Semiramis and Other Plays Part 52

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Lou. (After a silence) Your audience Is over. Pray go and rest. You need much sleep.

Car. A woman sleeps not till her heart is safe.

My eyes shall not be closed till I've your answer.

Lou. You have it, lady, and we beg you leave us.

Car. Leave! leave! O sir, it is a lie I hear! (Falls at his feet) You did not say it! See! I kiss your feet! O sir--

Lou. (Withdrawing) You put us to discourtesy.

Since you will not withdraw, we leave you.

Car. (Leaping up) Coward!

Then, Louis Napoleon, Emperor of France!

Thou art a murderer, and I have kissed The devil's hoof! (Exit Napoleon)

(Carlotta stands dazed, looking after Napoleon. Puts her hand over her eyes. Count Charles goes to her)

Char. Dear madam, come with me. (She looks about bewildered)

One of her women. Your majesty, We pray you come.

Car. (Strangely) Yes--yes-- I'll go. Away!

(Exit with her attendants)

Aus. A gloomy business, truly.

Prus. 'T has wrought upon me.

(Re-enter Napoleon)

Lou. My lords, believe me grateful for your help In this most wretched business.

(Enter Secretary)

Sec. A dispatch, sire, from Mexico.

Lou. We'll hear it.

All here should share this news with me.

Sec. 'Tis short, Your majesty.

Lou. The sooner read. We wait.

Sec. (Reads) 'By order of Juarez, the Austrian duke, Ferdinand Maximilian, has been shot.'

(Silence. Napoleon groans)

It. It can't be true!

Bel. 'Tis false! I'll not believe it!

Prus. Grieve not, your Majesty. This is a mock Dispatch.

Aus. A n.o.ble archduke! Bound by ties Of blood and love to every court of Europe!

Believe this not, my lord!

Sec. Your Majesty, This second message from America Confirms the other.

Lou. 'Tis true! My G.o.d, 'tis true!

It. Carlotta! Who will tell her?

Lou. None shall do it!

She must not know.

Rus. Pardon me, sire, she must.

Lou. Then his death bullet has not stopped its flight.

'T will end but in her heart.

(Re-enter Count Charles. Napoleon silently gives him the despatch, which he reads with great agitation)

Char. (To himself) O terrible! And yet No news to me--to me.

Lou. You'll tell her, sir?

Char. There is no need, my lord. Her reason's fled.

She's mad.

Bel. 'Tis Heaven's mercy!

It. Unhappy woman!

Char. She is not wild, but gentle, and thinks, my lord, You've granted her request.

Lou. n.o.ble Carlotta!

My lords, forbear awhile. I'd be alone.

It. G.o.d grant you rest.

(All go out but Napoleon)

Lou. These kings I've called here to a dance must lead A funeral. What can I say to them?

To Austria--his brother! England--his own cousin!

To Belgium--_her_ brother! Spain-- O, all The _world_, that loved him!... An Emperor--and shot.

(Musical procession in street. Shouts of 'Vive l'empereur! Vive l'empereur!')

Semiramis and Other Plays Part 52

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