Life and Death of Mr. Badman Part 6

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Instances not a few might be given of this, but this is so manifest, a man need say nothing.

Atten. But {50a} {50b} that which is worse than all is, it also prepares men for everlasting burnings.

Wise. Yea, and it so stupifies and besotts the soul, that a man that is far gone in Drunkenness, is hardly ever recovered to G.o.d. Tell me, when did you see an old drunkard converted? No, no, such an one will sleep till he dies, though he sleeps on the top of a {50c} Mast, let his dangers be never so great and Death and d.a.m.nation never so near, he will not be awaked out of his sleep. So that if a man have any respect either to Credit, Health, Life or Salvation, he will not be a drunken man. But the truth is, where this sin gets the upper hand, men are, as I said before, so intoxicated and bewitched with the seeming pleasures, and sweetness thereof; that they have neither heart nor mind to think of that which is better in itself; and would, if imbraced, do them good.

Atten. You said that drunkenness tends to poverty, yet some make themselves rich by drunken bargains.

Wise. I {50d} said so, because the Word says so. And as to some mens getting thereby, that is indeed but rare, and base: yea, and base will be the end of such gettings. The Word of G.o.d is against such wayes, and the curse of G.o.d will be the end of such doings. An Inheritance may sometimes thus be hastily gotten at the beginning, but the end thereof shall not be blessed. Hark what the Prophet saith; Wo to him that coveteth an evil covetousness, that he may set his nest on high. {50e} Whether he makes drunkenness, or ought else, the engine and decoy to get it; for that man doth but consult the shame of his own house, the spoiling of his family, and the d.a.m.nation of his Soul; for that which he getteth by working of iniquity, is but a getting by the devices of h.e.l.l; Therefore he can be no gainer neither for himself or family, that gains by an evil course. But this was one of the sins that Mr. Badman was addicted to after he came acquainted with these three fellows, nor could all that his Master could do break him of this Beastly sin.

Atten. But where, since he was but an Apprentice, could he get Money to follow this practice, for drunkenness, as you have intimated, is a very costly sin.

Wise. His Master {51a} paid for all. For, (as I told you before) as he learned of these three Villains to be a Beastly Drunkard; so he learned of them to pilfer and steal from his Master. Sometimes he would sell off his Masters Goods, but keep the Money, that is when he could; also sometimes he would beguile his Master by taking out of his Cashbox: and when he could do neither of these, he would convey away of his Masters wares, what he thought would be least missed, and send or carry them to such and such houses, where he knew they would be laid up to his use, and then appoint set times there, to meet and make merry with these fellowes.

Atten. This, was as bad, nay, I think, worse than the former; for by thus doing, he did, not only run himself under the wrath of G.o.d, but has endangered the undoing of his Master and his Familie.

Wise. Sins go not alone, but follow one the other as do the links of a Chain; he that will be a drunkard, must have money either of his own, or of some other mans; either of his Fathers, Mothers, Masters, or at the high-way, or some way.

Atten. I fear that many an honest man is undone by such kind of servants.

Wise. I am of the same mind with you, but {51b} this should make the dealer the more wary what kind of Servants he keeps, and what kind of Apprentices he takes. It should also teach him to look well to his Shop himself, also to take strict account of all things that are bought and sold by his Servants. The Masters neglect herein may embolden his servant to be bad, and may bring him too in short time to rags and a morsel of Bread.

Atten. I am afraid that there is much of this kind of pilfering among servants in these bad dayes of ours.

Wise. Now, while it is in my mind, I will tell you a story. [Picture: Take note symbol] When I was in prison, there came a woman to me that was under a great deal of trouble. So I asked her (she being a stranger to me) what she had to say to me. She said, she was afraid she should be d.a.m.ned. I asked her the cause of those fears. She told me that she had sometime since lived with a Shop-keeper at Wellingborough, and had robbed his box in the Shop several times of Money, to the value of more than now I will say; and pray, says she, tell me what I shall do. I told her, I would have her go to her Master, and make him satisfaction: She said, she was afraid; I asked her why? She said, she doubted he would hang her. I told her, that I would intercede for her life, and would make use of other friends too to do the like; But she told me, she durst not venture that. Well, said I, shall I send to your Master, while you abide out of sight, and make your peace with him, before he sees you; and with that, I asked her her Masters name. But all that she said in answer to this, was, Pray let it alone till I come to you again. So away she went, and neither told me her Masters Name, nor her own: This is about ten or twelve years since, and I never saw her again. I tell you this story for this cause; to confirm your fears, that such kind of servants too many there be; and that G.o.d makes them sometimes like old Tod, of whom mention was made before, (through the terrors that he layes upon them) to betray themselves.

[Picture: Take note symbol] I could tell you of another, that came to me with a like relation concerning her self, and the robbing of her Mistress; but at this time let this suffice.

Atten. But what was that other Villain addicted to, I mean, young Badmans third companion?

Wise. Uncleanness. {52b} I told you before, but it seems you forgot.

Atten. Right, it was Uncleanness. Uncleanness is also a filthy sin.

Wise. It is so; and yet it is one of the most reigning sins in our day.

Atten. So they say, and that too among those that one would think had more wit, even among the great ones.

Wise. The more is the pity: for usually Examples that are set by them that are great and chief, {52c} spread sooner, and more universally, then do the sins of other men; yea, and when such men are at the head in transgressing, sin walks with a bold face through the Land. As Jeremiah saith of the Prophets, so may it be said of such, From them is profaneness gone forth into all the land; that is, with bold and audacious face, Jer. 23. 15.

Atten. But pray let us return again to Mr. Badman and his companions.

You say one of them was very vile in the commission of Uncleanness.

Wise. Yes, so I say; not but that he was a Drunkard and also Thievish, but he was most arch in this sin of Uncleanness: This Roguery was his Master-piece, for he was a Ringleader to them all in the beastly sin of Wh.o.r.edom. He was also best acquainted with such houses where they were, and so could readily lead the rest of his Gang unto them. The Strumpets also, because they knew this young Villain, would at first discover themselves in all their whorish pranks to those that he brought with him.

Atten. That is a deadly thing: I mean, it is a deadly thing to young men, when such beastly queans, shall, with words and carriages that are openly tempting, discover themselves unto them; It is hard for such to escape their Snare.

Wise. That is true, therefore the Wise mans counsel is the best: Come not near the door of her house; {53a} for they are (as you say) very tempting, as is seen by her in the Proverbs. I looked (says the Wise man) through my cas.e.m.e.nt, and beheld among the simple ones, I discerned a young man void of understanding, pa.s.sing through the streets near her corner, and he went the way to her house: In the twilight, in the evening, in the black and dark night. And behold, there met him a Woman, with the attire of an harlot, and subtle of heart; ({53c} she is loud and stubborn, her feet abide not in her house. Now she is without, now she is in the street, and lieth in wait at every corner.) So she caught him, and kiss'd him, and with an impudent face said unto him: I have peace offerings with me; this day have I payed my vows. Therefore came I forth to meet thee, diligently to seek thy face, and I have found thee. I have decked my bed with coverings of Tapestry, with carved works, with fine Linnen of aegypt: I have perfumed my bed with Myrrhe, Aloes, and Cinnamon; come let us take our fill of love untill the Morning, let us solace our selves with loves. {53b} Here was a bold Beast: And indeed, the very eyes, hands, words and ways of such, are all snares and bands to youthful, l.u.s.tful fellows: And with these was young Badman greatly snared.

Atten. This sin of Uncleanness {54a} is mightily cried out against both by Moses, the Prophets, Christ, and his Apostles; and yet, as we see, for all that, how men run head-long to it!

Wise. You have said the truth, and I will adde, that G.o.d, to hold men back from so filthy a sin, has set such a stamp of his Indignation upon it, and commanded such evil effects to follow it, that were not they that use it bereft of all Fear of G.o.d, and love to their own health, they could not but stop and be afraid to commit it. For, besides the eternal d.a.m.nation that doth attend such in the next world, (for these have no Inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ and of G.o.d, Ephes. 5.) the evil effects thereof in this world are dreadfull.

Atten. Pray skew me some of them, that as occasion offereth it self, I may shew them to others for their good.

Wise. So I will. 1. {54b} It bringeth a man (as was said of the sin before) to want and poverty; for by means of a Whorish woman, a man is brought to a piece of bread. The reason is, for that an Wh.o.r.e will not yield without hire; and men when the Devil and l.u.s.t is in them, and G.o.d and his Fear far away from them, will not stick, so they may accomplish their desire, to lay their Signet, their Bracelets, and their Staff to pledge, {54c} rather than miss of the fulfilling of their l.u.s.ts. 2.

Again, by this sin men diminish their strength, and bring upon themselves, even upon the Body, a mult.i.tude of Diseases. This King Lemuel's Mother warned him of. What my Son, said she, and what the son of my womb, and what the Son of my Vows: Give not thy strength unto women, nor thy ways to that which destroyeth Kings. {54d} This sin is destructive to the Body. Give me leave to tell you another story.

[Picture: Take note symbol] I {54f} have heard of a great man that was a very unclean person, and he had lived so long in that sin, that he had almost lost his sight. So his Physicians were sent for, to whom he told his to Disease; but they told him, that they could do him no good, unless he would forbear his Women. Nay then, said he, farewell sweet Sight.

Whence observe, that this sin, as I said, is destructive to the Body; and also, that some men be so in love therewith, that they will have it, though it destroy their body.

Atten. Paul says also, that he that sins this sin, sins against his own Body. But what of that? he that will run the hazard of eternal d.a.m.nation of his Soul, but he will commit this sin, will for it run the hazard of destroying his Body. If young Badman feared not the d.a.m.nation of his Soul, do you think that the consideration of impairing of his Body, would have deterred him therefrom?

Wise. You say true. But yet, methinks, there are still such bad effects follow, often, upon the commission of it, that if men would consider them, it would put, at least, a stop to their career therein.

Atten. What other evil effects attend this sin?

Wise. Outward shame and disgrace, and that in these particulars: {55a}

First, There often follows this foul sin, the Foul Disease, now called by us the Pox. A disease so nauseous and stinking, so infectious to the whole body (and so intailed to this sin) that hardly are any common with unclean Women, but they have more or less a touch of it to their shame.

Atten. That is a foul disease indeed: [Picture: Take note symbol] I knew a man once that rotted away with it; and another that had his Nose eaten off, and his Mouth almost quite sewed up thereby.

Wise. It is a Disease, that where it is, it commonly declares, that the cause thereof is Uncleanness. It declares to all that behold such a man, that he is an odious, a beastly, unclean person. This is that strange punishment that Job speaks of, that is appointed to seize on these workers of Iniquity. {55c}

Atten. Then it seems you think that the strange punishment that Job there speaks of, should be the foul disease.

Wise. I have thought so indeed, and that for this reason: We see that this Disease is entailed as I may say, to this most beastly sin, nor is there any disease so entailed to any other sin, as this to this. That this is the sin to which the strange Punishment is entailed, you will easily perceive when you read the Text. I made a covenant with mine eyes, said Job, why should I think upon a Maid? For what portion is there (for that sin) from above, and what Inheritance of the Almighty from on high? And then he answers himself; Is not destruction to the wicked, and a strange punishment to the workers of iniquity? This strange Punishment is the Pox.

Also I think that this foul Disease is that which Solomon intends, when he saith, (speaking of this unclean and beastly creature) A wound and dishonour shall he get, and his reproach shall not be turned away. {56} A Punishment Job calls it, a Wound and Dishonour, Solomon calls it; and they both do set it as a Remark upon this sin; Job calling it a strange punishment, and Solomon a reproach that shall not be turned away from them that are common in it.

Atten. What other things follow upon the commission of this beastly sin?

Wise. Why, often-times it is attended with Murder, with the murder of the Babe begotten on the defiled bed. How common it is for the b.a.s.t.a.r.d-getter and b.a.s.t.a.r.d-bearer, to consent together to murder their Children, will be better known at the day of Judgement; yet something is manifest now.

I will tell you another story. [Picture: Take note symbol] An ancient man, one of mine acquaintance, a man of good credit in our Countrey, had a Mother that was a Midwife: who was mostly imployed in laying great persons. To this womans house, upon a time, comes a brave young Gallant on horseback, to fetch her to lay a young Lady. So she addresses herself to go with him; wherefore, he takes her up behind him, and away they ride in the night. Now they had not rid far, but the Gentleman litt off his horse, and taking the old Midwife in his arms from the horse, turned round with her several times, and then set her up again; then he got up, and away they went till they came at a stately house, into which he had her, and so into a Chamber where the young Lady was in her pains: He then bid the Midwife do her Office, and she demanded help, but he drew out his Sword and told her, if she did not make speed to do her Office without, she must look for nothing but death. Well, to be short, this old Midwife laid the young Lady, and a fine sweet Babe she had; Now there was made in a Room hard by, a very great Fire: so the Gentleman took up the Babe, went and drew the coals from the stock, cast the Child in, and covered it up, and there was an end of that. So when the Midwife had done her work, he paid her well for her pains, but shut her up in a dark room all day, and when night came, took her up behind him again, and carried her away, till she came almost at home; then he turned her round, and round, as he did before, and had her to her house, set her down, bid her Farewell, and away he went: And she could never tell who it was.

This Story the Midwifes son, who was a Minister, told me; and also protested that his mother told it him for a truth.

Atten. Murder doth often follow indeed, as that which is the fruit of this sin: but sometimes G.o.d brings even these Adulterers, and Adulteresses to shameful ends. [Picture: Take note symbol] I heard of one, (I think, a Doctor of Physick) and his Wh.o.r.e, who had had three or four b.a.s.t.a.r.ds betwixt them, and had murdered them all, but at last themselves were hanged for it, in or near to Colchester. It came out after this manner: The Wh.o.r.e was so afflicted in her conscience abort it, that she could not be quiet untill she had made it known: Thus G.o.d many times makes the actors of wickedness their own accusers, and brings them by their own tongues to condigne punishment for their own sins.

Wise. There has been many such instances, but we will let that pa.s.s. I was once in the presence of a Woman, a married woman, that lay sick of the sickness whereof she died; and being smitten in her conscience for the sin of Uncleanness, which she had often committed with other men, [Picture: Take note symbol] I heard her (as she lay upon her Bed) cry out thus: I am a Wh.o.r.e, and all my Children are b.a.s.t.a.r.ds: And I must go to h.e.l.l for my sin; and look, there stands the Devil at my beds feet to receive my Soul when I die.

Atten. These are sad storyes, tell no more of them now, but if you please shew me yet some other of the evil effects of this beastly sin.

Wise. This sin is such a snare to the Soul, that unless a miracle of Grace prevents, it unavoidably perishes in the enchanting and bewitching pleasures of it. This is manifest by these, and such like Texts.

The Adulteress will hunt for the precious life. Whoso committeth adultery with a woman, lacketh understanding, and he that doth it destroys his own soul. {57} An Wh.o.r.e is a deep ditch, and a strange woman is a narrow pit. Her house inclines to death, and her pathes unto the dead. None that go in unto her return again, neither take they hold of the path of life. She hath cast down many wounded; yea many strong men have been slain by her, her house is the way to h.e.l.l, going down to the Chambers of Death. {58a}

Atten. These are dreadful sayings, and do shew the dreadful state of those that are guilty of this sin.

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