Private Sex Advice to Women Part 5
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The term "Pre-Natal" of course means "before birth," and Pre-Natal Influences are those influences exerted upon the child before its birth into the world. The students of Eugenics are vitally interested in the subject of Pre-Natal Influences, as they recognize that therein is to be found the secret of much which will work along the line of "better offspring," and general race-betterment.
Pre-Natal Influences (as the term is used in the present consideration of the subject) may be considered as manifesting in three phases, as follows:
(1) The influence of the physical, mental, and moral "family characteristics" of the parents, transmitted to the child along the lines of heredity.
(2) The influence of the acquired personal characteristics of the parents (particularly the acquired characteristics which are especially active at and just previous to the time of actual conception), transmitted to the child along the lines of heredity.
(3) The influence of "maternal impressions" (after conception, and during the period of gestation or pregnancy) transmitted to the child physiologically and psychologically.
I shall now ask you to proceed with me to a consideration of the various phases of Pre-Natal Influences coming under the above name three general, and the factors involved therein.
Heredity in General.
By "heredity" is meant "the tendency which there is in each animal or plant, in all essential characters, to resemble its parents"; or "the hereditary transmission of physical or psychical characteristics of parents to their offspring."
There is a great disagreement among the authorities as to how far the principle of heredity really extends, and the real causes of heredity are in dispute. In the present consideration we shall, of course, pa.s.s over the technical phases of the subject, and shall touch only upon the general features and principles involved.
Shute, in his work ent.i.tled "Organic Evolution," says: "That an offspring always inherits from its parents many of their characteristics is well known; that it always varies, more or less, from them, is also equally well known. Heredity and variation are twin forces that play upon every creature, holding it rigidly true to the parental type or compelling more or less divergence therefrom, according to the strength of the one or other power; so that every creature is the resultant of the activities of these two great parallel forces. Variation is co-extensive with heredity, and every living creature gives evidence of the existence of variations.
"Mental heredity can be ill.u.s.trated by studying the genealogies of such persons as Aristotle, Goethe, Darwin, Coleridge, Milton, etc. Probably the Bach family, of Germany, supply one of the best ill.u.s.trations of the inheritance of intellectual character that we know of. The record of this family begins in 1550, lasting through eight generations to 1800.
For about two centuries it gave to the world musicians and singers of high rank. The founder was Weit Bach, a baker of Presburg, who sought recreation from his routine work in song and music. For nearly two hundred years his descendants, who were very numerous in Franconia, Thuringia, and Saxony, retained a musical talent, being all church singers and organists. When the members of the family had become very numerous and widely separated from one another, they decided to meet at a stated place once a year. Often more than a hundred persons--men, women, and children--bearing the name of Bach were thus brought together. This family reunion continued until nearly the middle of the eighteenth century. In this family of musicians, twenty-nine became eminent.
"Inheritance of moral character is well known. Heredity, in its relation to crime and pauperism, has been thoroughly investigated by Mr. Dugdale in his most instructive little work ent.i.tled "The Jukes." In this work the descendants of one vicious and neglected girl are traced through a large number of generations. It reveals that a large proportion of the descendants of this woman became licentious, for, in the course of six generations, fifty-two percent of the children were illegitimate. It shows also that there were seven times more paupers among the women than among the average women of the state, and nine times more paupers among the male descendants than among the average men of the state. The inheritance of physical peculiarities is so obvious as to need no ill.u.s.tration. Among the ancients the Romans stereotyped its truth by the use of such expressions as 'the labiones' or thick-lipped; 'the nasones,' or big-nosed; 'the capitones,' or big-headed, and 'the buccones,' or swollen-cheeked, etc. In more recent times we read of the Austrian lip and the Bourbon nose."
But in all considerations of the subject of heredity, one must always remember that the inheritance of physical, mental, and moral characteristics is not alone from the immediate parents, but rather from many ancestors further removed in order and time. Back of each person there is a long line of paternal and maternal ancestors, extending back to the beginning of the race. And in that line there are influences for good and evil, awaiting favorable environment for awakening into new life unless restrained by the will of the individual.
As Shute says: "There will come a time when the fertilized ovum will have a highly complex nucleus composed of many different ancestral groups of hereditary units. One often hears the expression that a child is a chip of the old block; but this is only a very partial truth, for the child is pre-eminently a composite chip of many old blocks." And Luther Burbank has well said: "Heredity means much; but what is heredity? Not some hideous ancestral spectre, forever crossing the path of a human being. Heredity is simply the sum of all the environments of all past generations on the responsive ever-moving life-forces."
Transmission of Acquired Characteristics.
One of the great disputes of biology is that concerning the question of whether or not parents may transmit to their offspring their personal "acquired characteristics" as well as those inherited from their line of ancestors. One side of the controversy points to the observed cases of children and grandchildren resembling each other, physically, mentally, and morally, in acquired characteristics; but the other side explains these facts as due to environment rather than to heredity.
The best authorities seem to favor a middle-view, holding that acquired characteristics may be and are transmitted as "tendencies" in the offspring. Thus as each succeeding generation manifests the acquired tendency, it adds a c.u.mulative force to the family heredity. At the same time they hold that "environment" is needed to "draw out" the inherited "tendency." For instance, a child born with evil tendencies, and placed in an evil environment, will most likely manifest evil conduct. The same child, if placed in a good environment, will not have the evil tendencies "drawn out" by the environment, and will probably not manifest evil conduct. The same rule applies to the child drawn with good "tendencies." In short, it is held that heredity and environment tend to balance each other--the "something within" is called out (or not called out) by the "something without." The life of the individual is held to be a continuous action and reaction between heredity and environment, and both of these elements must be taken into consideration when we think of the subject.
Shute says: "As influencing a man's life and character, which is the strongest factor, heredity or environment?" In our opinion, as the result of long study and reading, where we have an average man of a sound mind in a sound body, there environment will be the strongest factor whether for good or evil--that is, in men in general, who have no organic defect, such as insanity or idiocy, and allied affections, the stronger force is environment; but in those having such defect, heredity is the controlling power, and we may add, the destroying power.
The Eugenic Rule Regarding Heredity.
It is one of the cardinal principles of Eugenics that those with a bad family history should not become parents. By this it is not meant that the manifestation of undesirable tendencies, physical, mental, and moral, on the part of certain individuals of a family necessarily const.i.tutes a "bad family history." On the contrary, many of the best families have, from time to time, individuals who manifest undesirable tendencies, and who are in general out of harmony with the general family standard. It is an old axiom that "there is a black sheep in every flock"; and the flock must be measured by its general standard, and not by its exceptional black sheep.
A "bad family history" is one in which the family has clearly manifested certain undesirable physical, mental, and moral traits in a marked degree, and in a sufficient number of instances to establish a standard.
Some families have a "bad family history" for inebriety; others for epilepsy; others for licentiousness; others for dishonesty--the history extending over several generations, and including a marked number of individuals in each generation. Individuals of such a family should refrain from bearing children; and if children be born to such the greatest care should be exercised by the parents in the matter of surrounding the child with the environment least calculated to "draw out" the undesirable characteristic. The child has a right to be well born, and to be protected from being brought into the world subjected to the handicap of a "bad family history." If individuals cannot endow their children with a good family history, they should refrain from bearing children--such is the Eugenic advice on the subject.
The same rule applies to the question of "acquired characteristics" of the parents--especially those acquired characteristics which are especially active at or just before the time of the contemplated conception. Though the family history of both husband and wife be ever so good, it is held that if one or both of the parents have acquired undesirable and transmissible characteristics, physical, mental, or moral, then the question of bringing children into the world should be carefully considered, and conscientiously decided, after competent authorities have been consulted concerning the case. The prospective child should always be given the benefit of the doubt in such cases. To bring children into the world merely to gratify personal pleasure or pride, regardless of the welfare of the child, is something utterly unworthy of an intelligent and moral human being.
Fitness for Parenthood.
In determining the "fitness" for parenthood, on the part of husband and wife, the mental, physical, and moral qualities should all be taken into consideration. Weak or abnormal mentality; chronic immorality or perverted moral sense; or diseased or abnormal physical conditions--these should always be regarded as bars to parenthood. To violate this principle is to deliberately violate the fundamental laws of Nature, as well as those principles which are accepted as representing the best thought and customs of the race. A mental, moral, or physical "pervert" or "defective" is manifestly an "unfit,"
considered as a prospective parent. Parenthood on the part of such individuals is not only a crime against society, but always a base injustice perpetrated upon the offspring.
A very interesting phase of the general subject now before us for consideration is that which touches upon the effect of those particular acquired characteristics which are especially active at the time, or just before the time of conception. The best authorities hold that the influences manifest and active in the prospective father and mother during the period immediately preceding conception will have a marked effect upon the character of the child. The following quotations from authorities on the subject will serve to ill.u.s.trate this idea.
Riddell says: "The transient physical, mental and moral conditions of the parents, prior to the initial of life, at the time of inception, do affect offspring." Dr. Cowan says: "Through the rightly directed wills of the mother and father, preceding and during ante-natal life, the child's form of body, character of mind, and purity of soul are formed and established. That in its plastic shape, during ante-natal life, like clay in the hand of the potter, it can be molded into absolutely any form of body and soul the parents may knowingly desire." Newton says: "Numerous facts indicate that offspring may be affected and their tendencies shaped by a great variety of influences, among which moods and influences more or less permanent may be included."
Riddell says: "The influence of environmental conditions and pre-natal training are ever evident. Colts from dams that have been under regular training are faster than those from the same mother foaled before she had been trained. The puppies of the trained shepherd dog learn much more rapidly than do those from the untrained animal. No sportsman would think of paying a high price for a puppy, the mother of which was stupid and untrained. The same law applies, only with greater effect, to the human family." Greer says: "No married couple will desire, design and love a babe into existence without the first requisite--good physical health." Grant Allen says: "To prepare ourselves for the duties of maternity and paternity by making ourselves as vigorous and healthful as we can be, is a duty we owe to children unborn." Holbrook says: "It is essential, therefore, that if children are to be well-born, the parents should be careful that at the moment of procreation they are fitted for the performance of so serious an act." Another authority says: "Generation should be preceded by regeneration."
Cowan says: "In the conception of a new life, the ma.s.s of mankind observes no law unless it be the law of chance. Out of the licentious or incontinent actions of a husband's nature, conception after a time is discovered to take place. No preparation of body, mind, or soul is made by either parent. Not more than one child in perhaps ten thousand is brought into the world with the consent and loving desire of its parents. The other nine thousand, nine hundred, and ninety nine children are endowed with the acc.u.mulated sins of the parents. Is it any wonder that there is so much sin, sickness, drunkenness, suffering, licentiousness, murder, suicide, and premature death, and so little of purity, chast.i.ty, success, goodness, happiness and long life in the world?"
Preparation for Parenthood.
The ancient Greeks attached great importance to the mental, moral and physical condition of the parents at the moment of conception, and for a period preceding the same. The Investigations of modern scientists have tended to corroborate the facts upon which the ancient theories were based. Modern science teaches that the life-cells of each parent are impressed with the condition of the respective parents, and retain this impression until they meet and finally coalesce and combine, the combined cell then receiving the result of the original impressions.
The best authorities on the subject claim that a reasonable time of self-restraint and continence should be observed by the prospective parents before the conception of the child. This contention is borne out by the experience of the breeders of fine horses and cattle, who have discovered that the best offspring are produced when the animals have been restrained from s.e.xual intercourse for a reasonable time; this precaution being particularly observed in the case of the male parent animal. Writers on the subject cite a number of instances to prove that this law maintains in human as well is in animal life. It is claimed that Sir Isaac Newton was conceived after a period of over a year of total s.e.xual abstinence on the part of his parents. Many other celebrated men are said to have been conceived after an absence from home on the part of the father, or a temporary absence from home on the part of the mother. Many physicians are able to cite many similar cases observed in the course of their own experience.
The prospective parents should endeavor to bring themselves up to a high degree of physical health and well-being. The blood of the mother should be enriched by proper nutrition, and the organs of the body should be brought to a state of normal functioning along the lines of digestion, a.s.similation, and elimination.
The minds of both parents should be exercised by reading the right kind of books, and by paying attention to natural objects of interest. A little change of scene will tend to awaken the powers of observation and attention. Riddell says: "If the prospective parents will habitually exercise the reasoning faculties and inventive powers, usually the offspring will have a fair degree of inventive talent and originality, even where these qualities are originally deficient in the parents. When there is a considerable natural talent or where there are latent inventive powers, constant training on the part of the parents will usually give the offspring exceptional powers in this direction."
The prospective parents should also develop and exercise their moral faculties in the period preceding conception. This course will tend to reproduce the same quality in the child. The reverse of this, alas, is also true. A case is cited of a man who procreated a child while plotting a nefarious crime; and the child in after life manifested a tendency toward theft, roguery and rascality, even at a very early age.
The lack of moral fibre so often noticed in the sons of rich men who have attained their success through questionable methods is perhaps as much attributable to these pre-conceptual influences as to the "spoiling" environment of the child after birth.
In the period of physical, mental, and moral preparation for parenthood the leading thought of both parents should be: "DO WE WISH OUR CHILD TO BE LIKE THIS?" This thought, if carried as an ideal, will act both in the direction of self-restraint and self-development.
The actual time of the conception of the new life should be carefully chosen, so that it may occur under the best circ.u.mstances and conditions. The suggestions embodied in the preceding paragraphs should have been carefully observed; and the time chosen should be one in which a peaceful and happy state of mind is possessed by both parents. The ovum of the woman is believed to have its greatest vitality about the time of the close of each menstrual period, and many good authorities hold that this is not only the natural period for s.e.xual intercourse, but is also the exact period in which the life-forces in the ovum are strongest; and that, consequently, the child conceived at this period is likely to be stronger and more vigorous than the one conceived at a later time between the menstrual periods.
Dr. Stall says: "Medical authorities attach great importance to the mental condition at the moment of conjunction and conception. It is quite universally believed that this is a moment of unparalleled importance to the welfare of the future being. It is an awful crime to beget life carelessly, and when in improper and unworthy mental states.
Some people seem to think that the matter of begetting a child, like the matter of selecting a wife, should be left wholly to blind chance.
Neither of these two important events can be too much safeguarded by wise and thoughtful consideration. If conception is permitted to take place when either one or both of the parents are in bad health; if the wife is an unwilling mother, and the embryo is developed by her while her whole nature rebels against the admission into the family of a child who is not wanted, the children begotten and born under such circ.u.mstances can never be other than sickly, nervous and fretful during their entire childhood, and cross and uncompanionable throughout their whole lives.
"Much of the differences which exist between children of the same parents may be easily attributed to the different bodily and mental conditions of the parents at the period of conjunction, the changed physical, intellectual and emotional states of the parents at the different periods of conception producing the corresponding differences in their offspring. The results of purposed and prepared parenthood are so great and so desirable that a husband and wife should consider these matters carefully, making preparations, and approach the period when they would beget offspring and bring immortal beings into the world with the greatest thoughtfulness, consideration, and also with prayer."
Dr. Hufeland says: "In my opinion, it is of the utmost importance that the moment of conception should be confined to a period when the sensation of collected powers, ardent pa.s.sion, and a mind cheerful and free from care, invite to it on both sides." Riddell says: "The law of initial impressions is well established. It has been understood and applied by stock-raisers for centuries. Experiments prove that the qualities most highly excited in animals prior to their union are most fully transmitted. The speed of horses and the acquired characters of the dog have been improved by the applications of the law. History and cla.s.sic literature contain many references that recognize its importance, like Shakespeare's 'Come on, ye cowards; ye were got in fear.' Ancient laws forbade union while parents were intoxicated, because such unions resulted in the production of drunkards and monstrosities. The asylums for the feeble-minded contain hundreds of unfortunate ones that are the product of such unions. The law of initial impressions, like the other laws of heredity, is traced most easily where morbid conditions are transmitted; but fortunately it is quite as potential in the production of desirable qualities. Unusual excitement to the social, intellectual or religious powers on the parents just prior to the inception of the new life frequently produce in the child corresponding tendencies."
Dr. Stockham says: "Many a drunkard owes his lifelong appet.i.te for alcohol to the fact that the inception of his life could be traced to a night of dissipation on the part of his father." Fleming says: "Not only do drunkards transmit to their descendants tendency toward insanity and crime, but even habitually sober parents who at the moment of conception are in a temporary state of drunkenness beget children who are epileptic or paralytic, idiotic or insane, very often microcephalic, or with remarkable weakness of mind, which is transformed at the first favorable occasion into insanity."
The time of conception should undoubtedly be chosen to correspond to a time in which the s.e.x-powers of both parents are at their maximum. This is arrived at by a reasonable period of previous continence and abstinence from s.e.xual relations between the married couple, and by an observance of the natural law which renders the woman most strong s.e.xually at the close of the menstrual period. The husband, as well as the wife, is most strong s.e.xually at this period, as under normal conditions his s.e.x-power is most actively called forth by that of the woman at this period. At this period the wave of s.e.x-power is at its height, and this is the best time for the beginning of the new life. As Riddell says: "Strong, vigorous, chaste s.e.xuality at the time of conception is of supreme importance; it is indispensable to good results. No number of other conditions or factors can be so favorable as to justify the creation of a new life when the vitality of either parent is low. Parents transmit their physical const.i.tution, intellect and morals only to the extent of the s.e.x-power at the time of inception."
It is needless to say that there should exist between the prospective parents a strong bond of affection and attraction. By an irony of civilized life, the term "love child" is applied only to the offspring of unmarried lovers--men and women whose affection or pa.s.sion have run away with their judgment, and who have "loved not wisely, but too well."
Some of the world's greatest men and women have been "love children" of this kind; and in such cases it is probably true that their physical and mental strength has been the result of the ardent feeling animating the parents at the moment of conception. Such children seldom result from the "tired bed" or worn-out pa.s.sion, love killed by s.e.xual excesses, indifference on the part of one of the partic.i.p.ants of the union, "duty"
intercourse without affection or pa.s.sion, or forced s.e.xual relations.
Every child should be a "love child" in the true sense of the term. The term should be one of respect, not of reproach. There should be no children but "love children." The fruit of the perfect mating and marriage should be the perfect "love child"--and it would always be so if husbands and wives would but observe the laws of the normal, natural, s.e.x-life.
And, last of all--and perhaps more important than all--is the fact that at the moment of conception the minds and hearts of both of the prospective parents should be united in a strong love and desire for the hoped-for child. At that moment their best natures should blend into each other, and their love for each other fuse into a new love--the love of the child of the union. Under such circ.u.mstances, in such act the Cosmic Forces flow unhindered through the beings of the parents, and the new life is begun under the approving smile of Nature.
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