Early English Meals and Manners Part 84
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[Sidenote: _A bedward Prayer._]
-- A praier to be saide when thou goest to bedde.
[Sidenote: G.o.d of mercy, take us into Thy care.]
++O Mercifull G.o.d!
heare this our requeste, 988 And graunte vnto vs this nighte quiet reste.
Into thy tuicion, oh lorde, do vs take! 992 Our bodies slepynge, our myndes yet maie wake.
[Sidenote: Forgive us our sins.]
Forgeue the offences this daye we haue wroughte 996 A-gainste thee and our neighbour in worde, dede, and thoughte!
And graunte vs thy grace hense forth to flie sinne, 1000
[Sidenote: [sign. D. ii.]]
[Sidenote: Deliver us from evil, and our enemy the Devil.]
And that a newe lyfe we maie nowe beginne!
Deliuer and defende vs this night from all euell, 1004 And from the daunger of our enemie, the diuell, whiche goeth a-boute sekyng his praie, 1008 And by his crafte whom we maie betraie.
[Sidenote: a.s.sist us to conquer him and ascribe all honour to Thee.]
a.s.siste vs, oh lorde, with thy holy sprite, 1012 That valiantly against him we maie euer fighte; And winning the victorie, maie lifte vp our voice, 1016 And in his strength faithfully reioice, Saying, "to the lorde be all honour and praise 1020 For his defence bothe now and alwaies!"
[Transcriber's Note:
In the following segment, the numbers 1, 2, 3... from the original text are used as sidenote markers. There are no footnotes.]
[Sidenote: [sign. D. ii.b.]]
[Sidenote: _Each one's Duty._]
-- the dutie of eche degred. (_so_) brefely declared.
[Sidenote: The Duty of [1] Princes, [2] Judges, [3] Prelates, [4] Parents, [5] Children, [6] Masters, [7] Servants, [8] Husbands.]
1 ++Ye princes, that the earth rule and gouerne, 1024 Seke ye for knowledge doubtes to discerne.
2 Ye iudges, geue iudgement according to righte 1028 As may be founde acceptable in the lordes sight.
3 Ye prelates, preache purely the worde of our lorde, 1032 That your liuings & prechinges in one maie accorde.
4 Ye fathers and mothers, so your children instructe 1036 As maye them to grace and uertue conducte.
[Sidenote: [sign. D. iii.]]
5 Ye chyldren, lykewyse obey your pare{n}tes here; 1040 In all G.o.dlinesse see that ye them feare.
6 Ye maisters, do you the thynge that is righte 1044 Not lokynge what ye may do by mighte.
7 Ye seruauntes, applie your busines and arte, 1048 Doinge the same in singlenesse of harte.
8 Ye husbandes, loue your wyues, and with them dwell, 1052 All bitternesse set aparte, vsing wordes gentell.
[Sidenote: The Duty of [9] Wives, [10] Parsons and Vicars, [11] Men of Law, [12] Craftsmen, [13] Landlords, [14] Merchants, [15] Subjects, [16] Rich Men, [17] Poor Men, [18] Magistrates, [19] Officers,]
9 Ye wyues, to your husbandes be obedient alwaie, 1056
[Sidenote: [sign. D. iii.b.]]
For they are your heades, and ye bounde to obeie.
10 Ye persons and vickers that haue cure and charge, 1060 Take hede to the same, and roue not at large.
11 Ye men of lawe, in no wyse delaie 1064 The cause of the poore, but helpe what ye maie.
12 Ye that be craftes men, vse no disceite, 1068 Geuing to all men tale, measure, and weighte.
13 Ye that be landlordes and haue housen to let, 1072 At reasonable rentes do them forth set.
[Sidenote: [sign. D. iiii.]]
14 Ye merchauntes that vse the trade of merchandise, 1076 Vse lawfull wares and reasonable prise.
15 Ye subiectes, lyue ye in obedience and awe, 1080 Fearyng G.o.ds stroke, and daunger of the lawe.
16 Ye rych, whom G.o.d hath goods vnto sente, 1084 Releue the poore and helpe the indigente.
17 Ye that are poore, with your state be contente, 1088 Not hauinge wherwith to lyue competente.
18 Ye magestrates, the cause of the widdow and fatherles 1092
[Sidenote: [sign. D. iiii.b.]]
Defende againste suche as shall them opresse.
19 All ye that are called to any other office, 1096 Execute the same acordinge to iustice.
[Sidenote: The Duty of all Men.]
20 Let eche here so liue in his vocacion, 1100 As maie his soule saue, and profet his nacion.
[Sidenote: G.o.d grant us all to live and die well!]
21 This graunting G.o.d, that sitteth on hie, 1104 we shall here well lyue and after well die.
+Famam virtutis mors Abolire nequit quod. F. S.+
-- Imprinted at London in Paules Churchyearde. By william Seares.
Whate-ever thow sey, avyse thee welle!
[_MS._ O. 9. 38. _Trinity College, Cambridge._]
Almy?ty G.o.dde, conserue vs fram care!
Early English Meals and Manners Part 84
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