thirty years old. Some reinforced concrete bridges have failed under loads which they have carried many times. Others have fallen under no extraneous load, and after being in service many months. If a large number of the columns of a structure fall shortly after the forms are removed, what is the factor of safety of the remainder, which are identical, but have not quite reached their limit of strength? Or what is the factor of safety of columns in other buildings in which the concrete was a little better or the forms have been left in a little longer, both sets of columns being similarly designed?
There are highway bridges of moderately long spans standing and doing service, which have 2-in. chord pins; laterals attached to swinging floor-beams in such a way that they could not possibly receive their full stress; eye-bars with welded-on heads; and many other equally absurd and foolish details, some of which were no doubt patented in their day. Would any engineer with any knowledge whatever of bridge design accept such details? They often stand the test of actual service for years; in pins, particularly, the calculated stress is sometimes very great. These details do not stand the test of a.n.a.lysis and of common sense, and, therefore, no reputable engineer would accept them.
Mr. Turner, in the first and second paragraphs of his discussion, would convey the impression that the writer was in doubt as to his "personal opinions" and wanted some free advice. He intimates that he is too busy to go fully into a treatise in order to set them right. He further tries to throw discredit on the paper by saying that the writer has adduced no clean-cut statement of fact or tests in support of his views. If Mr.
Turner had read the paper carefully, he would not have had the idea that in it the hooped column is condemned. As to this more will be said later. The paper is simply and solely a collection of statements of facts and tests, whereas his discussion teems with his "personal opinion," and such statements as "These values * * * are regarded by the writer as having at least double the factor of safety used in ordinary designs of structural steel"; "On a basis not far from that which the writer considers reasonable practice." Do these sound like clean-cut statements of fact, or are they personal opinions? It is a fact, pure and simple, that a sharp bend in a reinforcing rod in concrete violates the simplest principles of mechanics; also that the queen-post and Pratt and Howe truss a.n.a.logies applied to reinforcing steel in concrete are fallacies; that a few inches of embedment will not anchor a rod for its value; that concrete shrinks in setting in air and puts initial stress in both the concrete and the steel, making a.s.sumed unstressed initial conditions non-existent. It is a fact that longitudinal rods alone cannot be relied on to reinforce a concrete column. Contrary to Mr.
Turner's statement, tests have been adduced to demonstrate this fact.
Further, it is a fact that the faults and errors in reinforced concrete design to which attention is called, are very common in current design, and are held up as models in nearly all books on the subject.
The writer has not asked any one to believe a single thing because he thinks it is so, or to change a single feature of design because in his judgment that feature is faulty. The facts given are exemplifications of elementary mechanical principles overlooked by other writers, just as early bridge designers and writers on bridge design overlooked the importance of calculating bridge pins and other details which would carry the stress of the members.
A careful reading of the paper will show that the writer does not accept the opinions of others, when they are not backed by sound reason, and does not urge his own opinion.
Instead of being a statement of personal opinion for which confirmation is desired, the paper is a simple statement of facts and tests which demonstrate the error of practices exhibited in a large majority of reinforced concrete work and held up in the literature on the subject as examples to follow. Mr. Turner has made no attempt to deny or refute any one of these facts, but he speaks of the burden of proof resting on the writer. Further, he makes statements which show that he fails entirely to understand the facts given or to grasp their meaning. He says that the writer's idea is "that the entire pull of the main reinforcing rod should be taken up apparently at the end." He adds that the soundness of this position may be questioned, because, in slabs, the steel frequently breaks at the center. Compare this with the writer's statement, as follows:
"In shallow beams there is little need of provision for taking shear by any other means than the concrete itself. The writer has seen a reinforced slab support a very heavy load by simple friction, for the slab was cracked close to the supports. In slabs, shear is seldom provided for in the steel reinforcement. It is only when beams begin to have a depth approximating one-tenth of the span that the shear in the concrete becomes excessive and provision is necessary in the steel reinforcement. Years ago, the writer recommended that, in such beams, some of the rods be curved up toward the ends of the span and anch.o.r.ed over the support."
It is solely in providing for shear that the steel reinforcement should be anch.o.r.ed for its full value over the support. The shear must ultimately reach the support, and that part which the concrete is not capable of carrying should be taken to it solely by the steel, as far as tensile and shear stresses are concerned. It should not be thrown back on the concrete again, as a system of stirrups must necessarily do.
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