Woodrow Wilson's Administration and Achievements Part 10

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_Paris, April 28, 1919_


In order to promote international cooperation and to achieve international peace and security, by the acceptance of obligations not to resort to war, by the prescription of open, just and honorable relations between nations, by the firm establishment of the understandings of international law as to actual rule of conduct among governments, and by the maintenance of justice and a scrupulous respect for all treaty obligations in the dealings of organized peoples with one another, the high contracting parties agree to this Covenant of the League of Nations.

Article One


The original members of the League of Nations shall be those of the signatories which are named in the annex to this Covenant and also such of those other states named in the annex as shall accede without reservation to this Covenant. Such accessions shall be effected by a declaration deposited with the Secretariat within two months of the coming into force of the Covenant. Notice thereof shall be sent to all other members of the League.

Any fully self-governing state, dominion, or colony not named in the annex, may become a member of the League if its admission is agreed by two-thirds of the a.s.sembly, provided that it shall give effective guarantees of its sincere intention to observe its international obligations, and shall accept such regulations as may be prescribed by the League in regard to its military and naval forces and armaments.

Any member of the League may, after two years' notice of its intention so to do, withdraw from the League, provided that all its international obligations and all its obligations under this Covenant shall have been fulfilled at the time of its withdrawal.

Article Two

[Executive and Administration Machinery]

The action of the League under this Covenant shall be effected through the instrumentality of an a.s.sembly and of a Council, with a permanent Secretariat.

Article Three

[The a.s.sembly]

The a.s.sembly shall consist of representatives of the members of the League.

The a.s.sembly shall meet at stated intervals and from time to time as occasion may require, at the seat of the League, or at such other place as may be decided upon.

The a.s.sembly may deal at its meetings with any matter within the sphere of action of the League or affecting the peace of the world.

At meetings of the a.s.sembly, each member of the League shall have one vote, and may have not more than three representatives.

Article Four

[The Council]

The Council shall consist of representatives of the United States of America, of the British Empire, of France, of Italy, and of j.a.pan, together with representatives of four other members of the League.

These four members of the League shall be selected by the a.s.sembly from time to time in its discretion. Until the appointment of the representatives of the four members of the League first selected by the a.s.sembly, representatives of Belgium, Brazil, Greece and Spain shall be members of the Council.

With the approval of the majority of the a.s.sembly, the Council may name additional members of the League whose representatives shall always be members of the Council; the Council with like approval may increase the number of members of the League to be selected by the a.s.sembly for representation on the Council.

The Council shall meet from time to time as occasion may require, and at least once a year, at the seat of the League, or at such other place as may be decided upon.

The Council may deal at its meetings with any matter within the sphere of action of the League or affecting the peace of the world.

Any member of the League not represented on the Council shall be invited to send a representative to sit as a member at any meeting of the Council during the consideration of matters specially affecting the interests of that member of the League.

At meetings of the Council, each member of the League represented on the Council shall have one vote, and may have not more than one representative.

Article Five

[Decision by Unanimity or Majority; Initial Meetings]

Except where otherwise expressly provided in this Covenant, or by the terms of this treaty, decisions at any meeting of the a.s.sembly or of the Council shall require the agreement of all the members of the League represented at the meeting.

All matters of procedure at meetings of the a.s.sembly or of the Council, the appointment of committees to investigate particular matters, shall be regulated by the a.s.sembly or by the Council and may be decided by a majority of the members of the League represented at the meeting.

The first meeting of the a.s.sembly and the first meeting at the Council shall be summoned by the President of the United States of America.

Article Six

[The Secretariat]

The permanent Secretariat shall be established at the seat of the League. The Secretariat shall comprise a Secretary-General and such secretaries and staff as may be required.

The first Secretary-General shall be the person named in the annex; thereafter the Secretary-General shall be appointed by the Council with the approval of the majority of the a.s.sembly.

The Secretaries and the staff of the Secretariat shall be appointed by the Secretary-General with the approval of the Council.

The Secretary-General shall act in that capacity at all meetings of the a.s.sembly and of the Council.

The expenses of the Secretariat shall be borne by the members of the League in accordance with the apportionment of the expenses of the International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union.

Article Seven

[League Capital; Status of Officials and Property; s.e.x Equality]

The seat of the League is established at Geneva.

The Council may at any time decide that the seat of the League shall be established elsewhere.

All positions under or in connection with the League, including the Secretariat, shall be open equally to men and women.

Representatives of the members of the League and officials of the League when engaged on the business of the League shall enjoy diplomatic privileges and immunities.

The buildings and other property occupied by the League or its officials or by representatives attending its meetings shall be inviolable.

Article Eight

Woodrow Wilson's Administration and Achievements Part 10

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