Bahai Administration Part 19

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Worldwide Attacks Foretold

We cannot believe that as the Movement grows in strength, in authority and in influence, the perplexities and the sufferings it has had to contend with in the past will correspondingly decrease and vanish. Nay, as it grows from strength to strength, the fanatical defendants of the strongholds of orthodoxy, whatever be their denomination, realizing the penetrating influence of this growing Faith, will arise and strain every nerve to extinguish its light and discredit its name. For has not our beloved 'Abdu'l-Baha sent forth His glowing prophecy from behind the prison walls of the citadel of Akka-words so significant in their forecast of the coming world turmoil, yet so rich in their promise of eventual victory:-

"How great, how very great is the Cause; how very fierce the onslaught of all the peoples and kindreds of the earth! Erelong shall the clamor of the mult.i.tude throughout Africa, throughout America, the cry of the European and of the Turk, the groaning of India and China be heard from far and near. One and all they shall arise with all their power to resist His Cause. Then shall the Knights of the Lord, a.s.sisted by grace from on high, strengthened by faith, aided by the power of understanding and reinforced by the legions of the Covenant, arise and make manifest the truth of the verse: 'Behold the confusion that hath befallen the tribes of the defeated!'"

Dearly beloved friends, upon us devolves the supreme obligation to stand by His side, to fight His battles and to win His victory. May we prove ourselves worthy of this trust.

Your true brother, SHOGHI.

Haifa, Palestine, February 12, 1927.

Letter of February 20, 1927.

To the members of the National Spiritual a.s.sembly of the Baha'is of the United States and Canada.

Dear and precious fellow-workers in the Vineyard of G.o.d:-

The communications addressed to me by your indefatigable and distinguished secretary, dated October 28, November 8, 11, 18, December 4, 16 and January 27th, have been received, and together with their enclosures read and carefully noted. I cannot but admire the spirit of unrelaxing resolve and harmonious cooperation with which you are conducting the ever-expanding activities of the Cause in a land upon which our Beloved has lavished His richest blessings, and for the spiritual potentialities of which He cherished the brightest hopes. The vigorous efforts you are exerting to consolidate the forces which the Almighty has placed in your hands; the resourcefulness you display by the measures you have initiated for the furtherance of the Cause; the magnificent response with which you have met the piteous call of your suffering brethren of the East-all proclaim your worthiness of the unexampled efforts which, in your country more than in any other land, 'Abdu'l-Baha has exerted for the spread of the Revelation of Baha'u'llah.

Twofold Teaching Method

In connection with the World Unity Conferences, which you have organized, I desire to a.s.sure you of my heartfelt appreciation of such a splendid conception. I am profoundly impressed by the generous a.s.sistance spontaneously offered by those who, faithful to their other obligations, have risen to insure the financial success of such a n.o.ble Plan. I am grateful to those local a.s.semblies and individuals who have given it their whole-hearted support in their respective fields.

As to the policy that should be adopted with regard to these Conferences and other Baha'i activities in general, it appears increasingly evident that as the Movement grows in strength and power the National Spiritual a.s.semblies should be encouraged, if circ.u.mstances permit and the means at their disposal justify, to resort to the twofold method of directly and indirectly winning the enlightened public to the unqualified acceptance of the Baha'i Faith. The one method would a.s.sume an open, decisive and challenging tone. The other, without implying in any manner the slightest departure from strict loyalty to the Cause of G.o.d, would be progressive and cautious. Experience will reveal the fact that each of the methods in its own special way might suit a particular temperament and cla.s.s of people, and that each in the present state of a constantly fluctuating society, should be judiciously attempted and utilized.

It is, I feel, for the National representatives of the believers in every land to utilize and combine both methods, the outspoken as well as the gradual, in such a manner as to secure the greatest benefits and the fullest advantage for this steadily-growing Cause. Every staunch and high-minded believer is thoroughly convinced of the unfailing efficacy of every humanitarian undertaking which boldly and unreservedly proclaims the source of its motive power to be the consciousness of the Revelation of Baha'u'llah. Yet, if we but call to mind the practice generally adopted by 'Abdu'l-Baha, we cannot fail to perceive the wisdom, nay the necessity, of gradually and cautiously disclosing to the eyes of an unbelieving world the implications of a Truth which, by its own challenging nature, it is so difficult for it to comprehend and embrace.

It was He, our beloved 'Abdu'l-Baha, our true and s.h.i.+ning Exemplar, who with infinite tact and patience, whether in His public utterances or in private converse, adapted the presentation of the fundamentals of the Cause to the varying capacities and the spiritual receptiveness of His hearers. He never hesitated, however, to tear the veil asunder and reveal to the spiritually ripened those challenging verities that set forth in its true light the relations.h.i.+p of this Supreme Revelation with the Dispensations of the past. Unashamed and unafraid when challenged to a.s.sert in its entirety the stupendous claim of Baha'u'llah, Baha'is, whether laboring as individuals or functioning as an organized community, feel certain that in the face of the apathy, the gross materialism, and the superficiality of society today, a progressive disclosure of the magnitude of the claim of Baha'u'llah would const.i.tute the most effective means for the attainment of the end so greatly desired by even the staunchest and most zealous advocate of the Faith.

Fully aware of the repeated statements of 'Abdu'l-Baha that universality is of G.o.d, Baha'is in every land are ready, nay anxious, to a.s.sociate themselves by word and deed with any a.s.sociation of men which, after careful scrutiny, they feel satisfied is free from every tinge of partisans.h.i.+p and politics and is wholly devoted to the interests of all mankind. In their collaboration with such a.s.sociations they would extend any moral and material a.s.sistance they can afford, after having fulfilled their share of support to those inst.i.tutions that affect directly the interests of the Cause. They should always bear in mind, however, the dominating purpose of such a collaboration which is to secure in time the recognition by those with whom they are a.s.sociated of the paramount necessity and the true significance of the Baha'i Revelation in this day.

As the Movement extends the bounds of its influence and its opportunities for fuller recognition multiply, the twofold character of the obligations imposed on its National elected representatives should, I feel, be increasingly emphasized. Whilst chiefly engaged in the pursuit of their major task, consisting chiefly in the formation and the consolidation of Baha'i administrative inst.i.tutions, they should endeavor to partic.i.p.ate, within recognized limits, in the work of inst.i.tutions which though unaware of the claim of the Baha'i Cause are prompted by a sincere desire to promote the spirit that animates the Faith. In the pursuit of their major task their function is to preserve the ident.i.ty of the Cause and the purity of the mission of Baha'u'llah. In their minor undertaking their purpose should be to imbue with the spirit of power and strength such movements as in their restricted scope are endeavoring to achieve what is near and dear to the heart of every true Baha'i. It would even appear at times to be advisable and helpful as a supplement to their work for the Baha'is to initiate any undertaking, not specifically designated as Baha'i, provided they have ascertained that such an undertaking would const.i.tute the best way of approach to those whose minds and hearts are as yet unprepared for a full acceptance of the claim of Baha'u'llah. These twofold obligations devolving upon organized Baha'i communities, far from neutralizing the effects of one another or of appearing antagonistic in their aims, should be regarded as complementary and fulfilling, each in its way, a vital and necessary function.

It is for the National representatives of the Baha'i Cause to observe the conditions under which they labor, to estimate the forces that are at work in their own surroundings, to weigh carefully and prayerfully the merits of either procedure, and to form a correct judgment as to the degree of emphasis that should be placed upon these twofold methods. Then and only then will they be enabled to protect and stimulate on one hand the independent growth of the Baha'i Faith, and on the other vindicate the claim of its universal principles to the doubtful and unbelieving.

I have already considered these delicate and complex issues with the Baha'i representatives whom I have requested to gather in the Holy Land in the hope of arriving at the best possible solution of the pressing and intricate problems that confront the development of the Baha'i Cause. I have asked our dearly-beloved brother, Mr. Mountfort Mills, whose services to the Cause only future generations can estimate, to acquaint you with these and other considerations, the delicacy and scope of which only a verbal explanation can adequately reveal. He will fully and authoritatively inform you regarding the policy that should govern the conduct of the Star of the West, the character and the range of the Baha'i Bibliography to be inserted in the next edition of the Baha'i Year Book, the present position of Baha'u'llah's House in Ba_gh_dad, the hopes and desires I cherish for the successful conclusion of the Plan of Unified Action, and the consequences and possibilities involved in the decision of Egypt's religious Tribunal regarding the Muslim Baha'is in that land.

The splendid record of the action taken by the national and local representatives of the Baha'is of the United States and Canada, embodied in the compilation of newspaper cuttings which you have recently sent me, will be forwarded to the National Spiritual a.s.sembly of the Baha'is of Persia. I will request them to pa.s.s it on from hand to hand, that the rank and file of the sufferers in that distracted country may obtain the strength and solace which the perusal of such a n.o.ble record of service is bound to produce.

Regarding the publicity campaign, recently launched, with your consent and under your general supervision, by a group of devoted friends, I desire to express my earnest hope that it may be richly blessed by our Beloved and yield abundant fruit. I am gratified to learn that those who have conceived such a comprehensive plan and have generously supported it by every means in their power have refrained from any action that would involve the imposing of a fresh burden upon those who have incurred the financial obligations connected with the Budget Plan. I earnestly hope that those who have undertaken to finance this project with such spontaneous generosity have already fulfilled their sacred obligations in connection with the Plan, and will not allow any pledges they have made for publicity to interfere with their regular contributions to the National Fund, the paramount importance of which has already been emphasized.

The Spirit of Enterprise

It is the duty and privilege of the National and Local a.s.semblies if they find that the pressing requirements of their local and national budgets have been adequately met, to encourage individuals and groups to initiate and conduct, with their knowledge and consent, any undertaking that would serve to enhance the work which they have set themselves to achieve. Not content with appeals addressed to each and every believer to offer any constructive suggestions or plan that would remedy an existing grievance, they should, by every means in their power, stimulate the spirit of enterprise among the believers in order to further the teaching as well as the administrative work of the Cause. They should endeavor by personal contact and written appeals, to imbue the body of the faithful with a deep sense of personal responsibility, and urge every believer, whether high or low, poor or wealthy, to conceive, formulate and execute such measures and projects as would redound, in the eyes of their representatives, to the power and the fair name of this sacred Cause.

In my hours of prayer at the holy Shrines, I will supplicate that the light of Divine Guidance may illumine your path, and enable you to utilize in the most effective manner that spirit of individual enterprise which, once kindled in the b.r.e.a.s.t.s of each and every believer and directed by the discipline of the majestic Law of Baha'u'llah, imposed upon us, will carry our beloved Cause forward to achieve its glorious destiny.

Your true brother, SHOGHI.

Haifa, Palestine, February 20, 1927.

Letter of April 12, 1927.

To the members of the National Spiritual a.s.sembly of the Baha'is of the United States and Canada:

Dearly-beloved friends:

Your recent communications, dated February 17 and March 2, 17 and 21, have been received, and their perusal has served to heighten my admiration for the unflinching determination which characterizes the concerted efforts which you are exerting for the spread and consolidation of the Baha'i Faith.

Inter-racial Amity

I have also received and read with the keenest interest and appreciation a copy of that splendid doc.u.ment formulated by the National Committee on inter-racial amity and addressed to all the Spiritual a.s.semblies throughout the United States and Canada. This moving appeal, so admirable in its conception, so sound and sober in its language, has struck a responsive chord in my heart. Sent forth at a highly opportune moment in the evolution of our sacred Faith, it has served as a potent reminder of these challenging issues which still confront in a peculiar manner the American believers.

As this problem, in the inevitable course of events, grows in acuteness and complexity, and as the number of the faithful from both races multiplies, it will become increasingly evident that the future growth and prestige of the Cause are bound to be influenced to a very considerable degree by the manner in which the adherents of the Baha'i Faith carry out, first among themselves and in their relations with their fellow-men, those high standards of inter-racial amity so widely proclaimed and so fearlessly exemplified to the American people by our Master 'Abdu'l-Baha.

I direct my appeal with all the earnestness and urgency that this pressing problem calls for to every conscientious upholder of the universal principles of Baha'u'llah to face this extremely delicate situation with the boldness, the decisiveness and wisdom it demands. I cannot believe that those whose hearts have been touched by the regenerating influence of G.o.d's creative Faith in His day will find it difficult to cleanse their souls from every lingering trace of racial animosity so subversive of the Faith they profess. How can hearts that throb with the love of G.o.d fail to respond to all the implications of this supreme injunction of Baha'u'llah, the unreserved acceptance of which, under the circ.u.mstances now prevailing in America, const.i.tutes the hall-mark of a true Baha'i character?

Let every believer, desirous to witness the swift and healthy progress of the Cause of G.o.d, realize the twofold nature of his task. Let him first turn his eyes inwardly and search his own heart and satisfy himself that in his relations with his fellow-believers, irrespective of color and cla.s.s, he is proving himself increasingly loyal to the spirit of his beloved Faith. a.s.sured and content that he is exerting his utmost in a conscious effort to approach nearer every day the lofty station to which his gracious Master summons him, let him turn to his second task, and, with befitting confidence and vigor, a.s.sail the devastating power of those forces which in his own heart he has already succeeded in subduing. Fully alive to the unfailing efficacy of the power of Baha'u'llah, and armed with the essential weapons of wise restraint and inflexible resolve, let him wage a constant fight against the inherited tendencies, the corruptive instincts, the fluctuating fas.h.i.+ons, the false pretences of the society in which he lives and moves.

In their relations amongst themselves as fellow-believers, let them not be content with the mere exchange of cold and empty formalities often connected with the organizing of banquets, receptions, consultative a.s.semblies, and lecture-halls. Let them rather, as equal co-sharers in the spiritual benefits conferred upon them by Baha'u'llah, arise and, with the aid and counsel of their local and national representatives, supplement these official functions with those opportunities which only a close and intimate social intercourse can adequately provide. In their homes, in their hours of relaxation and leisure, in the daily contact of business transactions, in the a.s.sociation of their children, whether in their, their playgrounds, and club-rooms, in short under all possible circ.u.mstances, however insignificant they appear, the community of the followers of Baha'u'llah should satisfy themselves that in the eyes of the world at large and in the sight of their vigilant Master they are the living witnesses of those truths which He fondly cherished and tirelessly championed to the very end of His days. If we relax in our purpose, if we falter in our faith, if we neglect the varied opportunities given us from time to time by an all-wise and gracious Master, we are not merely failing in what is our most vital and conspicuous obligation, but are thereby insensibly r.e.t.a.r.ding the flow of those quickening energies which can alone insure the vigorous and speedy development of G.o.d's struggling Faith.

I would particularly address my appeal to you, as the Trustees of G.o.d's sacred Faith, to reaffirm by word and deed the spirit and character of the insistent admonitions of 'Abdu'l-Baha, so solemnly and so explicitly uttered in the course of His journeys through your land-a trust which it is your privilege and function to preserve and fortify.

May the varied opportunities presented by the forthcoming a.s.sembly of the friends at Green Acre this summer-a place so admirably suited to the realization of such a n.o.ble ideal-be fully utilized to further this n.o.ble end. May it, on one hand, serve to banish once and for all every misgiving and mistrust as to the att.i.tude that should characterize the conduct of the members of the Baha'i family, and, on the other, serve to familiarize the invited public with that aspect of our Faith which, owing to the pressure of circ.u.mstances, a few have inclined to belittle or ignore.

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