Divine Songs and Meditacions (1653) Part 4

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G.o.ds Favour toward me is hereby proved, For that he hath not quite dejected me; VVhy then, though crosses be not yet removed Yet so seasoned with pacience they be, As they excite me unto G.o.dlinesse, The onely way to endlesse happinesse.

Wch earthly muckworms can in no wise know Being of the Holy Spirit dest.i.tute, They savour onely earthly things below; Who shall with them of saving Grace dispute, Shall find them capable of nothing lesse Though Christianity they do professe.

Let _Esaus_ porcion fall onto these men, The Fatnesse of the Earth let them possesse No other thing they can desire then, Having no taste of Heavens happinesse, They care not for G.o.ds Countenance so bright, Their Corn and Wine and Oyle is their delight.

To compa.s.se this and such like is their care, But having past the period of their dayes, Bereft of all but miseries they are, Their sweet delight with mortall life decayes, But G.o.dlinesse is certainly great gain, 1. Tim. 6. 6 Immortall blisse they have, who it retain.

They that are G.o.dly and regenerate, Endu'd with saving Knowledg, Faith, and Love, When they a future blisse premeditate, It doth all bitter pa.s.sion quite remove; Though oft they feel the want of outward things Their heavenly meditacions, comfort brings.

They never can be quite disconsolate, Because they have the onely Comforter Which doth their minds alway illuminate, And make them fleshy pleasures much abhorr, For by their inward light they plainly see How vain all transitory pleasures bee.

Moreover, if they be not only voyd Of earthly pleasures and commodities, But oftentimes be greviously annoyd With sundry kinds of great Calammities, Whether it be in Body, Goods, or Name, With pacience they undergo the same.

And why? because they know and be aware That all things work together for the best, To them that love the Lord and called are, Ro. 8.28.

According to his purpose; therefore blest Doubtlesse they be, his knowledg that obtain, No Losse may countervail their blessed Gain.

Which makes them neither murmor nor repine When G.o.d is pleasd with Crosses them to try, who out of darknesse caused light to s.h.i.+ne, 2 Cor. 4.6.

Can raise them Comfort out of Misery They know right well and therefore are content To beare with patience any Chastisment.

This difference is betwixt the good and bad; When as for sin the G.o.dly scourged are, And G.o.dly Sorrow moves them to be sad, These speeches or the like they will declare: O will the Lord absent himselfe for ever?

Will he vouchsafe his mercy to me never?

VVhat is the cause I am afflicted so?

The cause is evident I do perceive.

My Sins have drawn upon me all this woe, The which I must confesse and also leave, Then shall I mercy find undoubtedly, Pro. 28.13.

And otherwise no true prosperity.

Whilst sin hath rule in me, in vain I pray, Or if my Soule inniquity affects, If this be true, at tis, I boldly say, The prayer of the wicked, G.o.d rejects; Pro. 15.8.

If in my heart I wickednesse regard How can I hope my prayer shall be heard. Psal. 66

If I repent, here may I Comfort gather, Though in my prayers there be weaknesse much Christ siteth at the right hand of his Father To intercede and make make request for such, Rom. 8.33 Who have attained to sincerity, Though somthing hindered by infirmity.

I will forthwith abandon and repent, Not onely palpable inniquities, But also all alowance or consent To sinful motions or infirmities; And when my heart and wayes reformed be, G.o.d will with-hold nothing that's good from me. Psal. 84.

So may I with the _Psalmist_ truly say, Tis good for me that I have been afflicted, Before I troubled was, I went astray, Psal. 119 But now to G.o.dlinesse I am adicted; If in G.o.ds Lawes I had not took delight, I in my troubles should have perisht quite.

Such gracious speeches usually proceed From such a Spirit that is Sanctifide, Who strives to know his own defects and need And also seekes to have his wants supplide; But certainly the wicked do not so As do their speeches and distempers show.

At every crosse they murmor, vex and fret, And in their pa.s.sion often will they say, How am I with Calamities beset!

I think they will mee utterly destray, The cause hereof I can in no wise know But that the _Destinies_ will have it so.

Unfortunate am I and quite forlorn, Oh what disastrous Chance befalleth me!

Vnder some hurtfull Plannet I was born That will (I think) my Confusion be, And there are many wickeder then I Who never knew the like adversity.

These words do breifly show a carnall mind Polluted and corrupt with Ignorance, Where G.o.dly Wisdom never yet hath s.h.i.+n'd For that they talk of _Destiny_ or _Chance_; For if G.o.ds Power never can abate, He can dispose of that he did create.

If G.o.d alone the True Almighty be As we beleive, acknowledg, and confesse, Then supream Governor likewise is he Disposing all things, be they more or lesse; The eyes of G.o.d in every place do see The good and bad, and what their actions bee.

The thought hereof sufficeth to abate My heavinesse in great'st extremity, When Grace unto my Soul did intimate That nothing comes by _Chance_ or _Destiny_, But that my G.o.d and Saviour knowes of all That either hath or shall to me befall.

VVho can his servants from all troubles free And would I know my Crosses all prevent, But that he knowes them to be good for me Therefore I am resolv'd to be content, For though I meet with many Contradictions Yet Grace doth alwayes sweeten my Afflictions.

Divine Songs and Meditacions (1653) Part 4

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