The Bontoc Igorot Part 42

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Blood, pa.s.sage of In-is-fo cha'-la, or in-tay'-es cha'-la

Boil, a Fu-yu-i'

Burn, a Ma-la-fub-chong'

Childbirth In-sa'-cha

Cholera Pish-ti'

Circ.u.mcision Sig-i-at'

Cold, a Mo-tug'

Consumption O'-kat

Corpse A'-wak

Cut, a Na-fa'-kag

Deafness Tu'-wing

Diarrhea O-gi'-ak

Dumbness Gna-nak

Eyes, crossed Li'-i

Eyes, sore In-o'-ki

Feet, cracked from wading in rice paddies Fung-as'

Fever Im-po'-os nan a'-wak

Goiter Fin-to'-kel or fi-kek'

Headache Sa-kit' si o'-lo or pa-tug' si o'-lo

Health Ka-wis' nan a'-wak

Itch or mange Ku'-lid

Itch, first stage of small sores Ka'-ti

Pain In-sa-ki'

Pitted-face Ga-la'-ga

Rheumatism Fig-fig

Scar Sap-luk

Sickness Nay-yu' nan a'-wak

Smallpox Ful-tang'

Swelling Nay-am-an' or kin-may-yon'

Syphilis Na-na

Toe, inturning Fa'-wing

Toothache Pa-tug' nan fob-a'

Ulcers and sores, disease of Lang-ing'-i

Varicose vein O'-pat

Consanguineal and Social Relations.h.i.+ps

Aunt A-ki-na

Babe, boy Kil-lang'

Babe, girl Gna-an'

Brother U'-na

Child Ong-ong'-a

Consanguineal group or family Sim-pang' a-nak', Sim-pang' a-po', Sim-pang' a'-fong

Father A'-ma

Man La-la'-ki

Man, old Am-a'-ma

Man, poor Pu'-chi

Man, rich Ka-chan-a-yan'

Mother I'-na

The Bontoc Igorot Part 42

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The Bontoc Igorot Part 42 summary

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