Steam, Its Generation and Use Part 40
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The amount of steam that must be generated is determined from the steam consumption of the prime movers. It has already been indicated that such consumption can vary over wide limits with the size and type of the apparatus used, but fortunately all types have been so tested that manufacturers are enabled to state within very close limits the actual consumption under any given set of conditions. It is obvious that conditions of operation will have a bearing on the steam consumption that is as important as the type and size of the apparatus itself. This being the case, any tabular information that can be given on such steam consumption, unless it be extended to an impracticable size, is only of use for the most approximate work and more definite figures on this consumption should in all cases be obtained from the manufacturer of the apparatus to be used for the conditions under which it will operate.
To the steam consumption of the main prime movers, there is to be added that of the auxiliaries. Again it is impossible to make a definite statement of what this allowance should be, the figure depending wholly upon the type and the number of such auxiliaries. For approximate work, it is perhaps best to allow 15 or 20 per cent of the steam requirements of the main engines, for that of auxiliaries. Whatever figure is used should be taken high enough to be on the conservative side.
When any such figures are based on the actual weight of steam required, Table 60, which gives the actual evaporation for various pressures and temperatures of feed corresponding to one boiler horse power (34.5 pounds of water per hour from and at 212 degrees), may be of service.
With the steam requirements known, the next step is the determination of the number and size of boiler units to be installed. This is directly affected by the capacity at which a consideration of the economical load indicates is the best for the operating conditions which will exist. The other factors entering into such determination are the size of the plant and the character of the feed water.
The size of the plant has its bearing on the question from the fact that higher efficiencies are in general obtained from large units, that labor cost decreases with the number of units, the first cost of brickwork is lower for large than for small size units, a general decrease in the complication of piping, etc., and in general the cost per horse power of any design of boiler decreases with the size of units. To ill.u.s.trate this, it is only necessary to consider a plant of, say, 10,000 boiler horse power, consisting of 40-250 horse-power units or 17-600 horse-power units.
The feed water available has its bearing on the subject from the other side, for it has already been shown that very large units are not advisable where the feed water is not of the best.
The character of an installment is also a factor. Where, say, 1000 horse power is installed in a plant where it is known what the ultimate capacity is to be, the size of units should be selected with the idea of this ultimate capacity in mind rather than the amount of the first installation.
Boiler service, from its nature, is severe. All boilers have to be cleaned from time to time and certain repairs to settings, etc., are a necessity. This makes it necessary, in determining the number of boilers to be installed, to allow a certain number of units or spares to be operated when any of the regular boilers must be taken off the line.
With the steam requirements determined for a plant of moderate size and a reasonably constant load, it is highly advisable to install at least two spare boilers where a continuity of service is essential. This permits the taking off of one boiler for cleaning or repairs and still allows a spare boiler in the event of some unforeseen occurrence, such as the blowing out of a tube or the like. Investment in such spare apparatus is nothing more nor less than insurance on the necessary continuity of service. In small plants of, say, 500 or 600 horse power, two spares are not usually warranted in view of the cost of such insurance. A large plant is ordinarily laid out in a number of sections or panels and each section should have its spare boiler or boilers even though the sections are cross connected. In central station work, where the peaks are carried on the boilers brought up from the bank, such spares are, of course, in addition to these banked boilers. From the aspect of cleaning boilers alone, the number of spare boilers is determined by the nature of any scale that may be formed. If scale is formed so rapidly that the boilers cannot be kept clean enough for good operating results, by cleaning in rotation, one at a time, the number of spares to take care of such proper cleaning will naturally increase.
In view of the above, it is evident that only a suggestion can be made as to the number and size of units, as no recommendation will hold for all cases. In general, it will be found best to install units of the largest possible size compatible with the size of the plant and operating conditions, with the total power requirements divided among such a number of units as will give proper flexibility of load, with such additional units for spares as conditions of cleaning and insurance against interruption of service warrant.
In closing the subject of the selection of boilers, it may not be out of place to refer to the effect of the builder's guarantee upon the determination of design to be used. Here in one of its most important aspects appears the responsibility of the manufacturer. Emphasis has been laid on the difference between test results and those secured in ordinary operating practice. That such a difference exists is well known and it is now pretty generally realized that it is the responsible manufacturer who, where guarantees are necessary, submits the conservative figures, figures which may readily be exceeded under test conditions and which may be closely approached under the ordinary plant conditions that will be met in daily operation.
The general subject of boiler room practice may be considered from two aspects. The first is that of the broad plant economy, with a suggestion as to the methods to be followed in securing the best economical results with the apparatus at hand and procurable. The second deals rather with specific recommendations which should be followed in plant practice, recommendations leading not only to economy but also to safety and continuity of service. Such recommendations are dictated from an understanding of the nature of steam generating apparatus and its operation, as covered previously in this book.
It has already been pointed out that the attention given in recent years to steam generating practice has come with a realization of the wide difference existing between the results being obtained in every-day operation and those theoretically possible. The amount of such attention and regulation given to the steam generating end of a power plant, however, is comparatively small in relation to that given to the balance of the plant, but it may be safely stated that it is here that there is the greatest a.s.surance of a return for the attention given.
In the endeavor to increase boiler room efficiency, it is of the utmost importance that a standard basis be set by which average results are to be judged. With the theoretical efficiency obtainable varying so widely, this standard cannot be placed at the highest efficiency that has been obtained regardless of operating conditions. It is better set at the best obtainable results for each individual plant under its conditions of installation and daily operation.
With an individual standard so set, present practice can only be improved by a systematic effort to approach this standard. The degree with which operating results will approximate such a standard will be found to be directly proportional to the amount of intelligent supervision given the operation. For such supervision to be given, it is necessary to have not only a full realization of what the plant can do under the best operating conditions but also a full and complete knowledge of what it is doing under all of the different conditions that may arise. What the plant is doing should be made a matter of continuous record so arranged that the results may be directly compared for any period or set of conditions, and where such results vary from the standard set, steps must be taken immediately to remedy the causes of such failings. Such a record is an important check in the losses in the plant.
As the size of the plant and the fuel consumption increase, such a check of losses and recording of results becomes a necessity. In the larger plants, the saving of but a fraction of one per cent in the fuel bill represents an amount running into thousands of dollars annually, while the expense of the proper supervision to secure such saving is small.
The methods of supervision followed in the large plants are necessarily elaborate and complete. In the smaller plants the same methods may be followed on a more moderate scale with a corresponding saving in fuel and an inappreciable increase in either plant organization or expense.
There has been within the last few years a great increase in the practicability and reliability of the various types of apparatus by which the records of plant operation may be secured. Much of this apparatus is ingenious and, considering the work to be done, is remarkably accurate. From the delicate nature of some of the apparatus, the liability to error necessitates frequent calibration but even where the accuracy is known to be only within limits of, say, 5 per cent either way, the records obtained are of the greatest service in considering relative results. Some of the records desirable and the apparatus for securing them are given below.
[Ill.u.s.tration: 2400 Horse-power Installation of Cross Drum Babc.o.c.k & Wilc.o.x Boilers and Superheaters at the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa.]
Inasmuch as the ultimate measure of the efficiency of the boiler plant is the cost of steam generation, the important records are those of steam generated and fuel consumed Records of temperature, a.n.a.lyses, draft and the like, serve as a check on this consumption, indicating the distribution of the losses and affording a means of remedying conditions where improvement is possible.
Coal Records--There are many devices on the market for conveniently weighing the coal used. These are ordinarily accurate within close limits, and where the size or nature of the plant warrants the investment in such a device, its use is to be recommended. The coal consumption should be recorded by some other method than from the weights of coal purchased. The total weight gives no way of dividing the consumption into periods and it will unquestionably be found to be profitable to put into operation some scheme by which the coal is weighed as it is used. In this way, the coal consumption, during any specific period of the plant's operation, can be readily seen. The simplest of such methods which may be used in small plants is the actual weighing on scales of the fuel as it is brought into the fire room and the recording of such weights.
Aside from the actual weight of the fuel used, it is often advisable to keep other coal records, coal and ash a.n.a.lyses and the like, for the evaporation to be expected will be dependent upon the grade of fuel used and its calorific value, fusibility of its ash, and like factors.
The highest calorific value for unit cost is not necessarily the indication of the best commercial results. The cost of fuel is governed by this calorific value only when such value is modified by local conditions of capacity, labor and commercial efficiency. One of the important factors entering into fuel cost is the consideration of the cost of ash handling and the maintenance of ash handling apparatus if such be installed. The value of a fuel, regardless of its calorific value, is to be based only on the results obtained in every-day plant operation.
Coal and ash a.n.a.lyses used in connection with the amount of fuel consumed, are a direct indication of the relation between the results being secured and the standard of results which has been set for the plant. The methods of such a.n.a.lyses have already been described. The apparatus is simple and the degree of scientific knowledge necessary is only such as may be readily mastered by plant operatives.
The ash content of a fuel, as indicated from a coal a.n.a.lysis checked against ash weights as actually found in plant operation, acts as a check on grate efficiency. The effect of any saving in the ashes, that is, the permissible ash to be allowed in the fuel purchased, is determined by the point at which the cost of handling, combined with the falling off in the evaporation, exceeds the saving of fuel cost through the use of poorer coal.
Water Records--Water records with the coal consumption, form the basis for judging the economic production of steam. The methods of securing such records are of later introduction than for coal, but great advances have been made in the apparatus to be used. Here possibly, to a greater extent than in any recording device, are the records of value in determining relative evaporation, that is, an error is rather allowable provided such an error be reasonably constant.
The apparatus for recording such evaporation is of two general Those measuring water before it is fed to the boiler and those measuring the steam as it leaves. Of the first, the venturi meter is perhaps the best known, though recently there has come into considerable vogue an apparatus utilizing a weir notch for the measuring of such water. Both methods are reasonably accurate and apparatus of this description has an advantage over one measuring steam in that it may be calibrated much more readily. Of the steam measuring devices, the one in most common use is the steam flow meter. Provided the instruments are selected for a proper flow, etc., they are of inestimable value in indicating the steam consumption. Where such instruments are placed on the various engine room lines, they will immediately indicate an excessive consumption for any one of the units. With a steam flow meter placed on each boiler, it is possible to fix relatively the amount produced by each boiler and, considered in connection with some of the "check" records described below, clearly indicate whether its portion of the total steam produced is up to the standard set for the over-all boiler room efficiency.
Flue Gas a.n.a.lysis--The value of a flue gas a.n.a.lysis as a measure of furnace efficiency has already been indicated. There are on the market a number of instruments by which a continuous record of the carbon dioxide in the flue gases may be secured and in general the results so recorded are accurate. The limitations of an a.n.a.lysis showing only CO_{2} and the necessity of completing such an a.n.a.lysis with an Orsat, or like apparatus, and in this way checking the automatic device, have already been pointed out, but where such records are properly checked from time to time and are used in conjunction with a record of flue temperatures, the losses due to excess air or incomplete combustion and the like may be directly compared for any period. Such records act as a means for controlling excess air and also as a check on individual firemen.
Where the size of a plant will not warrant the purchase of an expensive continuous CO_{2} recorder, it is advisable to make a.n.a.lyses of samples for various conditions of firing and to install an apparatus whereby a sample of flue gas covering a period of, say, eight hours, may be obtained and such a sample afterwards a.n.a.lyzed.
Temperature Records--Flue gas temperatures, feed water temperatures and steam temperatures are all taken with recording thermometers, any number of which will, when properly calibrated, give accurate results.
A record of flue temperatures is serviceable in checking stack losses and, in general, the cleanliness of the boiler. A record of steam temperatures, where superheaters are used, will indicate excessive fluctuations and lead to an investigation of their cause. Feed temperatures are valuable in showing that the full benefit of the exhaust steam is being derived.
Draft Regulation--As the capacity of a boiler varies with the combustion rate and this rate with the draft, an automatic apparatus satisfactorily varying this draft with the capacity demands on the boiler will obviously be advantageous.
As has been pointed out, any fuel has some rate of combustion at which the best results will be obtained. In a properly designed plant where the load is reasonably steady, the draft necessary to secure such a rate may be regulated automatically.
Automatic apparatus for the regulation of draft has recently reached a stage of perfection which in the larger plants at any rate makes its installation advisable. The installation of a draft gauge or gauges is strongly to be recommended and a record of such drafts should be kept as being a check on the combustion rates.
An important feature to be considered in the installing of all recording apparatus is its location. Thermometers, draft gauges and flue gas sampling pipes should be so located as to give as nearly as possible an average of the conditions, the gases flowing freely over the ends of the thermometers, couples and sampling pipes. With the location permanent, there is no security that the samples may be considered an average but in any event comparative results will be secured which will be useful in plant operation. The best permanent location of apparatus will vary considerably with the design of the boiler.
It may not be out of place to refer briefly to some of the shortcomings found in boiler room practice, with a suggestion as to a means of overcoming them.
1st. It is sometimes found that the operating force is not fully acquainted with the boilers and apparatus. Probably the most general of such shortcomings is the fixed idea in the heads of the operatives that boilers run above their rated capacity are operating under a state of strain and that by operating at less than their rated capacity the most economical service is a.s.sured, whereas, by determining what a boiler will do, it may be found that the most economical rating under the conditions of the plant will be considerably in excess of the builder's rating. Such ideas can be dislodged only by demonstrating to the operatives what maximum load the boilers can carry, showing how the economy will vary with the load and the determining of the economical load for the individual plant in question.
2nd. Stokers. With stoker-fired boilers, it is essential that the operators know the limitations of their stokers as determined by their individual installation. A thorough understanding of the requirements of efficient handling must be insisted upon. The operatives must realize that smokeless stacks are not necessarily the indication of good combustion for, as has been pointed out, absolute smokelessness is oftentimes secured at an enormous loss in efficiency through excess air.
Another feature in stoker-fired plants is in the cleaning of fires. It must be impressed upon the operatives that before the fires are cleaned they should be put into condition for such cleaning. If this cleaning is done at a definite time, regardless of whether the fires are in the best condition for cleaning, there will be a great loss of good fuel with the ashes.
3rd. It is necessary that in each individual plant there be a basis on which to judge the cleanliness of a boiler. From the operative's standpoint, it is probably more necessary that there be a thorough understanding of the relation between scale and tube difficulties than between scale and efficiency. It is, of course, impossible to keep boilers absolutely free from scale at all times, but experience in each individual plant determines the limit to which scale can be allowed to form before tube difficulties will begin or a perceptible falling off in efficiency will take place. With such a limit of scale formation fixed, the operatives should be impressed with the danger of allowing it to be exceeded.
4th. The operatives should be instructed as to the losses resulting from excess air due to leaks in the setting and as to losses in efficiency and capacity due to the by-pa.s.sing of gases through the setting, that is, not following the path of the baffles as originally installed. In replacing tubes and in cleaning the heating surfaces, care must be taken not to dislodge baffle brick or tile.
[Ill.u.s.tration: 2000 Horse-power Installation of Babc.o.c.k & Wilc.o.x Boilers, Equipped with Babc.o.c.k & Wilc.o.x Chain Grate Stokers at the Sunnyside Plant of the Pennsylvania Tunnel and Terminal Railroad Co., Long Island City, N. Y.]
5th. That an increase in the temperature of the feed reduces the amount of work demanded from the boiler has been shown. The necessity of keeping the feed temperature as high as the quant.i.ty of exhaust steam will allow should be thoroughly understood. As an example of this, there was a case brought to our attention where a large amount of exhaust steam was wasted simply because the feed pump showed a tendency to leak if the temperature of feed water was increased above 140 degrees. The amount wasted was sufficient to increase the temperature to 180 degrees but was not utilized simply because of the slight expense necessary to overhaul the feed pump.
The highest return will be obtained when the speed of the feed pumps is maintained reasonably constant for should the pumps run very slowly at times, there may be a loss of the steam from other auxiliaries by blowing off from the heaters.
6th. With a view to checking steam losses through the useless blowing of safety valves, the operative should be made to realize the great amount of steam that it is possible to get through a pipe of a given size.
Oftentimes the fireman feels a sense of security from objections to a drop in steam simply because of the blowing of safety valves, not considering the losses due to such a cause and makes no effort to check this flow either by manipulation of dampers or regulation of fires.
The few of the numerous shortcomings outlined above, which may be found in many plants, are almost entirely due to lack of knowledge on the part of the operating crew as to the conditions existing in their own plants and the better performances being secured in others. Such shortcomings can be overcome only by the education of the operatives, the showing of the defects of present methods, and instruction in better methods. Where such instruction is necessary, the value of records is obvious. There is fortunately a tendency toward the employment of a better cla.s.s of labor in the boiler room, a tendency which is becoming more and more marked as the realization of the possible saving in this end of the plant increases.
The second aspect of boiler room management, dealing with specific recommendations as to the care and operation of the boilers, is dictated largely by the nature of the apparatus. Some of the features to be watched in considering this aspect follow.
Steam, Its Generation and Use Part 40
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