The American Church Dictionary and Cyclopedia Part 13
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THE EFFICIENT CAUSE.--The operation of the Holy Ghost.
THE INSTRUMENTAL CAUSE ON G.o.d'S SIDE.--The Ministry of the Word, Baptism and the Holy Communion.
THE INSTRUMENTAL CAUSE ON MAN'S SIDE.--Faith which works by love.
Kalendar.--The same as CALENDAR (which see).
Keys of the Church.--To the Rector belongs the control of the keys of the Church building, and this because he alone can determine what services shall be held in it. If he chooses he can hold services every day; he can celebrate the Holy Eucharist every day or as often as he thinks best, and no one can interfere with him. He has charge of the spiritualities of the Parish and in this he is left absolutely free, being amenable to his Bishop only. The Vestry have nothing to do in determining what use the Rector shall {160} make of the Church building in carrying out the provisions of the Prayer Book. The Office of Inst.i.tution recognizes this right in that one of its provisions is that "then shall the Senior Warden (or the member of the Vestry supplying his place) present the keys of the Church to the new Inc.u.mbent, saying, In the name and behalf of------Parish [or Church] I do receive and acknowledge you, the Reverend, (name) as Priest and Rector of the same; and in token thereof, give into your hands the _keys of the Church_."
Keys, Power of the.--A phrase used in reference to the discipline of the Church which our Lord has intrusted to the Bishops and Pastors of the Flock as "ministers and stewards of His grace." This phrase involves the doctrines of Absolution and Excommunication; the idea of opening and shutting, admission and rejection, and the administration of the Sacraments. In Holy Scripture, the "Power of the Keys" is called a "binding and loosing"; also a "remitting and retaining of sin," having reference to the authority to admit into communion with the Church or to exclude therefrom. (See St. Matt.
16:19; 18:18; and St. John 20:23.)
Kindred, Table of.--A table set forth in the Prayer Book of the Church of England, with the t.i.tle, "Table of Kindred and Affinity, wherein whosoever are related are forbidden in Scripture and in our laws to marry together." While this Table is not published in the American Prayer Book, it is regarded by many American canonists as the law of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States. It is interesting to note that this Table is (or at least was until a few {161} years ago) embodied in the Statutes of the State of Maryland, and that in some other States there are laws forbidding the marriage of first cousins.
Kingdom of G.o.d.--The New Testament name for the Church. St. Matthew uses the phrase, "kingdom of heaven," while the other Evangelists employ the term, "kingdom of G.o.d," both being equivalent terms meaning the same thing, viz.: the kingdom of Christ on earth, the kingdom of the Gospel, the Church of Christ. This is, indeed, a heavenly and divine kingdom, for though it is now set up on earth yet its nature, its purpose, its powers and its ends are "of heaven." That this phrase is used to signify the Church on earth can be seen most plainly in the various parables in which our Lord likens the "kingdom of heaven" to such things as of necessity belong to the present time. See the parables in St. Matt. 13; also in St.
Mark 4:26-32. The Gospel which our Lord delivered to man is not an abstract Gospel, but "the Gospel of the kingdom ":--see St. Matt.
4:23; 9:35; 24:14; St. Mark 1:14; St. Luke 4:43; 9:2; 10:9; 16:16; Acts 1:13; 8:12; 19:8; 20:25; 28:23 and 31. From these and many other pa.s.sages we learn that our Lord embodied His Truth and Salvation in an _Inst.i.tution_ which should be the means of its preservation, the instrument of its promulgation throughout the world, and into which men are admitted by Holy Baptism to become partakers of His Salvation. This truth appears constantly in the Bible and is the basis of its appeals to live righteously and G.o.dly in this present world. As an example of this see Col. 1:12 and 13. {162}
Kissing the Stole.--The stole represents the yoke of Christ, and the Priest in recognition of that yoke and of his vows, kisses the stole each time he puts it on to show his willingness to submit to that yoke.
Kneeling.--The most fitting posture in which prayer is to be offered to G.o.d. Our blessed Lord Himself by His own example has taught us this. In regard to kneeling in Public Wors.h.i.+p, the Annotated Prayer Book has this note: "The gesture of kneeling is not only a mark of personal humility and reverence, but also one of those acts required of every one as an individual component part of the body which forms the congregation. To neglect it, is to neglect a duty which is owing to G.o.d and man in this respect as well as the other. We have no right to conspicuous private gestures in a public devotional a.s.sembly; nor are the gestures which we use (in conformity to the rules of the Church) to be necessarily interpreted as hypocritical because our personal habits or feelings may not be entirely consistent with them. As the Clergy have an official duty in Church, irrespective of their personal characters, so also have the Laity.
It may be added that a respectful conformity to rules enjoining such official duties, may often lead onward to true personal reverence and holiness."
Kyrie.--The Greek t.i.tle of the responses after the Ten Commandments in the Communion Office. _Kyrie_ means "Lord," and taken with the Greek word _eleison_, they form the first words of the response "Lord, have mercy." {163}
Lady Day.--The English popular name for the FEAST OF THE ANNUNCIATION (which see).
Laity.--Derived from the Latin _Laicus_, Greek _Laikos_, from _Laos_, meaning "people." The word means of, or pertaining to the People as distinguished from the Clergy. The term was first used in the second century. It ought to be noticed that the term Laity, or Layman does not mean the mere absence of rank, but denotes a positive order in the Church. The word is the equivalent of "brethren," as we read in the Acts of the Apostles, of the first Church Council which issued the first pastoral letter, which begins "The Apostles and Elders and _brethren_ send greeting" (Acts 15:23). When in our Conventions or Councils the vote by orders is called for, the Clergy vote by themselves and the Laity by themselves; in this we have an ill.u.s.tration of the Laity as an order in the Church.
Lamb and Flag.--A symbolical representation of our Blessed Lord, used in Church decorations. The lamb is the chief emblem of our Saviour who was called by St. John Baptist, "the Lamb of G.o.d that taketh away the sins of the world." The lamb is represented with a nimbus or glory of four rays, one partly concealed by the head. The rays are marks of divinity and belong only to our Lord. The lamb bearing a flag or banner signifies Victory, and is an emblem of the Resurrection. This symbolism is appropriately used at Easter. {164}
Lambeth Conference.--The name given to the a.s.semblage of the Bishops of the Anglican Communion on the invitation of the Bishop of Canterbury, and held in Lambeth Palace. The first meeting was held in 1867; the second in 1878; the third in 1888, and the fourth in 1897; the Bishops thus coming together every ten years for mutual counsel and advice concerning the great work of the Anglican Communion throughout the world. As many as two hundred Bishops have thus come together in conference, at one time.
Lammas Day.--The old name given to the first day of August because on that day in Anglo-Saxon times it was the custom to bring into the Church offerings in kind, loaves, representing the first-fruits, of the harvest. The word "Lammas" is derived from the Anglo-Saxon word _hlafmaesse_, _hlaf_ meaning a loaf, and _maesse_ meaning "ma.s.s." As the first of August in old Calendars was the Feast of St.
Peter-in-chains, it is also supposed that _Lammas_ is an abbreviation of _Vincula Ma.s.s_, or the Feast of St. Peter _ad vincula_ in commemoration of his deliverance from chains.
Last Things, the Four.--These are Death, Judgment, Heaven, h.e.l.l.
(See ESCHATOLOGY.) These subjects being so very solemn in their import, they are frequently taken as topics of instruction or of sermons during the Advent Season, when our thoughts are turned to the contemplation of our Lord's second coming "in His glorious Majesty to judge both the quick and the dead."
Lauds.--One of the seven CANONICAL HOURS (which see). {165}
Lay Baptism.--Baptism administered by a layman. The Church has always held that Baptism by any man in case of necessity is valid. But only great necessity, such as sudden danger or sickness and the inability to secure the services of a clergyman, should be just cause for baptism by a layman, and then great care should be taken that the proper form and words are used. (See BAPTISM, HOLY.) It is well to note that when Holy Baptism is administered by one who is not a Clergyman _without such necessity_ as mentioned above, the person baptizing is guilty of a great sin, even though his act may bring a blessing to the person baptized. His act cannot be undone, but it ought not to have been done.
Layman.--One of the LAITY (which see).
Lay-Reader.--A layman who reads the Church service in the absence of the Priest. Usually he is licensed to do so by the Bishop of the Diocese. The American Church has a canon on the subject, setting forth the method of appointment and regulating his work, from which it is learned that the lay-reader is very much limited in the service he renders being permitted to use only those portions of the service which do not belong properly to the Ministry. When the Priest is present a laymen may read the Lessons in the Daily Morning and Evening Prayer, and also the Litany as far as the Lord's Prayer.
Laying on of Hands.--The ceremony by which one is ordained to the Sacred Ministry by the Bishop, and by which he administers the Rite of Confirmation, (See IMPOSITION OF HANDS.) {166}
Lectern.--The desk or stand from which the Scriptural Lessons in Church are read, and is so called from this fact. The term "lectern"
is derived from the Latin word _lecturni_, meaning a pulpit or from the Greek _lektron_, a couch or rest for a book. Lecterns as used in our churches are sometimes constructed of wood or stone, but frequently of polished bra.s.s, in the form of an eagle with outstretched wings, (on which the Bible rests) to symbolize the flight of the Gospel message throughout the world.
Lectionary.--The Tables to be found in the Prayer Book setting forth the portions of Scripture to be read daily in Public Wors.h.i.+p throughout the year, also the Proper Lessons for Sundays and the Holy Days of the Church. The word is derived from the Latin _lectus_, from _lego_, to gather, to read. From this origin we have the word _lection_, meaning a reading or lesson read; he who reads was called _lector_, a name given to one of the minor orders in the ancient Church. _The Lectionary_ as found in the Prayer Book contains most ample provision for the reading of G.o.d's Holy Word. By this appointment the Old Testament is read once during the year, and some portions of it more frequently. The New Testament is read three times, while the Book of Psalms is read twelve times or once a month. No other religious body makes so large provision for the public reading of the Scriptures, and the Episcopal Church has been appropriately called a "Bible Reading Church." The Lectionary as it now stands was set forth by the General Convention of 1883, being a revision of the old Lectionary which had been in use since 1789, the time of the first {167} setting forth of the American Prayer Book.
Lent, The Season of.--The word "Lent" has no special significance save only as it designates the time of the Fast before Easter. The word is derived from the Anglo-Saxon _lencten_, meaning the spring season. From this we learn that the _Lenten Fast_ means simply the Fast that comes in the spring of the year. It was appointed at this time for the reason that our Lord's Pa.s.sion and Death occurred at this time of the year and these devotions of the faithful grouped themselves around that sad hour on Calvary. At first, the Fast may not have extended over the Paschal Week, but it was arranged at a very early period to cover the forty days preceding Easter. Beginning with Ash Wednesday the Lenten Season really covers a period of forty-six days, but as Sunday has always been regarded as a Feast, these six Sundays are not counted as belonging to the Fast. (See LENT, SUNDAYS in.) There can be no great difficulty in a.s.signing a reason for this solemnity to be kept for forty days. For many reasons "Forty" is a Scriptural number. _Forty_ years the children of Israel were under discipline in their pilgrimage in the wilderness.
Moses fasted _forty_ days in the mount. Elijah was _forty_ days in the wilderness. _Forty_ days did the Ninevites fast and repent them of their sins to avert the judgments foretold by the prophet Jonah.
And _forty_ days did our Lord fast in the wilderness when about to enter upon His public ministry. From these references we learn that it is both Scriptural and helpful that this Season of Penitence should be prolonged for us, that bearing {168} in mind these incidents of "forty years" and "forty days" of devotion and discipline which characterized the history of G.o.d's people, and also our Lord's example, we may be like minded in prayer, in discipline and in turning to G.o.d. The devotions of the Lenten Fast are intimately connected with Easter which it precedes and are intended to prepare the mind and heart for the devout celebration of the "Queen of Festivals" and for the Easter Communion. Lent being a penitential season the ecclesiastical color is purple or violet.
The _Benedicite_ takes the place of the _Te Deum_ and the Ash Wednesday Collect is used every day throughout the Season.
Lent, Sundays in.--As stated in the preceding article the Lenten fast does not include all the days between Ash Wednesday and Easter, for the _Sundays_ are so many days above the number forty. They are excluded because the Lord's Day is always kept as a Festival and never as a Fast. These six Sundays, therefore, are called "Sundays IN Lent, not _of_ Lent; they are in the midst of it, but do not form part of it; on these Sundays we continue without interruption to celebrate our Saviour's Resurrection." The Sundays in Lent are named in the Prayer Book First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth; the last Sunday being set forth as "The Sunday next before Easter."
Popular usage, however, has a.s.signed other names to the closing Sundays in Lent, for example, the Fourth Sunday is usually called _Mid Lent Sunday_, for the reason that the Lenten Fast is half over.
It is also called _Refreshment Sunday_, from the Gospel for the Day which gives the account of our Lord {169} miraculously feeding the five thousand in the wilderness; another name is _Mothering Sunday_ (which see). The Fifth Sunday is called _Pa.s.sion Sunday_, from the fact that on that day the Church begins the solemn recital of our Lord's sufferings. The Sixth Sunday is known as _Palm Sunday_ as it was on this day our Lord made His Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, when the people hailed Him as King and strewed palm branches in His way, crying "Hosanna to the Son of David."
Lesser Litany, The.--That portion of the Litany beginning, "O Christ, hear us," and ending with the prayer, "We humbly beseech Thee, O Father," is so called. It is often used as a penitential ending to week-day services during Lent.
Lessons, The.--The word "Lesson" is derived from the Latin _lectio_, meaning a reading, and signifies a portion of Scripture appointed to be read during Divine service; applied especially to those Scriptures read in the Daily Services. Two Lessons are to be read at each service in accordance with the custom of the early Christians, one from the Old Testament and one from the New. The principle upon which the Lessons are thus selected is set forth by Justin Martyr, who lived A.D. 103-164, as follows: "The Apostles have taught, as they learned themselves, first the Law and then the Gospel; for what is the Law but the Gospel foreshadowed; or what is the Gospel but the Law fulfilled." (See CALENDAR, LECTIONARY, and also SCRIPTURES IN PRAYER BOOK.)
Letter Dimissory.--(See DIMISSORY LETTER.)
Letter of Orders.--The name given to the certificate of Ordination to the Sacred Ministry, with the {170} Bishop's seal, and given by him to each Priest or Deacon whom he ordains. The form of this certificate varies in the use of different Bishops.
Letter of Transfer.--Canon 12, Section I, t.i.tle 2 of the Digest provides that, "A communicant removing from one parish to another shall procure from the Rector (if any) of the parish of his last residence, or if there be no Rector, from one of the Wardens, a certificate stating that he or she is a communicant in good standing; and the Rector of the Parish or Congregation to which he or she removes shall not be required to receive him or her as a communicant until such letter be produced."
Lights on the Altar.--(See ALTAR LIGHTS.) In addition to what is set forth in the article to which the reader is referred, we reproduce from Wheatley on the Prayer Book the following: "Among other ornaments of the Church were _two_ lights enjoined by the Injunctions of King Edward VI to be set upon the Altar as a significant ceremony to represent the Light which Christ's Gospel brought into the world. And this, too, was ordered by the very same Injunction which prohibited all other lights and tapers that used to be superst.i.tiously set before images or shrines. And these lights, used time out of mind in the Church, are still continued in most, if not all, Cathedral and Collegiate churches and chapels, . . . and ought also by this rubric, to be used in all parish churches and chapels."
Linen Cloth.--(See FAIR LINEN CLOTH.)
Litany, The.--The word "Litany" is of Greek origin, from _litancia_, derived from _lite_, meaning a {171} "prayer." In the early Church Litany included all supplications and prayers whether public or private. Afterwards it came to mean a special supplication, offered with intense earnestness, and this will explain the t.i.tle of the Litany in the Prayer Book, viz.: "The Litany, or General Supplication." The Litany as now used is substantially the same as that compiled by Gregory the Great at the end of the sixth century.
It is a separate and distinct service, but is commonly used as a matter of convenience after Morning Prayer, and may be used after the Evening Prayer. It is appointed to be read on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays, and like all other prayers is said kneeling. An examination of the Litany shows it to be divided into six divisions as follows: I. _The Invocations_ being earnest appeals for mercy to each Person in the G.o.dhead, first separately and then collectively. II. _The Deprecations_, being those pet.i.tions having as their response, "Good Lord, deliver us." III. _The Obsecrations_, being the last three pet.i.tions having as their response, "Good Lord, deliver us,"
beginning with the pet.i.tion, "By the mystery," etc. IV. _The Intercessions_, including all the pet.i.tions to which the people respond, "We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord." V. _The Supplications_, beginning, "O Christ hear us," down to VI. _The Prayers_ with which the Litany closes. By reason of its responsive character the Litany is a very soul stirring and heart searching supplication, is designed to keep the attention constantly on the alert and to enliven devotion by calling upon the congregation to make their pet.i.tions for those deliverances and blessings recited by the minister. {172}
Litany Desk.--A kneeling desk, sometimes called a faldstool, from which the Litany is read. Its customary place in the Church is on the floor of the nave in front of the chancel in accordance with the Injunction issued during the reigns of Edward VI and Queen Elizabeth. The significance of this position may be seen by reference to the words of the prophet Joel read on Ash Wednesday as the Epistle, "Let the Priests, the Ministers of the Lord, weep _between the porch and the Altar_, and let them say, Spare Thy people, O Lord."
Liturgical Colors.--(See CHURCH COLORS.)
Liturgy.--The word "Liturgy" is derived from the Greek _leitourgia_, meaning a public work or duty, whether civil or religious. It then became generally used with reference to sacred offices, whence arose its ecclesiastical use to signify the solemnization of the rites of the Christian Church. Afterwards, it came to be especially applied to the office for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist and as such the term is technically used in Church History. The Liturgy being the Office of the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, it has for its nucleus our Lord's words of Inst.i.tution. These with their accompanying Divine acts form the centre around which all subsequent prayers, praises and ritual customs gathered, and the history of these is the history of Liturgies. Liturgies have been used in the Christian Church from the beginning as the ancient Liturgies demonstrate. Of these there are many still extant in MSS. some of them fully as old as the oldest MSS. of the Bible. While they vary in arrangement and phraseology, yet the leading and essential {173}
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