The Sewerage of Sea Coast Towns Part 8

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Cement mixed with sea water takes longer to harden than if mixed with fresh water, the time varying in proportion to the amount of salinity in the water. Sand and gravel from the beach, even though dry, have their surfaces covered with saline matters, which r.e.t.a.r.d the setting of the cement, even when fresh water is used, as they become mixed with such water, and thus permeate the whole ma.s.s. If sea water and aggregate from the sh.o.r.e are used, care must be taken to see that no decaying seaweed or other organic matter is mixed with it, as every such piece will cause a weak place in the concrete. If loam, clay, or other earthy matters from the cliffs have fallen down on to the beach, the s.h.i.+ngle must be washed before it is used in concrete.

Exposure to damp air, such as is unavoidable on the coast, considerably r.e.t.a.r.ds the setting of cement, so that it is desirable that it should not be further r.e.t.a.r.ded by the addition of gypsum, or calcium sulphate, especially if it is to be used with sea water or sea-washed sand and gravel. The percentage of gypsum found in cement is, however, generally considerably below the maximum allowed by the British Standard Specification, viz., 2 per cent., and is so small that, for practical purposes, it makes very little difference in sea coast work, although of course, within reasonable limits, the quicker the cement sets the better. When cement is used to joint stoneware pipe sewers near the coast, allowance must be made for this r.e.t.a.r.dation of the setting, and any internal water tests which may be specified to be applied must not be made until a longer period has elapsed after the laying of the pipes than would otherwise be necessary. A high proportion of aluminates tends to cause disintegration when exposed to sea water. The most appreciable change which takes place in a good sound cement after exposure to the sea is an increase in the chlorides, while a slight increase in the magnesia and the sulphates also takes place, so that the proportion of sulphates and magnesia in the cement should be kept fairly low. Hydraulic lime exposed to the sea rapidly loses the lime and takes up magnesia and sulphates.

To summarise the information upon this point, it appears that it is better to use fresh water for all purposes, but if, for the sake of economy, saline matters are introduced into the concrete, either by using sea water for mixing or by using sand and s.h.i.+ngle from the beach, the effect will be to delay the time of setting to some extent, but the ultimate strength of the concrete will probably not be seriously affected. When the concrete is placed in position the portion most liable to be destroyed is that between high and low water mark, which is alternately exposed to the action of the sea and the air, but if the concrete has a well-graded aggregate, is densely mixed, and contains not more than two parts of sand to one part of cement, no ill-effect need be antic.i.p.ated.



The engineer is not directly concerned with the various methods employed in constructing a sea outfall, such matters being left to the discretion of the contractor. It may, however, be briefly stated that the work frequently involves the erection of temporary steel gantries, which must be very carefully designed and solidly built if they are to escape destruction by the heavy seas. It is amazing to observe the ease with which a rough sea will twist into most fantastic shapes steel joists 10 in by 8in, or even larger in size. Any extra cost incurred in strengthening the gantries is well repaid if it avoids damage, because otherwise there is not only the expense of rebuilding the structure to be faced, but the construction of the work will be delayed possibly into another season.

In order to ensure that the works below water are constructed in a substantial manner, it is absolutely necessary that the resident engineer, at least, should be able to don a diving dress and inspect the work personally. The particular points to which attention must be given include the proper laying of the pipes, so that the spigot of one is forced home into the socket of the other, the provision and tightening up of all the bolts required to be fixed, the proper driving of the piles and fixing the bracing, the dredging of a clear s.p.a.ce in the bed of the sea in front of the outlet pipe, and other matters dependent upon the special form of construction adopted. If a plug is inserted in the open end of the pipes as laid, the rising of the tide will press on the plugged end and be of considerable a.s.sistance in pus.h.i.+ng the pipes home; it will therefore be necessary to re-examine the joints to see if the bolts can be tightened up any more.

Messrs. Siebe, Gorman, and Co., the well-known makers of submarine appliances, have fitted up at their works at Westminster Bridge-road, London, S.E., an experimental tank, in which engineers may make a few preliminary descents and be instructed in the art of diving; and it is distinctly more advantageous to acquire the knowledge in this way from experts than to depend solely upon the guidance of the divers engaged upon the work which the engineer desires to inspect. Only a nominal charge of one guinea for two descents is made, which sum, less out-of-pocket expenses, is remitted to the Benevolent Fund of the Inst.i.tution of Civil Engineers. It is generally desirable that a complete outfit, including the air pump, should be provided for the sole use of the resident engineer, and special men should be told off to a.s.sist him in dressing and to attend to his wants while he is below water. He is then able to inspect the work while it is actually in progress, and he will not hinder or delay the divers.

It is a wise precaution to be medically examined before undertaking diving work, although, with the short time which will generally be spent below water, and the shallow depths usual in this cla.s.s of work, there is practically no danger; but, generally speaking, a diver should be of good physique, not unduly stout, free from heart or lung trouble and varicose veins, and should not drink or smoke to excess. It is necessary, however, to have acquaintance with the physical principles involved, and to know what to do in emergencies. A considerable amount of useful information is given by Mr. R. H.

Davis in his "Diving Manual" (Siebe, Gorman, and Co., 5s.), from which many of the following notes are taken.

A diving dress and equipment weighs about l75 lb, including a 40 lb lead weight carried by the diver on his chest, a similar weight on his back, and l6lb of lead on each boot. Upon entering the water the superfluous air in the dress is driven out through the outlet valve in the helmet by the pressure of the water on the legs and body, and by the time the top of the diver's head reaches the surface his breathing becomes laboured, because the pressure of air in his lungs equals the atmospheric pressure, while the pressure upon his chest and abdomen is greater by the weight of the water thereon.

He is thus breathing against a pressure, and if he has to breathe deeply, as during exertion, the effect becomes serious; so that the first thing he has to learn is to adjust the pressure of the spring on the outlet valve, so that the amount of air pumped in under pressure and retained in the diving dress counterbalances the pressure of the water outside, which is equal to a little under 1/2lb per square inch for every foot in depth. If the diver be 6 ft tall, and stands in an upright position, the pressure on his helmet will be about 3lb per square inch less than on his boots. The breathing is easier if the dress is kept inflated down to the abdomen, but in this case there is danger of the diver being capsized and floating feet upwards, in which position he is helpless, and the air cannot escape by the outlet valve. Air is supplied to the diver under pressure by an air pump through a flexible tube called the air pipe; and a light rope called a life line, which is used for signalling, connects the man with the surface. The descent is made by a 3 in "shot-rope," which has a heavy sinker weighing about 50 lb attached, and is previously lowered to the bottom. A 1-1/4 in rope about 15 ft long, called a "distance- line," is attached to the shot-rope about 3 ft above the sinker, and on reaching the bottom the diver takes this line with him to enable him to find his way back to the shot-rope, and thus reach the surface comfortably, instead of being hauled up by his life line. The diver must be careful in his movements that he does not fall so as suddenly to increase the depth of water in which he is immersed, because at the normal higher level the air pressure in the dress will be properly balanced against the water pressure; but if he falls, say 30 ft, the pressure of the water on his body will be increased by about 15 lb per square inch, and as the air pump cannot immediately increase the pressure in the dress to a corresponding extent, the man's body in the unresisting dress will be forced into the rigid helmet, and he will certainly be severely injured, and perhaps even killed.

When descending under water the air pressure in the dress is increased, and acts upon the outside of the drum of the ear, causing pain, until the air pa.s.sing through the nose and up the Eustachian tube inside the head reaches the back of the drum and balances the pressure. This may be delayed, or prevented, if the tube is partially stopped up by reason of a cold or other cause, but the balance can generally be brought about if the diver pauses in his descent and swallows his saliva; or blocks up his nose as much as possible by pressing it against the front of the helmet, closing the mouth and then making a strong effort at expiration so as to produce temporarily an extra pressure inside the throat, and so blow open the tubes; or by yawning or going through the motions thereof. If this does not act he must come up again Provided his ears are "open," and the air pumps can keep the pressure of air equal to that of the depth of the water in which the diver may be, there is nothing to limit the rate of his descent.

Now in breathing, carbonic acid gas is exhaled, the quality varying in accordance with the amount of work done, from .014 cubic feet per minute when at rest to a maximum of about .045, and this gas must be removed by dilution with fresh air so as not to inconvenience the diver. This is not a matter of much difficulty as the proportion in fresh air is about .03 per cent., and no effect is felt until the proportion is increased to about 0.3 per cent., which causes one to breathe twice as deeply as usual; at 0.6 per cent. there is severe panting; and at a little over 1.0 per cent. unconsciousness occurs. The effect of the carbonic acid on the diver, however, increases the deeper he descends; and at a depth of 33 ft 1 per cent. of carbonic acid will have the same effect as 2 per cent. at the surface. If the diver feels bad while under water he should signal for more air, stop moving about, and rest quietly for a minute or two, when the fresh air will revive him. The volume of air required by the diver for respiration is about 1.5 cubic feet per minute, and there is a non-return valve on the air inlet, so that in the event of the air pipe being broken, or the pump failing, the air would not escape backwards, but by closing the outlet valve the diver could retain sufficient air to enable him to reach the surface.

During the time that a diver is under pressure nitrogen gas from the air is absorbed by his blood and the tissues of his body. This does not inconvenience him at the time, but when he rises the gas is given off, so that if he has been at a great depth for some considerable time, and comes up quickly, bubbles form in the blood and fill the right side of the heart with air, causing death in a few minutes. In less sudden cases the bubbles form in the brain or spinal cord, causing paralysis of the legs, which is called divers' palsy, or the only trouble which is experienced may be severe pains in the joints and muscles. It is necessary, therefore, that he shall come up by stages so as to decompress himself gradually and avoid danger.

The blood can hold about twice as much gas in solution as an equal quant.i.ty of water, and when the diver is working in shallow depths, up to, say, 30 ft, the amount of nitrogen absorbed is so small that he can stop down as long as is necessary for the purposes of the work, and can come up to the surface as quickly as he likes without any danger. At greater depths approximately the first half of the upward journey may be done in one stage, and the remainder done by degrees, the longest rest being made at a few feet below the surface.

The following table shows the time limits in accordance with the latest British Admiralty practice; the time under the water being that from leaving the surface to the beginning of the ascent:--


Stoppages in Total time minutes at for ascent Depth in feet. Time under water. different depths in minutes.

at 20 ft 10 ft

Up to 36 No limit - - 0 to 1

36 to 42 Up to 3 hours - - 1 to 1-1/2 Over 3 hours - 5 6

42 to 48 Up to 1 hour - - 1-1/2 1 to 3 hours - 5 6-1/2 Over 3 hours - 10 11-1/2

48 to 54 Up to 1/2 hour - - 2 1/2 to 1-1/2 hour - 5 7 1-1/2 to 3 hours - 10 12 Over 3 hours - 20 22

54 to 60 Up to 20 minutes - - 2 20 to 45 minutes - 5 7 3/4 to 1-1/2 hour - 10 12 1-1/2 to 3 hours 5 15 22 Over 3 hours 10 20 32

When preparing to ascend the diver must tighten the air valve in his helmet to increase his buoyancy; if the valve is closed too much to allow the excess air to escape, his ascent will at first be gradual, but the pressure of the water reduces, the air in the dress expands, making it so stiff that he cannot move his arms to reach the valve, and he is blown up, with ever-increasing velocity, to the surface. While ascending he should exercise his muscles freely during the period of waiting at each stopping place, so as to increase the circulation, and consequently the rate of deceleration.

During the progress of the works the location of the sea outfall will be clearly indicated by temporary features visible by day and lighted by night; but when completed its position must be marked in a permanent manner. The extreme end of the outfall should be indicated by a can buoy similar to that shown in Fig. 33, made by Messrs. Brown, Lenox, and Co. (Limited), Milwall, London, E., which costs about 75, including a 20 cwt.

sinker and 10 fathoms of chain, and is approved for the purpose by the Board of Trade.


It is not desirable to fasten the chain to any part of the outfall instead of using a sinker, because at low water the slack of the chain may become entangled, which by preventing the buoy from rising with the tide, will lead to damage; but a special pile may be driven for the purpose of securing the buoy, at such a distance from the outlet that the chain will not foul it. The buoy should be painted with alternate vertical stripes of yellow and green, and lettered "Sewer Outfall" in white letters 12 in deep.

It must be remembered that it is necessary for the plans and sections of outfall sewers and other obstructions proposed to be placed in tidal waters to be submitted to the Harbour and Fisheries Department of the Board of Trade for their approval, and no subsequent alteration in the works may be made without their consent being first obtained.



The head which governs the discharge of a sea outfall pipe is measured from the surface of the sewage in the tank, sewer, or reservoir at the head of the outfall to the level of the sea.

As the sewage is run off the level of its surface is lowered, and at the same time the level of the sea is constantly varying as the tide rises and falls, so that the head is a variable factor, and consequently the rate of discharge varies. A curve of discharge may be plotted from calculations according to these varying conditions, but it is not necessary; and all requirements will be met if the discharges under certain stated conditions are ascertained. The most important condition, because it is the worst, is that when the level of the sea is at high water of equinoctial spring tides and the reservoir is practically empty.

Sea water has a specific gravity of 1.027, and is usually taken as weighing 64.14 lb per cubic foot, while sewage may be taken as weighing 62.45 lb per cubic foot, which is the weight of fresh water at its maximum density. Now the ratio of weight between sewage and sea water is as 1 to 1.027, so that a column of sea water l2 inches in height requires a column of fresh water 12.324, or say 12-1/3 in, to balance it; therefore, in order to ascertain the effective head producing discharge it will be necessary to add on 1/3 in for every foot in depth of the sea water over the centre of the outlet.

The sea outfall should be of such diameter that the contents of the reservoir can be emptied in the specified time--say, three hours--while the pumps are working to their greatest power in pouring sewage into the reservoir during the whole of the period; so that when the valves are closed the reservoir will be empty, and its entire capacity available for storage until the valves are again opened.

To take a concrete example, a.s.sume that the reservoir and outfall are constructed as shown in Fig. 34, and that it is required to know the diameter of outfall pipe when the reservoir holds 1,000,000 gallons and the whole of the pumps together, including any that may be laid down to cope with any increase of the population in the future, can deliver 600,000 gallons per hour. When the reservoir is full the top water level will be 43.00 O.D., but in order to have a margin for contingencies and to allow for the loss in head due to entry of sewage into the pipe, for friction in pa.s.sing around bends, and for a slight reduction in discharging capacity of the pipe by reason of incrustation, it will be desirable to take the reservoir as full, but a.s.sume that the sewage is at the level 31.00. The head of water in the sea measured above the centre of the pipe will be 21 ft, so that

[*Math: $21 times 1/3$],

or 7 in--say, 0.58 ft--must be added to the height of high water, thus reducing the effective head from 31.00 - 10.00 = 21.00 to 20.42 ft The quant.i.ty to be discharged will be

[*Math: $frac{1,000,000 + (3 * 600,000)}{3}$]

= 933,333 gallons per hour = 15,555 gallons per minute, or, taking 6.23 gallons equal to 1 cubic foot, the quant.i.ty equals 2,497 cubic feet per min a.s.sume the required diameter to be 30 in, then, by Hawksley's formula, the head necessary to produce velocity =

[*Math: $frac{Gals. per min^2}{215 times diameter in inches^4} = frac{15,555^2}{215 * 30^4}$]

= 1.389 ft, and the head to overcome friction =

[*Math: $frac{Gals. per min^2 times Length in yards}{240 *

diameter in inches^5} = frac{15,555^2 * 2042}{240 * 30^5}]

= 84.719. Then 1.389 + 84.719 = 86.108--say, 86.11 ft; but the acutal head is 20.42 ft, and the flow varies approximately as the square root of the head, so that the true flow will be about

The Sewerage of Sea Coast Towns Part 8

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