Life and Death of Mr. Badman Part 10
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Wise. Yea, and poor Children, that ever they were sent into the world as the fruit of the loyns, and under the government of such a father as Mr.
Atten. You say right, for such children, lye, almost under all manner of disadvantages: but we must say nothing, because this also is the sovereign Will of G.o.d.
Wise. We may not by any means object against G.o.d: yet we may talk of the advantages, and disadvantages that Children have by having for their Parents such as are either G.o.dly, or the contrary.
Atten. You say right, we may so, and pray now, since we are about it, speak something in brief unto it, that is, unto this; What advantage those Children have above others, that have for their Parents such as indeed are G.o.dly.
Wise. So I will, only I must first premise these two or three things.
1. They have not the advantage of Election for their fathers sakes.
2. They are born, as others, the children of wrath, though they come of G.o.dly Parents.
3. Grace comes not unto them as an Inheritance, because they have G.o.dly Parents. These things premised I shall now proceed.
1. The children of G.o.dly Parents are the children of many Prayers: they are prayed for before, and Prayed for after they are born, and the Prayer of a G.o.dly Father and G.o.dly Mother doth much.
2. They have the advantage of what restraint is possible, from what evils their Parents see them inclinable to, and that is a second mercy.
3. They have the advantage of G.o.dly instruction, and of being told which be, and which be not the right ways of the Lord.
4. They have also those ways commended unto them, and spoken well of in their hearing, that are good.
5. Such are also, what may be, kept out of evil company, from evil Books, and from being taught the way of Swearing, Lying, and the like, as Sabbath-breaking, and mocking at good men, and good things, and this is a very great mercy.
6. They have also the benefit of a G.o.dly life set before them doctrinally by their Parents, and that doctrine backt with a G.o.dly and holy example: and all these are very great advantages.
Now all these advantages, the children of unG.o.dly Parents want; {84a} and so are more in danger of being carried away with the error of the wicked.
For unG.o.dly Parents neither Pray for their Children, nor do, nor can they heartily instruct them; they do not after a G.o.dly manner restrain them from evil, nor do they keep them from evil company. They are not grieved at, nor yet do they forewarn their children to beware of such evil actions that are abomination to G.o.d, and to all good men. They let their children break the Sabbath, swear, lye, be wicked and vain. They commend not to their children an holy life, nor set a good example before their eyes. No, they do in all things contrary: Estranging of their children what they can, from the love of G.o.d and all good men, so soon as they are born. Therefore it is a very great Judgment of G.o.d upon children to be the Offspring of base and unG.o.dly men. {84b}
Atten. Well, but before we leave Mr. Badmans wife and children, I have a mind, if you please, to enquire a little more after one thing, the which I am sure you can satisfie me in.
Wise. What is that?
Atten. You said a while ago, that this Mr. Badman would not suffer his wife to go out to hear such G.o.dly Ministers as she liked, but said if she did, she had as good never come home any more. Did he often carry it thus to her?
Wise. He did say so, he did often say so. This I told you then, and had also then told you more, but that other things put me out.
Atten. Well said, pray therefore now go on.
Wise. So I will. Upon a time, she was on a Lords day for going to hear a Sermon, and Mr. Badman was unwilling {84c} she should: but she at that time, as it seems, did put on more courage than she was wont; and therefore, after she had spent upon him, a great many fair words and entreaties, if perhaps she might have prevailed by them, but all to no purpose at all: At last she said she would go, and rendred this reason for it; I have an Husband, but also a G.o.d; my G.o.d has commanded me, and that upon pain of d.a.m.nation, to be a continual Wors.h.i.+pper of him, and that in the way of his own Appointments: I have an Husband, but also a Soul, and my Soul ought to be more unto me, than all the world besides.
This soul of mine I will look after, care for, and (if I can) provide it an Heaven for its habitation. You are commanded to love me, as you love your own body, and so do I love you; {85a} but I tell you true, I preferr my Soul before all the world, and its Salvation I will seek.
At this, first, {85b} he gave her an ugly wish, and then fell into a fearfull rage, and sware moreover that if she did go, he would make both her, and all her d.a.m.nable Brotherhood (for so he was pleased to call them) to repent their coming thither.
Atten. But what should he mean by that?
Wise. You may easily guess what he meant: he meant, he would turn Informer, and so either weary out those that she loved, from meeting together to Wors.h.i.+p G.o.d; or make them pay dearly for their so doing; the which if he did, he knew it would vex every vein of her tender heart.
Atten. But do you think Mr. Badman would have been so base?
Wise. Truly he had malice, and enmity enough in his heart to do it, onely he was a Tradesman; also he knew that he must live by his neighbours, and so he had that little wit in his anger, that he refrained himself, and did it not. But, as I said, he had malice and envy enough in his heart {85c} to have made him to do it, only he thought it would worst him in his trade: yet these three things he would be doing.
1. He would be putting of others on to molest and abuse her friends.
2. He would be glad when he heard that any mischief befell them.
3. And would laugh at her, when he saw her troubled for them. And now I have told you Mr. Badmans way as to this.
Atten. But was he not afraid of the Judgments of G.o.d, that did fly about at that time?
Wise. He regarded not the Judgment nor Mercy of G.o.d, for had he at all done that, he could not have done as he did. But what Judgments do you mean?
Atten. Such Judgments, that if Mr Badman himself had taken but sober notice of, they might have made him a hung down his ears.
Wise. Why, have you heard of any such persons that the Judgments of G.o.d have overtaken.
Atten. Yes, and so, I believe, have you too, though you make so strange about it.
Wise. I have so indeed, to my astonishment and wonder.
Atten. Pray, therefore, if you please, tell me what it is, as to this, that you know; and then, perhaps, I may also say something to you of the same.
Wise. [Picture: Take note symbol] In {86} our Town there was one W. S. a man of a very wicked life; and he, when there seemed to be countenance given to it, would needs turn Informer. Well, so he did, and was as diligent in his business as most of them could be; he would watch a nights, climb Trees, and range the Woods a days, if possible, to find out the Meeters, for then they were forced to meet in the Fields: yea, he would curse them bitterly, and swear most fearfully what he would do to them when he found them. Well, after he had gone on like a Bedlam in his course a while, and had done some mischiefs to the people, he was stricken by the hand of G.o.d, and that in this manner.
1. Although he had his tongue naturally at will, now he was taken with a faultering in his speech, and could not for weeks together speak otherwise, than just like a man that was drunk.
2. Then he was taken with a drauling, or slabbering at his mouth, which slabber sometimes would hang at his mouth well nigh half way down to the ground.
3. Then he had such a weakness in the back sinews of his Neck, that oft times he could not look up before him, unless he clapped his hand hard upon his forehead, and held up his head that way, by strength of hand.
4. After this his speech went quite away, and he could speak no more than a Swine or a Bear. Therefore, like one of them, he would gruntle and make an ugly noyse, according as he was offended, or pleased, or would have any thing done, &c.
In this posture he continued for the s.p.a.ce of half a year, or thereabouts, all the while otherwise well, and could go about his business, save once that he had a fall from the Bell as it hangs in our Steeple, which 'twas a wonder it did not kill him: But after that he also walked about, till G.o.d had made him a sufficient spectacle of his Judgment for his sin, and then on a sudden he was stricken and dyed miserably: and so there was an end of him and his doings.
I will tell you of another. [Picture: Take note symbol] About four miles from St. Neots, there was a Gentleman had a man, and he would needs be an Informer, and a l.u.s.ty young man he was. Well, an Informer he was, and did much distress some people, and had perfected his Informations so effectually against some, that there was nothing further to do, but for the Constables to make distress on the people, that he might have the Money or Goods; and as I heard, he hastened them much to do it. Now while he was in the heat of his work, as he stood one day by the Fire-side, he had (it should seem) a mind to a Sop in the Pan, (for the Spit was then at the fire,) so he went to make him one; but behold, a Dog (so say his own Dog) took distaste at something, and bit his Master by the Leg; the which bite, notwithstanding all the means that was used to cure him, turned (as was said) to a Gangrene; however, that wound was his death, and that a dreadful one too: for my Relator said, that he lay in such a condition by this bite, (as the beginning) till his flesh rotted from off him before he went out of the world. But what need I instance in particular persons, when the Judgement of G.o.d against this kind of people was made manifest, I think I may say, if not in all, yet in most of the Counties in England where such poor Creatures were. But I would, if it had been the will of G.o.d, that neither I nor any body else, could tell you more of these Stories: True stories, that are neither Lye, nor Romance.
Atten. Well, I also heard of both these my self, and of more too, as remarkable in their kind as these, if I had any list to tell them: but let us leave those that are behind to others, or to the coming of Christ, who then will justifie or condemn them as the merit of their work shall require; or if they repented, and found mercy, I shall be glad when I know it, for I wish not a curse to the Soul of mine Enemy.
Wise. There can be no pleasure in the telling of such stories, though to hear of them may do us a pleasure: They may put us in mind that there is a G.o.d that judgeth in the earth, and that doth not alwayes forget nor deferre to hear the Crye of the dest.i.tute; They also carry along with them both Caution and Counsel to those that are the survivors of such.
Let us tremble at the Judgements of G.o.d, and be afraid of sinning against him, and it shall be our protection. It shall go well with them that fear G.o.d, that fear before him.
Atten. Well Sir, as you have intimated, so I think we have in this place spoken enough about these kind of men; if you please, let us return again to Mr. Badman himself, if you have any more to say of him.
Wise. More! we have yet scarce throughly begun with Any thing that we have said. All the particulars are in themselves so full of badness, that we have rather only looked in them, than indeed said any thing to them: but we will pa.s.s them, and proceed. You have heard of the sins of his Youth, of his Apprentis.h.i.+p, and how he set up, and married, and what a life he hath led his wife; and now I will tell you some more {88a} of his pranks. He had the very knack of Knavery; had he, as I said before, been bound to serve an Apprentis.h.i.+p to all these things, he could not have been more cunning, he could not have been more artificial at it.
Atten. Nor perhaps so artificially neither. For as none can teach Goodness like to G.o.d himself, so concerning Sin and Knavery, none can teach a man it like the Devil, to whom, as I perceive, Mr. Badman went to School from his Childhood to the end of his life. But pray Sir, make a beginning.
Life and Death of Mr. Badman Part 10
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