With Wolseley to Kumasi Part 25
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"First, let us see to the wounded," he said, as they lay breathing heavily in the forest. "Then we will follow hard upon the tracks of the enemy, in the hope of joining our comrades. Now, who is badly hit?"
There was no response from the tars, though he looked at each one in turn.
"Then who is. .h.i.t at all?" he asked.
"One here, sir," was the reply from one of the l.u.s.ty fellows. "One of those rascals struck me in the leg with his knife. He's back there, sir, for it hurt and I give 'im what for right away. It's a bit of a scratch and the surgeon will fix it up when we get back. Plenty of time, sir."
"And I've a slug somewheres about me shoulder," sang out another; three more acknowledging the same sort of wound, and all making light of it.
"Then we are lucky, my lads," said d.i.c.k, gaily. "A slug is nothing. I have one somewhere about my ribs, and it gave me quite a nasty knock.
But I am sure it has not penetrated. Then no one needs to be carried, and none are bleeding to death. Good! We will advance. Now, we will go by one of these paths, and we will keep a careful watch in front and rear as well as to either side. Jack, take the advance, please. I will go to the right, for I am more used to the forests. Keep a bright look-out, as these fellows are fond of an ambush."
Once more they sprang to their feet and went into the forest, but on this occasion they were able to follow a native path. Still, their progress was slow, for the men who scrambled through the underwood, seeking for the enemy, could, naturally, not get along as rapidly as those in the open. At length, however, the party emerged from the forest, and came upon the breast-high bush which the Houssas and West Indians were attacking, and from the sounds proceeding from it made sure that the enemy were then rapidly retreating.
"Then we will help them," said d.i.c.k. "Can you men run a little farther?"
There was an emphatic nod from all as he asked the question.
"Then we will make for the edge higher up and see what we can do.
A few minutes later the firing taking place on their left warned them that they were now level with the lurking enemy, and at once they came to a halt.
"Take post in the trees on this side," came the order. "Then you will be able to see down into the bush and clear it. Smartly, lads, for there will be people watching us."
He could not have set the sailors a more enjoyable task. They slung their rifles, and at once set to work to swarm into the trees which grew so plentifully close at hand. Then one gave a l.u.s.ty shout.
"There they are, sir," he cried, "and I can see our own troops."
"Then take care that they don't see you, or you may be shot by mistake.
Now, make every bullet tell."
Perched in their trees the party could look down upon the bush, for it happened that they had halted at a spot which was elevated well above the surrounding country. To this the height to which they had climbed gave them added advantage, so much so that they could distinguish the figures of the enemy crawling and running amidst the creepers and bracken. Every now and again the Ashantis would halt and fire, running on at once, bent double, and busily engaged in putting another charge in their guns. And all the while the Houssas and West Indians, who were advancing into the bush, exposing themselves to this fire, could not see a single enemy, and were suffering severely in consequence. However, d.i.c.k and his bluejackets soon made a difference to their comfort. Their rifle shots broke the silence in that spot, and brought an answering shower of slugs from the enemy. Then, so telling was their fire, that the Ashantis broke and fled to the forest.
"Bravo! Well done! Well done, indeed, bluejackets! Who is your officer, please?"
An officer of some importance, who had been advancing with a small escort along the side of the bush, suddenly rode up, mounted on a mule, and halted beneath the trees occupied by the sailors. d.i.c.k glanced down and recognised him as one of Sir Garnet's staff, an officer of great distinction. He scrambled to the ground, rifle in hand, and advancing took off his cap.
"d.i.c.k Stapleton, sir," he said. "Sir Garnet put me in command of a small party, with orders to operate as well as I was able on the right flank. We heard the firing and answered."
"Mr Stapleton. Yes; I know all about you," was the reply, as the officer returned the salute. "I congratulate you on the fruits of your discovery. You have given us an excellent chance of punis.h.i.+ng the enemy. Whose idea was it to take to the trees?"
"Mine, sir," admitted d.i.c.k. "I am in command."
"Exactly so, my lad, and it was a smart movement. It is not every commander who would have thought of it. May I ask if you have been operating in the clearing on our right? I have just pa.s.sed through it."
d.i.c.k again admitted the fact, and described in a few words what had happened.
"Not all quite so simple as you imagine, or as you have stated," was the hearty answer. "You give all the credit to your men. Quite right, sir.
Every good officer who has good men to command does that. It is only right and fair. Allow me to say that something is also due to the one in command, upon whom all the responsibility of every movement depends.
Do you know the result of that little action? No. Then I will tell you. The enemy were practising a favourite manoeuvre: they were attempting to close in on our flanks. On the left the sailors and marines put a stop to the movement, while here on the right they would have succeeded had it not been for you. Gallantly done, men; a very fine piece of work. You accounted for thirty-seven of the enemy, and beat back their flank attack. I shall take good care to mention the matter at headquarters. Now we will advance along this flank, and see if we cannot induce some of the enemy to halt and give us a fight."
d.i.c.k and his men were delighted and glowing with pride. They had worked hard, and fought hard, too, all knew that. But, though they were aware that the force opposed to them was a large one, they did not imagine that _such_ an important movement had been in progress, and that they had been the means of putting a summary stop to it. It was therefore with light hearts and spirits raised to the highest point that they continued the advance. Then as the troops swept the enemy before them, and turned along the beach, where they encountered another of the hostile villages and burned it, d.i.c.k and his party received an order to halt, and the same officer addressed them.
"We shall be moving well away from the river now," he said, "and it will hardly be safe for you to advance with us. Return to your launch now, for otherwise you might have to fight every inch of the way."
Turning about the party retraced their steps past the bush and into the forest. Then they entered the clearing, and came upon the results of their impetuous charge. It was not pleasant work to look upon, and they hurried away, and very soon were at the river. A loud halloo brought the launch in close to the bank and all embarked, those who had been left aboard muttering deeply and bitterly against the cruel fate which had caused them to miss such an opportunity and such distinction.
Meanwhile our troops had advanced still farther parallel to the beach, and had fired two other villages. They came upon numerous signs that the Ashantis had been there in force, and in one spot sure evidence of the ferocity of these people. For they discovered the body of an unhappy Fanti captive, suspended feet in air, and with the head slashed from the trunk. It was a horrible sight, and caused many of the Ashantis to lose their lives, for our men were roused to fury, and the musketry fire was so searching, and the rockets so well directed, that numbers of the enemy fell. Finally, fully satisfied with their day's work against the enemy, the troops returned to their quarters, Sir Garnet steaming back to Cape Coast Castle.
Late that night an officer came to Mr Pepson's in search of d.i.c.k Stapleton. For the report of his conduct had come to headquarters, and he was required to be thanked for his fine services.
"A das.h.i.+ng young fellow, and a valuable officer," said the Chief of the Staff, with enthusiasm. "I am empowered to offer him a commission in the regular service. A gallant fellow, indeed!"
But there was no trace of our hero. Indeed, he and his men had not returned. No sooner had the battle ended, as far as they were concerned, than they steamed down the river and along the coast. When night fell they were lying within the mouth of the river leading to the Pra, and as the sun came up on the following morning he looked down upon the rakish little launch surging up the river at full steam, in search of more information and also of a little more adventure. Nor was it long before one of these came to them, for late on the following morning a shout came echoing down the river, while the eyes of all aboard the launch flew to an object moving swiftly towards them.
"A boat! a native boat!" shouted Jack, who was keenly alert. "And with only one occupant in it. Look how he's paddling!"
"For his life, I should say," chimed in d.i.c.k. "Ah, there goes a gun; and see where the bullet splashed. The man who fired must have been hidden in the forest. I don't think the poor beggar stands a chance, unless he steers right across to the far side of the river."
"And if he did, sir, he'd be had sure enough," sang out one of the sailors. "I can see a boat creeping along in the shadow. Shall we try a shot, sir?"
For a little while there was no answer. It was difficult to say whether this man--for there was undoubtedly only one in the flying craft--was an enemy or a friend. If he were an Ashanti, then he was certainly the former. But then were those who pursued him friendly natives, living under the nominal protection of the British, therefore opposed to the Ashantis?
"He's in trouble, of that there is no doubt," said d.i.c.k, suddenly, as the native boat, propelled by the frantic strokes of its single occupant and helped by the current, swept down towards them. "And he has some scores of enemies pursuing him. What if he is carrying news to us?
Perhaps he is coming down with important information. Get your rifles ready, and if that other boat pushes out into the river get her range and wait for the word. Ah, he's seen us. Did you see him wave his paddle?"
For a moment the unhappy wretch who was coming down the stream in such desperate haste lifted his paddle and waved it overhead with an eagerness there was no mistaking. Then he plunged it into the water again, and plied it for his life. That he was threatened with death if captured there could be little doubt, for the unseen foes who manned the far bank thrashed the water about him with their slugs, while the silence and peace of the river was disturbed by the loud boom of their muzzle-loaders, and by their excited shouts. In a moment d.i.c.k made up his mind to help the fugitive, whoever he might be, and at a word the sailors lay down and commenced to fire at the bushes from which came the puffs of smoke. Meanwhile Jack Emmett kept the launch steadily in mid-stream, Johnnie supplying her with a small amount of steam, which was sufficient to keep her under way and prevent her being swept back by the current. As for the men who had appeared, lurking in the shadows in their boat, a single shot sufficed to send them back round the bend of the river.
"Perhaps they have had a taste of our rifles before," thought d.i.c.k, as he watched the boat and saw the splash of the shot where it struck the water close beside them. "Anyway, they have retreated fast enough, and I fancy the fire from the sh.o.r.e is dying down. Steady, men! I think we have done enough. Our fusillade has stopped their advance and that fellow in the boat is getting out of their range. Look at him!"
It was indeed a sight to behold, for if the fugitive had shown eagerness before, he now displayed the utmost delight and excitement. He shouted to the launch, and waved his paddle again. Then he turned, and noticing that the slugs which were still fired at him now fell far astern, he laughed, and standing up, shook a defiant fist. Then once more he threw himself on his knees, and dug his paddle into the stream, sending his light craft ahead till the water was churned into froth at her bows. A few minutes later he came level with the launch, when he threw himself down in the bottom of his boat, and lay there exhausted and out of breath with the struggle.
"Pull him aboard and let him lie under the awning," said d.i.c.k. "Make his boat fast, and then we'll push along up the river. Keep well under cover, for we may have some trouble. That's the way, Jack. Keep in the very centre, for it is so wide here that we need have little fear should they fire, while we can reach either bank with our weapons."
Obedient to a nod from his master, Johnnie opened the throttle a little, till the launch attained a good pace. Meanwhile the sailors had rapidly transferred the fugitive from his boat to the deck of the steamer, and had made his craft fast right aft. Only then did d.i.c.k notice that the native was not an Ashanti, while a half-healed wound on one thigh, now bleeding afresh after his exertions, or perhaps because of a second injury, showed that he had little cause to thank those from whom he fled. As for the latter, an occasional shot from the bank told that some were still there, though their slugs were quite harmless at that distance, and, indeed, failed to reach the launch. But even these soon ceased to trouble, particularly when the sailors directed their rifles at the flashes, and sent in a withering volley. Of the other boat nothing was seen, and in all probability she had long since been hidden.
"They must have rounded the bend and then dragged her into the forest,"
said d.i.c.k. "I think we might steam on another mile, and then talk to this fellow. He's not an Ashanti, Jack."
"And he's no friend of theirs, either," sang out Jack, from his post at the tiller. "He looks thin and ill-used, and may very well have been one of the wretched beggars you have told me about who are kept prisoners at k.u.masi, till some uncle or grandmother of King Koffee's dies, when hundreds of captives are sacrificed."
With Wolseley to Kumasi Part 25
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