The Mechanical Properties of Wood Part 20
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GRISARD, JULES, et VANDENBERGHE, MAXIMILIEN: Les bois industriels, indigenes et exotiques; synonymie et description des especes, proprietes physiques des bois, qualites, defauts, usages et emplois. Paris, 189-. From Bul. de la Societe nationale d'acclimatation de France, Vols. x.x.xVIII-XL.
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----: Experiments on the strength and stiffness of small spruce beams. _Ibid._, Vol. XXIV, 1881, pp. 473-477.
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k.u.mMER, FREDERICK A.: The effects of preservative treatment on the strength of timber. Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., Vol. IV, 1904, pp. 434-438.
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LANZA, GAETANO: An account of certain tests on the transverse strength and stiffness of large spruce beams. Trans. Am. Soc.
Mech. Eng., Vol. IV, 1882, pp. 119-135. See also Jour. Franklin Inst., Vol. XCV, 1883, pp. 81-94.
LASLETT, T.: Properties and characteristics of timber. Chatham, 1867.
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