The Story of Crisco Part 9

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Flounder a la Turque

For Fish

1 large flounder 1 teaspoonful chopped parsley 3 tablespoonfuls breadcrumbs 2 tablespoonfuls Crisco 1/2 teaspoonful powdered herbs 1 pinch powdered mace Salt, pepper, and red pepper to taste 1/2 cupful picked shrimps

For Sauce

1/2 lemon 1 egg 1/2 cupful melted Crisco 1 yolk of egg 1/2 teaspoonful mustard 1/2 teaspoonful salt 1 pinch red pepper 1 tablespoonful vinegar 2 chopped gherkins

1 teaspoonful chopped parsley

_For fish._ Wash dry and trim flounder. On one side make cut down center from near head to near tail and raise flesh from the bones.

Make a stuffing with Crisco, parsley, breadcrumbs, herbs, shrimps, lemon juice, seasonings, and nearly all the egg, and insert under the fillets of the flounder, leaving the center open. Dot with Crisco.

Brush fish over with remaining egg, sprinkle with browned breadcrumbs, put on Criscoed baking tin, and bake thirty minutes. Serve with sauce.

_For sauce._ Put egg yolk into a bowl, and, with a wooden spoon stir a little; then add by degrees melted Crisco, stirring constantly; then add seasonings, vinegar, gherkins and parsley.

Fish Pudding

_(Kate B. Vaughn)_

For Pudding

2 lbs. cooked fish 1 cupful milk 1 tablespoonful flour 1 tablespoonful Crisco 2 eggs Salt and pepper to taste 1/4 teaspoonful onion juice 1 tablespoonful Worcesters.h.i.+re sauce Cream sauce

For Sauce

3 tablespoonfuls flour 3 tablespoonfuls Crisco 1 slice carrot 1 slice onion 1 slice celery 1 blade of mace 1 bay leaf 6 whole peppers 1 sprig of parsley 1/4 teaspoonful salt

1 cupful thick cream

_For pudding._ Boil fish in boiling salted water till done. Shred or break in small pieces, and free from skin and bone. Blend Crisco and flour in a saucepan over fire, add milk and stir till boiling, remove from fire, add eggs well beaten, seasonings, and mix well. Turn into Criscoed fireproof dish, cover with greased paper, set in warm water, and bake in moderate oven for thirty minutes. Serve with the sauce, potato b.a.l.l.s, and chopped parsley.

_For sauce._ Blend Crisco and flour in a pan over fire, add vegetables, mace, bay leaf, peppers, parsley, milk, and simmer for thirty minutes. Strain, return to pan, add salt, allow to heat, then add cream and it is ready to serve.

Fried Fish

Fish Crisco 1 egg Salt and pepper to taste Crumbs Sauce

Clean fish, season with salt and pepper. Dip in crumbs, brush over with beaten egg, and crumb again. Fry in deep Crisco and drain on brown paper.

_Sauce_. Blend 1-1/2 tablespoonfuls Crisco with 1 tablespoonful flour in saucepan over fire, add 1 cupful of milk or cream and bring to boil, cook for a few minutes over hot water. Cool and add 2 chopped green bell peppers and 6 medium-sized chopped sour pickles.

Fried Lobster with Horseradish Sauce

1 boiled lobster Crisco for frying 1 egg Breadcrumbs 1 cupful thick cream Salt and paprika to taste 2 tablespoonfuls grated horseradish

Cut lobster meat into neat pieces, dip in beaten egg, toss in breadcrumbs and fry in hot Crisco to brown well. Whip up cream, season it well with salt and paprika and stir in horseradish; heap this sauce in the center of the serving dish and arrange the pieces of fried lobster round it. Serve hot.

Gateau of Fish

For Fish

1-1/2 lbs. cooked white fish 3 tablespoonfuls Crisco 1/2 cupful breadcrumbs 1/2 cupful milk 2 eggs 1 teaspoonful chopped parsley 1 teaspoonful anchovy paste or extract Salt and pepper to taste Lemon slices

Dutch or oyster sauce

For Sauce

2 tablespoonfuls flour 2 tablespoonfuls Crisco 1 cupful milk 1/2 cupful oyster liquor 1 teaspoonful lemon juice Salt, pepper, and red pepper to taste 2 hard-cooked eggs

1 dozen small oysters

_For fish._ Cook fish; remove skin and bone, chop it, then put it in a basin, add breadcrumbs, parsley, seasonings, milk, eggs well beaten, and melted Crisco. Mix well, turn into a Criscoed mold, cover with greased paper and steam one hour. Serve with sauce poured over, and dish garnished with lemon slices.

_For sauce._ Blend Crisco and flour in pan over fire, stir in milk, oyster liquor, stir till it boils for eight minutes, then add seasonings. Boil one minute, add eggs chopped, and oysters. Mix and serve.

Oyster Shortcake

2 cupfuls flour 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder 1/2 teaspoonful salt 3/4 cupful milk 1 quart oysters 1/2 cupful Crisco 2 tablespoonfuls cornstarch 1/4 cupful cream Salt and pepper to taste

Mix flour, baking powder and 1/2 teaspoonful salt, then sift twice, work in Crisco with tips of fingers, add milk gradually. The dough should be just soft enough to handle. Toss on floured baking board, divide into two parts, pat lightly and roll out. Place in two shallow Criscoed cake tins and bake in quick oven fifteen minutes. Spread them with b.u.t.ter. Moisten cornstarch with cream, put into pan with oysters and seasonings and make very hot. Allow to cook a few minutes then pour half over one crust, place other crust on top and pour over rest of oysters. Serve at once.

Sufficient for one large shortcake.

Salmon Mold

1 can salmon 2 tablespoonfuls Crisco 1/2 cupful rolled crackers 3 eggs 1 tablespoonful Worcesters.h.i.+re sauce Salt and pepper to taste


1 tablespoonful Crisco 1 tablespoonful flour 1 egg 1 cupful milk Salt and pepper to taste Parsley

_For the mold._ Remove oil, skin and bone from the salmon. Rub salmon smooth, add eggs well beaten, crackers, and seasonings. Turn into a Criscoed mold, and steam for one hour. Turn out and serve with sauce.

_For sauce._ Blend Crisco and flour in a saucepan over fire, add milk, and stir and boil for five minutes. Add egg well beaten, and seasonings, pour at once over salmon. Garnish with parsley.

The Story of Crisco Part 9

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