Studies on the Legend of the Holy Grail Part 25

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Meyer, Kuno, 209, 233.

Minnedienst, 240-41.

Modred, 122.

Montsalvatch, 66.

Mordrains, 90, 109-10, 120, 173.

Morgan la Fay, 122.

Morvan lez Breiz, 148, 158, 162.

Moys or Moses, 88-90, 106, 109, 112, 116.

Mythic conceptions in the romances, 205.

Nasciens, 76, 83, 85, 120.

Nash, 102.

Nibelungenlied, 230, 234, 248.

Nicodemus, 71.

Noisi, 137, 233.

O'Daly, 159-61, 163.

Odin, 100-01.

O'Donovan, 185, 209, 213.

Oengus of the Brug, 191-92, and swanmaid, 196.

O'Flanagan, 233.

Ogma, 188.

Oisin, 195, 200, and Gwion, 210, 232.

O'Kearney, 201.

Orgueilleuse, Celtic character of, 124 and 232, ill.u.s.trates mediaeval morality, 240-41, 263.

Osiris, 101.

Pagan essence of Grail etc. in the Christianised romances, 238.

Partinal, 81, 88, 142-43.

Parzival, 101, 252-53.

See Perceval and Wolfram.

Paulin-Paris, 5, explanation of word Grail, 103, 111, 116-17, 119.

Pearson on the Veronica legend, 222, and St. Brandan, 265.

Peleur, 83.

Pelleans or Pellehem, 83-86, 90.

Pelles, 83-86, 90.

Perceval, Perceval-Quest, type hero of Quest, 66-67, 72, 78, relation to the Grail-keeper, 80-86, 88-89, 91-92, oldest hero of Quest, 93, 94, 98, 101, 102-04, according to Birch-Hirschfeld, 110-119, 125, in Didot-Perceval and Conte du Graal, 127-31, in Mabinogi and Conte du Graal, 131-45, relation to (bespelled) cousin, 139-42, relation of existing versions to earliest form, 146, in the Thornton MS. romance, 147-51, hero of Expulsion and Return Formula, 153-56, parallel with Highland folk-tales, 157-58, relation to Twin Brethren folk-tale and dualism in, 162-64, 169, versions of Quest, 171-76, visit to the Maidens' Castle, 178-79, 180, 181, significance of Didot-Perceval form, 182, 187, and sword, 189, Castle of Maidens, 191, 195, 199, parallel with Diarmaid, 202, possible hero of Haunted Castle form, 204-05, relation to Fisher, 207, his silence, 211-14, 226, superiority to Galahad Quest, 236, 237-38, 240-41, 245, 247, 254, 256, 261-62.

See also Parzival and Peredur.

Perceval's aunt, 79.

Perceval's sister, 83-84, 163.

Perceval's uncle, 78.

Perceval le Gallois, numbered G 3, authors.h.i.+p, 6, 65-66, 69, 104, 121, 126, 246.

Peredur (hero of Mabinogi = Perceval), Peredur-saga, 106, mother of, 115, 132-36, parallel to Tom of the Goat-skin, 134, the sword test, 138, hero of the stag hunt, 139-42, 143, original form of saga, 144-45, 153-54, 157, 162, 163, 164, 168-69, and Fionn, 187 and 203, 220, fish absent from, 224, genesis and growth of, 225-227, 228, Blanchefleur incident in, 241.

See Perceval.

Peronnik l'idiot, 125, 158.

Perseus, 256.

Petrus, 77, 82, 88-90, 106, 109, 112, connection with Geoffrey conversion legend, 219.

Pfaffe Amis, 265.

Pilate, 65, 70.

Potter Thompson and Arthur, 198, 262.

Potvin, 1, 2, 6, his views, 104, 174, 177.

Prester John, 100.

Procopius, 191.

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