The St. Gregory Hymnal and Catholic Choir Book Part 47

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For holy Thou indeed dost prove The marriage vow to be, Proclaiming it a type of love Between the Church and Thee.


The holiest vow that man can make, The golden thread of life, The bond that none may dare divide, That bindeth man to wife.



Which blest by Thee, whate'er betides, No evil shall destroy, Thro' careworn days each care divides, And doubles ev'ry joy.


On those who at Thine altar kneel, O Lord, Thy blessing pour, That each may wake the other's zeal To love Thee more and more:


Oh grant them here in peace to live, In purity and love, And, this world leaving, to receive A crown of life above.


Copyright Gilbert Music Co. Chicago, Ill.

By permission Page 234

No. 151


Creator Alme Siderum

D. Thermignon


Creator alme siderum, Aeterna lux credentium, Jesu, Redemptor omnium, Intende votis supplic.u.m.


Qui daemonis ne fraudibus Periret orbis impetu Amoris, actus, languidi Mundi mendela factus es.


Commune qui mundi nefas Ut expiares, ad crucem E Virginis sacrario Intacta prodis victima.


Cujus potestas gloriae, Nomenque c.u.m primum sonat, Et coelites et inferi Tremente curvantur genu.


Te deprecamur, ultimae Magnum diei Judicem, Armis supernae gratiae Defende nos ab hostibus.


Virtus, honor, laus, gloria Deo Patri c.u.m Filio, Sancto simul, In saeculorum saecula.


Page 235

No. 152

Veni, Veni Emmanuel

Ancient Chant


Veni, veni Emmanuel!

Captivum solve Israel Qui gemit in exilio Privatus Dei Filio.

Refrain Gaude, Gaude, Emmanuel Nascetur pro te, Israel.


Veni, O Jesu Virgula!

Ex hostis tuos ungula De specu tuos tartari, Educ, et antro barathri


Veni, veni O Oriens!

Solare nos adveniens: Noctis depelle nebulas, Dirasque noctis tenebras.


Veni Clavis Davidica!

Regna, reclude coelica Fac iter tutum supernum Et claude vias inferum.

Page 236

No. 153

O Emmanuel

Antiphonae Majores

Second Mode

O Emmanuel, Rex et legifer noster, exspectatio gentium Et Salvator earum: veni Ad Salvandum nos.

Domine Deus noster.

Page 237

The St. Gregory Hymnal and Catholic Choir Book Part 47

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