The Community Cook Book Part 5

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One saltspoonful salt, one-half saltspoonful white pepper, three tablespoonfuls olive oil, one-half teaspoonful onion juice, one tablespoonful vinegar. Mix in order slowly. One spoonful lemon juice may be used in place of onion juice.


Bananas sliced lengthwise in quarters; over this put pineapple in cubes.

Boil the pineapple a few minutes, to make it more tender. Then large strawberries and English walnuts. Over it put a spoonful of mayonnaise.

Make the mayonnaise as you would a filling for lemon pie, with two lemons. Add whipped cream to it before serving.


Chop or slice one medium-sized cabbage; put in boiling water, well covered; boil fifteen minutes, drain off all water and add a dressing made as follows: Half teacup vinegar, two-thirds as much sugar, salt, pepper, one-half teaspoonful mustard, one tablespoonful b.u.t.ter or olive oil. When this is boiling hot add one teacup cream and one egg, stirred together; mix thoroughly and immediately with the cabbage. Cook a moment. Serve hot.


Remove the outer leaves from a large, solid head of lettuce. Tear each leaf into three or four pieces; put them into a towel and on ice or in a cold place. When wis.h.i.+ng to serve, put into a bowl, mix one tablespoonful vinegar, one-half teaspoonful salt and one-quarter teaspoonful pepper and sprinkle over the lettuce; stir well, add four tablespoonfuls thick, sweet cream and mix quickly. Serve at once.


Two tablespoonfuls b.u.t.ter, one teaspoonful mustard, one teaspoonful salt, four teaspoonfuls sugar, one-half cup vinegar, one cup cream, yolks of four eggs. Beat yolks together, add b.u.t.ter, mustard, salt and sugar. Boil cream and add to mixture. Boil vinegar and add. Then put on fire and stir until it thickens.


Yolks of eight eggs, two tablespoonfuls b.u.t.ter, one cup sugar, one tablespoonful flour, one teaspoonful salt, one teaspoonful mustard, one and one-half cup strong vinegar, two-thirds cup water. Mix flour, mustard and sugar together; add to it the beaten eggs, sugar and b.u.t.ter; then add vinegar and water, and cook over slow fire, stirring all the time. Thin with cream when ready to use, and add celery seed if desired.

One-half of this can be made at one time.


One pint of cream, yolks of two eggs, one-half teaspoonful dry mustard, one-half teaspoonful salt, one-half teaspoonful pepper. Beat yolks for a few minutes, add mustard, salt and pepper, then mix with the cream and put in double boiler; let come to a boil. Put pepper and salt (more, if deemed necessary) and vinegar over potatoes or cabbage about ten minutes before putting in the dressing.


Boil six good-sized potatoes in their jackets. When cold, peel and put in chopping bowl; add two medium-sized onions, two hard-boiled eggs and chop fine. Add dressing.


Two eggs well beaten, one cup sweet milk. Boil milk and eggs until it thickens, then add one tablespoonful sugar and b.u.t.ter size of walnut.

One-half cup vinegar; salt and pepper to taste.

SALAD No. 1.

Put alternate slices of tomatoes and pineapple on lettuce leaves and put a large spoonful mayonnaise over each.

SALAD No. 2.

Chop celery, English walnuts and apples, mix with mayonnaise. Serve on lettuce leaves.


Use lemon Jello as directed on the box. When beginning to get livery, put in thin slices of stuffed olives and pour in small cup to mold. Turn out on lettuce leaves and put a spoonful of mayonnaise on each.


Slice thin cold boiled potatoes and salt well, pour over thick sour cream and stir gently, cut celery in small pieces and mix; let stand one hour, then put in vinegar and stir, using one-third as much as cream.

Let stand in cool place two or three hours.


One cup each of boiled potatoes, beet root, fish (mackerel, salmon or cold meat), celery root or stock, one apple, all cut up in small squares; chop some olives and pickles very fine, salt and pepper to taste. Mix in enough cream to make it stick together. Make a sauce by lightly whipping some cream and adding vinegar. Garnish with hard-boiled eggs, olives and beets.


One pair sweetbreads, two cuc.u.mbers, one cup mayonnaise. Decorate with shredded lettuce border.


Mix together two tablespoonfuls olive oil, one teaspoonful salt, two tablespoonfuls sugar, two tablespoonfuls vinegar. Then add one-half cup tomato catsup and one cupful sweet cream, beating in gradually. This dressing is good for fish, as well as vegetable salads.


Take nice shaped tomatoes, remove skin, scoop out the seed, sprinkle with salt and put in cool place. Cut cuc.u.mbers in bits, fill the tomatoes and serve with whipped cream, lemon juice, salt and pepper.


Cut the tomatoes half or two-thirds size if desired. Take out the inside and cut into dice. Fill the with ice. One cup tomatoes, one-half teaspoonful shredded onion. Over this pour mayonnaise dressing made with one egg, well-beaten oil, pour in until a little thick, salt, pepper and vinegar. Have all very cold. One teaspoonful of this dressing to a cup of tomatoes. Serve in the tomato Nasturtium leaves are pretty on the plate to garnish.


"Meat was made for mouths."

The Community Cook Book Part 5

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