Life and Death of Mr. Badman Part 3
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Wise. His Father was not wanting to use the means to reclaim him, often urging, as I have been told, that saying in the Law of Moses, {24d} Thou shalt not steal: And also that, This is the Curse that goeth forth over the face of the whole earth, for every one that stealeth shall be cut off, &c. {25a} The light of Nature also, though he was little, must needs shew him that what he took from others, was not his own, and that he would not willingly have been served so himself. But all was to no purpose, let Father and Conscience say what they would to him, he would go on, he was resolved to go on in his wickedness.
Atten. But his Father would, as you intimate, sometimes rebuke him for his wickedness; pray how would he carry it then?
Wise. How! why, like to a Thief that is found. He would stand {25b} gloating, and hanging down his head in a sullen, pouching manner, (a body might read, as we use to say, the picture of Ill-luck in his face,) and when his Father did demand his answer to such questions concerning his Villany, he would grumble and mutter at him, and that should be all he could get.
Atten. But you said that he would also rob his Father, methinks that was an unnatural thing.
Wise. Natural or unnatural, all is one to a Thief. Beside, you must think that he had likewise Companions to whom he was, for the wickedness that he saw in them, more {25c} firmly knit, than either to Father or Mother. Yea, and what had he cared if Father and Mother had died for grief for him. Their death would have been, as he would have counted, great release and liberty to him: For the truth is, they and their counsel was his Bondage; yea, and if I forget not, I have heard some say, that when he was, at times, among his Companions, he would greatly {25d} rejoyce to think that his Parents were old, and could not live long, and then, quoth he, I shall be mine own man, to do what I list without their controul.
Atten. Then it seems he counted that robbing of his Parents was no crime.
Wise. None at all, and therefore he fell directly under that Sentence, Whoso robbeth his Father or his Mother, and saith it is no transgression, the same is the companion of a destroyer. And for that he set so light by them as to their Persons and Counsels, 'twas a sign that at present he was of a very abominable spirit, {26a} and that some Judgement waited to take hold of him in time to come.
Atten. But can you imagin what it was, I mean, in his conceit (for I speak not now of the suggestions of Satan, by which doubtless he was put on to do these things,) I say what it should be in his conceit, that should make him think that this his manner of pilfering and stealing was no great matter.
Wise. It was, for that, the things that he stole, were small; to rob Orchards, and Gardens, and to steal Pullen, and the like, these he counted {26b} Tricks of Youth, nor would he be beat out of it by all that his Friends could say. They would tell him that he must not covet, or desire, (and yet to desire, is less than to take) even any thing, the least thing that was his Neighbours, and that if he did, it would be a transgression of the Law; but all was one to him: what through the wicked Talk of his Companions, and the delusion of his own corrupt heart, he would go on in his pilfering course, and where he thought himself secure, would talk of, and laugh at it when he had done.
[Picture: Take note symbol] Atten. Well, I heard a man once, when he was upon the Ladder with the Rope about his Neck, confess (when ready to be turned off by the Hangman) that that which had brought him to that end, was his accustoming of himself, when young, to pilfer and steal small things. To my best remembrance he told us, that he began the trade of a Thief by stealing Pins and Points, and therefore did forewarn all the Youth, that then were gathered together to see him die, to take heed of beginning, though but with little sins, because by tampering at first with little ones, way is made for the commission of bigger.
Wise. Since you are entred upon Storyes, I also will tell you one, the which, {26d} though I heard it not with mine own Ears, yet my Author I dare believe: {26e} It is concerning one old Tod, that was hanged about Twenty years agoe, or more, at Hartford, for being a Thief. The Story is this:
[Picture: Take note symbol] At a Summer a.s.sizes holden at Hartfor[d], while the Judge was sitting upon the Bench, comes this old Tod into the Court, cloathed in a green Suit, with his Leathern Girdle in his hand, his Bosom open, and all on a dung sweat, as if he had run for his Life; and being come in, he spake aloud as follows: {27} My Lord, said he, Here is the veryest Rogue that breaths upon the face of the earth. I have been a Thief from a Child: When I was but a little one, I gave my self to rob Orchards, and to do other such like wicked things, and I have continued a Thief ever since. My Lord, there has not been a Robbery committed thus many years within so many miles if this place, but I have either been at it, or privy to it.
The Judge thought the fellow was mad, but after some conference with some of the Justices, they agreed to Indict him; and so they did of several felonious Actions; to all which he heartily confessed Guilty, and so was hanged with his Wife at the same time.
Atten. This is a remarkable Story indeed, and you think it is a true one.
Wise. It is not only remarkable, but pat to our purpose. This Thief, like Mr. Badman, began his Trade betimes; he began too where Mr. Badman began, even at robbing of Orchards, and other such things, which brought him, as you may perceive, from sin to sin, till at last it brought him to the publick shame of sin, which is the Gallows.
As for the truth of this Story, the Relator told me that he was at the same time himself in the Court, and stood within less than two yards of old Tod, when he heard him aloud to utter the words.
Atten. These two sins of lying and stealing were a bad sign of an evil end.
Wise. So they were, and yet Mr. Badman came not to his end like old Tod; Though I fear, to as bad, nay, worse than was that death of the Gallows, though less discerned by spectators; but more of that by and by. But you talk of these two sins as if these were all that Mr. Badman was addicted to in his Youth: Alas, alas, he swarmed with sins, even as a Begger does with Vermin, and that when he was but a Boy.
Atten. Why what other sins was he addicted to, I mean while he was but a Child?
Wise. You need not ask, to what other sins was he, but to what other sins was he not addicted, that is, of such as suited with his Age: for a man may safely say, that nothing that was vile came amiss to him; if he was but capable to do it. Indeed some sins there be that Childhood knows not how to be tampering with; but I speak of sins that he was capable of committing, of which I will nominate two or three more. And,
First, He could not endure the {28a} Lords Day, because of the Holiness that did attend it; the beginning of that Day was to him as if he was going to Prison, (except he could get out from his Father and Mother, and lurk in by-holes among his Companions, untill holy Duties were over.) Reading the Scriptures, hearing Sermons, G.o.dly Conference, repeating of Sermons, and Prayer, were things that he could not away with; and therefore if his Father on such days, (as often he did, though sometimes notwithstanding his diligence, he would be sure to give him the slip) did keep him strictly to the observation of the day, he would plainly shew by all carriages that he was highly discontent therewith: he would sleep at Duties, would talk vainly with his Brothers, and as it were, think every G.o.dly opportunity seven times as long as it was, gruding till it was over.
Atten. This his abhorring of that day, was not, I think, for the sake of the day itself: for as it is a day, it is nothing else but as other days of the Week: But I suppose it were, think every G.o.dly as it was, grudging till it that day, was not, I think) as it is a day, it is nothing of the Week: But I suppose that the {28b} reason of his loathing of it, was, for that G.o.d hath put sanct.i.ty and holiness upon it; also because it is the day above all the days of the week that ought to be spent in holy Devotion, in remembrance of our Lords Resurrection from the dead.
Wise. Yes, 'twas therefore, that he was such an enemy to it, even because more restraint was laid upon him on that day, from his own ways, than were possible should be laid upon him on all others.
Atten. Doth not G.o.d by inst.i.tuting of a day unto holy Duties, make great proof how the hearts and inclinations of poor people do stand to Holiness of heart, and a Conversation in [h]oly duties?
Wise. {29a} Yes doubtless; and a man shall shew his Heart and his Life what they are, more by one Lords-day, than by all the days of the week besides: And the reason is, because on the Lords-day there is a special restraint laid upon men as to Thoughts and Life, more than upon other days of the week besides. Also, men are enjoyned on that day to a stricter performance of holy Duties, and restraint of worldly business, than upon other days they are; wherefore, if their hearts incline not naturally to good, now they will shew it, now they will appear what they are. The Lords Day is a kind of an Emblem of the heavenly Sabbath above, and it makes manifest how the heart stands to the perpetuity of Holiness, more than to be found in a transient Duty, does.
On other days a man may be in and out of holy Duties, and all in a quarter of an hour; but now, the Lords Day is, as it were, a day that enjoyns to one perpetual Duty of Holiness: Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath day, {29b} (which by Christ is not abrogated, but changed, into the First of the week,) not as it was given in particular to the Jews, but as it was sanctified by him from the Beginning of the world; and therefore is a greater proof of the frame and temper of a mans heart, and does more make manifest to what he is inclined, than doth his other performance of Duties: Therefore G.o.d puts great difference between them that truly call (and walk in) this day as holy, and count it Honourable, {29c} upon the account that now they have an opportunity to shew how they delight to honour him; {29d} in that they have, not only an Hour, but a whole Day to shew it in: I say, he puts great difference between these, and that other sort that say, When will the Sabbath be gone, that we may be at our worldly business. {29e} The first he calleth a Blessed man, but brandeth the other for an unsanctified worldling. And indeed, to delight ourselves in G.o.ds service upon his Holy days, gives a better proof of a sanctified Nature, than to grudge at the coming, and to be weary of the holy duties of such dayes, as Mr. Badman did.
Atten. There may be something in what you say, for he that cannot abide to keep one day holy to G.o.d, to be sure he hath given a sufficient proof that he is an unsanctified man; and as such, what should he do in Heaven?
that being the place where a perpetual Sabath is to be kept to G.o.d; {30a} I say, to be kept for ever and ever. And for ought I know, one reason why one day in seven, hath been by our Lord set apart unto holy Duties for men, may be to give them conviction that there is enmity in the hearts of sinners to the G.o.d of Heaven, for he that hateth Holiness, hateth G.o.d himself. They pretend to love G.o.d, and yet love not a holy day, and yet love not to spend that day in one continued act of holiness to the Lord: They had as good say nothing as to call him Lord, Lord, and yet not doe the things that he says. And this Mr. Badman was such an one: he could not abide this day, nor any of the Duties of it. Indeed, when he could get from his Friends, and so {30b} spend it in all manner of idleness and profaneness, then he would be pleased well enough: but what was this but a turning the day into night, or other than taking an opportunity at G.o.ds forbidding, to follow our Callings, to solace and satisfie our l.u.s.ts and delights of the flesh. I take the liberty to speak thus of Mr. Badman, upon a confidence of what you, Sir, have said of him, is true.
Wise. You needed not to have made that Apology for your censuring of Mr.
Badman, for all that knew him, will confirm what you said of him to be true. He could not abide either that day, or any thing else that had the stamp or image of G.o.d upon it. Sin, sin, and to do the thing that was naught, was that which he delighted in, and that from a little Child.
Atten. I must say again, I am sorry to hear it, and that for his own sake, and also for the sake of his Relations, who must needs be broken to pieces with such doings as these: For, for these things sake comes the wrath of G.o.d upon the Children of disobedience: {30c} and doubtless he must be gone to h.e.l.l, if he died without Repentance; and to beget a Child for h.e.l.l, is sad for Parents to think on.
Wise. Of his Dying, as I told you, I will give you a Relation anon, but now we are upon his Life, and upon the Manner of his Life in his Childhood, even of the sins that attended him then, some of which I have mentioned already; and indeed I have mentioned but some, for yet there are more to follow, and those not at all inferiour to what you have already heard.
Atten. Pray what were they?
Wise. Why he was greatly given, and that while a Lad, to grievous {31a} Swearing and Cursing: yea, he then made no more of Swearing and Cursing, than I do of telling my fingers. Yea, he would do it without provocation thereto. He counted it a glory to Swear and Curse, and it was as natural to him, as to eat and drink and sleep.
Atten. Oh! what a young Villain was this! here is, as the Apostle says, a yielding of Members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin, {31b} indeed! This is proceeding from evil to evil with a witness; This argueth that he was a black-mouthed young Wretch indeed.
Wise. He was so; and yet, as I told you, he counted, above all, this kind of sinning, to be {31c} a Badge of his Honour: He reckoned himself a mans Fellow when he had learnt to Swear and Curse boldly.
Atten. I am perswaded that many do think, as you have said, that to Swear, is a thing that does bravely become them, and that it is the best way for a man, when he would put authority, or terrour into his words, to stuff them full of the sin of Swearing.
Wise. You say right, else, as I am perswaded, men would not so usually belch out their blasphemous Oaths, as they do: they take a pride in it; they think that to swear is Gentleman-like; and having once accustomed themselves unto it, they hardly leave it all the days of their lives.
Atten. Well, but now we are upon it, pray shew me {31d} the difference between Swearing and Cursing; for there is a difference, is there not?
Wise. Yes: There is a difference between Swearing and Cursing, Swearing, vain swearing, such as young Badman accustomed himself unto. Now vain and sinful swearing, {31e} Is a light and wicked calling of G.o.d, &c. to witness to our vain and foolish attesting of things, and those things are of two sorts.
1. Things that we swear, are, or shall be done.
2. Things so sworn to, true or false.
1. Things that we swear, are, or shall be done. Thou swearest thou hast done such a thing, that such a thing is so, or shall be so; for it is no matter which of these it is that men swear about, if it be done lightly and wickedly, and groundlesly, it is vain, because it is a sin against the Third Commandement, which says, Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy G.o.d in vain. {32a} For this is a vain using of that Holy and Sacred Name, and so a sin for which, without sound Repentance, there is not, nor can be rightly expected, forgiveness.
Atten. Then it seems, though as to the matter of fact, a man swears truely, yet if he sweareth lightly and groundlesly, his Oath is evil, and he by it, under sin.
Wise. Yes; a man may say, {32b} The Lord liveth, and that is true, and yet in so saying, swear falsly; because he sweareth vainly, needlesly, and without a ground. To swear groundedly and necessarily, (which then a man does, when he swears as being called thereto of G.o.d,) that is tolerated of the Word: but this was none of Mr. Badmans swearing, and therefore that which now we are not concerned about.
Atten. I perceive, by the Prophet, that a man may sin in swearing to a Truth: They therefore must needs most horribly sin, that swear to confirm their Jests and Lies; and as they think, the better to beautifie their foolish talking.
Wise. They sin with an high hand; for they presume to imagine, {32c} that G.o.d is as wicked as themselves, to wit, that he is an Avoucher of Lies to be true. For, as I said before, to swear, is to call G.o.d to witness; and to swear to a Lie, is to call G.o.d himself, to witness that that Lie is true. This therefore must needs offend; for it puts the highest affront upon the Holiness and Righteousness of G.o.d, therefore his wrath must sweep them away. This kind of Swearing is put in with lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing Adultery; and therefore must not go unpunished: {32d} For if G.o.d will not hold him guiltless that taketh his Name in vain, which a man may doe when he swears to a truth, (as I have shewed before,) how can it be imagined, that he should hold such guiltless, who, by Swearing, will appeal to G.o.d, if Lies be not true, or that swear out of their frantick and Bedlam madness. It would grieve and provoke a sober man to wrath, if one should swear to a notorious lye, and avouch that that man would attest it for a truth; and yet thus do men deal with the holy G.o.d: They tell their Jestings, Tales and Lies, and then swear by G.o.d that they are true. Now this kind of Swearing was as common with young Badman, as it was to eat when he was an hungred, or to go to bed when it was night.
Atten. I have often mused in my mind, what it should be that should make men so common in the use of the sin of Swearing, since those that be wise, will believe them never the sooner for that.
Wise. It cannot be any thing that is good, you may be sure; because the thing it self is abominable: {33a} 1. Therefore it must be from the promptings of the spirit of the Devil within them. 2. Also it flows sometimes from h.e.l.lish Rage, when the tongue hath set on fire of h.e.l.l even the whole course of nature. {33b} 3. But commonly Swearing flows from that daring Boldness that biddeth defiance to the Law that forbids it. 4. Swearers think also that by their belching of their blasphemous Oaths out of their black and polluted mouths, they shew themselves the more valiant men: 5. And imagine also, that by these outrageous kind of villianies, they shall conquer those that at such a time they have to do with, and make them believe their lyes to be true. 6. They also swear frequently to get Gain thereby, and when they meet with fools, they overcome them this way. But if I might give advice in this matter, no Buyer should lay out one farthing with him that is a common Swearer in his Calling; especially with such an Oath-master that endeavoureth to swear away his commodity to another, and that would swear his Chapmans money into his own pocket.
Atten. All these causes of Swearing, so far as I can perceive, flow from the same Root as doe the Oaths themselves, even from a hardened and desperate heart. But pray shew me now how wicked cursing is to be distinguished from this kind of swearing.
Wise. {34a} Swearing, as I said, hath immediately to do with the Name of G.o.d, and it calls upon him to be witness to the truth of what is said: That is, if they that swear, swear by him. Some indeed swear by Idols, as by the Ma.s.s, by our Lady, by Saints, Beasts, Birds, and other creatures; but the usual way of our profane ones in England, is to swear by G.o.d, Christ, Faith, and the like: But however, or by whatever they swear, Cursing is distinguished from Swearing thus.
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