The Forme of Cury Part 6

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[5] serue. Serve. Vide Gloss.


Take Caboches and quarter hem and seeth hem in broth with Oynouns y mynced and the whyte of Lekes y slyt and corue smale [2]

and do er to safroun an salt and force it with powdour douce [3].

[1] Caboches. Probably cabbages.

[2] corue smale. Cut small. V. _i corue_ in Gloss.

[3] powdour douce. Sweet aromatic powder. V. Pref.


Take rapus and make hem clene and waissh hem clene. quare hem [2].

parboile hem. take hem up. cast hem in a broth and see hem.

mynce Oynouns and cast erto Safroun and salt and messe it forth with powdour douce. the wise [3] make of Pasturnakes [4] and skyrwates. [5]

[1] Rapes, or rapus. Turneps.

[2] quare hem. Cut them in _squares_, or small pieces. V. Gloss.

[3] in the wise, _i.e._ in the same manner. _Self_ or _same_, seems to be casually omitted. Vide No. 11 and 122.

[4] Pasturnakes, for parsnips or carrots. V. Gloss.

[5] skyrwates, for skirrits or skirwicks.


Take Borage, cool [2]. langdebef [3]. persel [4]. betes. orage [5].

auance [6]. violet [7]. saueray [8]. and fenkel [9]. and whane ey buth sode; presse hem wel smale. cast hem in broth an see hem.

and serue hem forth.

[1] Eowtes. _Lowtes_, No. 88, where, in the process, it is _Rowtes_.

Quaere the meaning, as Roots does not apply to the matter of the Recipe. In No. 73 it is written _owtes_.

[2] Cole, or colewort.

[3] Langdebef. Bugloss, buglossum sylvestre. These names all arise from a similitude to an ox's tongue. V. Ms. Ed. No. 43.

[4] Persel. Parsley.

[5] orage. Orach, _Atriplex_. Miller, Gard. Dict.

[6] auance. Forte Avens. V. Avens, in Gloss.

[7] The leaves probably, and not the flower.

[8] Savory.

[9] Fenkel. Fennil.


Take Oynouns and erbes and hewe hem small and do es to broth.

and aray [2] it as ou didest caboches. If ey be in fyssh day. make [3] on the same maner [4] with water and oyle. and if it be not in Lent alye [5] it with zolkes of Eyren [6]. and dresse it forth and cast er to powdour douce.

[1] Hebolace. Contents, Hebolas; for _Herbolas_, from the herbs used; or, if the first letter be omitted (see the Contents), _Chebolas_, from the Chibols employed.

[2] aray. Dress, set it out.

[3] make. Dress. Vide Gloss.

[4] maner. manner.

[5] alye. Mix. V. Gloss.

[6] Eyren. Eggs. V. Gloss.


Take young Gowrdes pare hem and kerue [1] hem on pecys. cast hem in broth, and do er to a pertye [2] of Oynouns mynced. take Pork soden. grynd it and alye it er with and wi zolkes of ayrenn.

do er to safroun and salt, and messe it forth with powdour douce.

[1] kerve. Cut.

[2] partye. Party, i.e. quant.i.ty.


Take Ryse and waishe hem clene. and do hem in erthen pot with

broth and lat hem see wel. afterward take Almaund mylke [2] and do er to. and colour it wi safroun an salt, an messe forth.

[1] Ryse. Rice. V. Gloss.

[2] Almand mylke. V. Gloss.

FUNGES [1]. X.

Take Funges and pare hem clere and dyce hem [2]. take leke and shred hym small and do hym to see in broth. colour it with safron and do er inne powdour fort [3].

[1] Funges. Mushrooms.

[2] dyce hem. Cut them in squares. Vide _quare_ in Gloss.

[3] Powdour fort. Vide Preface.


Take the whyte of Lekes. slype hem and shrede hem small. take Noumbles [2] of swyne and boyle hem in broth and wyne. take hym up and dresse hem and do the Leke in the broth. see and do the Noumbles er to make a Lyour [3] of brode blode and vynegre and do er to Powdour fort see Oynouns mynce hem and do er to. the self wise make of Pigges.

[1] Bursen. Qu. the etymon.

[2] Noumbles. Entrails. V. Gloss.

[3] Lyo', Lyour. A mixture. Vide _alye_ in Gloss.


Take the Noumbles of Calf. Swyne. or of Shepe. parboile hem and skerne hem to dyce [2] cast hem in broth and do er to erbes.

The Forme of Cury Part 6

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