Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon Part 14

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~Venereal, the~, _pi'-ah sick._ ~Venison~, _mow'-itsh._ ~Very~, _hy-as'._ ~Vessel~, _s.h.i.+p._ ~Vest~, _la west._ ~Vomit, to~, _wagh._


~Wagon~, _tsik'-tsik; chik'-chik._ ~Wander, to~, _tso'-lo._ ~Want, to~, _tik-egh._ ~Warm~, _waum._ ~Wash, to~, _mam'-ook wash._ ~Watch, a~, _tik'-tik._ ~Water~, _chuck._ ~Waterfall~, _tum'-water._ ~We~, _ne-si'-ka._ ~Weigh, to~, _mam'-ook till._ ~Wet~, _pahtl chuck._ ~Whale~, _eh'-ko-lie; kwah-nice, kwad'-dis._ ~What~, _ik'-tah._ ~Wheat~, _sap'-o-lill._ ~Wheel~, _tsik'-tsik; chik'-chik._ ~When~, _kan'-sih; kun-juk._ ~Where~, _kah._ ~Whip~, _le whet._ ~White~, _t'kope._ ~Who~, _klak'-sta._ ~Whole~, _lo'-lo._ ~Why~, _kah-ta._ ~Wicked~, _me-sah-chie._ ~Wide~, _kluk-ulh'._ ~Wild~, _le mo'-lo._ ~Will, the~, _tum'-tum._ ~Willow~, _ee'-na stick._ ~Win, to~, _to'-lo._ ~Wind~, _wind._ ~Winter~, _cole il'-la-hie._ ~Wipe, to~, _klak'-wun._ ~Wire~, _chik'-a-min lope._ ~Wish, to~, _tik-egh._ ~With~, _ko'-pa._ ~Without~, _ha'-lo._ ~Wolf~, _le-loo'._ ~Woman~, _klootsh'-man._ ~Woman~ (old), _lam'-mi-eh._ ~Wood, wooden~, _stick._ ~Work, to~, _mam'-ook._ ~Worn out~, _o'-le-man._ ~Worthless~, _cul'-tus._ ~Wound, to~, _klem'-a-hun._ ~Write, to~, _mam'-ook peh-pah; mam'-ook tzum._ ~Writing~, _tzum._


~Year~, _ikt cole._ ~Yellow~, _kaw'-ka-wak._ ~Yes~, _ah-ha; e-eh._ ~Yes indeed~, _na-wit'-ka._ ~Yesterday~, _tahl-kie; tahl-kie sun._ ~You, your, yours~, _me-si'-ka._ ~Young~, _ten'-as._


Nesika papa klaksta mitlite kopa saghalie, kloshe kopa nesika Our father who stayeth in the above, good in our

tumtum mika nem; kloshe mika tyee kopa konaway tilik.u.m; hearts (be) thy name; good thou chief among all people;

kloshe mika tumtum kopa illahie, kahkwa kopa saghalie. Potlatch good thy will upon earth as in the above. Give

konaway sun nesika muckamuck. Spose nesika mamook masahchie, every day our food. If we do ill,

wake mika hyas solleks, pe spose klaksta masahchie kopa (be) not thou very angry, and if any one evil towards

nesika, wake nesika solleks kopa klaska. Mahsh siah kopa us not we angry towards them. Send away far from

nesaika konaway masahchie.

us all evil.

Kloshe kahkwa.

Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon Part 14

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