The Brain, A Decoded Enigma Part 7

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So, MDT considers that such messages are generated by simulation on an XZM- model and so, they are just predictions. In some cases, such predictions could be correct (the predictions which are not correct are forgotten !!!). Such messages are not related with the external reality.

Some of such predictions could also be obtained during a hypnosis session, because hypnosis is a.s.sociated only with XZMs.

The same basic explanation is valid for the clairvoyance phenomenon. In such a case, the XZM is a.s.sociated with a specific external reality, or with an illness.

Such predictions could be correct for many situations, but, because they are just predictions, there is a limited guarantee on their correctness.

Example: a person was "seen" by a clairvoyance medium. This medium was asked on the status of the heart of that person. The answer was that the heart is in a good shape. The answer was correct. But there was a "little" problem: that person was wearing a pacemaker, which was not "seen" by the medium, in accordance with MDT.

MDT can be used to see how to develop such paranormal qualities. First of all, for it, let's remember that XZM are image models and so, developing the interaction with external reality based on image models is strongly recommended. Also, a natural tendency towards image models is mandatory.

Such persons must be well balanced, or able to obtain a stability status by different methods, so that the normal structure of models has a reduced activity. Such persons must have a reduced tendency to control the activity a.s.sociated with the problem (to reduce even more the activity of the normal structure of models).

It is also very important to obtain as much as possible information by direct interaction (based on image models) with the problem. The information based on symbolic models could be useful too, after translation on image models.

MDT considers that XZM models are image models. But, there is a supposition that some symbolic-models could be illegal too. If so, an XZM-symbolic model could explain, e.g., how some persons can perform extremely complicated arithmetical operations.


This section was intended to treat the subject declared, but instead, it is just an evaluation of the problem. The reason is the inexistence of sufficient data on XZM models.

To make a local model on the normal human brain, we take some conditions from MDT, as follows: C1: The PSM must act to protect the being and to ensure the unconditional survival, forever, of that being. The PSM must also contain some models a.s.sociated with the society in which the being lives. The PSM must not contain ordinary models.

C2: Any model of the brain must be stable (harmonic or logic).

C3: The whole structure of models must be stable. That is, any truth of any model must be accepted (or at least not rejected) by any other model of the brain.

Let's develop a little this local model.

The main condition of normality is that the person has to be accepted by the society. That is, the person has to integrate in that society. For a cannibal- type society, the person has to integrate in that society. Otherwise he will be rejected by the society. The limits or normality are, as we see, very broad.

For a democratic society of our time, some of the conditions of normality are "not to kill", "not to steal" and so on. Such models must be in the PSM and this goal is achieved by education since many generations.

Let's consider that a person makes a model to kill someone. If this model is blocked by PSM, that person can be considered as a normal one.

However, if a person makes a model to kill someone and, in some conditions, the PSM does not work properly, that model can be activated. Based on MDT, such a situation is a hardware problem and so, that person is not a normal one.

In "cla.s.sical" psychiatry, they make a test to understand if the person was or not responsible for his/her acts. Based on MDT, as I said, here we have a hardware problem and so, the fact that the person was or not conscious of what he was doing is not relevant. Even more, based on MDT, a model cannot be destroyed by any hardware or software facility of the brain. So, a punishment has no effect.

If a brain has a hardware problem, there is no solution to correct it. The main reason is the fact that any model is connected with almost all the models of the brain. Even XZMs must have some connections. In order to remove a model by external action, it is necessary to know the exact hardware structure of that brain and this, as I think, will be not possible at least in the next 50 years.

C1 a.s.serts also the condition that the brain must not contain ordinary models (O.M.). This condition is necessary because if an O.M. is included in PSM, that model becomes invariant (it cannot be changed by any information from the external reality). So, if an O.M. is included in PSM, any information obtained by IR from external reality must be compatible with that OMPSM. If not, that information must be distorted to meet, somehow, the condition requested by the OMPSM. When there is an OMPSM in the brain, this is an illness called "paranoia".

A person with an OMPSM must distort the information obtained from external reality to meet the conditions requested by the OMPSM.

Example: The authentic communists have included in PSM the OMPSM called "the working cla.s.s is the leader of the society". Regardless of the external reality, they have a harmonic/logic structure of models based on this model. Fortunately, the absolute majority of the communists have no such model included in PSM and so, they are normal persons.

Example: Usually, drugs create an OMPSM called "use them". Such persons will continue to use drugs regardless of any information a.s.sociated with their negative effects. This is a special kind of paranoia.

Example: smoking is also a form of paranoia, due to the same reason, as above. After many years of smoking, some persons can give up smoking. This could happen if, for instance, the person gets ill. The illness could make a non- smoking model, which enters the PSM too.

The C3-condition states that the whole structure of models must be harmonic/logic. This condition is not easy to meet. First of all, there is a limited capacity to refresh the whole structure of models. The refresh capacity for some persons could be under the requirements. Such persons could evolve to a form of schizophrenia.

Let's consider now a person-A, who meets the C3 criterium. At one moment, an important model becomes useless (for instance, an important person B disappears from the life of A). In such case, person-A has to refresh the whole structure of models. This task could exceed the technical capacity of refresh (mainly for older persons).

It the refresh capacity is exceeded, one possibility is to make s.h.i.+elding models. If a person has too many s.h.i.+elding models, such a person cannot be considered as a normal person. Such persons can be detected, e.g. due to the fact that they don't want, or they cannot discuss about some subjects.

XZM models are not taken into account because of the lack of enough data about them. XZMs can explain the somnambulistic-effect, multiple personalities or even some nonsense crimes.

There are killers who don't know why they kill other people. Many of them seem to be normal persons, as their friends can confirm and also they can be integrated in society. XZMs can be an explanation for their crimes. Indeed, an XZM is a model which is out of the control of the normal structure of models. Such models can become active-models in some situations (due to the hardware problems of that brain). The killer is so "remotely-controlled" by the XZM.

Such killers cannot be detected by a lie detector. The explanation is the fact that there is no normal model that makes the crime and so, there is no reason to pretend or hide something.

As I said, this section is just for evaluation. As new data will be obtained in a.s.sociation with XZMs, the section will be developed.


Let's make an abstract about all the functional facilities of a human brain. Almost all the facilities, which are not related with symbolic-models, are the same for animals.

BF1: To make models a.s.sociated or not with a section of the external reality

BF2: To refresh, on and on, the M-models by prediction and comparison with IR, so that M-models reflect better and better the dynamic external reality.

BF3: The continuous self-refres.h.i.+ng of some ZM coupled with M-models. The goal is that these ZM-models reflect better and better the external reality. For this, ZM must take into account any other ZM-model of the brain as well.

BF4: To simulate, continuously, the possible evolution of the a.s.sociated external reality, even when a ZM is not connected to M-models.

BF5: One of the main conditions, which must be fulfilled by any model, is to become stable (harmonic or logic). That is, any simulation on a model must reconfirm the model in the same shape. If a disharmony or logical contradiction is detected, the model must regain its stability by IR (from external reality or from other models). Moreover, as any model is already integrated in a structure of models, any other model must accept any result of any simulation on any model. This condition ensures the general stability of a structure of models. A real brain does not easily meet this condition.

BF6: Any ZMs are able to activate, in time sharing, many ZAM models to do many activities. However, there is a single ZAM which can act on the external reality at a given moment of time. The reason for it is that, before activation, any model needs to initialize using data taken from external reality. When a ZAM is deactivated, it needs to store data for future reactivation. This method is fast, but if external reality is changed too much, such data is no more valid. In this case, the activated ZAM has to find the new conditions of initialization, based on ZMs. The brain uses both methods. By description of the process, we see that it is not easy to do many activities at the same time (in time-sharing), and it is easy to make mistakes.

BF7: The facility of any model to gain information from any other model of the brain. However, due to the technological implementation, it is possible that some models have a better communications with some models, and not as easy communication with other models.

BF8: Any model has the facility to develop any of its elements as models. Thus, it is possible to have a nested structure of models. The "depth" of this structure has only technological limitations.

These facilities generate the knowledge and the consciousness, based on a structure of stable (harmonic or logic) models. Such structure is able to self-develop in an unknown external reality.

For a given brain, in interaction with an external reality, there are a number of features which will be described now. That is, as a brain has many modes of interaction with external reality, a particular brain could use mostly only some of them, as follows:

SF1: If there is a difference between reality (prediction) and the external reality (IR), a brain has some possibilities:

SF1.1: to correct the model based on IR (knowledge) SF1.2: to modify the external reality (creativity) SF1.3: to store IR in a story-type model SF1.4: to ignore or to forget that IR SF2: When a model is "correct", but it cannot be integrated in the structure of models, there are some possibilities:

SF2.1: to make a s.h.i.+elding model (the external reality is considered as wrong) SF2.2: to modify the whole structure of models (knowledge at any price, but sometimes this can exceed the technical possibilities of a given brain). SF2.3: to modify the model (i.e. to distort the importance of some elements or relations so that, the modified model can be accepted by the structure). When this procedure is followed, we have a paranoiac behavior. SF2.4: the model with problems is ignored, or it is recorded as a story-type model.

SF3: when there is an external reality and no suitable model, there are some possibilities: SF3.1: to create a suitable model, initiated by PSM SF3.2: to ignore that external reality SF3.3: to record that external reality based on a set of more or less fragmented story-type models.


The personality is treated here for human beings only. However, some characteristics (which are not related in a direct or indirect way with the symbolic models), are about the same for animals.

The Brain, A Decoded Enigma Part 7

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