English Synonyms and Antonyms Part 41
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apology, guard, rampart, shelter, bulwark, justification, resistance, s.h.i.+eld, fortress, protection, safeguard, vindication.
The weak may speak or act in _defense_ of the strong; none but the powerful can a.s.sure others of _protection_. A _defense_ is ordinarily against actual attack; _protection_ is against possible as well as actual dangers. We speak of _defense_ against an a.s.sault, _protection_ from the cold. _Vindication_ is a triumphant _defense_ of character and conduct against charges of error or wrong. Compare APOLOGY.
abandonment, betrayal, capitulation, desertion, flight, surrender.
Defense _against_ a.s.sault or a.s.sailants; in law, defense _to_ an action, _from_ the testimony.
befoul, corrupt, pollute, spoil, sully, tarnish, contaminate, infect, soil, stain, taint, vitiate.
The hand may be _defiled_ by a touch of pitch; swine that have been wallowing in the mud are _befouled_. _Contaminate_ and _infect_ refer to something evil that deeply pervades and permeates, as the human body or mind. _Pollute_ is used chiefly of liquids; as, water _polluted_ with sewage. _Tainted_ meat is repulsive; _infected_ meat contains germs of disease. A _soiled_ garment may be cleansed by was.h.i.+ng; a _spoiled_ garment is beyond cleansing or repair. Bright metal is _tarnished_ by exposure; a fair sheet is _sullied_ by a dirty hand. In figurative use, _defile_ may be used merely in the ceremonial sense; "they themselves went not into the judgment hall, lest they should be _defiled_," _John_ xviii, 28; _contaminate_ refers to deep spiritual injury. _Pollute_ has also a reference to sacrilege; as, to _pollute_ a sanctuary, an altar, or an ordinance. The innocent are often _contaminated_ by a.s.sociation with the wicked; the vicious are more and more _corrupted_ by their own excesses. We speak of a _vitiated_ taste or style; fraud _vitiates_ a t.i.tle or a contract.
clean, cleanse, disinfect, hallow, purify, sanctify, wash.
The temple was defiled _with_ blood; defiled _by_ sacrilegious deeds.
comment, description, exposition, rendering, commentary, explanation, interpretation, translation.
A _definition_ is exact, an _explanation_ general; a _definition_ is formal, a _description_ pictorial. A _definition_ must include all that belongs to the object defined, and exclude all that does not; a _description_ may include only some general features; an _explanation_ may simply throw light upon some point of special difficulty. An _exposition_ undertakes to state more fully what is compactly given or only implied in the text; as, an _exposition_ of Scripture.
_Interpretation_ is ordinarily from one language into another, or from the language of one period into that of another; it may also be a statement giving the doubtful or hidden meaning of that which is recondite or perplexing; as, the _interpretation_ of a dream, a riddle, or of some difficult pa.s.sage. _Definition_, _explanation_, _exposition_, and _interpretation_ are ordinarily blended in a _commentary_, which may also include _description_. A _comment_ is upon a single pa.s.sage; a _commentary_ may be the same, but is usually understood to be a volume of _comments_.
deputy, legate, proxy, representative, subst.i.tute.
These words agree in designating one who acts in the place of some other or others. The _legate_ is an ecclesiastical officer representing the Pope. In strict usage the _deputy_ or _delegate_ is more limited in functions and more closely bound by instructions than a _representative_. A single officer may have a _deputy_; many persons combine to choose a _delegate_ or _representative_. In the United States informal a.s.semblies send _delegates_ to nominating conventions with no legislative authority; _representatives_ are legally elected to Congress and the various legislatures, with lawmaking power.
confer, consult, meditate, reflect, consider, debate, ponder, weigh.
An individual _considers_, _meditates_, _ponders_, _reflects_, by himself; he _weighs_ a matter in his own mind, and is sometimes said even to _debate_ with himself. _Consult_ and _confer_ always imply two or more persons, as does _debate_, unless expressly limited as above.
_Confer_ suggests the interchange of counsel, advice, or information; _consult_ indicates almost exclusively the receiving of it. A man _confers_ with his a.s.sociates about a new investment; he _consults_ his physician about his health; he may _confer_ with him on matters of general interest. He _consults_ a dictionary, but does not _confer_ with it. _Deliberate_, which can be applied to a single individual, is also the word for a great number, while _consult_ is ordinarily limited to a few; a committee _consults_; an a.s.sembly _deliberates_. _Deliberating_ always carries the idea of slowness; _consulting_ is compatible with haste; we can speak of a hasty consultation, not of a hasty deliberation. _Debate_ implies opposing views; _deliberate_, simply a gathering and balancing of all facts and reasons. We _consider_ or _deliberate_ with a view to action, while _meditation_ may be quite purposeless.
We deliberate _on_ or _upon_, also _about_ or _concerning_ a matter: the first two are preferable.
dainty, delightful, exquisite, luscious, savory.
That is _delicious_ which affords a gratification at once vivid and delicate to the senses, especially to those of taste and smell; as, _delicious_ fruit; a _delicious_ odor; _luscious_ has a kindred but more fulsome meaning, inclining toward a cloying excess of sweetness or richness. _Savory_ is applied chiefly to cooked food made palatable by spices and condiments. _Delightful_ may be applied to the higher gratifications of sense, as _delightful_ music, but is chiefly used for that which is mental and spiritual. _Delicious_ has a limited use in this way; as, a _delicious_ bit of poetry; the word is sometimes used ironically for some pleasing absurdity; as, this is _delicious_! Compare DELIGHTFUL.
acrid, loathsome, nauseous, repulsive, unpalatable, unsavory.
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