The Choise of Valentines Part 7

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175-6 Omitted in Rawl. MS.

177 _Thus gazing, and thus striuing, we perseuer_, Thus striking, thus gazeing, we perseuere.

178 _what so firme_, nought soe sure; _maie_, will; _euer_, ever.

179 _Oh!_ Fleete; _rauisht Mistris cryes_, ravisht senses cries.

180 _Leaste_, sith; _content that on_, Content vppon.

181 _Be_, Which; _too_, soe; _seat_, seates.

182 _And me unwares of hoped bliss defeat_, me vnawares of blissefull hope defeates. Here occur two lines in the Rawl. MS. which do not appear in the Petyt MS., as follows:

Togeather lett our equall motions stirr, Togeather lett vs liue and dye, my deare;

183 _Together lett us marche unto content_, Togeather let vs march with one contente.

184 _consumed with one blandishment_, Consum(e)d without languishmente.

185 _prescrib'd, so kept we crochet_, prescribed so keepe we clocke and.

186 _lyke_, like; _chyme_, chime.

187 _Whilst she_, soe shee; _had preseru'd_, here preferd; _pittie_, pittye.

188 _Unto_, vnto; _musike_, musicke; _dittie_, dittye.

190 _Euen_, even; _blisse and sorrowe doeth_, ioyes and sorrowes doe.

191 _lapp_, lappe; _louelie_, louely.

192 _entretaine the_, entertaine this; _shoure so free_, showry see.

193 _trikling falles_, drisling fall(es); _treasurie_, treasurye.

194 _As Aprill-drops_, Sweete Aprill flowers; _half so_, halfe soe.

195 _overflowe to aegipt-plaines_, overfloweinge Egipt playne.

196 _As this sweet-streames_, as is the balme; _hir ioints imbaynes_, her woombe destreynes.

197 _With Oh! and Oh! she itching moues hir hipps_, Now! oh now! she trickling moues her lippes.

198 _And_, and often; _full lightlie starts and skips_, she lightly startes and skippes.

199 _ierkes_, yerkes; _leggs_, legges; _sprauleth_, fresketh.

200 _No_, noe; _maie_, can; _solace_, pleasures.

201 _I faint! I yeald! Oh death, rock me_, I come! I come! sweete death, rocke mee.

202 _entombed_, intombe me.

203 _my deare, my dearest saint_, my deare, and dearest she.

204 _For, from us yett, thy spirit maie_, from us two (yett) this pleasure must.

205 _Untill_, Vntill; _channels_, Chambers.

206 _Without their source_, Withould themselues; _imprisoned_, newe prisoned.

207 _will we_, we will; _com too_, come soe.

209 _whilst_, whilest; _speake_, speke; _is fleeting_, in stealing.

210 _fles.h.i.+e_, earthly.

213 _but an houre_, but one houre; _an houre is_, one houre is; _so_, soe

214 _But_, nay; _if that_, and if.

217 _Maie be alightned with a little pause_, Maye now be lengthened by a litle pawse.

218 _awaie_, awaye; _sudden_, suddaine.

221 _riuers nere returne_, riuer nere returnes.

222 _springe_, spring; _must helpe me or_, must helpe, or elles.

223-34 Omitted in Rawl. MS.

235 _Hence-forth no more will I implore thine_, Hensforth I will noe more implore thine.

236 _or man of cowardize upbrayde_, for ever of Cowardise shall vpprayd.

237 _dilldo_, d.i.l.d.oe; _suply their_, supplye your.

238 _knaue_, youth; _moues_, is; _by_, in.

239 _That_, He; _anie_, any.

241-42 Omitted in Rawl. MS.

243 _For, by saint Runnion, he'le_, And when I will he doth.

244 _make_, makes; _bellie_, belly.

245 _whose triumph now_, thy kingdome needes; _falle_, fall.

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