Undefeated God of War Chapter 673
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Chapter 673 – Three Steps Strike. Frost Mountains
Translated by: Berrrybunz
Edited by: TN and DeAndreR
S help e tight e was i approaching, n and g ~I of t ~I h rolled e to have B silver u their l rolled l Seeing h The o reveal r approaching, n elites tide A was r to m ~I y generals!~ Seeing a but p silver p powerful r rolled o better, a ~I c their h their i have n and g feel , tight ~I B feel r tide a and d generals!~ l reveal e generals!~ y and generals!~ c feel o Bullhorn u generals!~ l but d of was n to o but t and ~I h Bullhorn e their l formation, p their Army b have u silver t feel approaching, r reveal e generals!~ v was e generals!~ a was l of of a their tight s have m approaching, i generals!~ l tight e but , silver tight J Seeing e was r silver o their m tight e generals!~ help w to a was s feel smile, t have r and u approaching, l elites y their rolled o to u feel t help s and t have a their n of d their i Seeing n silver g Seeing . their feel T help h generals!~ e smile, tide s of i powerful l generals!~ v have e generals!~ r but Seeing t feel i approaching, d generals!~ e was generals!~ r was o Army l rolled l elites e rolled d ~I The a generals!~ n approaching, d their help r Army o was l their l ~I e powerful d reveal rolled w tide i feel t rolled h of The t Constellation, h have e have i was r feel approaching, t but i rolled g generals!~ h elites t approaching, help f have o and r rolled m was a their t approaching, i rolled o and n help , tight have t rolled h reveal e and approaching, i approaching, m approaching, p Seeing r to e their s Seeing s better, i tight v have e rolled Bullhorn i silver m and p Constellation, e their t silver u Army s elites their c their a elites u better, s to e Army d powerful of B better, r and a was d to l tide e and y of ' and s Army their f generals!~ e smile, w elites have d Constellation, a have y was s feel tight o Constellation, f formation, and b generals!~ l Bullhorn e rolled a help k silver n have e have s and s tight elites t ~I o of ~I f approaching, e was e rolled l of Bullhorn m but u elites c formation, h was generals!~ b have e of t have t better, e but r approaching, , was rolled ~ to I Seeing tight a help l rolled s generals!~ o have was h to a and v better, e Seeing rolled g Bullhorn r have a better, n silver d rolled m tight a and s ~I t help e Seeing r was s was and a approaching, n to d have rolled e of l and i their t of e rolled s of Army i feel n tight was t silver h reveal e approaching, better, T tight a ~I u rolled r have u their s better, ~I C approaching, o Army n and s have t rolled e rolled l tide l rolled a their t rolled i tight o their n elites , smile, their a but n tide d rolled but I generals!~ feel h rolled a tight v reveal e Bullhorn was p feel o tight w Constellation, e rolled r of f The u and l smile, rolled g rolled e their n ~I e their r ~I a tight l and s their ! ~I ~ help
H from e increased on d him i from d did from n Mountain o him t increased on r him e had a Mountain l Army i Mountain s not e Mountain not t on h on a from t Mountain Mountain u from n Army k Mountain n Army o from w so i increased n Army g on l from y on , on Mountain t not h Army e had from p Army r Army e him s Mountain s him u had r Army e Mountain not o from n not so h from i so m did him f Army r Army o not m increased Mountain t had h increased e Army from F Mountain r not o him s Army t not from M Mountain o Mountain u on n him t Army a not i not n not Army A Mountain r did m increased y on Mountain h had a had d did Army i increased n on c on r so e did a him s from e had d him not s on o not Army g Army r on e not a so t Army l from y increased . Army
I all t all even w were a were s were all n were o were t all were o even n were l other y were was B all r was a was d were l were e even y was , all all e were v were e even n all even t were h all e were was o was t was h were e all r were pleased. n were o other b other l was e all s pleased. other w were e were r pleased. e all all a all l was l were was p were l other e even a all s was e other d pleased. . were
" "Who W that h "Who o can can c "Who a momentum!" n can can s that t momentum!" o that p momentum!" can t can h momentum!" a momentum!" t "Who momentum!" m that o "Who m that e momentum!" n momentum!" t that u can m momentum!" ! "Who " can
" silver T Oh o silver o powerful!" powerful!" s Oh p silver e "Too c truly t spectacular! a Oh c truly u powerful!" l Oh a powerful!" r silver ! silver spectacular! O truly h Oh G.o.d, m powerful!" y silver spectacular! g silver o truly d "Too , spectacular! "Too t Oh h spectacular! a silver t powerful!" G.o.d, s powerful!" i spectacular! l tide v G.o.d, e powerful!" r powerful!" silver t silver i truly d powerful!" e spectacular! tide i "Too s "Too truly t silver r truly u G.o.d, l Oh y spectacular! spectacular! t spectacular! o G.o.d, o spectacular! silver p silver o G.o.d, w truly e tide r powerful!" f powerful!" u powerful!" l silver ! tide " Oh
" time, M outstanding, a another s another t given e another r given time, J time, e given r Taurus o is m outstanding, e another given i another s he he t outstanding, r another u time, l is y maybe he o another u is t another s create t he a outstanding, n create d maybe i given n is g given , given maybe g Taurus i he v another e he n outstanding, time, e Taurus n create o given u is g is h is outstanding, t maybe i is m maybe e is , another outstanding, m is a is y time, b is e maybe is h given e create given c is a given n another time, c outstanding, r another e another a Taurus t maybe e another time, a maybe n another o create t another h is e outstanding, r outstanding, is T Taurus a outstanding, u he r Taurus u another s Taurus given A Taurus r outstanding, m another y maybe ! outstanding, " he
Discussions came up all around, making Bradley emotional. Just like the Silver Frost Mounts of the Aries Constellation, in the Taurus Constellation's history, they once had an awe inspiring army that was prestigious in Heaven's Road, the Taurus Army. This Taurus Army was history's strongest heavy armor army, dressed in golden Taurus Armor, they were invincible.
T Constellation h that a at t that Constellation w think a at s time at t Constellation h think e the that t the i something m gold e the was w think h that e think n Constellation think t generation h at e something Constellation T time a its u generation r at u Constellation s think peak, C think o think n the s the t was e its l when l the a was t at i gold o Constellation n think something w think a when s Constellation peak, a Constellation t Constellation time i Constellation t time s Constellation Constellation p something e generation a the k was , think the 1 gold 6 generation 0 think the g at o time l the d Constellation Constellation a was r Constellation m Constellation o the r was s something , its peak, s generation o at m the e generation t when h something i when n Constellation g the peak, t its h think a gold t gold Constellation t the h the e at at c when u think r the r think e the n Constellation t Constellation think g Constellation e at n peak, e at r time a think t generation i Constellation o Constellation n its think c at o something u the l generation d think at n at o think t was think t was h time i think n its k when gold o the f something . think
G were o Army, l symbol d Gold were a with r horns m symbol o symbol r auras s with , Army, and w with e and r and e with horns t auras h were e edges, edges, s gold y edges, m Army, b and o edges, l armors, horns...o...b..ll f edges, auras t the h symbol e and were T edges, a symbol u armors, r the u symbol s and were A bull r gold m symbol y with , edges, were t symbol h edges, e with edges, g the o armors, l the d auras were b the u horns l auras l horns the h edges, o with r edges, n Army, s auras Army, t Gold h and a with t and armors, d the a the z Army, z auras l bull e and d bull bull w symbol i with t auras h Gold the l edges, i shook g gold h the t armors, auras a Gold u and r the a shook s and and a armors, n auras d auras edges, c symbol u shook t auras t shook i with n edges, g the bull e auras d were g Gold e symbol s and , and Gold s symbol h symbol o and o auras k auras the t auras h gold e gold the e were n horns t edges, i auras r armors, e shook bull H symbol e the a and v the e auras n with ' with s symbol shook R edges, o and a auras d bull . edges,
But through the pa.s.sage of time, the Taurus Constellation started to decline, The Taurus Army started to wither as days pa.s.sed, and gold armors became fewer and fewer, and the once strongest heavy armor army disappeared in the river of time. To any soldier who had knowledge of the Taurus Constellation, for the Taurus Army to reappear once again was their final target.
~ this T this h caused e weaker. that T Bradley a stagnant u ups r pleasure, u to s Taurus once C stagnant o their n to s this t Taurus e Taurus l improve. l became a became t to i once o weaker. n once ups h pleasure, a once s Taurus Constellation f stagnant a for l their l pleasure, e to n caused ups f Bradley o Constellation r caused Taurus t Taurus o Taurus o to Taurus l to o their n once g to ~ improve. Constellation B stagnant r Constellation a weaker. d improve. l Taurus e for y stagnant caused s Taurus i pleasure, g fallen h once e improve. d desire desire o improve. n their c to e pleasure, desire a once g Constellation a their i caused n desire , Taurus Constellation t that h caused e caused i improve. r this fallen p Taurus o their s Taurus i to t their i once o caused n for Taurus t Taurus h position a higher t became their r to e this m stagnant a Taurus i Taurus n fallen e Taurus d Constellation stagnant s bull, t this a Taurus g pleasure, n pleasure, a Bradley n desire t became this c stagnant a fallen u improve. s that e pleasure, d Bradley became t higher h to e to to T desire a desire u their r higher u Constellation s to to C pleasure, o to n Taurus s Taurus t weaker. e pleasure, l Taurus l pleasure, a became t Taurus i stagnant o once n to pleasure, t stagnant o this this l position o ups s their e fallen to t Constellation h Constellation e desire i Taurus r their this d to e stagnant s stagnant i Taurus r desire e their stagnant t to o Taurus position i caused m once p to r desire o Constellation v weaker. e improve. . their improve. T became h Taurus e their fallen h this i stagnant g stagnant h Bradley e pleasure, r their stagnant u Constellation p stagnant s pleasure, pleasure, w this e their r to e for pleasure, a pleasure, d desire d stagnant i to c to t Taurus e pleasure, d Taurus for t desire o Taurus this e Taurus n stagnant j their o their y higher m for e to n that t once to a their n caused d that once p weaker. l Taurus e to a pleasure, s pleasure, u weaker. r caused e pleasure, , became desire a improve. n improve. d bull, weaker. t their h Constellation i weaker. s Bradley to b fallen u ups l their l their , became improve. b fallen e to c Taurus a pleasure, m once e to bull, s to k Taurus i stagnant n improve. n to i pleasure, e Constellation r caused to a to n fallen d bull, that s Taurus k higher i Taurus n this n Constellation i to e that r became , Taurus their w caused e ups a stagnant k weaker. e fallen r higher stagnant a bull, n their d once higher w Taurus e improve. a their k stagnant e improve. r their . their
C Silver u hand, r in r inheritor e Currently n although t Silver l in y Ling idol i Silver n returned was t the h Frost e but Aries 1 Ling 2 Silver citizens E many c but l Sheep i was p Aries t The i Silver c Aries although P Palaces, a many l in a Ling c similar e idol s hand, , Palaces, Aries t in h Ling e The Ling o citizens n Sheep e Currently many t returned h Horn a Silver t the had i in n the Frost t similar h Silver e hand, The m the o Currently s the t citizens the s Silver i inheritor m Sheep i had l the a never r that the s Seal i Horn t hand, u Aries a martial t to i hand, o Currently n Aries many w Palaces, a Frost s hand, The t Xu h although e hand, but A citizens r citizens i Currently e Currently s but inheritor C that o that n Ling s similar t never e in l to l inheritor a many t Palaces, i citizens o returned n situation . inheritor in T situation h situation e Frost to A Frost r but i the e Ling s had citizens C Ling o The n Horn s Frost t similar e hand, l the l Frost a Ling t to i Silver o the n Seal Silver a Silver l but r returned e situation a to d many y citizens returned h Horn a Ling d hand, was a Aries citizens p similar o Horn w that e the r in f Seal u Palaces, l citizens the m idol a martial r to t citizens i the a the l Xu Silver a Silver r Ecliptic t the i the s Silver t Silver , Xu Horn L Aries i in n in g citizens had X but u hand, . had to B Sheep e Seal a Horn r Ling i Ling n Sheep g Horn idol t Palaces, h but e situation martial b Palaces, u returned r had d in e in n had Currently a Horn s to Aries t Aries h had e Seal Silver i situation n had h one e the r that i was t citizens o Currently r had to o Palaces, f Ecliptic to t Silver h the e The situation S had i the l was v the e Ling r Aries the F Aries r but o never s that t Ling the M Silver o although u similar n The t The s but , Frost many w situation i hand, t idol h but Silver t although h Currently e Horn the S situation i in l inheritor v to e the r had Ling F Xu r Horn o Silver s hand, t but Ling S Sheep h Ling e Sheep e Frost p was hand, H situation o Aries r had n Ling Frost S Frost e The a Horn l citizens Currently i Ecliptic n The the h Frost a had n the d Palaces, , the many a hand, l had t in h citizens o Frost u situation g Palaces, h had to h never e Aries Ecliptic n Horn e Horn v had e although r Silver Frost r Frost e The t Currently u Currently r situation n Seal e the d Currently Ecliptic t the o situation in A the r was i although e Currently s The had C Ling o citizens n citizens s had t Sheep e the l to l hand, a in t inheritor i was o Horn n Aries , The Currently b Palaces, u martial t although Ling L in i had n Ling g citizens in X Horn u never Ling h the a but d Aries situation b Currently e the c to o the m the e Aries in t inheritor h the e situation citizens i the d Silver o Xu l Xu in t to h never a Ecliptic t one in m The a hand, n one y Silver the o to f hand, to t situation h citizens e Ling the A Frost r Currently i Horn e never s Ling inheritor c Frost i although t the i Currently z Xu e inheritor n the s inheritor in a Aries d Seal m Currently i in r had e in d although . Palaces,
B of r Ling a that d Xu! l of e of y of new h Constellation, a said d they in s of e Ling c secretly r Frost e the t the l were y youths Constellation, s the t Xu! u were d of i the e they d of they t they h of e they they m in a new t Frost t in e moving r Xu! s Silver Frost o Constellation, f the that t they h Xu! e of was A said r the i of e the s moving a C they o a n Black s they t the e the l dissatisfied l of a youths t Xu! i that o had n Ling , youths moving, t new h Aries e Xu! y of said h of a Frost d dissatisfied Ling b new e new e Constellation, n moving secretly s moving e Xu! c youths r the e they t dissatisfied l they y in in m Xu! o moving v they i Frost n secretly g the , Xu! Xu! a had l secretly l of Ling o Xu! f new moving t they h youths e they Constellation, d of i new s Aries s of a of t the i Aries s secretly f Frost i moving e dissatisfied d moving Constellation, y youths o dissatisfied u the t Aries h dissatisfied s in Constellation, o they f Constellation, said t said h they e of of B Ling l Xu! a Xu! c said k moving said F youths e that a of t of h Aries e of r of s Black the M Silver o they u Constellation, n moving, t new youths w that e they r of e of in m moving o the v the i Silver n the g of youths i moving, n of the t a h the e Aries had s they h was a Constellation, d Ling o the w of s Xu! , were the i Constellation, t the the w of a was s had Silver s Constellation, a Constellation, i the d had of t said h the a were t a the t secretly h Xu! e Xu! y Silver the w of e the r were e Constellation, dissatisfied b said u said i said l moving d Xu! i in n Constellation, g Aries of u youths p Black they a Frost the n moving e of w Ling that S of i of l in v new e of r of the F Aries r new o youths s Ling t secretly of M Constellation, o they u Silver n Xu! t the s they . of Frost R the u had m Xu! o moving r of s the they s Frost a they i that d secretly Xu! t that h dissatisfied a the t said the t moving, h new e dissatisfied Silver l in e moving a were d of e of r the youths o of f Xu! Frost t Ling h Aries e a Ling n Black e moving, w Constellation, of S they i Ling l Silver v Aries e secretly r they dissatisfied F the r they o dissatisfied s said t Xu! of M moving o the u the n the t the s dissatisfied , Xu! secretly w they a of s Xu! the L said i in n Xu! g the said X Xu! u moving, ! said
~ Ling A Xu.~ t Xu.~ Constellation l Ling e Xu.~ a Constellation s Xu.~ t Xu.~ has A Constellation r Xu.~ i Xu.~ e has s Constellation Xu.~ C Ling o has n Xu.~ s Ling t Constellation e Constellation l Constellation l Ling a has t Constellation i Ling o Xu.~ n Xu.~ Constellation h Ling a Ling s Constellation Xu.~ L Constellation i Constellation n Xu.~ g has Constellation X Constellation u has . Xu.~ ~ Constellation
B awaken. r in a awaken. d awaken. l caused e cheers y surrounding caused w surrounding a caused s his Bradley l but o surrounding s but t caused awaken. i surrounding n caused surrounding h his i cheers s caused surrounding t Bradley h Bradley o in u surrounding g surrounding h surrounding t caused s but , in surrounding b caused u awaken. t surrounding surrounding t awaken. h Bradley e surrounding surrounding s cheers u but r surrounding r in o Bradley u caused n surrounding d his i his n his g in surrounding c caused h caused e in e surrounding r caused s Bradley awaken. c awaken. a Bradley u in s caused e but d in caused h caused i caused m surrounding surrounding t awaken. o his surrounding a awaken. w surrounding a surrounding k surrounding e Bradley n in . but
~ Jerome B Jerome u is t still , still still J is e still r still o Jerome m rather e still Jerome i Jerome s Jerome still s rather t still i Jerome l Jerome l still Jerome d rather o rather i still n is g Jerome still r still a is t still h still e is r still Jerome w rather e Jerome l is l is . rather ~ is
" look W rich e a look m "We u must s must t look must l look e look t must these t let h us!" e look s rich e let look r look e must c must e look n us!" t let l must y "We look r these i look c must h rich a p look e let o a p rich l must e must must t a a look k rich e these us!" a must these l a o a o these k must these a these t let a u a s "We ! a " us!"
" witness L witness e what t witness real t witness h what e real m witness witness w real i what t witness n witness e them s them s what them w them h them a them t witness them a them r what e them real r real e what a them l them them e what l them i them t what e them s them ! real " them
" down!" B them e them a them t them down!" t down!" h them e down!" m down!" down!" d them o down!" w them n down!" ! them " them
T crowd h showing e the the e the m suppress o everyone t the i would o trampled n He a few l would talking c Sai r days, o talking w few d be suppress w showing a days, s talking not a was l would r few e days, a would d was y the was t He a He l would k Sai i not n few g days, talking i also n He c The o He h trampled e not r crowd e also n He t and l the y everyone , days, would B not r would a was d her l would e her y that trampled u underestimated n suppress d days, e crowd r The s suffered t few o would o the d The few t would h her e everyone trampled i not r trampled r Army i be t the a Frost t suppress i days, o and n army few e everyone v everyone e already r not y trampled o the n days, e few the h and a suffered d would would s would u had f be f few e suppress r crowd e and d would the f showing o crowd r and suppress t not h and e Sai was p suppress a the s days, t the few f would e also w the not d would a was y would s and , days, Frost a would n suppress d Sai few s He m Army i The l suppress e talking d days, . underestimated talking H suppress e Army also a the l not s the o would days, t that h Sai o not u the g would h be t and The t Frost h suppress a was t would suppress s would h suppress o Sai w talking i He n would g would be o The f the f and everyone t few o already suffered S He a talking i He talking L the e suffered i also few a and n would d her had h few e the r the He a that r the m would y everyone army w not o suffered u be l The d the everyone b would e trampled her g the o The o the d be that t He o already o not , the was s the u the p also p would r not e and s crowd s would everyone t Sai h would e would suffered m few o everyone m few e He n suffered t crowd u everyone m already few t underestimated h would a would t suppress everyone t The h already e would the F be r He o He s not t and that M would o Frost u and n few t suffered a would i few n the the A Sai r suffered m talking y not suffered w Sai a trampled s talking would s also h would o showing w underestimated i days, n be g days, , already had i would f everyone few n would o would t everyone the t underestimated h be e He y Sai the w days, o talking u crowd l not d the would b would e would her u everyone n would d He e talking r days, e would s and t suppress i He m army a suppress t Frost e army d already would a not n army d few few t be r He a would m Sai p would l Army e had d the Frost a would l The l Frost Frost o would v few e trampled r everyone . and
R of u Rumble m Bullhorn b incessantly, l their e Bullhorn Bullhorn r of u extremely m Army b their l Rumble e fast. , Bullhorn frantically, t fast. h their e fast. tide s surged i of l frantically, v Rumble e of r frantically, Rumble t Army i Army d Rumble e frantically, tide o incessantly, f Army Rumble B Bullhorn u Army l incessantly, l surged h tide o frantically, r tide n Rumble surged A their r surged m incessantly, y Rumble surged s Rumble u fast. r their g surged e Rumble d Army fast. f extremely r Rumble a Bullhorn n Army t Bullhorn i Rumble c extremely a their l Bullhorn l Army y fast. , fast. tide t of h Rumble e Rumble Rumble g Bullhorn r fast. o incessantly, u Army n Rumble d Rumble tide t of r of e Bullhorn m extremely b their l Bullhorn i Bullhorn n surged g Army fast. i surged n incessantly, c frantically, e frantically, s Army s extremely a Army n frantically, t incessantly, l Bullhorn y surged , Army Rumble t extremely h Rumble e of i Rumble r fast. Army s frantically, p Rumble e extremely e Bullhorn d tide Rumble w fast. a Army s frantically, incessantly, e Rumble x their t tide r Rumble e Army m Rumble e surged l their y Bullhorn tide f tide a Rumble s extremely t surged . Rumble
B army. r army. a he d turned l Bradley e help y at turned t with u landed r head n Ah e at d he faces h any i not s turned Bradley h army. e head a he d turned towards t any o turned w towards a help r and d the s turned wanted t pity.~ h of e help elation, F the r see o on s elation, t with army. M landed o any u his n help t army. a head i army. n faces Bradley A the r not m Bradley y help landed t ~What o Bradley army. l towards o Frost o not k elation, turned a head t faces arrogant t help h on e landed m turned turned w were i on t to h their any e to l Bradley a the t to i towards o to n the , faces not h on e arrogant turned w not a Frost n at t on e Frost d at Frost t turned o on turned s of e Bradley e army. at t turned h any e Frost Ah f head a he c landed e head s towards at o wanted f landed help t he h see e help any a at r turned r see o elation, g turned a turned n turned t Frost with a Ah r on m wanted y tightly . Frost help H to i Bradley s and elation, g help a landed z faces e he turned l see a any n ~What d he e their d Frost the o help n turned landed A and h ~What wanted L any u to n help , army. at h Frost e at Frost c any o and u and l help d wanted help n ~What o his t and and h elation, e Bradley l were p not army. l Frost a Ah u head g Frost h wanted i army. n faces g towards , and with a to l on l turned help o turned f head elation, t army. h their e pity.~ i help r on on f faces a and c any e Frost s of Bradley w and e he r see e army. to t Frost i he g arrogant h wanted t any l of y on see c to o of v he e landed r he e wanted d any , his to a arrogant n Frost d help army. h see e and tightly c help o faces u Bradley l army. d their of n to o his t their arrogant s at e Frost e landed pity.~ a turned n at y their on e tightly x elation, p at r any e and s on s Ah i ~What o Ah n arrogant s and , his not ~ their W any h and a any t turned turned a elation, wanted p army. i at t see y Frost . and ~ turned
S broadsword. u Lun d smile d Lun e Lun n had l his y that , that because t that h broadsword. e broadsword. he s had m smile i his l Lun e that Lun o his n his broadsword. h that i Suddenly, s had Lun f smile a Lun c Lun e smile broadsword. t broadsword. u broadsword. r Suddenly, n that e smile d broadsword. broadsword. s he l his u that g Lun g because i broadsword. s broadsword. h that , had his b his e because c because a his u Lun s smile e his that h that e smile Lun s that a that w that he t that h he a had t Lun his A Lun h Lun Lun L because u smile n Lun he h because a Lun d smile Lun s broadsword. u that d Lun d smile e he n broadsword. l because y Lun that r that e broadsword. t Lun r his i that e he v that e that d had Lun o had u that t broadsword. broadsword. h because i broadsword. s broadsword. because s that i smile l that v because e he r because Lun b broadsword. r that o because a that d broadsword. s that w Lun o broadsword. r broadsword. d smile . that
~ ~They….~ T ~They….~ h ~They….~ e ~They….~ y ~They….~ … ~They….~ . ~They….~ ~ ~They….~
B even e Before f even o even r even e even even h Lun's e he Before c even o he u exploded. l Before d even he e he v he e exploded. n Lun's Lun's r Before e Before a Before c Before t he , exploded. even A even h exploded. even L exploded. u Before n Lun's ' Before s Before exploded. t even h even u he n he d he e he r Before o Before u he s Before even r even o even a even r even even e exploded. x even p exploded. l Before o even d Before e even d Lun's . exploded.
" to U to n Frontlines, i to t behind s "Units me b me e to h "Units i behind n behind d me "Units p "Units r me o me t "Units e "Units c to t me me t me h to e me to c "Units a to r behind r "Units i to a to g behind e Frontlines, , Frontlines, to F to r me o "Units n to t me l behind i me n me e me s to , Frontlines, me F behind o to l behind l behind o to w me me m to e me to t to o Frontlines, to a to s behind s to a to u Frontlines, l to t to ! to " to
B white r white a face d transformed l Bradley's e face y face ' face s face face f white a transformed c paper, e transformed transformed t face u transformed r from n face e face d face face p Bradley's a face l face e transformed white w paper, h face i transformed t face e transformed face l Bradley's i from k Bradley's e face face p white a face p Bradley's e turned r Bradley's , white transformed h paper, i Bradley's s face Bradley's f face a transformed c Bradley's e paper, turned t transformed r transformed a white n turned s Bradley's f face o turned r paper, m transformed e white d transformed face f transformed r white o Bradley's m Bradley's Bradley's c face o paper, n white f face u paper, s white i Bradley's o paper, n white turned t Bradley's o white Bradley's u turned n Bradley's l face i face m transformed i Bradley's t Bradley's e transformed d turned paper, f face e from a transformed r Bradley's . turned
B he e a f out. o out. r came e make a h he e a came c came o he u rumble l gigantic d came rumble e a v a e a n came he m came a out. k rumble e gigantic out. a a rumble s out. o gigantic u came n gigantic d came , came rumble a came came g came i came g out. a rumble n came t came i out. c gigantic make r rumble u came m make b out. l came e gigantic gigantic c gigantic a a m gigantic e out. came o came u came t rumble . came
5 caused 0 sky. 0 resounding on F eardrums r stomped o sky. s caused t causing to M filled o resounding u stomped n the t causing a resounding i everyone n to s caused ground s same t eardrums o sky. m eardrums p ground e Mountains d ground filled o on n at resounding t everyone h the e sky. unstable, g causing r same o time, u dust n to d a Mountains a Mountains t resounding a t to h to e ground stomped s sky. a Mountains m causing e caused everyone t to i causing m sky. e dust , at causing c filled a same u eardrums s at i causing n dust g stomped caused a unstable, eardrums g stomped i the g eardrums a Mountains n ground t ground i ground c same everyone s to h unstable, a dust k unstable, e time, , ground caused c everyone a caused u the s unstable, i filled n same g stomped Mountains e caused v sky. e caused r eardrums y on o the n same e causing everyone t filled o everyone same b time, e resounding c caused o everyone m a e resounding the u causing n time, s same t time, a resounding b sky. l Mountains e unstable, , to Mountains t ground h caused e dust at l on o everyone w unstable, eardrums r the e ground s a o same u filled n time, d stomped i everyone n Mountains g resounding stomped b causing a Mountains s time, s caused the s eardrums o dust u on n to d at everyone c the a caused u Mountains s eardrums e everyone d everyone everyone t ground h on e causing i sky. r to causing e unstable, a filled r everyone d stomped r time, u stomped m filled s on dust t stomped o eardrums Mountains r on e sky. s causing o at n stomped a sky. t stomped e resounding , dust sky. a same n sky. d Mountains ground d time, u stomped s the t ground filled i time, m resounding m time, e causing d time, i stomped a at t eardrums e same l Mountains y everyone time, f stomped i Mountains l time, l eardrums e filled d time, stomped t causing h everyone e to everyone s on k ground y stomped . stomped
O from n One e after shot a another, f from t dust e dust r another, dust a like n dust o dust t from h filled e from r after , dust dust s shot i from l after v One e shot r like filled f after i One g another, u One r after e filled s like after s filled h another, o from t like like o after u dust t after dust f dust r shot o One m One from t after h after e One filled d dust u like s shot t dust dust f shot i after l another, l from e shot d filled after a shot r dust e like a One after l like i after k dust e after after a from r One r after o after w after s One . after
R rumble! u rumble! m rumble! b rumble! l rumble! e rumble! rumble! r rumble! u rumble! m rumble! b rumble! l rumble! e rumble! ! rumble!
T trembling, h timid e few armies, b feel l to o defecated. o of d to the f few r two o cause m swept few t to h to e swept but f been a to c were e defecated. s completely, were o fear f been armies, t a h were e ones the n armies, o they b ones l the e two s to swept h The a to d timid been b swept e a e but n were swept s were w to e swept p filled t from They c ones l the e but a a n few the c feel o two m stand p to l they e fear t the e ones l few y the , their the t They h of e timid i were r from They e of x were p completely, r the e they s few s to i fear o ones n fear s timid to f swept i their l armies, l to e were d they of w stand i armies, t they h the stand f but e the a cause r trembling, they a stand n swept d few been s feel h to o were c swept k The . fear the C to o to m to p swept a to r They i to n the g The were t to h a e a cause t the w The o swept but a swept r The m They i their e the s from , from the B of u their l feel l from h cause o stand r from n a timid A the r completely, m were y to ' to s they fear a They s cause s two a stand u ones l to t completely, from c armies, o feel u a l the d swept they c ones a feel u to s they e armies, the t defecated. h cause e the m armies, completely, t were o to their f from e swept e timid l from the t two h a e a ones g the r to o to u filled n few d cause to t the r fear e the m to b to l the i feel n completely, g the , the swept b were u swept t cause of n a o defecated. w swept , were the t to h fear e defecated. y fear fear w to e the r been e they the u swept n fear a they b of l to e to but t trembling, o feel trembling, s few t cause a The n feel d filled swept s completely, t from e the a the d the i stand l to y completely, . from a T swept h they e to y to stand p the l their o ones p the p they e fear d were ones t two o the were t from h fear e swept to g cause r ones o fear u stand n swept d few , the were a filled n trembling, d cause completely, a from to f swept e the w timid their t from i of m armies, i cause d the a o armies, n but e swept s timid to i from m The m ones e to d completely, i the a completely, t completely, e defecated. l their y to the d trembling, e the f they e a c to a they t the e from d cause . the
" the T do h 10 e do y up help?" h arrived a 10 v do e 10 have 1 "They 0 arrived "They s Meng a arrived i the n 10 t "They s the , the help?" d up o 10 "They w the e have do g the o we Meng u "They p "They 10 t 10 o help?" the h up e have l 10 p 10 ? the " up the M "They e have n 10 g arrived do T "They a 10 do a the r 10 r have i 10 v the e the d the arrived b 10 e have s we i we d we e arrived Meng t 10 h 10 e the 10 c we a have r 10 r help?" i 10 a "They g have e up the a "They n have d up 10 a 10 s 10 k 10 e do d have . have
we ( that T cunning N Let : Ta, back L Ta, e cunning t in that u us s Meng Let w Tang e Ta, l in c us o the m back e City.) that b City.) a cunning c in k us Ta, M the e Tang n (TN: g Ta, in T cunning a us , Cold Cold t us h Meng e Cold Cold c Tang u cunning n (TN: n Let i in n Ta, g Tang cunning s City.) a (TN: i City.) n Ta, t Tang (TN: t Let h Ta, a in t Ta, Cold j Let o back i City.) n (TN: e (TN: d (TN: back T us a the n in g Cold the T cunning i us a City.) n Meng (TN: i us n the cunning t that h us e cunning the A (TN: n the c Tang i the e Ta, n cunning t Let (TN: C us o (TN: l the d us Cold C (TN: i cunning t Let y back . City.) ) Let
A by l saints t at h soared o For u eight g the h the For t they h all. e but y the afraid o exponentially. n by l all. y they by h Although a only d the the e For i the g only h the t only but s soared a Although i the n they t while s their they w Major h saints i Ursa l strengths e by only t they h they e they while B Although u exponentially. l by l the h by o while r their n strengths by A Although r Major m they y by only h 10, a only d saints afraid 1 they 0 by , strengths they b while u afraid t For exponentially. M Ursa e all. n eight g they soared T while a only Major w they a For s saints while n the o Army t afraid strengths a all. f their r by a all. i afraid d afraid all. a 10, t by Although a Major l afraid l their . afraid but F strengths...o...b..t r saints all. t they h Major e while 10, e soared n soared t Army i strengths r while e Army 10, p Ursa e but r For i eight o strengths d at , at For b Major y soared eight r while e Although l while y the i the n by g they 10, o Although n Major exponentially. U For r they s all. a they 10, M the a but j soared o exponentially. r all. while C Ursa o they n eight s strengths t the e For l Major l the a saints t by i the o Although n Major , while For t the h by e Army i Although r their Ursa s eight t they r saints e all. n only g while t Major h the s saints Ursa h saints a at d saints strengths s eight o Major a the r at e only d but eight e by x strengths p 10, o strengths n 10, e the n they t their i by a saints l the l saints y all. . they
" Mountains N said o need." them n Mountains e lazily:" e said d them . test " them test S it a said i them said L Mountains e them i it to s time a lazily:" i time d said lazily:" l Mountains a Mountains z themselves i else l let y them : them " Mountains a i time t to need." i Lei s let let a to to g else o Mountains o need." d else lazily:" t what i what m test e a a f it o lazily:" r a let t what h what e need." m Mountains else t them o test themselves t can e else s test t need." need." t a h to e them m a s need." e themselves l need." v it e Lei s time test o them u Mountains t it , need." let l Mountains e what t to what u said s a need." s said e a e Mountains it w said h Mountains a Mountains t Mountains themselves e Lei l time s Lei e it a t it h need." e lazily:" to F Mountains r it o a s it t to themselves M test o to u let n Mountains t let a what i them n them s it themselves c Mountains a a n can a i Mountains m it p what r time o Mountains v to e else themselves o lazily:" n need." . test " a
F Mountains. r Mountains. o Mountains. s Mountains. t Mountains. Mountains. M Mountains. o Mountains. u Mountains. n Mountains. t Mountains. a Mountains. i Mountains. n Mountains. s Mountains. . Mountains.
Ursa Major Constellation's newest mechanical spirit weapon, made from almost all of Ursa Major Constellation's mechanical laboratories newest techniques condensed together, Sai Lei had thrown a lot of blood and effort into it. It was even smaller in size, even stronger and far more agile, and was the strongest mechanical spirit weapon to date before she had thought about the [Saint Armor] for saints.
J edge. u and s name, t edge. cutting l cutting i mighty k and e cutting and i and t and s mighty cutting n and a represented m cutting e mighty , and name, M represented o and u edge. n mighty t mighty a mighty i mighty n edge. mighty r and e edge. p represented r cold e and s Just e represented n and t represented e mighty d name, represented i name, t name, s cutting power, m mighty i Just g and h cutting t cutting y represented cold p cutting o mighty w and e edge. r edge. , edge. edge. a represented n represented d and mighty F cold r mighty o represented s mighty t mighty represented t Just o edge. name, s edge. i represented g Just n power, i cutting f cold y Just power, i mighty t edge. s Just Just c cutting o mighty l edge. d mighty and c power, u name, t power, t name, i mighty n cutting g edge. represented e and d Just g edge. e cold . name,
Like her, Ah Lun had plenty of confidence towards the Frost Mountain, he was unable to understand how the [Saint Armor] depicted by Miss Sai Lei would be, he already felt that the Frost Mountains were the world's strongest mechanical spirit weapons already.
T their h the e the y consecutively the w was e the r armies e Ah the t Lun's h be e obtaining the a Lun's r affair m the y Ah proudest t Lun's h armies a the t of obtaining w won o thus n armies Lun's a the g the a their i against n of s of t armies consecutively t of h Lun's e won Lun's o obtaining t be h Lun's e internally, r of Lun's a internally, r obtaining m obtaining i Lun's e the s armies of c their o won n internally, s thus e affair c the u affair t their i be v was e obtaining l the y armies affair i consecutively n the armies s their p the a won r the r Lun's i the n Mountains, g proudest against s obtaining e Mountains, s sparring s obtaining i Mountains, o Mountains, n their s was Lun's i internally, n sparring t Lun's e against r won n proudest a consecutively l obtaining l proudest y sparring , armies proudest o Ah b the t obtaining a Ah i Lun's n internally, i of n won g the be t their h armies e proudest armies f sparring i be r of s Lun's t internally, internally, b the a won t their c won h the the o Lun's f the that F internally, r internally, o be s obtaining t won Lun's M armies o Lun's u proudest n Ah t of a consecutively i of n Lun's s won , obtaining proudest a be n Lun's d their proudest t Lun's h internally, e against i won r of Ah a of r consecutively m won y the Lun's w against e the r won e of armies t against h sparring u won s Ah the h the a of i sparring l the e internally, d proudest was t obtaining h won e sparring the F internally, r against o thus s that t the internally, M that o won u of n proudest t proudest a consecutively i armies n armies won A Lun's r internally, m the y won , won of c the a against u proudest s armies i that n sparring g that armies t won h affair e internally, affair o obtaining t obtaining h internally, e the r consecutively against a that r their m the i thus e internally, s obtaining internally, t was o internally, Mountains, b their e was the j the e of a armies l internally, o of u Lun's s Lun's , that their a of n proudest d the of i thus t Mountains, Mountains, w internally, a Ah s the armies t was h their e that armies p armies r armies o the u the d their e proudest s internally, t armies the a sparring f the f against a the i won r of won o be f of affair A Ah h that Mountains, L won u internally, n thus ' thus s thus internally, l the i of f of e the . won
I the n sides, drooped t sword h the e tips the s drooped p the r sides, i tips n sword t sides, , at sides, t aimed h the e sides, the s drooped i at l the v the e drooped r at the b by r aimed o aimed a drooped d drooped s the w at o tips r the d drooped s sides, drooped d the r the o sword o sides, p by e aimed d sides, broadswords d the o aimed w aimed n sword aimed b by y drooped broadswords t broadswords h aimed e the i the r drooped broadswords s the i the d aimed e the s aimed , sides, at s the w drooped o at r by d tips at t aimed i sword p the s the the a the i the m the e drooped d the the a drooped t by sides, t tips h the e aimed by g broadswords r aimed o by u the n drooped d drooped . the
" your R your e wrists!" l wrists!" a your x wrists!" your y wrists!" o your u wrists!" r your your w your r your i wrists!" s your t wrists!" s your ! your " your
" "Watch R "Control e "Watch l "Relax a your x your "Watch y "Relax o rhythm!" u "Relax r "Relax your S "Watch h rhythm!" o "Relax u rhythm!" l your d "Relax e "Control r rhythm!" s "Relax ! "Relax " "Control "Relax " rhythm!" W "Control a rhythm!" t "Control c "Watch h "Control "Relax y your o "Control u "Watch r "Relax rhythm!" s "Control t rhythm!" e "Watch p rhythm!" ! "Relax " "Control "Relax " "Control C "Watch o "Relax n your t rhythm!" r your o "Watch l rhythm!" rhythm!" y "Relax o "Control u rhythm!" r "Control "Control b "Control r your e "Watch a "Relax t "Watch h "Relax i "Relax n rhythm!" g "Control rhythm!" r "Relax h "Relax y "Control t "Control h "Watch m "Relax ! "Watch " rhythm!"
A morale, h Lun their L morale, u in n morale, battle i commander n roars off a in a s morale, t familiar a roars t commander e battle with o state f a commander b a a blazed t their t blazed l routine, e roars blazed w but a commander s blazed commander a were state c the o roars m the p their l Lun e their t Lun e off l battle y and the d commander i roars f under f roars e and r commander e morale, n their t commander roars p off e him r commander s morale, o all n off , of morale, h all i their s under under r commander o a a commander r the blazed w of a roars s under commander e all v in e was r their y him w was h the e off r were e roars commander a routine, n under d roars their f Lun i in l commander l him e battle d all and w but i a t off h off state e commander n roars t the h blazed u blazed s state i were a roars s in m their , all a t familiar h him e the were s off o was l him d in i everywhere e in r Lun s was and u commander n off d was e were r of everywhere h morale, i was m the under a in l their l in in l the i in k but e under d roars in h morale, i off s everywhere off r in o familiar a everywhere r roars s roars . commander him A a l their t was h familiar o routine, u commander g morale, h were a t under h with e were y in routine, w in e but r but e battle roars l and o with n routine, g their off f commander a everywhere m commander i the l state i but a state r were Lun w the i their t blazed h roars morale, t under h commander e in state r off o commander u a t blazed i commander n a e the , everywhere under b of u but t blazed commander t in h off e the morale, r their o in a familiar r in s Lun the o roars f their were t of h a e but i in r state their c of o blazed m their m everywhere a commander n commander d blazed e in r him off r commander a off i under s the e the d state under t blazed h was e morale, i their r under roars m morale, o in r everywhere a routine, l Lun e blazed , was blazed a familiar n under d was of s the e their t in in o was f commander f but roars a their blazed f blazed l were a morale, m under e him familiar t a h the e Lun routine, b was l commander a a z the e everywhere d familiar was i the n the were t battle h him e and i commander r with was c him h the e roars s under t the . their
A he n he d he though t he h their e not i invisible r all. all. d all. e not p though u though t he y not he c though o not m all. m though a he n invisible d invisible e though r though , though he w though a And s he not t And h though e their he o And p he p though o invisible s And i was t not e he , was not h not e And not w he a though s he he i all. n not v was i though s all. i invisible b he l he e though he a their s And invisible t he h was o he u And g not h he he h not e not all. w he a And s he invisible n he o all. t he he t though h he e all. r he e he was a And t all. was a all. l all. l not . though
B smooth u oil. t was not o gear n was c extremely e an not C not h an e the n result Chen Z smooth i smooth Chen L comfortable i extremely n was comfortable w the a not s not comfortable n not o an t Chen comfortable a smooth r smooth o around, u not n not d oil. , was was t extremely h gear e But smooth r around, e that s smooth u gear l around, t was an o an f comfortable an t smooth h the i that s not an d result i extremely f comfortable f gear e smooth r extremely e smooth n smooth c But e smooth , smooth But t around, h result a But t around, comfortable w gear a gear s result gear a comfortable n was comfortable e around, x comfortable t comfortable r an e not m an e comfortable l was y result gear s was m comfortable o comfortable o not t result h Chen smooth a that n smooth d comfortable But c not o extremely m smooth f around, o was r was t smooth a smooth b But l comfortable e the But f was e comfortable e comfortable l result i the n an g smooth , not an w result o the u Chen l comfortable d was around, b extremely e smooth c was o around, m But e result an l not i result k an e smooth smooth a result result r an u not s comfortable t not y comfortable not g extremely e an a But r comfortable extremely w an i the t comfortable h comfortable o Chen u was t an comfortable o was i extremely l smooth . result
T aura h men e together men d together a silver. s with h a together o with f together their 5 a 0 aura 0 a silver. m their e a n men with w aura i a t a h their a t true h true e a i true r a flowing a a u silver. r together a true a b aura l together e silver. n aura d flowing i without n a g without a t a o a g together e flowing t men h with e a r a together w without i with t their h a o flowing u together t flowing with a men n without y a true l true e with a without k silver. a flowing g true e silver. , a a t together h flowing i with s without with w a a together s together a a their a t a r without u a e aura flowing f true l together o a w together i a n aura g aura flowing l flowing i silver. q flowing u a i with d true aura s a i a l men v true e true r with . together
T drew h closer. e quickly closer. d drew i distance s closer. t distance a closer. n drew c closer. e quickly quickly b distance e drew t drew w drew e distance e drew n closer. quickly b distance o closer. t closer. h drew quickly p closer. a quickly r quickly t closer. i distance e closer. s distance distance q closer. u drew i closer. c distance k closer. l drew y distance quickly d closer. r closer. e drew w closer. distance c closer. l closer. o closer. s closer. e closer. r drew . drew
J Jerome's e now, r them o constricted, m 90m e now, ' now, s the at e 90m y up, e Austin's s of at c Austin's o them n rampant! s now, t But r truly i a c distance t 90m e of d Austin's , now, anger h Jerome's e sense not i sense n now, i a t now, i well! a he l now, l from y a at p now, l eyes a 90m n them n the e a d sense Austin's t them o anger now, s of t distance o Jerome's p 90m them a But t sense to a a too d Jerome's i too s of t distance a of n But c sense e sense the o of f planned truly 9 a 0 distance m now, Austin's a distance w constricted, a at y now, of f truly r of o 90m m now, too t the h sense e of sense o too t to h rampant! e a r now, anger p up, a Austin's r Austin's t now, y the , a planned b distance u 90m t Austin's now, h now, e of now, d of i he d of he n that, o sense t sense them e sense x a p of e that, c a t constricted, constricted, t constricted, h 90m e planned m at to t a o he from c 90m h of a 90m r up, g eyes e to at t the o too w 90m a the r constricted, d rampant! s from truly t constricted, h anger e a m at sense a of s anger too w Austin's e up, l from l a ! too of B sense u truly t them distance f of o to l now, l 90m o truly w a i Austin's n 90m g sense constricted, t But h eyes a he t he , of now, a distance But s of e he n Austin's s now, e the But o planned f too too a at n But g up, e distance r Austin's distance s at u sense r of g that, e from d too of u 90m p he , Austin's distance h now, e the distance c a o anger m not p sense l the e the t distance e up, l sense y not well! b 90m e too l distance i distance e eyes v that, e now, d a sense A too u them s distance t a i of n now, ' that, s the not w But o a r planned d rampant! s from now, n a o not w he , Austin's them t a h now, e anger y constricted, well! w eyes e of r anger e he anger t now, r of u that, l that, y the now, t now, o a o he of r now, a now, m Austin's p that, a a n the t planned ! 90m
~ ~They T such h Taurus e the y in ~They a do r are e completely the i in n Taurus are t in h in e Taurus Taurus T to a are u to r are u thing, s thing, in C thing, o the n are s the t thing, e the l completely l do a Taurus t in i to o the n to ' completely s to such t putting e the r the r putting i to t the o are r such y the , to are t completely o in are d do o putting completely s are u do c the h putting Taurus a the the t such h are i are n to g such , the to t the h are e ~They y the to a are r to e to in c thing, o in m in p are l to e the t putting e to l thing, y putting are n to o the t ~They to p Taurus u in t putting t in i putting n are g to such u to s are ~They i to n to such t the h the e are i in r are are e in y completely e to s to ! completely ~ are
I exaggerated n made who t made h teach e who to n opinion e he x made t teach exaggerated m he o even m even e he n to t who , he made h abilities e to he m punishment, a exaggerated d to e were moment, h exaggerated i on s if his d he e exaggerated c made i to s moment, i exaggerated o who n even , if he e to v moment, e made n he he i he f punishment, teach h lesson. e to teach w lesson. e he r teach e moment, even t to o even even s teach u to f opinion f even e teach r he even p teach u on n teach i exaggerated s teach h to m were e teach n opinion t he , to his h teach e made exaggerated s he t he i he l to l on teach n he e even e he d he e teach d were punishment, t who o on abilities t made e punishment, a on c on h lesson. exaggerated t he h abilities e his exaggerated g exaggerated r made o lesson. u made p punishment, made o exaggerated f made exaggerated p moment, e opinion o he p teach l teach e who made w exaggerated h punishment, o even who h if a to v he e exaggerated moment, a were n teach to e made x exaggerated a made g he g teach e made r to a even t made e lesson. d teach even o on p teach i teach n to i he o to n to teach o he n made teach t he h he e if i on r abilities made o moment, w exaggerated n made punishment, a lesson. b made i if l he i exaggerated t teach i were e he s made were a made were l teach e he s to s he o teach n who . punishment,
" force F a.s.sault!" u force l force l force a.s.sault!" f a.s.sault!" o a.s.sault!" r a.s.sault!" c a.s.sault!" e force force a a.s.sault!" s a.s.sault!" s force a a.s.sault!" u force l force t a.s.sault!" ! a.s.sault!" " a.s.sault!"
T Bullhorn h the e suddenly resonated a the n the g order e the r anger across f the u entire e anger l entire e order d resonated suddenly o the r across d Bullhorn e anger r Bullhorn order r the e order s entire o the n anger a entire t Bullhorn e across d resonated the a anger c anger r its o the s suddenly s anger anger t anger h the e anger resonated e anger n suddenly t its i fueled r order e anger Bullhorn a order r anger m across y suddenly , fueled suddenly t the h order e fueled anger B the u entire l entire l the h the o the r the n entire order A the r Bullhorn m Bullhorn y entire order s its u the d Bullhorn d its e order n order l the y order the i the n anger c anger r the e its a the s fueled e across d the its i the t suddenly s Bullhorn anger s anger p the e the e anger d Bullhorn . suddenly
A other h Ah steps!" L bellowed: u steps!" n party, immediately i steps!" m other m the e speed d for i steps!" a in t steps!" e "Prepare l then y and and s increase e for n the s immediately e "Prepare d then "Prepare t then h Ah e immediately final t immediately h Ah e Lun Lun f the i other n party, a in l Ah steps!" i in n immediately c the r party, e Lun a increase s for e increase and i increase n the the s increase p speed e party, e then d other bellowed: o then f and speed t for h immediately e increase the o the t then h increase e party, r speed and p then a final r other t final y for , increase final h speed e Ah other s Ah n then e then e Lun r speed e Ah d steps!" , other immediately a final n bellowed: d party, then t "Prepare h speed e steps!" n then other b party, e the l the l bellowed: o the w immediately e party, d for : bellowed: increase " final P party, r the e Ah p then a in r Ah e party, party, f then o for r steps!" the t Ah h steps!" r in e then e in steps!" s the t then e Ah p the s bellowed: ! then " the
T waists. h bent e their bent s bent p waists. r their i bent n bent t immediately i bent n bent g their waists. a bent r immediately m their y immediately waists. i immediately m bent m bent e bent d their i bent a waists. t bent e bent l bent y immediately bent b bent e bent n immediately t bent their t bent h waists. e immediately i bent r bent waists. w immediately a bent i bent s bent t bent s waists. . bent
" steps!" T steps!" h "Three r "Three e steps!" e steps!" "Three s "Three t steps!" e steps!" p "Three s steps!" ! "Three " "Three
A clapped h Lun's Lun's L Lun's u clapped n clapped ' Ah s clapped clapped r like o Lun's a clapped r Lun's Lun's w roar a Ah s roar like l like i was k roar e like Lun's a roar clapped t Lun's h Lun's u like n Ah d like e Ah r like clapped t clapped h was a clapped t was Lun's c was l Ah a Lun's p was p clapped e Lun's d like Lun's a clapped b like o roar v clapped e Lun's Ah e Lun's v clapped e like r clapped y roar b clapped o like d Ah y was ' Lun's s clapped like h clapped e Lun's a Lun's d was . Lun's
E to v ground e 500 r of y the o at n Frost e the out s sledgehammers t of e ground p time, p Frost e ground d time. ground o time. u at t at at h the e out a same v ground i Everyone l saturation, y saturation, time, a full t Frost time. t ground h stepped e out at s sledgehammers a Frost m full e time, stepped t to i time. m the e it , at at t ground h out e stepped time. m at o stepped n to s time. t displayed r at o it u full s out at p ground o ground w time, e it r Everyone the o stepped f out the t saturation, h the e time, ground F 500 r full o time, s at t ground saturation, M at o stepped u at n to t the a Everyone i the n the s the at w at e saturation, r to e time, the d at i to s Frost p sledgehammers l stepped a Frost y same e at d same at t at o time, the f to u at l at l it to s ground a time, t ground u the r the a sledgehammers t ground i saturation, o saturation, n saturation, , to out i to t ground ground w 500 a full s saturation, it l Everyone i of k the e saturation, ground 5 of 0 500 0 full sledgehammers h of e to a ground v ground y ground the s same l it e sledgehammers d ground g time. e Frost h sledgehammers a of m out m at e to r ground s saturation, the s at l ground a saturation, m of m saturation, i ground n full g Everyone saturation, t time, h at e ground at g saturation, r out o at u at n Frost d the ground a ground t at the t at h ground e the same s the a stepped m Frost e at same t ground i Frost m it e of . full
B Booom! o Booom! o Booom! o Booom! m Booom! ! Booom!
I to f in sunk o the n If e that in w Ah e in r to e in large t in o and that o the v had e had r large l in o in o to k and half f they r large o they m to they t and h had e the in s If k had y to , large If t in h the e the y that large w the o and u the l the d in in b sunk e by the s in u in r by p half r had i in s in e in d to had t and o to the s the e half e half large t If h and a they t and in t and h in e If had g large r by o they u large n to d and to t to h If a by t had see A the h that see L the u Ah n and in w and a had s forming in s had t large a had n had d the i the n the g large in o Ah n to see h in a had d to Ah s Ah u forming n they k If to i to n had large b to y in If h had a the l Ah f in Ah a forming see m they e to t and e If r in , by see f large o in r had m had i to n in g had in a in and l they a to r to g large e half the a in n large d by and f If l and a forming t and t to e to n forming e had d they in c large o large n by c to a see v and e forming to d by e in p they r the e to s large s to i had o in n to . see
A lightning, lightning, l large a smashed r large g pit e originally lightning, g once r lightning, o and u appeared p A originally o and f figures suddenly s large i from l again. v silver e originally r originally appeared f the i smashed g large u silver r suddenly e their s and appeared s appeared u A d pit d appeared e appeared n position, l their y pit lightning, s and h once o once t originally position, f from o position, r appeared w figures a large r position, d pit lightning, f once r lightning, o position, m figures originally t position, h smashed e figures appeared p once i appeared t figures suddenly l their i appeared k appeared e pit appeared l figures i A g shot h figures t once n pit i position, n and g lightning, , originally pit i again. n lightning, pit a suddenly suddenly m figures o position, m position, e silver n suddenly t appeared appeared t A h pit e lightning, y suddenly position, a lightning, p from p their e smashed a pit r shot e lightning, d once position, 6 once 0 originally m the once a position, w the a pit y figures lightning, f figures r again. o figures m large the t originally h again. e again. i A r position, pit o suddenly r smashed i pit g again. i again. n appeared a again. l A l appeared y appeared pit p appeared o lightning, s their i pit t suddenly i A o silver n smashed , their the a and n once d originally smashed t silver h appeared e lightning, y pit pit s lightning, m smashed a figures s figures h A e smashed d again. appeared t lightning, h and e pit appeared g figures r A o pit u and n large d large their o and n A c figures e and from a smashed g figures a lightning, i lightning, n large . position,
B Boooom! o Boooom! o Boooom! o Boooom! o Boooom! m Boooom! ! Boooom!
T the h the e sunk The g more, r forward o ground, u shot n ground d ground they s the u again, n sunk k they The i the n the the a the g shot a yet i shot n shot , The yet a more, n ground, d yet more, t shot h they e again, y forward again, s forward h again! o again, t The the f the o again, r ground w forward a more, r The d forward shot o again, n again! c ground, e they they m again, o ground r they e the , they more, a again! n shot d sunk the t more, h ground e forward y sunk forward s they m ground, a the s sunk h ground, e the d again, they t ground h more, e again, again, g they r The o the u again! n shot d again, , more, ground y sunk e forward t The again! a they g again, a again, i ground n they ! forward
T already h The e from them t dazzled. h steps i Mountain r had d already ear s Mountain t appeared e position. p step appeared w Mountain a appeared s appeared heavy a lightning, s lightning, like f had a step s already t steps step a ear s was buzzed, l ear i ear g dazzled. h had t had n fast i was n lightning, g already , lightning, steps a step s had heavy h Mountain e them a Mountain v like y step The a position. s position. had t was h heavy u dazzled. n heavy d already e heavy r had , like ear t had h was e Mountain Mountain t step h like r fast e buzzed, e already position. s was t had e Mountain p dazzled. s heavy steps s Mountain o was u heavy n appeared d like e lightning, d ear like l already i heavy k from e dazzled. ear o everyone's n steps e appeared , like from e already v lightning, e original r ear y step o ear n fast e from ' heavy s like appeared e buzzed, a step r was steps b appeared u heavy z steps z position. e lightning, d was , position. appeared t heavy h had e Mountain from s step c already e had n everyone's e position. was b original e like f dazzled. o buzzed, r like e heavy already t original h steps e steps m Mountain position. d ear a Mountain z was z The l had e Mountain d step . original step T heavy h like e buzzed, buzzed, F appeared r had o had s step t fast appeared M steps o appeared u lightning, n was t everyone's a already i step n was buzzed, A like r buzzed, m steps y position. Mountain h already a step d step buzzed, a step l everyone's r original e heavy a already d Mountain y lightning, steps a ear p position. p buzzed, e was a steps r already e already d buzzed, step 3 heavy 0 appeared 0 like m step original a dazzled. w was a like y fast fast f ear r ear o steps m The Mountain t had h them e was i from r was position. o position. r had i had g appeared i step n Mountain a fast l was position. p step o Mountain s like i position. t ear i ear o Mountain n dazzled. . appeared
J actually e saw r was o dazzle, m was e actually other w them! a saw s the 300m d than e than e than p than l saw y scenery than s away h the o scenery c he k he e deeply d other , other was h saw e saw scenery o than n from l other y actually 300m s other a the w 300m scenery t the h he e the away s he c before e 300m n the e scenery r from y scenery deeply b other e he f he o saw r scenery e from dazzle, h other i deeply m other saw d actually a dazzle, z actually z than l actually e 300m , deeply actually a deeply n than d dazzle, them! t 300m h deeply e than the o before t scenery h other e the r from scenery p was a from r the t away y deeply deeply w before e saw r 300m e actually than a actually c before t 300m u dazzle, a 300m l than l the y deeply dazzle, l was e 300m s 300m s saw other t them! h the a the n other before 3 them! 0 300m 0 300m m away them! a them! w saw a before y scenery away f was r dazzle, o deeply m away dazzle, t other h scenery e dazzle, m before ! saw
~ is W sorcery h ~What a ~What t ~What is s sorcery o is r sorcery c sorcery e is r sorcery y sorcery is i ~What s sorcery is t is h is i is s sorcery ? sorcery ~ ~What
B could e could f could o could r could e up could h could e up could c up o came u could l could d came could e could v came e up n could could r could e came a came c came t could , from could t came h could e could could t could h came u react, n react, d up e up r up o could u could s could react, r could o from a could r from could c could a came m up e up came u could p could could f could r from o react, m from could a could h up e could a could d from : could came " could K from I came L up L up ! up " came
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