English Synonyms and Antonyms Part 86
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antic.i.p.ate, forestall, obviate, preclude.
The original sense of _prevent_, to come before, act in advance of, which is now practically obsolete, was still in good use when the authorized version of the Bible was made, as appears in such pa.s.sages as, "When Peter was come into the house, Jesus _prevented_ him" (_i.
e._, addressed him first), _Matt._ xvii, 25; "Thou _preventest_ him with the blessings of goodness" (_i. e._, by sending the blessings before the desire is formulated or expressed), _Ps._ xxi, 3. _Antic.i.p.ate_ is now the only single word usable in this sense; to _forestall_ is to take or act in advance in one's own behalf and to the prejudice of another or others, as in the phrase "to _forestall_ the market." But to _antic.i.p.ate_ is very frequently used in the favorable sense; as, his thoughtful kindness _antic.i.p.ated_ my wish (_i. e._, met the wish before it was expressed): or we say, "I was about to accost him when he _antic.i.p.ated_ me" (by speaking first); or one _antic.i.p.ates_ a payment (by making it before the time); in neither of these cases could we use _forestall_ or _prevent_. To _obviate_ (literally, to stop the way of or remove from the way), is to _prevent_ by interception, so that something that would naturally withstand or disturb may be kept from doing so; to _preclude_, (literally, to close or shut in advance) is to _prevent_ by antic.i.p.ation or by logical necessity; walls and bars _precluded_ the possibility of escape; a supposition is _precluded_; a necessity or difficulty is _obviated_. _Prevent_, which at first had only the antic.i.p.atory meaning, has come to apply to the stopping of an action at any stage, the completion or conclusion only being thought of as negatived by antic.i.p.ation; the enemy pa.s.sed the outworks and were barely _prevented_ from capturing the fortress. Compare HINDER; PROHIBIT.
He was prevented by illness _from_ joining the expedition.
antecedent, foregoing, front, preceding, anterior, former, introductory, preliminary, earlier, forward, precedent, prior.
_Antecedent_ may denote simple priority in time, implying no direct connection between that which goes before and that which follows; as, the striking of one clock may be always _antecedent_ to the striking of another with no causal connection between them. _Antecedent_ and _previous_ may refer to that which goes or happens at any distance in advance, _preceding_ is limited to that which is immediately or next before; an _antecedent_ event may have happened at any time before; the _preceding_ transaction is the one completed just before the one with which it is compared; a _previous_ statement or chapter may be in any part of the book that has gone before; the _preceding_ statement or chapter comes next before without an interval. _Previous_ often signifies first by right; as, a _previous_ engagement. _Foregoing_ is used only of that which is spoken or written; as, the _foregoing_ statements. _Anterior_, while it can be used of time, is coming to be employed chiefly with reference to place; as the _anterior_ lobes of the brain. _Prior_ bears exclusive reference to time, and commonly where that which is first in time is first also in right; as, a _prior_ demand. _Former_ is used of time, or of position in written or printed matter, not of s.p.a.ce in general. We can say _former_ times, a _former_ chapter, etc., but not the _former_ part of a garden; we should say the _front_ part of the garden, the _forward_ car of a train. _Former_ has a close relation, or sharp contrast, with something following; the _former_ always implies the latter, even when not fully expressed, as in _Acts_ i, 1, and _Eccles._ vii, 10.
after, consequent, hind, hindmost, latter, subsequent, concluding, following, hinder, later, posterior, succeeding.
Such was the state of things previous _to_ the revolution. [_Previous to_ is often used adverbially, in constructions where _previously to_ would be more strictly correct; as, these arrangements were made _previous to_ my departure.]
charge, cost, expenditure, expense, outlay, value, worth.
The _cost_ of a thing is all that has been expended upon it, whether in discovery, production, refinement, decoration, transportation, or otherwise, to bring it to its present condition in the hands of its present possessor; the _price_ of a thing is what the seller asks for it. In regular business, as a rule, the seller's _price_ on his wares must be more than their _cost_ to him; when goods are sold, the _price_ the buyer has paid becomes their _cost_ to himself. In exceptional cases, when goods are sold at _cost_, the seller's _price_ is made the same as the _cost_ of the goods to him, the _cost_ to the seller and the _cost_ to the buyer becoming then identical. _Price_ always implies that an article is for sale; what a man will not sell he declines to put a _price_ on; hence the significance of the taunting proverb that "every man has his _price_." _Value_ is the estimated equivalent for an article, whether the article is for sale or not; the market _value_ is what it would bring if exposed for sale in the open market; the intrinsic _value_ is the inherent utility of the article considered by itself alone; the market _value_ of an old and rare volume may be very great, while its intrinsic _value_ may be practically nothing. _Value_ has always more reference to others' estimation (literally, what the thing will avail with others) than _worth_, which regards the thing in and by itself; thus, intrinsic _value_ is a weaker expression than intrinsic _worth_. _Charge_ has especial reference to services, _expense_ to minor outlays; as, the _charges_ of a lawyer or physician; traveling _expenses_; household _expenses_.
arrogance, ostentation, self-exaltation, a.s.sumption, presumption, self-respect, conceit, reserve, superciliousness, disdain, self-complacency, vainglory, haughtiness, self-conceit, vanity.
insolence, self-esteem,
_Haughtiness_ thinks highly of itself and poorly of others. _Arrogance_ claims much for itself and concedes little to others. _Pride_ is an absorbing sense of one's own greatness; _haughtiness_ feels one's own superiority to others; _disdain_ sees contemptuously the inferiority of others to oneself. _Presumption_ claims place or privilege above one's right; _pride_ deems nothing too high. _Insolence_ is open and rude expression of contempt and hostility, generally from an inferior to a superior, as from a servant to a master or mistress. In the presence of superiors overweening _pride_ manifests itself in _presumption_ or _insolence_; in the presence of inferiors, or those supposed to be inferior, _pride_ manifests itself by _arrogance_, _disdain_, _haughtiness_, _superciliousness_, or in either case often by cold _reserve_. (See RESERVE under MODESTY.) _Pride_ is too self-satisfied to care for praise; _vanity_ intensely craves admiration and applause.
_Superciliousness_, as if by the uplifted eyebrow, as its etymology suggests (L. _supercilium_, eyebrow, from _super_, over and _cilium_, eyelid), silently manifests mingled _haughtiness_ and _disdain_.
_a.s.sumption_ quietly takes for granted superiority and privilege which others would be slow to concede. _Conceit_ and _vanity_ are a.s.sociated with weakness, _pride_ with strength. _Conceit_ may be founded upon nothing; _pride_ is founded upon something that one is, or has, or has done; _vanity_, too, is commonly founded on something real, tho far slighter than would afford foundation for _pride_. _Vanity_ is eager for admiration and praise, is elated if they are rendered, and pained if they are withheld, and seeks them; _pride_ could never solicit admiration or praise. _Conceit_ is somewhat stronger than _self-conceit_. _Self-conceit_ is ridiculous; _conceit_ is offensive.
_Self-respect_ is a thoroughly worthy feeling; _self-esteem_ is a more generous estimate of one's own character and abilities than the rest of the world are ready to allow. _Vainglory_ is more pompous and boastful than _vanity_. Compare EGOTISM; OSTENTATION.
humility, meekness, modesty, self-abas.e.m.e.nt, self-distrust.
aboriginal, indigenous, patriarchal, primitive, ancient, native, primal, primordial, autochthonic, old, primary, pristine, immemorial, original, prime, uncreated.
_Aboriginal_ (L. _ab_, from, _origo_, origin) signifies pertaining to the _aborigines_ or earliest known inhabitants of a country in the widest sense, including not merely human beings but inferior animals and plants as well. _Autochthonic_ (Gr. _autos_, self, and _chth[=o]n_, earth) signifies sprung from the earth, especially from the soil of one's native land. _Primeval_ (L. _primum_, first, and _aevum_, age), signifies strictly belonging to the first ages, earliest in time, but often only the earliest of which man knows or conceives, _immemorial_.
_Aboriginal_, _autochthonic_, and _primeval_ combine the meanings of _ancient_ and _original_; _aboriginal_ inhabitants, _autochthonic_ races, _primeval_ forests. _Prime_ and _primary_ may signify either first in time, or more frequently first in importance; _primary_ has also the sense of elementary or preparatory; we speak of a _prime_ minister, a _primary_ school. _Primal_ is chiefly poetic, in the sense of _prime_; as, the _primal_ curse. _Primordial_ is first in an order of succession or development; as, a _primordial_ leaf. _Primitive_ frequently signifies having the original characteristics of that which it represents, as well as standing first in time; as, the _primitive_ church. _Primitive_ also very frequently signifies having the original or early characteristics without remoteness in time. _Primeval_ simplicity is the simplicity of the earliest ages; _primitive_ simplicity may be found in retired villages now. _Pristine_ is an elegant word, used almost exclusively in a good sense of that which is _original_ and perhaps _ancient_; as, _pristine_ purity, innocence, vigor. That which is both an _original_ and natural product of a soil or country is said to be _indigenous_; that which is actually produced there is said to be _native_, though it may be of foreign extraction; humming-birds are _indigenous_ to America; canaries may be _native_, but are not _indigenous_. _Immemorial_ refers solely to time, independently of quality, denoting, in legal phrase, "that whereof the memory of man runneth not to the contrary;" as, an _immemorial_ custom; an _immemorial_ abuse. Compare OLD.
advent.i.tious, foreign, late, new, recent.
exotic, fresh, modern, novel,
Compare synonyms for NEW.
advantage, expediency, proceeds, service, avail, gain, receipts, usefulness, benefit, good, return, utility, emolument, improvement, returns, value.
The _returns_ or _receipts_ include all that is received from an outlay or investment; the _profit_ is the excess (if any) of the _receipts_ over the outlay; hence, in government, morals, etc., the _profit_ is what is really good, helpful, useful, valuable. _Utility_ is chiefly used in the sense of some immediate or personal and generally some material _good_. _Advantage_ is that which gives one a vantage-ground, either for coping with compet.i.tors or with difficulties, needs, or demands; as to have the _advantage_ of a good education; it is frequently used of what one has beyond another or secures at the expense of another; as, to have the _advantage_ of another in an argument, or to take _advantage_ of another in a bargain. _Gain_ is what one secures beyond what he previously possessed. _Benefit_ is anything that does one good. _Emolument_ is _profit_, _return_, or _value_ accruing through official position. _Expediency_ has respect to _profit_ or _advantage_, real or supposed, considered apart from or perhaps in opposition to right, in actions having a moral character. Compare UTILITY.
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