Terrestrial and Celestial Globes Volume Ii Part 24

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Odyssey. Various editions.

HONDIUS, J. Tractatus de globis coelesti et terrestri eorumque usu.

Amsterdam, 1617.

Tractaet afte Handelinge van gebruijck der Himelscher ende Aertscher Globe. Amsterdam, 1612.

HONTER, J. Rudimentorum cosmographicorum Joan Honteri coronensis, libri III c.u.m tabellis geographicis elegantissimis. Tiguri, 1549.

HOOD, D. The use of both the globes, celestial and terrestrial, most plainly delivered in form of a dialogue. London, 1592.

HORTENSIUS, M. Onderwiis van de hemelsche end aerdsche Globen.

Amsterdam, 1620.

HUES, R. A learned treatise of Globes both coelestiall and terrestriall, with their several uses. Written first in Latin by Mr.

Robert Hues, afterward ill.u.s.trated with notes by Io. Isa. Ponta.n.u.s.

And now lastly made English by J. Chilmead. London, 1639.

Tractatus de globis coelesti et terrestri eorumque usu. Amstelodame, 1617.

Tractatus de Globis et eorum Usu. A treatise descriptive of the Globes constructed by Emery Molyneux, and published in 1592. Ed. by C. R. Markham. (In: Hakluyt Society Publications. London, 1889.)

HULTSCH, F. "Archimedes." (In: Real-enzyklopaedie der Kla.s.sischen alterthums Wissenschaft von Paulys Wissowa. Stuttgart, 1894--.)

uber den Himmelsgloben des Archimedes. (In: Zeitschrift fur Mathematik und Physik. Bd. 22. Leipzig.)

HUMBOLDT, A. Examen Critique. Paris, 1836-1839. 5 vols.

Kritische Untersuchungen. Berlin, 1852.

HUMIUS, J. Spheres de Copernic et de Ptolomee avec l'usage et construction des tables spheriques de Regiomonta.n.u.s. Paris, 1637.

ICONOGRAFIA di uomini sommi nelle science e arti italiane. Napoli, 1854.

IDELER, L. Untersuchungen uber den Ursprung und die Bedeutung den Sternnamen. Berlin, 1809.

Historische Untersuchung uber die astronomischen Beobachtungen der Alten. Berlin, 1806.


IRVING, W. The life of Christopher Columbus. New York, 1892. 3 vols.

ISAAC BEN LATEPH. Liber de figura mundi. n. p., 1280. MS.

ISAIAH. The Book of the Prophet Isaiah.

ISIDORUS. Etymologiae. Ed. W. M. Lindsay. Oxford, 1911. (In: Patrologiae. Migne, J. P. Vols. 81-94. Paris, 1862-1878.)

De natura rerum. Ed. Becker, G. Berolini, 1857.

ISRAEL, A. B. A new treatise on the use of the globes. Saint Louis, 1875.




JAMESON, J. F. Willem Usselinx, Founder of the Dutch and Swedish West India Companies. New York, 1887.

JENNINGS, D. An introduction to the use of the globe and orrery.

London, 1752.

JOMARD, E. F. Les monuments de la geographie ou receuil d'anciennes cartes europeennes et orientales, publiees en facsimile de la grandeur des originaux. Paris, 1854.

JONGE, J. K. J. DE. Opkomst van het Nederlandesch gezag in Oost-Indie, 1595-1610. Gravenhaag, 1862.

JOPPI, V. I pittori e scultori cornici e i loro discendenti. (In: Miscellanea publicata dela R. Deputazione Veneta sopra gli studi di storia patria. Venezia, 1881. 5 vols.)

JOURDAIN. Memoire sur l'observatoire de Maragha. Paris, 1810.

JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. New York. See Bulletin of the American Geographical Society.


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Gottingen, 1796-1800. 4 vols.

KEITH, T. Problemes amusans d'astronomie et de sphere: suivis de leur solutions. Paris, 1825.

KEPLER, J. Astronomia Nova. Prague, 1609.

Joannis Kepleri Opera Omnia. Ed. Frisch. Frankfurt, 1858.

KING, C. W. Antique Gems and Rings.

KOBALT, A. M. Bairisches Gelehrten-Lexikon. Landshut, 1795.

KOHL, J. G. Die beiden altesten General-Karten von Amerika. Ausgefuhrt in den Jahren 1527 und 1529 auf befehl Kaiser Karl V. Im Besitz der grossherzoglichen Bibliothek zu Weimar. Weimar, 1860.

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KORTH, L. Die Kolner Globen des Kaspar Vopelius. (In: Globus.

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KRAFT, G. W. Kurtze Einleitung zur mathematischen und naturlichen Geographie, nebst dem Gebrauch der Erdkugel und Landkarten. St.

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KRAMM, C. De Leven en Werken der Hollandische en Vlaamsche Kunstenaars. Amsterdam, 1857-1861.

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