Terrestrial and Celestial Globes Volume Ii Part 27

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MOLLINGER, J. B. Lehrbuch der wichtigsten Kartenprojectionen mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der sterographischen Bonneschen und Mercator Projection. Zurich, 1882.

MOLLWEIDE, S. Beschreibung der kunstlichen Erd- und Himmelsglobus.

Leipzig, 1830.

MONTUCLA, J. E. Histoire des mathematiques. Paris, 1799-1802.

MORDEN, R. An introduction to astronomy, geography, navigation &c. made easy by the celestial and terrestrial globes. London, 1702.

MORE, E. A supplement to the treatise of the use of globes. London, 1751.

MORIGGIA, R. P. F. La n.o.bilita di Milano. Milano, 1595.

MOXON, J. A tutor to astronomy and geography, or an easie and speedy way to know the use of both the globes, coelestial and terrestrial.

London, 1670.

The English Globe, being a stabil and immobil one, performing what the ordinary globes do, and much more. Invented and described by the Right Honourable and Earl of Castlemaine. London, 1665.

MuLLENHOFF. (In: Deutsche Alterthumskunde. Berlin, 1895. p. 248.) The author refers to Crates' globe as the outcome of a controversy.

MULLER, E. Catalogue de Geographie, Cartographie, Voyages, No. 93.

Amsterdam, 1891.

MULLINGER, J. B. The Schools of Charles the Great. New York, 1911.

MUNSTERUS, S. Globi compositio Jo. Schoneri. Antuerpiae, 1584.

MURPHY, H. C. Inquiry into the authenticity of Verrazano's claims. New York, 1903.

MURR, C. G. v. Diplomatische Geschichte des portuguesischen beruhmten Ritter Martin Behaim aus Originalurkunden. Nurnberg, 1778.

MYRITIUS, J. Opusculum geographic.u.m rarum. Ingolstadii, 1590.



NARRIEN, J. An historical account of the origin and progress of astronomy. London, 1850.

NAVARRETE, M. F. DE. Noticia biografia de Alonso de Santa Cruz.

Madrid, 1835.

Collecion de los Viages. Madrid, 1825.

NEALE, M. Description of a new globe. London, 1751.

NETTIN. Description d'un globe celeste dont les poles peuvent etre transposee. Haarlem, 1757.

NEWTON, W. The use of the globes. London, 1854.

NICERON, J. F. "Delisle." (In: Memoires pour servir a l'histoire des hommes ill.u.s.tres dans la republique des lettres. Paris, 1729.)

NICOLAS, A. Biblioteca Hispana. Roma, 1672.

NIEBUHR, C. Beschreibung von Arabien. Kopenhagen, 1772.

NORDENSKIoLD, A. E. Facsimile Atlas. Stockholm, 1889.

Periplus. Stockholm, 1897.

Om en marklig globkarta fran Borian of s.e.xtonde seklet. Stockholm, 1884. (See also translation by V. A. Elfwing, under the t.i.tle, "A remarkable globe map of the sixteenth century, with facsimile," and published in Journal of the American Geographical Society. New York, 1884.)

NOUVELLE BIOGRAPHIE. Paris, 1852-1870.

NUnEZ, P. Trado da Sphera. Lisbon, 1537.

De arte atque ratione navigandi. Conimbricae, 1573.

OBERHUMMER, E. Zwei handschriftliche Karten des Glarea.n.u.s in der Munchener Universitats Bibliothek. (In: Jahresbericht der Geographischen Gesellschaft zu Munchen. Munchen, 1892.)

Leonardo da Vinci and the art of the renaissance in its relations to geography. (In: Royal Geographical Journal. London, 1909.)

OLCOTT, W. T. Starlore of all ages. New York, 1911.

OLDHAM, Y. H. The English Globe by the Right Honourable the Earl of Castlemaine, made and sold by F. Moxon.

ORTELIUS, A. Theatrum orbis terrarum. Antwerp, 1570.

ORTROY, F. V. Bibliographie de l'oeuvre de Pierre Apian. Besancon, 1902.

L'oeuvre geographique de Mercator. Brussel, 1893.

PALMER, R. (Count Castlemaine). The English Globe, being a stabil and immobil one performing what ordinary globes do and much more. London, 1679.

PANTALEON, H. Prosographia heorem atque ill.u.s.trorum visorum. Basel, 1565.

PAPPUS. Collectionum mathematicae. Tr. into German by C. J. Gerhardt.

Halle, 1871.

Collectionum mathematicae. Ed. by F. Commandino. Urbino, 1588.

PASOLINI, S. Huomini ill.u.s.tri di Ravenna antica ed altri degni professori di lettere ed armi. Bologna, 1703.

Pa.s.sERI, G. B. Atlas Farnesia.n.u.s Marmoreus insigne vetustatis monumentum. (In: Goris Thesarus Gemmarum antiquarum astriferarum.

Firenze, 1750. (Vol. III.)

PESCHEL, O. Geschichte der Erdkunde bis auf C. Ritter und A. v.

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