Semiramis and Other Plays Part 21

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Khos. Not so--

Sem. You'd keep me still the general's humble daughter While you would wear the glory I have won!

Khos. Nay, by Mylitta's fire!--

Sem. We'd war no more.

For who has all may well hang by the sword!

Khos. By Heaven, I--

Sem. O, you are man as _he_ was!

(Looks toward the garden shuddering)

I'll trust no more! Who's worthy trust will give it!

So saidst thou once! But thou couldst doubt--so dark A doubt my soul--

Khos. Nay, that's not my offense!

You are a woman, and you must forgive!

But you are queen, too, and the queen in you Guards her ambition from my honest love Lest it divide her glory!

Sem. True, she guards it!

Out of a.s.syrian stone I'll make a heart And wear it in my bosom!

Khos. Do not say it!

I did not mean the words! They are not so!

Thou dost not know thyself! Hard are the lips That never know a kiss, and thine were made With softness of the rose! Though all the streams Of power on earth poured to thy sovereign sea, Still wouldst thou want, and empty be the heart One drop of love would fill!

Sem. You speak As to a woman!

Khos. Ay, for so thou art!

Be now thyself! Thy peace alone I plead!

I can bear all but thy unhappiness!

For love--true love--forgets itself and makes But one prayer unto Heaven--prayer for the good Of the beloved!

Sem. Thou wouldst not share my throne?

Khos. Thy throne?

Sem. Ay, so I said.

Khos. I care not for it, But since 'tis thine, I could not be a man Worthy thyself and take a place beneath thee.

I'd be thy husband, and I know thou'rt not A woman to look down and love!

Sem. O theft In argument! To make my monarch soul Speak from thy mouth against me!

Khos. Not against thee!

To beg thee yield to love is but to plead Thy greater cause! Ah, days will come to thee When all the maiden in thy heart will rise And drown the queen's! Thou canst not call me back!

To-morrow is the battle! O, I lied To say thou wert ambitious and ungentle--

Sem. No, thou didst not! 'Tis true! I am--

Khos. No, no!

I'll prove it is not so! See here--the dove-- That nestles at your breast! Why is it here?

Sem. Because I was a woman once--and dreamed On foolish, woman things! (Frees bird from her bosom) Fly! fly!

And as I pluck thee out I pluck away All thought of mortal love, and stand alone Beneath a.s.syria's crown!

Khos. (Gazes at her in despair) Then I'll be gone!

Sem. You've pleaded well, but my domains are broad, And might give tongue to wilder eloquence Without love's sweet excuse!

Khos. No more! I go!

(Moves off, left. Near exit, turns)

I lead my father's troops!

Sem. I lead my own!

(Exit Khosrove. She looks after him without moving until he out of sight. The moonlight is less bright. Her dove flies over her head. She starts and looks after it.

The bird alights. She watches it eagerly and waits. It circles about her, then darts to her bosom. With an exultant moan she clasps it to her breast)



Scene: Within Husak's tent. Husak, Khosrove, Armenian lords and soldiers.

Husak. Bring in the widow!

(Exeunt officers)

Now, my son, thou'lt see a.s.syria at thy feet. Ay, she who scorned To match her crown with thine, shall low as earth Cry up for favor!

Khos. Sir, I would not see it!

Hus. Still in that humor? Well, I promise thee She shall have mercy.

Khos. Mercy, father?

Hus. Ay.

Khos. What wilt thou grant?

Semiramis and Other Plays Part 21

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Semiramis and Other Plays Part 21 summary

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