The accomplisht cook Part 7

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Otherways, Marrow Pies of bottoms of little Artichocks, Suckers, yolks of hard eggs, Chesnuts, Marrow, and interlarded Bacon cut like dice, some Veal sweet-breads cut also, or Lamb-stones, Potato's, or Skirrets, and Sparagus, or none; season them lightly with Nutmeg, Pepper and Salt, close your Pies, and bake them.

__Olio_, Marrow Pies._

_b.u.t.ter three pound, Flower one quart, Lamb-Stones three pair, Sweet-Breads six, Marrow-bones eight, large Mace, c.o.c.k-stones twenty, interlarded Bacon one pound, knots of Eggs twelve, Artichocks twelve, Sparagus one hundred, c.o.c.ks-Combs twenty, Pistaches one pound, Nutmegs, Pepper, and Salt._

Season the aforesaid lightly, and lay them in the Pie upon some minced veal or mutton, your interlarded Bacon in thin slices of half an inch long, mingled among the rest, fill the Pie, and put in some Grapes, and slic't Lemon, Barberries or Goosberries.

1. Pies of Marrow.

_Flower, Sweet bread, Marrow, Artichocks, Pistaches, Nutmegs, Eggs, Bacon, Veal, Suit, Sparagus, Chesnuts; Musk, Saffron, b.u.t.ter._

2. Marrow Pies.

_Flower, b.u.t.ter, Veal, Suet, Pepper, Salt, Nutmeg, Sparagus, Eggs, Grapes, Marrow, Saffron._

3. Marrow Pies.

_Flower, b.u.t.ter, Eggs, Artichocks, Sweet-bread, Lamb-stones, Potato's, Nutmegs, Pepper, Salt, Skirrets, Grapes, Bacon._

To the garnish of an extraordinary Olio: as followeth.

_Two Collers of Pigbrawn, two Marrow Pies, twelve roste Turtle Doves in a Pie, four Pies, eighteen Quails in a Pie, four Pies, two Sallets, two Jelleys of two colours, two forc't meats, two Tarts._

Thus for an extraordinary Olio, or Olio Royal.

_To make a Bisk divers ways._

Take a wrack of Mutton, and a Knuckle of Veal, put them a boiling in a Pipkin of a Gallon, with some fair water, and when it boils, sc.u.m it, and put to it some salt, two or three blades of large Mace, and a Clove or two; boil it to three pints, and strain the meat, save the broth for your use and take off the fat clean.

Then boil twelve Pigeon-Peepers, and eight Chicken Peepers, in a Pipkin with fair water, salt, and a piece of interlarded Bacon, sc.u.m them clean, and boil them fine, white and quick.

Then have a rost Capon minced, and put to it some Gravy, Nutmegs, and Salt, and stew it together; then put to it the juyce of two or three Oranges, and beaten b.u.t.ter, _&c._

Then have ten sweet breads, and ten pallets fried, and the same number of lips and noses being first tender boil'd and blanched, cut them like lard, and fry them, put away the b.u.t.ter, and put to them gravy, a little anchove, nutmeg, and a little garlick, or none, the juyce of two or three Oranges, and Marrow fried in b.u.t.ter with Sage-leaves, and some beaten b.u.t.ter.

Then again have some boil'd Marrow and twelve Artichocks, Suckers, and Peeches finely boil'd and put into beaten b.u.t.ter, some Pistaches boiled also in some wine and Gravy, eight Sheeps tongues larded and boiled, and one hundred Sparagus boiled, and put into beaten b.u.t.ter, or Skirrets.

Then have Lemons carved, and some cut like little dice.

Again fry some Spinage and Parsley, _&c._

These forefaid materials being ready, have some _French_ bread in the bottom of your dish.

Then dish on it your Chickens, and Pidgeons, broth it; next your Quaile, then Sweet breads, then your Pullets, then your Artichocks or Sparagus, and Pistaches, then your Lemon, Poungarnet, or Grapes, Spinage, and fryed Marrow; and if yellow Saffron or fried Sage, then round the center of your boiled meat put your minced Capon, then run all over with beaten b.u.t.ter, &c.

1. For variety, Clary fryed with yolks of Eggs.

2. Knots of Eggs.

3. c.o.c.ks Stones.

4. c.o.c.ks Combs.

5. If white, strained Almonds, with some of the broth.

6. Goosberries or Barberries.

7. Minced meat in b.a.l.l.s.

8. If green, Juyce of Spinage stamped with manchet, and strained with some of the broth, and give it a warm.

9. Garnish with boiled Spinage.

10. If yellow, yolks of hard Eggs strained with some Broth and Saffron.

And many other varieties.

_A Bisk otherways._

Take a Leg of Beef, cut it into two peices, and boil it in a gallon or five quarts of water, sc.u.m it, and about half an hour after put in a knuckle of Veal, and sc.u.m it also, boil it from five quarts to two quarts or less; and being three quarters boil'd, put in some Salt, and some Cloves, and Mace, being through boil'd, strain it from the meat, and keep the broth for your use in a pipkin.

Then have eight Marrow bones clean sc.r.a.ped from the flesh, and finely cracked over the middle, boil in water and salt three of them, and the other leave for garnish, to be boil'd in strong broth; and laid on the top of the Bisk when it is dished.

Again boil your Fowl in water and Salt, Teals, Partridges, Pidgeons, Plovers, Quails, Larks.

Then have a Joint of Mutton made into b.a.l.l.s with sweet Herbs, Salt, Nutmeggs, grated Bread, Eggs, Suit, a Clove or two of Garlick, and Pistaches, boil'd in Broth, with some interlarded Bacon, Sheeps tongues, larded and stewed, as also some Artichocks, Marrow, Pistaches, Sweet-Breads and Lambs-stones in strong broth, and Mace a Clove or two, some white-wine and strained almonds, or with the yolk of an Egg, Verjuyce, beaten b.u.t.ter, and slic't Lemon, or Grapes whole.

Then have fryed Clary, and fryed Pistaches in Yolks of Eggs.

Then Carved Lemons over all.

_To make another curious boil'd meat, much like a Bisk._

Take a Rack of Mutton, cut it in four peices, and boil it in three quarts of fair Water in a Pipkin, with a f.a.ggot of sweet Herbs very hard and close bound up from end to end, sc.u.m your broth and put in some salt: Then about half an hour after put in thre chickens finely scalded and trust, three Patridges boiled in water, the blood being well soaked out of them, and put to them also three or four blades of large Mace.

Then have all manner of sweet herbs, as Parsley, Time, Savory, Marjorim, Sorrel, Sage; these being finely picked, bruise them with the back of a ladle, and a little before you dish up your boil'd meat, put them to your broth, and give them a walm or two.

Again, for the top of your boil'd meat or garnish, have a pound of interlarded Bacon in thin slices, put them in a pipkin with six marrow-bones, and twelve bottoms of yong Artichocks, and some six sweet-breads of veal, strong broth, Mace, Nutmeg, some Goosberries or Barberries, some b.u.t.ter and Pistaches.

These things aforesaid being ready, and dinner called for, take a fine clean scoured dish and garnish it with Pistaches and Artichocks, carved Lemon, Grapes, and large Mace.

Then have sippets finely carved, and some slices of _French_ bread in the bottom of the dish, dish three pieces of Mutton, and one in the middle, and between the mutton three Chickens, and up in the middle, the Partridge, and pour on the broth with your herbs, then put on your pipkin over all, of Marrow, Artichocks, and the other materials, then Carved Lemon, Barberries and beaten b.u.t.ter over all, your carved sippets round the dish.

The accomplisht cook Part 7

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The accomplisht cook Part 7 summary

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