Semiramis and Other Plays Part 44

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Mir. Your majesty, Metz has returned.

Max. At last!

News of Marquez! He comes! I know he comes!

Men. O, sire,--

Max. The faithful Metz! Where is he?

Metz. (Entering) Sire! (Kneels)

Max. Rise, sir.

Metz. O pardon me, your majesty!

I bring but wintry news.

Max. Marquez--

Metz. Is false.

Max. Oh, no, no, no! He comes! I know he comes!

Metz. He's leagued with Labastida,--for the church Deserts you too.

Max. The church gone with him! No! no! I can't believe it!

Metz. You do not doubt me!

Max. Not you! But in my ear The tale turns miracle! And I must doubt, Though on your tongue 'tis truth!

Metz. 'Tis truth indeed!

The troops he was to bring you from the city, He led for his own glory against Diaz, Thinking to make himself the conqueror And president of Mexico.

Max. My troops!

What then?

Metz. Porfirio Diaz routed them To the last man. Marquez himself escaped Alone,--fled unattended from the field.

Max. My troops! my troops!... And this is friends.h.i.+p! O G.o.d, Give me but enemies!

Salm. Your Majesty--

Max. Who calls me majesty? There's none in me.

I am a riven oak whose leaf-light friends Fly with misfortune's Autumn. (Steps away, bowed in grief)

Salm. (Following him) I love you, sire.

Lop. (Eagerly) So do we all! Your majesty, believe us!

Mir. Canst not spare one who have so many true?

Max. Forgive me, friends. This treachery's the night Wherein your hearts of gold beat out like stars!

Lop. My life is yours, my lord!

Max. Thanks, dear Lopez.

(Takes his hand) In friends.h.i.+p lies the joy superlative, And nearest Heaven. We touch G.o.d's hand whene'er We clasp a friend's.

... But now we must take counsel.

Salm. No, sire, we must take action. Pardon me, But our sole hope of safety lies in flight.

Max. What! Leave the town to sack and ruin? No!

Desert the poor inhabitants, so long our friends?

And all our wounded, sick and dying? Never!

Salm. But if you stay, my lord, you sacrifice The living with the dying.

Max. Oh, Heaven, Heaven!

Lop. Your Majesty, this counsel is not wise.

It is not honor!

Salm. Honor will lead the flight!

To stay were crime! Sire, give the order now.

At once! The firing to the north has ceased.

All night I've reconnoitered. The way is clear For the last time. We'll arm the citizens To cover flight, and in an hour--

Lop. We'll be Attacked on every side! A madman's counsel!

Salm. O, sire, lose not a moment!

Mir. Lopez is right.

To fly from death is not dishonor, but who That values honor throws away one chance Of victory?

Salm. There is no chance. Not one!

My word is fly, and I'm no coward, sire.

Max. You've led our troops where every track was blood, And in the throat of battle, hand to hand, Have fought with Death! We know you'll dare a fight As far as any man while there's a hope Of victory.

Salm. But I'll not make my folly The captain to defeat.

Lop. 'Tis not defeat!

The Liberals are at their fortune's ebb.

They're sick with fear, and tremble in their rags.

Mendez. Let's fight it out, my lord!

Max. With starving men?

Semiramis and Other Plays Part 44

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