Semiramis and Other Plays Part 11

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Sem. Your majesty--

Nin. Not majesty! Fool! Fool!

Ho, there! Bring in the Armenian! You shall see This n.o.ble prince! So brave--so proud--so fair!

Her brother! O, fool, fool, fool!

Sem. This the king?

Nin. Why, I'm a fool, my lady!

(Guards enter right front with a half lifeless body)

Look on him!

He's had some kisses since you saw him last That struck full deep!

Sem. (Staggering back) Is that--

Nin. Ay, it is he!

Look on him! 'Tis your Khosrove! Your--

Sem. (Majestically) Peace Ninus!

When you have knelt to me I'll hear you speak!

(Exit left centre)

Nin. (Stares after her and becomes calm) Now I have ruined all. She'll not forgive!

(Enter Va.s.sin, left, rear)

Vas. My lord, the brother of the queen has come.

Nin. Not Artavan?

Vas. Ay, Artavan.

Nin. He's here?

Vas. When Husak had your oath you'd free his son, Prince Khosrove, Artavan was sent at once To Nineveh.

Nin. How could he pa.s.s The gates?

Vas. He pa.s.sed before your order fell.

Nin. We'll welcome him.

(Looks toward the queen's room)

I'll make my peace with this.

(Goes out with Va.s.sin, left, rear. Semiramis enters hesitatingly, sees that Ninus is gone and advances fearfully toward the figure on the floor. The guards stand back, right front. She retreats, covering her eyes; then approaches and bends over the body. Searches his face, and throws up her hands in sudden joy)

Sem. Not Khosrove! O, it is not Khosrove!

(Leaves him and hurries to exit, trying to suppress her emotion. Returns to the body)

Where is the prince? Poor wretch! Can you not speak?

... Are these thy ways, ambition?

Voice without. Way! Make way!

(Semiramis hurries to her room. Enter the king, left rear, walking with Khosrove, and followed by Va.s.sin and Sumbat)

Nin. Speak not of going, Artavan!

Khos. I must, O king! I pray your leave to go at once To Gazim. Sudden troubles urge me there.

I beg your kingly warrant I may pa.s.s The gates--

Nin. Nay, you shall stay! We shall persuade you!

(To attendant) Summon the queen. Her voice we'll add to ours.

Khos. My lord--

Nin. We like you, Artavan! By Bel, We do! You're worthy of your sister queen!

No more--you'll stay! ... See! This is Khosrove!

(Bends over body on the floor) Is--

Or was? ... He lives.... Think you these bones will hold Until they reach old Husak? Now you've come, We must keep faith! Ha! ha!

Khos. And that--is Khosrove?

Nin. Truth, 'tis! ... Bear out the dog!

(Guards bear off body, right front. Enter Semiramis.

Sumbat crosses to her)

Sem. My brother? Where?

Khos. Here! (Advancing to her)

Sum. (To Semiramis) Be not amazed And Artavan is safe!

Nin. This welcome's cold Methinks. We gave him warmer greeting.

Sem. Sir, Such sudden joy--My brother knows there's none I hold more dear.

Nin. How now? Not one?

Semiramis and Other Plays Part 11

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