Beasts, Men and Gods Part 25

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Karma may have opened a new page of history!

And what if the King of the World be with them?

But this greatest Mystery of Mysteries keeps its own deep silence.


Agronome.--Russian for trained agriculturalist.

Amour sayn.--Good-bye.

Ataman.--Headman or chief of the Cossacks.

Bandi.--Pupil or student of theological school in the Buddhist faith.

Buriat.--The most civilized Mongol tribe, living in the valley of the Selenga in Transbaikalia.

Chahars.--A warlike Mongolian tribe living along the Great Wall of China in Inner Mongolia.

Chaidje.--A high Lamaite priest, but not an incarnate G.o.d.

Cheka.--The Bolshevik Counter-Revolutionary Committee, the most relentless establishment of the Bolsheviki, organized for the persecution of the enemies of the Communistic government in Russia.

Chiang Chun.--Chinese for "General"--Chief of all Chinese troops in Mongolia.

Dalai Lama.--The first and highest Pontiff of the Lamaite or "Yellow Faith," living at Lhasa in Tibet.

Djungar.--A West Mongolian tribe.

Dugun.--Chinese commercial and military post.

Dzuk.--Lie down!

Fang-tzu.--Chinese for "house."

Fatil.--A very rare and precious root much prized in Chinese and Tibetan medicines.

Felcher.--a.s.sistant of a doctor (surgeon).

Gelong.--Lamaite priest having the right to offer sacrifices to G.o.d.

Getul.--The third rank in the Lamaite monks.

Goro.--The high priest of the King of the World.

Hatyk.--An oblong piece of blue (or yellow) silk cloth, presented to honored guests, chiefs, Lamas and G.o.ds. Also a kind of coin, worth from 25 to 50 cents.

Hong.--A Chinese mercantile establishment.

Hun.--The lowest rank of princes.

Hunghutze.--Chinese brigand.

Hushun.--A fenced enclosure, containing the houses, paddocks, stores, stables, etc., of Russian Cossacks in Mongolia.

Hutuktu.--The highest rank of Lamaite monks; the form of any incarnated G.o.d; holy.

Imouran.--A small rodent like a gopher.

Izubr.--The American elk.

Kabarga.--The musk antelope.

Kalmuck.--A Mongolian tribe, which migrated from Mongolia under Jenghiz Khan (where they were known as the Olets or Eleuths), and now live in the Urals and on the of the Volga in Russia.

Kanpo.--The abbot of a Lamaite monastery, a monk; also the first rank of "white" clergy (not monks).

Kanpo-Gelong.--The highest rank of Gelongs (q.v.); an honorary t.i.tle.

Karma.--The Buddhist materialization of the idea of Fate, a parallel with the Greek and Roman Nemesis (Justice).

Khan.--A king.

Khayrus.--A kind of trout.

Khirghiz.--The great Mongol nation living between the river Irtish in western Siberia, Lake Balhash and the Volga in Russia.

Kuropatka.--A partridge.

Lama.--The common name for a Lamaite priest.

Lan.--A weight of silver or gold equivalent to about one-eleventh of a Russian pound, or 9/110ths of a pound avoirdupois.

Lanhon.--A round bottle of clay.

Maramba.--A doctor of theology.

Merin.--The civil chief of police in every district of the Soyot country in Urianhai.

"Om! Mani padme Hung!".--"Om" has two meanings. It is the name of the first Goro and also means: "Hail!" In this connection: "Hail! Great Lama in the Lotus Flower!"

Mende.--Soyot greeting--"Good Day."

Nagan-hushun.--A Chinese vegetable garden or enclosure in Mongolia.

Naida.--A form of fire used by Siberian woodsmen.

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