Semiramis and Other Plays Part 7

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Sem. Peace, sir!

Khos. There's but one way for me--escape!

Sem. No more!

Nay--not another word!

Khos. I must escape--

Sem. Not one!

Khos. That word unsaid slays Artavan, Spoken it saves him! Once in Ninus' power I have no hope of life, and with me dies Your brother.

Sem. (Scornfully) Do not fear!

Khos. I fear? By Heaven!

Think you this heart is not a soldier's own Because 'tis captive to a woman's sword?

A woman's sword! O little had thy sword To do with my defeat! Unarmed thou wouldst Have taken me--for 'twas thy beauty struck My weapon to my side! (rapidly and pa.s.sionately) When I bore down Upon your chariot, I could have swept you With one arm from the world! But suddenly A missile struck your helmet and dislodged The glory of your face before my eyes, Your hair ran gold, the s.h.i.+ning East looked black Behind the star you made upon its breast!

I knew thee for a G.o.ddess, and stood still Meek captive to thy wis.h.!.+ O blest am I To learn thou art not greater than myself, But so much less that I may lift thee up!

Fly with me--be my queen--

(Semiramis tries to speak)

Go, call them in!

I'll shout above their heads to reach thine ears!

O, trust to me! In me thy brother lives!

Come, and thy fallen father shall be brave Beneath Armenia's smile! Here thou mayst save His life, but ne'er again will he know honor!

Help me to fly and save three lives in one!

Give me to Ninus--give me up to death, And with a father and a brother lost, Though thou wert wors.h.i.+pped 'mong thy country's G.o.ds Still thou couldst not be happy!

Sem. Sir--

Khos. But come, And they are safe!

Sem. (Bewildered) What do I hear?

Khos. O, come!

Dost know what love is, daughter of Menones?

It is the fire that dead puts out the light On every hearth, living makes all the world One altar feeding incense unto Heaven!

It gives the soul to life, breath to the soul, Pulse to ambition, strength to warrior arms,--

(Struggling with his fetters)

Such strength that they may break all captive bonds To clasp their own!

(Breaks his fetters and attempts to embrace her as she retreats gazing at him as if fascinated. She escapes him, and throws off her bewilderment. He drops to his knees holding out his arms to her)

And love I offer thee!

Sem. Sir, I forgive thee, for thou knowest not To whom you speak!

Khos. Know not!

Sem. I who am now Menones' daughter, ere the night shall be The bride of Ninus, king of all a.s.syria!

(Khosrove rises, bows before her, and stands with silent dignity)

Sem. You--you--were saying--

Khos. Nothing, royal madam.

Have you not friends without?

(Semiramis hesitates, goes to door and calls)

Sem. Sumbat! (To Khosrove) Thou'rt safe!

Khos. (Ironically) a.s.syria's queen should know!

Sem. She does!

(Re-enter Sumbat and officers)

Sum. Unbound!

Sem. Ay, he is free! We only wait the word Of gracious Ninus. Guard him until then, We charge you, Sumbat. Keep you nearest him.

(Exeunt Sumbat and officers with Khosrove)

Sem. My father now! He must have heard the shouts Of victory, yet still he hides himself.

... The king asked not for love. He is a.s.syria.

I would not lessen him by love. Not yet....

'Tis my triumphant arms he weds. The heart Must sleep....

Voice of guard at entrance.

The king approaches!

Sem. Ah!... The king!

His word, and all is done. I'll speak to him Before I see my father. Then I may say 'Thou art forgiven, and Artavan is safe!'

... And Khosrove ... safe.... The royal chariot!...

O, mother, send thy doves--I am once more A babe!

(The king enters alone)

Nin. Art ready for thy king?

Sem. I am-- And yet--a word before I go! Thou know'st That Khosrove is my prisoner--

Nin. Khosrove! He!

We thought him slain!

Semiramis and Other Plays Part 7

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