Anti-Achitophel (1682) Part 5

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So have I seen from Bellows brazen Snout, The Breath drawn in, and by th'same Hand squeez'd out.

But helping Oaths may innocently fly, When in a Faith where dying Vows can lye.

Were Treason and Democracie his Ends, Why was't not prov'd by his Revolting Friends?

Why did not th'Oaths of his once-great Colleagues, _Achitophel_ and the rest prove his Intreagues?

Why at the Bar appear'd such sordid sc.u.m, And all those n.o.bler Tongues of Honour dumb?

Could he his Plots t'his great Allies conceal, He durst to leaky Starving Wretches tell; Such Ignorant Princes, and such knowing Slaves; His _Babel_ building Tools from such poor Knaves.

Were he that Monster his new Foes would make Th'unreasoning World beleive, his Soul so black, That they in Conscience did his Side forego, Knowing him guilty they could prove him so.

Then 'twas not Conscience made 'em change their side.

Or if they knew, yet did his Treasons hide; In not exposing his detested Crime, They're greater Monsters than they dare think Him.

Are these the Proselites renown'd so high, Converts to Duty, Honour, Loyalty?

Poorly they change, who in their change stand mute: Converts to Truth ought Falsehood to confute.

To conquering Truth, they but small glory give, Who turn to G.o.d, yet let the Dagon live.

But who can _Amiels_ charming Wit withstand, The great State-pillar of the Muses Land.

For lawless and ungovern'd, had the Age The Nine wild Sisters seen run mad with Rage, Debaucht to Savages, till his keen Pen Brought their long banisht Reason back again, Driven by his Satyres into Natures Fence, And lasht the idle Rovers into Sense.

Nay, his sly Muse, in Style Prophetick, wrot The whole Intrigue of _Israels_ Ethnick Plot; Form'd strange Battalions, in stupendious-wise, Whole Camps in Masquerade, and Armies in disguise.

_Amiel_, whose generous Gallantry, whilst Fame Shall have a Tongue, shall never want a Name.

Who, whilst his Pomp his lavish Gold consumes, Moulted his Wings to lend a Throne his Plumes, Whilst an Ungrateful Court he did attend, Too poor to pay, what it had pride to spend.

But, _Amiel_ has, alas, the fate to hear, An angry Poet play his Chronicler; A Poet rais'd above Oblivions Shade, By his Recorded Verse Immortal made.

But, Sir, his livelier Figure to engrave, With Branches added to the _Bays_ you gave: No Muse could more Heroick Feats rehea.r.s.e, Had with an equal all-applauding Verse, Great _Davids_ Scepter, and _Sauls_ Javelin prais'd: A Pyramide to his Saint, _Interest_, rais'd.

For which Religiously no Change he mist, } From Common-wealths-man up to Royalist: } Nay, would have been his own loath'd thing call'd _Priest_. } Priest, whom with so much Gall he does describe, 'Cause once unworthy thought of _Levies_ Tribe.

Near those bright Tow'rs where Art has Wonders done, } Where _Davids_ sight glads the blest Summers Sun; } And at his feet proud _Jordans_ Waters run; } A Cell there stands by Pious Founders rais'd, Both for its Wealth and Learned _Rabbins_ prais'd: To this did an Ambitious Bard aspire, To be no less than Lord of that blest Quire: Till Wisdom deem'd so Sacred a Command, A Prize too great for his unhallow'd Hand.

Besides, lewd Fame had told his plighted Vow, To _Laura's_ cooing Love percht on a dropping Bough _Laura_ in faithful Constancy confin'd To _Ethiops_ Envoy, and to all Mankind.

_Laura_ though Rotten, yet of Mold Divine; He had all her Cl--ps, and She had all his Coine.

Her Wit so far his Purse and Sense could drain, Till every P--x was sweetn'd to a Strain.

And if at last his Nature can reform, A weary grown of Loves tumultuous storm, 'Tis Ages Fault, not His; of pow'r bereft, He left not Whoring, but of that was left.

But wandring Muse bear up thy flagging Wing: To thy more glorious Theme return, and sing Brave _Jothams_ Worth, Impartial, Great, and Just, Of unbrib'd Faith, and of unshaken Trust: Once _Geshurs_ Lord, their Throne so n.o.bly fill'd, As if to th'borrow'd Scepter that he held, Th'inspiring _David_ yet more generous grew, And lent him his Imperial _Genius_ too.

Nor has he worn the Royal Image more In _Israels_ Viceroy, than Emba.s.sador: Witness his Gallantry that resolute hour, When to uphold the Sacred Pride of Pow'r, His stubborn Flags from the _Sydonian_ sh.o.r.e, The angry storms of Thundring Castles bore.

But these are Virtues Fame must less admire, Because deriv'd from that Heroick Sire, Who on a Block a dauntless Martyr dy'd, With all the Sweetness of a Smiling Bride; Charm'd with the Thought of Honours Starry Pole, With Joy laid down a Head to mount a Soul.

Of all the Champions rich in Honours Scarrs, Whose Loyalty through _Davids_ ancient Wars, (In spight of the triumphant Tyrants pride,) Was to his lowest Ebb of Fortune ty'd; No Link more strong in all that Chain of Gold, Then _Amasai_, the Constant, and the Bold.

That Warlike General whose avenging Sword, Through all the Battles of his Royal Lord, Pour'd all the Fires that Loyal Zeal could light, No brighter Star in the lost _Davids_ night.

No less with Laurels _Ashurs_ Brows adorn, That mangled Brave who with _Tyres_ Thunder torn, Brought a dismember'd Load of Honour home, And lives to make both th'Earth and Seas his Tomb.

With Reverence the Religious _Helon_ treat, Refin'd from all the looseness of the Great.

_Helon_ who sees his Line of Virtues run } Beyond the Center of his Grave, his own } Unfinisht l.u.s.ter sparkling in his Son. } A Son so high in Sanedrims renown'd, In _Israels_ Intrest strong, in Sense profound.

Under one Roof here Truth a G.o.ddess dwells, } The Pious Father builds her Shrines and Cells, } And in the Son she speaks her Oracles. }

In the same list young _Adriels_ praise record, _Adriel_ the Academick Neighbour Lord; _Adriel_ enn.o.bled by a Grandfather, And Unkle, both those Glorious Sons of War: Both Generals, and both Exiles with their Lord; Till with the Royal Wanderer restored, They lived to see his Coronation Pride; Then surfeiting on too much Transport dy'd.

O're _Adriels_ Head these Heroes Spirits s.h.i.+ne, His Soul with so much Loyal Blood fenc'd in; Such Native Virtues his great Mind adorn, Whilst under their congenial Influence born.

In this Record let _Camries_ Name appear, The Great _Barzillai_'s Fellow Sufferer; From unknown Hands, of unknown Crimes accus'd, Till th'hunted Shadow lost, his Chains unloos'd.

Now to the Sweet-tongu'd _Amrams_ praise be just, Once the _State-Advocate_, that Wealthy Trust, Till Flattery the price of dear-bought Gold, His Innocence for Pallaces unfold, To Naked Truths more s.h.i.+ning Beauties true, Th'Embroiderd Mantle from his Neck he threw.

Next _Hothriel_ write, _Baals_ watchful Foe, and late _Jerusalems_ protecting Magistrate; Who, when false Jurors were to Frenzy Charm'd, And against Innocence even Tribunals arm'd, Saw deprav'd Justice ope her Ravenous Jaw, And timely broke her Canine Teeth of Law.

Amongst th'a.s.serters of his Countries Cause, Give the bold _Micah_ his deserv'd Applause, The Grateful Sanedrims repeated Choice, Of Two Great Councels the Successive Voice.

Of that old hardy Tribe of _Israel_ borne, Fear their Disdain, and Flattery their Scorne, Too proud to truckle, and too Tough to bend.

Of the same Tribe was _Hanan, Ithreams_ Friend, From that fam'd Sire, the Long Robes Glory, sprung, In Sanedrims his Countries Pillar long; Long had he fadom'd all the Depths of State; } Could with that strength, that ponderous Sense debate, } As turn'd the Scale of Nations with the weight: } Till subtley made by Spightful Honour Great, Prefer'd to _Israels_ Chief Tribunal Seat, Made in a higher Orb his Beams dispense, To hush his Formidable Eloquence.

But _Israels_ numerous Worthies are too long And Great a Theam for one continued Song.

Yet These by bold flagitious Tongues run down, Made all Conspirers against _Davids_ Crown.

Nay, and there was a Time, had h.e.l.l prevail'd, Nor Perjury and Subornation fail'd, When a long List of Names, for Treason doom'd, Had _Israels_ Patriots in one Grave entomb'd: A List, with such fair Loyal Colours laid, Even to no less than Royal Hands convey'd.

And the great Mover in this pious Fraud, A Dungeon Slave redeem'd by'a Midnight Bawd: Then made by Art a Swearer of Renown, Nurst and embrac'd by th'Heir of _Judahs_ Crown: Encourag'd too by Pension for Reward, With his forg'd Scrowls for Guiltless Blood prepared.

Poor Engine for a greatness so sublime: } But oh, a Cause by which their _Baal_ must climb, } Enn.o.bles both the Actor and the Crime. }

Yet This, and all Things else now quite blown o're, And _Absolom_, his _Israels_ Fear no more: l.u.s.ter and Pride shall hem his radiant Brow; All Knees shall fall, and prostrate Nations bow.

By Heav'ns, he is, he will, he must, he shall Be _Israels_ Heroe, Friend, Saint, Idol, all.

What though provok'd with all the crying sins Of Murmuring Slaves, excluding Sanedrins: By profane Crowds in dirt his Prophets spurn'd, And ev'n his G.o.ds in mock Processions burn'd: Himself from _Israel_ into _Hebron_ sent, And doom'd to little less than Banishment.

In spight of all his Scrowls to _Babylon_; } And all the promis'd Wonders to be done, } When _Egypts_ Frogs should croak on _Judahs_ Throne. } Though of a Faith that propagates in Blood; Of Pa.s.sions unforgiving, less withstood Then Seas and Tempests, and as Deaf as they. } Yet all Divine shall be his G.o.dlike Sway, } And his calm Reign but one long _Halcyon_ Day. } And this Great Truth he's d.a.m.n'd that dares deny; } 'Gainst _Absolom_ even Oracles would lye, } Though Sense and Reason Preach 'tis Blasphemy. } Then let out dull Mistaken Terrour cease, When even our Comets speak all Health and Peace.



[Transcriber's Note:

The author's Errata list was printed at the bottom of the page in a single block of small type, heavily smudged and not always legible.

In at least one case, the requested change appears to be what the text already says. For these reasons, changes listed have _not_ been made.

The text of each complete line is given in brackets.]

The Reader is desired to Correct these following Mistakes.

Page 1. line 12. for _Hold_, read _Held_.

[Hold but their Crowns at his Almighty Will.]

p. 4. l. 22. r. _s.h.i.+ps_; [_Dan_ from her s.h.i.+p, and _Asher_ on the Sh.o.r.e.]

ibid. l. 26. for _Kindl'd_ r. _Bank'd_; [Kindl'd their embattel'd Fires for _Deborah's_ Wars,]

ibid. l. 32. r. _the Mighty_; [The Mighty _Deborah's_, G.o.d's, and _Israel's_ Foes.]

ibid. l. 37 for _they_ r. _thus_; [Thus sung, they conquer'd _Deborah_; thus fell]

p. 7. l. 18. for _poor_, r. _weak_; [Preach to poor Female half-Soul'd Proselytes.]

p. 9. l. 3. & 4. for _his_ r. _a_; [What Knees, what Necks to mount him to his Throne; What Gems, what Stars to sparkle in his Crown?]

l. 6. for _the_, r. _ye_; [But oh the Pow'rs, by treacherous snakes beguil'd,]

ibid. l. 20. r. _Walls; the Billows pour_; [Down crack the Chrystal Walls the Billows pow'r,]

p. 12. l. 11. r. _lov'd Israel_; [That still in its Lord _Israel_ takes delight,]

p. 19. l. 27. for _loo_ r. _race_ [illegible, possibly "rate"]

[To loo the Bloodhounds off to save the Plot.]

p. 22. l. 10. r. _Excluding_.

[Th'encluding Sanedrims Resolves once shake;]

[Additional errors and anomalies noted by transcriber:

(t.i.tle, after dedication) Absalom Senior _catchword on previous page has "Abso-"_ Whilst th'universal Drones buz to his Hives.

_apostrophe missing_ If this last Masterpiece requires a Soul.

Anti-Achitophel (1682) Part 5

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Anti-Achitophel (1682) Part 5 summary

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