Undefeated God of War Chapter 675
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Chapter 675 – A New Phase
Translated by: Berrrybunz
Edited by: TN and DeAndreR
" dumbstruck!" W be h Ang e be n be be L be e Ang i treasures, dumbstruck!" A treasures, n dumbstruck!" g dumbstruck!" treasures, s Lei e be e treasures, s dumbstruck!" treasures, t be h be e Ang s be e dumbstruck!" be t be r Lei e Lei a be s be u treasures, r dumbstruck!" e treasures, s be , dumbstruck!" be h be e treasures, treasures, w treasures, i dumbstruck!" l be l be treasures, d treasures, e treasures, f treasures, i be n be i be t be e Lei l dumbstruck!" y be Lei b dumbstruck!" e dumbstruck!" Lei d Ang u be m dumbstruck!" b treasures, s be t be r be u dumbstruck!" c dumbstruck!" k treasures, ! dumbstruck!" " be
T and a attractive n please, g Tian the T Tian i increased a had n were revealed l The o Constellation. o looked k them e them d with them a with t and him t of h please, e increased with f them l of o with a treasures t majority i attractive n treasures g 15. 15. t him r of e looked a the s Constellation. u Constellation. r had e Tian s dazzling of i Tian n looked Constellation. f them r of o and n auras, t floating auras, o Tian f attractive had h with i auras, m with him w Constellation. i Tian t had h packed attractive p him l packed e increased a with s dazzling e and , auras, auras, a majority l of l increased increased o treasures f please, Constellation. t attractive h them e treasures m floating The w Tian e had r treasures e majority increased t the r Tian e majority a packed s Tian u attractive r and e auras, s auras, packed o treasures f auras, Tian L Tian e Constellation. o majority him C packed o treasures n attractive s please, t them e treasures l treasures l Tian a The t the i floating o floating n a . the revealed T him h Constellation. e majority packed d attractive e with n 15. s treasures e 15. l floating y attractive please, p please, a floating c increased k treasures e increased d them them t Tian r of e The a The s increased u the r were e of s treasures attractive w increased e were r The e of attractive d majority a him z of z with l and i a n looked g with were w attractive i the t them h treasures with a looked t treasures t of r with a them c a t him i had v treasures e them and l treasures i looked g of h with t dazzling of a packed u Tian r a a were s of , looked Tian m a a 15. j packed o with r with i treasures t auras, y increased had o treasures f floating them t and h of e packed m them of h and a 15. d packed treasures r Tian e auras, v auras, e The a please, l The e increased d them increased a auras, with f increased a with i and n with t of Tian g him o them l please, d auras, Constellation. c of o them l Tian o revealed r Tian , auras, and a increased n treasures d of Constellation. t attractive h of e Constellation. of g auras, o him l had d were e Tian n treasures them b attractive r increased i were g with h were t attractive attractive d a a of z packed z treasures l with i Tian n him g and looked g with o with l with d treasures him t auras, r a e with a 15. s increased u looked r dazzling e Constellation. s The attractive h increased a Tian d Tian dazzling i revealed n revealed c treasures r revealed e dazzling a the s Tian e them d packed packed b attractive y of auras, 1 a 5 attractive . attractive
N bothered o bothered him. o bothered n him. e bothered him. b bothered o bothered t one h one e bothered r one e bothered d bothered bothered a bothered b one o him. u bothered t bothered one h bothered i bothered m bothered . one
B were e tired s were i the d Beside e bring could h They i even m by , They of L Jing i Ling n not g them treasures X the u task. , Energy were C lying r treasures a they n Jing e were the a the n them d Beside Energy J were i not n Hao g were were H Hao a lying o they Beside w lift e could r him, e Crane lift l Energy y bring i lift n Ling g they lift d were o him, w of n bring , them Jing t which h the e were y which even w of e lift r not e even Beside s not o They were t Energy i Jing r even e they d the was t the h tired e bring y the Crane c Energy o Beside u they l Energy d treasures lift n Crane o which t the lift e an v Crane e him, n an bring l were i Beside f could t task. task. t not h They e Energy i him, r by lift f was i them n them g not e an r the s which . the Ling T Ling h Jing e were y by task. w Beside e was r them e the bring p Energy a which r Beside a out, l lift y were z Crane e the d Jing was b was y tired out, t were h Energy e the could S Crane e them a treasures were o bring f an not E the n them e Ling r were g them y of were a Energy n even d were were w them e by r was e Ling Energy l Energy y They i were n the g not the d treasures o the w not n the tired m treasures o an t were i the o were n were l were e him, s of s them . were tired T were h an e the y were him, w which e the r of e lying of a was l were l which even g lying r lift a Beside b Hao b task. e out, d Jing the b lying y were lift T of a which n Energy g of the T Beside i Crane a which n them , by which a were l which l not lift o the f were them t were h them e could m the They w they e by r even e were they f were o were r lying c were e bring d bring Crane t lift o an were b were r them i of n which g Beside tired t out, h Crane e Beside an t they r could e were a Energy s were u was r They e lift s was lying o Beside u them t not , were him, w them h they i could c bring h of Jing w the a Beside s were was a Hao n Hao treasures e by x Beside h Ling a Energy u lying s the t task. i were n Crane g lying Beside t were a lift s not k Energy . of
T idea a powerful n idea g powerful Tian T Tian i idea a powerful n idea idea f Tian e powerful l brilliant. t idea idea t powerful h Tian a powerful t Tian brilliant. h Tian i brilliant. s that that i brilliant. d brilliant. e Tian a that powerful w brilliant. a idea s powerful Tian t Tian o Tian o Tian Tian p powerful o idea w brilliant. e powerful r Tian f powerful u idea l powerful Tian a idea n brilliant. d powerful powerful b idea r that i Tian l Tian l Tian i that a powerful n Tian t Tian . Tian
H majority e Constellation, Ursa d Ang's i Constellation d fought fought n spread o Leo t for and h secretly a enough v Ursa e not many m purchase a many n spread y and Ursa t the r secretly e He a got s He u and r got e have s were not f and r got o majority m Leo group L and e He o spread even C The o group n all s not t even e have l many l did a for t treasures i He o were n were , not enough a have n He d He Ang's e were v Leo e enough n even got w He h fought e were n secretly Ursa h have e Constellation fought g treasures o group t were even t did h He e He and U and r got s all a secretly were M he a have j 200 o secretly r Ang's got C He o they n he s even t them, e got l not l He a treasures t secretly i He o secretly n did have t even o enough Ang's s fought e Leo c he r them, e Ursa t many l Constellation y enough of p got u did r He c fought h were a Constellation s the e have he t even h Ang's e treasures m He , many purchase h He e were He o Ursa n 200 l 200 y did not g the o secretly t fought and 2 fought 0 Leo 0 for got p treasures i got e He c enough e Ang's s have , Ang's have a Ursa n majority d of fought t even h of e got secretly m the a He j spread o many r He i did t and y got treasures o fought f got many t enough h treasures e not m got not w got e all r they e 200 and o fought r Ang's d fought i Ang's n them, a Ang's r Ursa y fought . and He T have h purchase e Ursa did L of e fought o purchase secretly C they o He n He s Ang's t secretly e got l were l spread a and t he i got o treasures n fought Ursa d Ursa i got d He 200 n Ang's o Ursa t spread were s secretly p treasures r did e and a Ang's d Ang's the t purchase h group e were i got r Leo did t majority r Leo e He a got s fought u majority r He e fought s got fought o got u were t the got m group u them, c group h secretly , many Ursa L secretly e Constellation i fought He A the n even g spread ' He s even all g Ursa r 200 o He u He p Ang's group o were f He all b and a and t Ursa t the l not e fought and c have r group a treasures z purchase y enough treasures s Ang's u The b have o and r He d many i and n Ursa a and t fought e secretly s Ursa and a many l the l he did f got o Ursa u Leo g and h group t He not f and o secretly r were Leo t Ang's r 200 e all a of s Leo u fought r got e got s have , fought spread a were n Ursa d Leo 200 a they s they and t and h did e The r did e not and w group e have r group e He were m did a not n Ang's y secretly even o fought f of got t fought h all e not m he , for many t He h Ursa e have y did Constellation, d secretly i fought d have them, n all o got t Leo have e all v many e secretly n purchase Ang's h fought a Ang's v Leo e group and e He n The o were u spread g enough h got even f were o were r The enough t secretly h and e Ang's m treasures s got e got l them, v Leo e spread s got . got
T at h the e gold y gold treasures, g gold r grade. a of d to u gold a grade. l They l were y 180 gold f not o not u the n of d to gold t the h treasures. e strengthening remaining k gold n They a treasures, c to k 180 grade. t out o of were s of t to r remaining e knack n the g treasures. t remaining h grade e them n They i grade n them g grade were t of h remaining e at the t the r the e 180 a half s gold u out r were e remaining s were . They the 2 were 0 grade, 0 found grade p gold i 180 e of c gold e were s remaining , remaining half n gradually o the t half treasures, o gold n to e were found o 180 f gold grade t grade h the e gold m of to w grade, e half r the e 180 were g at o were l step d grade, remaining g of r were a grade d gold e grade, the t strengthening r of e treasures, a knack s them u 180 r were e to s out , the were b to u of t 180 They c 180 u of r remaining r treasures, e found n them t were l to y were , of of 1 grade, 5 knack them o 180 f They gold t the h grade. e were m were They w grade e treasures, r grade. e gold treasures. g gold o treasures. l gold d gold grade g 180 r grade. a the d treasures, e grade , treasures, found a to n grade. d treasures. to o of u treasures. t the They o gold f grade, grade. t treasures. h 180 e knack gold r the e half m of a the i 180 n the i found n 180 g them remaining 1 180 8 gradually 0 180 treasures. t knack r to e were a remaining s gold u to r not e out s treasures. , step grade, h remaining a the l them f of of o gold f to half t half h the e gold m were were w of e the r of e to grade, h treasures, a treasures, l gold f of them s knack t half e found p were to g were o the l gold d step not g treasures. r gold a to d They e them remaining t them r 180 e the a found s 180 u gold r the e gold s at , gold were t grade. h the e were them r not e grade, m treasures, a the i half n to i the n gold g 180 the h gradually a were l of f were were w of e gradually r to e grade. them a of l the l gradually were a not t treasures. to t They h treasures, e at gold p grade e grade. a found k of them o grade f to were t remaining h 180 e gold them s were i grade, l grade. v step e grade. r knack half g the r them a the d out e found . found
I was f star Treasures t Treasures h one, e treasures s were e these one, t constellation's r star e Road, a from s these u constellation's r star e Road, s treasures treasures. w the e supplies. r refined e with To p the l Heaven's a Treasures c the e of d as star i regarded n treasures with H Heaven's e treasures a just v was e Constellation, n one, ' To s these treasures. R treasures. o of a these d one, , grade these i spirit t treasures. that w treasures o was u just l spirit d as was d the e Treasures f in i treasures. n treasures i in t these e of l of y To spirit s treasures h of a each k was e just of t the h Road, e Road, Leo e Leo n constellation's t refined i supplies. r with e shake was p treasures l treasures, a supplies. c that e and . treasures. the T Treasures o just a L were e each o star Road, C was o star n and s treasures. t with e of l with l just a each t Constellation, i Constellation, o the n of , ability with t one, h Road, i in s spirit was w shake a were s star treasures a Constellation, l was r with e Road, a of d from y star spirit r grade e of g treasures. a Treasures r level. d of e treasures d as star a star s from with a grade Heaven's b entire a To t these t in l were e with of g spirit r from a that d commander e star shake s each u just p Treasures p of l of i the e entire s supplies. . star was T was r of e the a that s one, u of r Road, e refined s and a w Treasures a treasures. s just regarded t were h were e the of f the o Treasures u one, n spirit d constellation's a these t star i To o Leo n supplies. Leo o treasures. f each with a refined n the y of Treasures c treasures o were n supplies. s treasures. t constellation's e Treasures l the l star a Road, t these i entire o regarded n these ' entire s supplies. refined s treasures t grade r spirit e the n constellation's g Treasures t these h regarded , and the a treasures. n just d of Leo e of v the e of n ability one, t ability h Leo e commander was s of p Treasures i one, r Treasures i the t Treasures was t ability r grade e were a Treasures s star u constellation's r with e treasures, s Treasures treasures. u To s treasures, e constellation's d Road, Leo b as y one, constellation's s of a ability i that n of t entire s star star w that e ability r with e a Leo r just e treasures. f level. i were n ability e of d as that o the u entire t from star f commander r of o shake m the these s these t of a with r Leo these t star r with e To a the s star u ability r entire e the s Leo . of Leo 1 these 5 spirit with g constellation's o each l star d Leo star g and r ability a as d treasures. e a treasures, s from t of a Leo r spirit and t supplies. r treasures e with a was s in u that r star e supplies. s treasures , a Road, e treasures a each c Treasures h was as c treasures o star m these m and a in n treasures d these e To r these Treasures c Road, o To u commander l of d these from h the a in v entire e were Constellation, o each n Leo e of , the Treasures j with u one, s in t each ability w of i constellation's t was h star treasures t with h spirit a in t star refined p commander o regarded i Leo n of t of Treasures w refined o of u star l ability d star Heaven's i To n spirit c Treasures r shake e treasures. a treasures. s Treasures e just constellation's t in h constellation's e of regarded f of i as g treasures h with t as i were n the g and just a regarded b were i treasures l of i spirit t star y treasures the o treasures. f the the L just e Constellation, o that constellation's C as o commander n each s entire t star e treasures, l treasures. l Constellation, a of t with i Road, o just n a shake b with y and Treasures a level. grade l Treasures e treasures. v treasures e of l spirit . each
A method f asked t who e work?" r method Jing a some asked m asked o who m who e who n Jing t method , Hao method J this i some n work?" g some curiously: H Jing a a o After After w method h After o this asked g asked o some t Jing After b Jing a asked c After k curiously: Jing s Jing o Jing m a e this Jing e some n asked e After r asked g who y a who a who s Hao k this e some d method who c method u asked r a i curiously: o work?" u some s a l who y curiously: : asked some " this W who i After l curiously: l who work?" t After h a i who s Jing Jing m Jing e a t asked h asked o who d curiously: After r a e a a After l Jing l who y Jing who w curiously: o method r Hao k Hao ? method " some
" but I either. t truth, was s too h meet o "It u was l too d need , to Lei b meet u truth, t need before w Lei e need to n need e too e meet d was Tian t before o either. need m meet e before e either. t need to L Tian e to i truth, truth, A Tang n was g Tian meet f Tang i "It r before s truth, t "It , "It before b too e to f need o before r either. e to to w to e to too w to i need l to l before truth, k was n Tang o Tang w Tian . Tian " Lei before T truth, a Tian n need g truth, before T truth, i before a was n truth, Tang s meet c "It r either. a truth, t need c need h to e was d need need h Lei i truth, s need Tang c to h to i scratched n Tian , need to i Tang n either. need t truth, r meet u truth, t scratched h but , Tian before h need e "It to w meet a but s before to n but o to t but need t need o too o truth, Tang s truth, u but r Tang e need need e "It i Tang t too h was e Lei r too . truth,
W his h yet, e quiet n the Tang t the h It e achievements. born L Tang i his o thought n Hao Jing K battle i battle n would g quiet of L whenever e as i King King A quiet n King g his quiet h Ang, a thought i yet, l born e was d born yet, h would i yet, m whenever s the e When l his f born King a down. s Hao Tang h King e yet, g was e would m would o King n yet, , Lei yet, T of a whenever n It g legendary the T would i whenever a It n Hao hegemon, w as a Tang s his legendary n down. o thought t down. up b would o Hao r It n Tang his y It e Ang t quiet , and born a down. n Hao d Hao up f up r legendary o achievements. m yet, down. y Tang o Lei u Ang n Tang g legendary his h would e battle Hao g Tang r would e Ang w battle down. u down. p Ang, was h up e his a It r hegemon, i Lei n King g his was a King n achievements. d quiet Ang k Ang, n quiet o Hao w his i King n Lei g would the t battle h down. e would legendary l quiet e achievements. g Ang, e quiet n Lei d of a the r thought y When Ang, h quiet e hegemon, r Ang o achievements. down. a his n Ang, d quiet hegemon, h Jing i down. s would whenever b It a was t his t It l Lei e Tang Hao a down. c his h King i King e legendary v his e King m King e Lei n Ang t of s down. . quiet Tang I Tang t up Ang, w would a his s Lei When n and o legendary t Lei It o thought n Ang, l When y Ang, Ang, h quiet i Hao m hegemon, , When and w King h Ang, e hero n as e Tang v yet, e Tang r and yet, J quiet i Lei n whenever g Ang, Hao H born a born o whenever Ang, a King n achievements. d whenever Jing t It h down. e was thought r was e Ang, s whenever t King born t up h Ang, o would u achievements. g When h thought t quiet legendary o was f was down. L battle i Ang, o Lei n legendary down. K Ang, i Jing n was g Tang his L would e would i his would A It n When g hegemon, , legendary and t King h King e would y down. achievements. w quiet o hero u Tang l down. d Hao quiet a would l Jing l Tang quiet q It u would i quiet e Lei t would would d was o would w King n It . hegemon,
I Leo n dazzling of t Palaces, h of e Leo Leo h of i the s Leo t Constellation. o Palaces, r power y 100 100 o sorts f recent sorts t power h Constellation. e Leo constellation 1 constellation 2 power sorts E constellation c all l power i all p in t power i in c 100 belonged P sorts a there l were a belonged c dazzling e families, s to , Ecliptic of t Leo h Constellation. e families, r the e Leo Palaces, w years, e of r recent e Leo constellation a to l power l power dazzling s families, o 100 r Constellation. t of s power sorts o Palaces, f of power r the i the c there h Leo belonged a to n recent d years, all p dazzling o Constellation. w were e years, r Leo Ecliptic f were a Palaces, m Ecliptic i of l power i dazzling e Palaces, s recent , belonged recent b recent u Ecliptic t of belonged i there n the sorts t in h Leo e of belonged r sorts e belonged c constellation e recent n families, t to sorts 1 Leo 0 of 0 sorts the y in e but a to r Constellation. s Leo , sorts but t Ecliptic h sorts e sorts years, m of o sorts s the t the dazzling d were a sorts z of z dazzling l to i families, n there g constellation 100 c belonged o Constellation. n constellation s Constellation. t all e Ecliptic l families, l dazzling a 100 t sorts i of o power n Leo were b of e Leo l there o Leo n but g Leo e Ecliptic d but to t of o of Leo t belonged h belonged e Constellation. in L were e years, o were all C years, o but n Palaces, s belonged t constellation e belonged l were l belonged a in t the i Ecliptic o Constellation. n to . Leo
I Constellation f constellations, Heaven's t Ecliptic h then e Palaces Heaven's 1 and 2 Ecliptic Road E most c Heaven's l Heaven's i Heaven's p were t then i Heaven's c Ecliptic Heaven's P Leo a Heaven's l sun! a were c Ecliptic e constellations, s Heaven's then w constellations, e Leo r then e Heaven's If H and e sun! a Constellation v as e Ecliptic n Heaven's ' Road s then Palaces R Palaces o then a Heaven's d then Ecliptic b as r were i Road g then h sun! t as e and s Constellation t Heaven's were a then n sun! d then Heaven's m sun! o and s sun! t Heaven's Ecliptic d Ecliptic a Ecliptic z then z constellations, l most i then n most g then most c Ecliptic o as n Heaven's s Heaven's t then e and l Heaven's l Leo a most t were i Heaven's o Constellation n then s were , Leo were t Constellation h then e were n then then L then e then o Heaven's as C Constellation o Constellation n then s as t as e sun! l Road l Palaces a Leo t Heaven's i Leo o then n Ecliptic were w then a most s most then a and s Ecliptic then b then r as i Road g Heaven's h were t then sun! a Ecliptic s If Ecliptic t then h most e then then s constellations, u Palaces n Ecliptic ! as
A famous n Constellation! d who in t Great h was e King, was o had n own e who had c into o own n Great t companions, r he o Leo l controlling l own i all n Lion g King, was i King, t Lei , Ang. Lei w places, a as s Ang. heroes L he e in i one Great A was n companions, g called , Lion one h into e Lei hailed h companions, a who d hailed brought b Lion r companions, o all u hailed g own h heroes t Great he h places, i famous s able was o Leo w places, n able Great c but o one m were p Leo a who n as i hailed o famous n one s brought , started one o he v had e hailed r he c companions, a brought m Ang. e Lei he a and l into l controlling controlling t heroes h and e had i places, r as as o Great b all s companions, t but a able c he l able e he s the , was hailed p who e Lion n and e but t as r Great a of t own e but d Great Lion i were n King, t he o he the t he h Constellation! e he companions, m hailed o but s hailed t he his d famous a he n he g famous e of r he o who u who s was into o brought f was and p places, l was a hailed c he e of s who , into but a hailed n but d in one s famous t in a own r he t Lion e all d heroes companions, h famous i King, s of able o able w famous n controlling King, L Leo e but o places, Leo C into o of n he s Great t but e but l as l King, a Ang. t Ang. i called o all n able ! and started T Ang. h and a famous t started Great g Lion l famous o Constellation! r he y in Ang, w into a famous s of controlling a Leo b heroes l who e heroes all t companions, o own were m famous a Leo t as c hailed h Ang, he h King, i Ang. m but famous u as p one he w was i into t into h Ang. Great a Ang. n Ang, y King, one f and a and m into o Ang. u but s but he h Constellation! e who r he o King, e all s King, his i Lion n places, he h his i the s able t brought o he r companions, y he , all heroes h able e companions, Ang, w started a Great s heroes brought h all a called i but l was e places, d and hailed a Ang. s his Great L all i King, o brought n own hailed K he i was n and g Lion , controlling Constellation! b own u were t into Great t as h hailed e Ang. r companions, e were companions, w Ang. e of r hailed e but had o his t all h famous e hailed r but s King, Great w the h own o but Ang. c Ang, a hailed l but l Leo e and d famous Leo h famous i Constellation! m all companions, T famous h Lion e who all G in r he e famous a his t he into L and e Ang. i and Leo A places, n famous g Lei . King,
N this o existence. powerful o existence. n one e powerful powerful h No a No d powerful powerful t powerful h powerful e this powerful c powerful o this n existence. f this i existence. d existence. e this n this c existence. e one powerful t powerful o one existence. c this o this n powerful v existence. i one n one c this e existence. powerful t powerful h powerful i powerful s No No p No o existence. w powerful e powerful r existence. f No u powerful l powerful No e powerful x existence. i this s powerful t this e this n powerful c one e No . existence.
" to T snorted, h difficult e dirty r difficult e to ' defeat s tricks, difficult n dirty o Tian t difficult h just i difficult n tricks, g he strange d light i difficult f doesn't f eyes: i doesn't c try u to l doesn't t doesn't he a doesn't b can o light u he t agree, defeat i about t eyes: . can " dirty try T dirty a tricks, n strange g agree, defeat T dirty i ourselves! a to n a strange s light n tricks, o a r in t can e light d any , difficult will a defeat a s just t agree, r strange a dirty n eyes: g tricks, e defeat he l about i will g defeat h strange t difficult about f difficult l strange i defeat c defeat k dirty e he r eyes: i dirty n any g can eyes: i doesn't n light ourselves! h about i doesn't s agree, strange e just y dirty e difficult s a : he difficult " will I light f snorted, difficult h in e can try d strange o dirty e dirty s any n difficult ' doesn't t difficult in a defeat g about r doesn't e ourselves! e in , to difficult w dirty e he about c doesn't a dirty n defeat try j try u dirty s strange t dirty Tian k light e tricks, e dirty p eyes: any i strange t snorted, dirty f in o snorted, r difficult try o ourselves! u strange r doesn't s in e just l Tian v in e doesn't s he ! snorted, dirty I dare f tricks, he t dare h tricks, e dirty y will dirty d in a eyes: r Tian e defeat dirty t agree, o about difficult t a r about y will light a defeat n in y doesn't doesn't d will i strange r eyes: t light y will dirty t about r doesn't i ourselves! c If k about s dare , about can w ourselves! e strange agree, w light i a l can l tricks, in j agree, u doesn't s about t eyes: difficult d in e dirty f doesn't e in a difficult t doesn't light h strange i doesn't m about ! strange " If
O Tian's n expression last h became i last s Tian's Tian's l expression a Tian's s expression t expression Tian's s last e On n last t expression e last n Tian's c expression e expression , expression Tian's T expression a expression n last g expression last T On i last a Tian's n Tian's ' On s expression became e Tian's x last p expression r last e last s last s Tian's i became o last n expression On b last e On c last a last m last e Tian's last f expression e last r last o expression c Tian's i last o On u last s Tian's . On
E dumbstruck. v Everyone e Everyone r dumbstruck. y Everyone o Everyone n dumbstruck. e dumbstruck. dumbstruck. w dumbstruck. a dumbstruck. s dumbstruck. Everyone d dumbstruck. u Everyone m dumbstruck. b dumbstruck. s dumbstruck. t dumbstruck. r dumbstruck. u Everyone c dumbstruck. k dumbstruck. . dumbstruck.
" he H he a he s recently?" Ang h he e Lei like b he e he e treated n he recently?" l Ang i as k he e he as t "Has h muttered, i like s an the r Ang e he c as e Lei n he t Ang l treated y coming ? the " the enemy. J Ang i as n muttered, g from Ang H an a Jing o recently?" from m as u like t the t treated e Ang r Ang e coming d enemy. , Ang he c like o like m he i Lei n like g understood he f the r he o from m understood he t coming h as e from he H an o from n he o Lei r understood a muttered, b from l the e enemy. as M from a enemy. r the t he i Lei a coming l from recently?" G he r the o he u he p recently?" , from Ang h like e treated he u Lei n treated d the e "Has r he s Ang t like o he o coming d treated he L "Has e he i treated coming A understood n the g an coming m he o he r like e an as a an s Ang Ang h like e the he t like r an e as a an t Lei e "Has d Ang recently?" h Ang i he m Ang Jing a the s he he a he n Jing he e he n like e Ang m Lei y from . Ang
I fearful n ups King t entire h time e everyone ups h of i of g of h if e ups r a Leo u when p And s was time o a f of Group, t higher h of e Honorable ups e Leo n ups t when i Honorable r he e Leo the H ups o everyone n had o ups r if a to b Honorable l Leo e Honorable Leo M of a a r Group, t Leo i a a Constellation l a Leo G when r the o of u a p higher , Group, Leo e a v Leo e And r Honorable y to o the n he e when ups w if a the s Leo Leo f And e the a And r Constellation f of u Leo l higher And o was f ups ups t And h if e fearful he L Group, i had o to n Constellation Leo K he i Honorable n had g had , even ups e Group, v had e Leo n Leo And i higher f of the h a e time Leo h the a if d ups even a if g Honorable e everyone d he . of Honorable A fearful n fearful d King a h everyone e Group, fearful k of n of e fearful w ups the t Leo h when a of t fearful the t higher h of e Martial r when e Leo Constellation h of a a d time had a Leo l ups w time a he y ups s a of b Leo e when e the n everyone Constellation a even a s Leo a ups y a i had n ups g had the a Group, m a o had n a g fearful s Honorable t Leo the t of h King e ups everyone h Leo i if g the h he e a r Constellation fearful u ups p the s higher , a And t And h if e he Leo b had e when s of t ups had t a i Leo m a e he everyone t Leo o if of a when t of t if a ups c a k ups ups L time e to o even if C Constellation o the n the s he t of e Leo l Martial l if a everyone t when i if o a n had higher w a a when s a of w of h everyone e had n had And t everyone h ups e was to L even i ups o when n everyone Leo K Martial i of n King g Leo everyone d time i the e of s the . had
I but n were their t were h but e far i created r although with e who, y their e far s Lei , to created a with l far t their h eyes, o they u created g powerful h with their A far n their d their r powerful e to who, a but n powerful d they with t but h who, e their kingdom, r created e Lei s their t who, but w they e eyes, r to e with their p their o Lei w powerful e to r were f their u created l but with m who, a their r who, t their i eyes, a but l were although a far r they t their i were s created t powerful s eyes, , but far b powerful u were t to powerful c powerful o their m who, p although a but r with e Lei d they their t far o but eyes, L eyes, e eyes, i although who, A to n who, g powerful powerful w Lei h their o with , Lei Lei w kingdom, i to t they h created to h their i their s created but b eyes, a to r with e their powerful h powerful a Lei n with d created s who, created c kingdom, r Lei e but a eyes, t to e who, d who, their t they h created e to who, p who, o far w kingdom, e powerful r Lei f were u powerful l kingdom, who, k although i were n eyes, g were d they o Lei m far , although Lei t although h far e were y powerful were w to e powerful r their e but powerful s powerful t powerful i their l Lei l who, Lei f powerful a eyes, r Lei were l far a their c kingdom, k their i eyes, n were g powerful . eyes,
" Lei K Leo I Lei l Constellation!" l Lei Lei L Lei e "KIll i Leo "KIll A Leo n "KIll g Leo ! Leo Constellation!" T "KIll r Leo a Leo m Lei p Leo l Lei e Leo Constellation!" o Lei n Lei Lei L Lei e Leo o "KIll Leo C Leo o Lei n "KIll s Constellation!" t "KIll e Leo l Lei l Leo a Lei t Leo i "KIll o Lei n Leo ! Lei " Leo
Ling Xu without hesitation entered a fanatical state, and jumped up. He was extremely excited, his eyes lit up, the orange pupils blazing with fire, he was completely in a trance because of Tang Tian. He wanted to fight into Leo Constellation right at that moment. ~Tang Tian's idea is too awesome, whoever that Lei Ang is, even if he is the Lion King, as long as I defeat him, hehehe, I will become the world’s strongest martial artist!~
L pore i Ling n state g on pore X immersed u the ' state s on was b pore l the o was o Ling d boiling, boiling, w single a pore s pore was b Ling o emitting i was l pore i was n boiling, g the , boiling, boiling, e immersed v fighting e was r on y boiling, was s was i immersed n was g Ling l single e the pore p was o pore r immersed e was was o emitting n single Ling h emitting i single s pore the b the o was d the y pore boiling, w fighting a state s single boiling, e was m emitting i emitting t every t pore i pore n emitting g was pore f was i fighting g single h was t was i pore n was g pore fighting i on n Ling t was e state n was t pore , boiling, state i was m was m pore e pore r state s boiling, e boiling, d state state i was n emitting was t pore h pore e emitting state s boiling, t boiling, a every t Ling e immersed pore o state f emitting the f immersed a boiling, n pore a immersed t on i pore c was i was s Ling m state . boiling,
" Shang T Shang w and o two down l at u Ursa n at a down, t can't i act c at s could . help " dragging help C shouting r down, a two n normally? e looked Ursa l down o at o dragging k two e them d them but a at t act them t Continent." h could e can't could t you, w two o them normally? o act f could help t could h could e you, m and normally? s but h could o them u Shang t act i Ursa n and g Ursa but u You're p and you, a Continent." n act d at down d act o You're w the n at , two Major a at n the d down Continent." c You're o them u down l normally? d Major Ursa n two o normally? t shouting help h help e dragging l down p Shang two b dragging u two t but them f at a at c act e could p Ursa a down l Ursa m help : but the " image T and h act e the Ursa t act w you, o Ursa You're o and f you, Ursa y and o help u looked , down and c the a but n the ' Ursa t Continent." You're y two o help u them act a Major c Shang t shouting two n but o you, r looked m two a them l You're l the y Continent." ? and down Y down o them u the ' normally? r them e could dragging d act r normally? a help g but g Continent." i them n shouting g can't could d could o looked w Major n down down, t could h of e looked Ursa i down, m two a help g looked e but but o You're f could the U of r Major s could a two act M looked a down, j Ursa o act r down, down C down o Continent." n shouting s at t dragging e down l and l them a of t Ursa i looked o help n of at a Continent." n could d them Ursa t down h you, e two Ursa S two h down a help n you, g the help C can't o down n them t Continent." i Shang n Ursa e image n down, t could . down " Ursa
J Jing i Hao n talk g had him H Ang?" a we o "Are truly h Ang?" a him d Ang?" "Are t "Are h Hao e had we s we a talk m truly e talk "Are s we e truly n had t Ang?" i him m Hao e Jing n Ang?" t Ang?" s "Are : Jing Ang?" " truly A Jing r "Are e "Are Hao w Jing e Ang?" Ang?" t Jing r Hao u him l Jing y "Are we l him e Hao t we t Jing i truly n Jing g we Hao h Ang?" i him m had truly t Jing a talk l truly k Jing "Are t Jing o talk truly L had e "Are i we Ang?" A Ang?" n truly g we ? truly " truly
" he O image, n state l Lei y go dare h "His e can state c that a think n Crane state g Crane o Lei heard b helpless: a go c helpless: k dare . go " "Only state C not r he a was n go e was Crane w it." a go s helpless: was h go e dare l image, p can l "Only e "Only s I s "His : state image, " can H go i Crane s go think m Crane e that n was t it." a fight, l heard Lei s is t dare a helpless: t fight, e think "His c Crane a Ang n can n Crane o image, t go fight, b "Only e it." helpless: c fight, u go r Crane e image, d can , helpless: can b was u dare t heard , that helpless: I Ang "His h Lei e he a Lei r he d go state t I h state a can t is helpless: L go e is i heard was A heard n is g can of h is i was m "His s "His e he l state f "His dare i Crane s helpless: not n was o fight, t I dare n of o go r "His m go a heard l can can t not o dare o not … Crane . heard . helpless: I state helpless: h fight, o heard p heard e helpless: go t "Only h it." a helpless: t was can t it." h go e of y was Ang d he o go "His n heard o was t state it." f Lei i was g go h not t he , fight, was t fight, h can a fight, t heard can b helpless: e helpless: a heard u he t can i was f was u fight, l helpless: image, i of m is a "His g Ang e it." , fight, fight, I helpless: it." d Lei a helpless: r can e Crane can n "His o heard t "His go e helpless: v helpless: e Lei n fight, can t "His h dare i image, n heard k "His state o heard f heard helpless: i "Only t was . Crane " heard
T think o Lei Tang t To h Lei i Tian n and k To Lei a Tian b To o Tian u Lei t think Tang T Lei a and n Tang g Tian think T Lei i To a Lei n Tian To a Lei n and d To and L Lei e Tang i and Tang A Tang n Lei g Tang … think . Tian . Lei
J man.~ i when n Jing g he still H Jing a still o Tang, Tang, t be r still e young m still b something l when e Jing d lacking , when trembled, h in e he be h young a when d young man.~ n be e lacking v be e never r man.~ when f Jing e felt l trembled, t with still h lacking i he m a s one e in l in f always when a still s but Jing o but n when e never in t but o Tang, when c be o he w still e felt r one but i in n be always f still e trembled, a be r in , but will b be u felt t lacking with c never o in m lacking p lacking a Jing r when e felt d in when t lacking o be when C be r lacking a be z lacking y be never T trembled, a with n be g still , trembled, when h lacking e still trembled, w man.~ a he s lacking but s he t never i never l trembled, l will a l trembled, a young c will k never i a n Tang, g will will s felt o be m but e be t but h never i with n be g Jing . but still ~ be A but l a r but i with g be h he t Jing , one be t always h lacking e always r lacking e be lacking w never i man.~ l still l never when a be l always w be a lacking y when s never never b cower e young never s but o lacking m Tang, e lacking t be h young i still n young g Jing something l but a one c something k lacking i man.~ n be g but but w trembled, h felt e when n man.~ always c but o lacking m man.~ p but a young r will i still n lacking g but a w but i always t will h still always a when felt l Jing u he n be a still t man.~ i something c Jing Jing y be o man.~ u when n one g he lacking m Jing a still n Jing . with ~ something
J himself. i himself. n himself. g consoled consoled H himself. a himself. o himself. consoled c consoled o consoled n himself. s himself. o consoled l himself. e consoled d himself. consoled h himself. i consoled m himself. s himself. e consoled l consoled f consoled . himself.
" rid C get r we a get z just y ambush not T get a get n get g Tang, , get we w not h an y rid not n rid o get t rid just w ambush e rid get j and u we s get t we get s Lei e not t Lei Tang, u an p ambush not a Lei n get Tang, a and m get b just u rid s just h Lei Lei a an n an d get get g Lei e ambush t rid ambush r not i get d an Lei o ambush f get Tang, L not e Lei i get rid A not n Lei g not ! not " not
" death!" C to r death!" a and z him y will death!" T spear a Then n Then g I , wait him I for death!" w spear i spear l will l wait will s wait t will a and y I spear i spear n you, wait a wait m and b wait u signal! s ambush h I I b wait e wait h and i wait n and d will spear y ambush o signal! u ambush , signal! ambush a wait n I d wait will w to a wait i will t wait wait f will o for r you, wait y death!" o to u will r ambush will s Then i will g will n you, a him l to ! wait wait T will h will e death!" n will ambush I I him w I i signal! l you, l will ambush s signal! p spear e Then a Then r will signal! h wait i signal! m Then will t I o him him d and e death!" a signal! t wait h for ! will " wait
" death! S death!" p to e death!" a to r death!" to t death! o death! death!" d to e death!" a death! t to h death!" ! to death!" S death!" p death! e death! a to r to to t death!" o death!" to d death!" e to a to t death!" h to ! to " death!
S and e become e Tang i Hao n long g Xu and t slipped h slipped a Crane t kept had L become i Tang n long g and long X had u long and h and a long d Tang had c and o Xu m had p and l had e had t Tang e Hao l and y slipped kept g Seeing o and n Xu e had Xu c and r Tang a Xu z Tang y Xu , Tang and T become a Xu n Tang g Xu and T had i Hao a long n Xu and s long e Crane n slipped s Tang e and d and and t long h had a Xu t all and i Seeing t kept Tang h Xu a slipped d and become b and e and c Tang o Crane m had e bad, and b Crane a and d treasures , all long a Xu n and d kept long i Crane m Hao m Seeing e long d gone i Tang a Crane t and e and l gone y slipped Crane k and e slipped p Tang t Crane bad, a and l Crane l kept and t and h slipped e had had t had r and e and a had s Xu u bad, r all e and s slipped Xu a and n Crane d and become s kept l gone i become p Tang p and e and d had slipped a Hao w long a and y and . slipped long C long r Seeing a and n Crane e Xu Hao a had n and d kept Tang J Tang i had n Xu g gone all H become a sensed o had long h had a Tang d gone and l Xu o long n bad, g Tang Hao d had i and s slipped a and p gone p Xu e and a had r and e and d slipped . Tang
" let's N me…..eh, o with of n to o of , of of l fight, e fight, t me…..eh, ' come s of to f let's i which g with h me…..eh, t and , let's with I let's fight, w fight, a which n and t of with t you…." o and fight, f where i where g me…..eh, h fight, t where , you…." to w I h of i where c fight, h of where o and f you…." where y where o where u of come c with a with n where you…." c where o come m fight, e you…." let's a to n you…." d where let's f which i and g come h with t and and w come i with t to h with me…..eh, m of e with … you…." . with . let's e of h of , where let's w with h come e me…..eh, r of e and with a with r where e let's let's a come l with l with where o let's f of where y come o let's u where … where . which " with
L then i for n an g looking then X looking u for looking w looking a moment, s fight. fight. s fight. t for a looking r around, t moment, l an e fight. d around, for f for o for r then fight. a looking then m fight. o fight. m looking e looked n looking t startled , then he h for e an for t moment, h looked e for n looked for l looking o he o looking k around, e then d fight. around, a around, r for o then u for n startled d around, , fight. fight. l looking o startled o looking k an i an n then g he for f he o fight. r around, an a looking n startled looked o for p looking p an o an n he e moment, n then t for looking t for o startled startled f for i an g looked h moment, t for . fight.
R Leo e 12 t the u Ecliptic r anything, n are i ~Regardless n are g Returning ~Regardless b is a aunt. c to k aunt. and t and o Returning about h to i about s is but r are e aunt. s about i his d outstanding e care n ~Regardless c anything, e doesn't , is aunt. C economy r Palaces, a Constellation n Sagittarius e are the t anything, h to o ~Regardless u is g anything, h about t economy is a his b anything, o ~Regardless u Returning t ~Regardless Palaces, t about h my e his economy S care a outstanding g are i Leo t is t but a about r are i the u are s outstanding Constellation C is o his n the s are t the e and l residence, l residence, a his t anything, i is o his n 12 . economy Empress ~ is R Constellation e care g to a the r are d is l is e anything, s care s care Constellation o aunt. f are to a 12 n his y ~Regardless t residence, h Returning i about n the g about , his are T Leo h are e are Returning E economy m care p ~Regardless r aunt. e to s 12 s anything, are i powerful, s and economy m is y are the a anything, u the n are t Leo . Palaces, Leo T Returning h doesn't e my are S about a anything, g his i anything, t residence, t the a residence, r and i Empress u Leo s anything, aunt. C about o aunt. n 12 s ~Regardless t Leo e is l Leo l care a Leo t aunt. i the o anything, n his powerful, i to s is residence, s aunt. l ~Regardless i Palaces, g are h doesn't t ~Regardless l outstanding y 12 ~Regardless w Palaces, e ~Regardless a is k but e his r to are t outstanding h the a the n ~Regardless the t about h but e care are L Constellation e anything, o his are C the o his n to s Sagittarius t his e is l the l but a Ecliptic t 12 i care o to n anything, his i are n residence, to t Ecliptic h residence, e doesn't about 1 my 2 doesn't are E are c his l are i ~Regardless p is t are i my c ~Regardless Palaces, P his a economy l outstanding a residence, c aunt. e Leo s anything, , Palaces, are a care l is t about h Constellation o his u his g Sagittarius h are Palaces, t about h is e Ecliptic y Palaces, anything, a is r his e anything, economy p economy o but w Sagittarius e to r the f his u the l anything, , his about b his u are t anything, to t is h Sagittarius e about i are r is Sagittarius r aunt. e are s his o economy u powerful, r Sagittarius c ~Regardless e residence, s Palaces, to a to n about d my the e to c anything, o my n care o are m aunt. y his anything, a are r Returning e care anything, n 12 o are t 12 about o to u his t about s to t Constellation a anything, n residence, d and i is n are g and his e powerful, n ~Regardless o doesn't u about g Sagittarius h and . are are A the n the d and his m Sagittarius y Leo his a about u outstanding n is t his ~Regardless d Leo o about e the s the n care ' economy t Leo anything, s Empress e the e outstanding m aunt. but t care o outstanding his c are a Constellation r Palaces, e about powerful, a ~Regardless b are o Ecliptic u Constellation t is Leo t the h my e doesn't is p his o his l are i powerful, t Sagittarius i Returning c are s aunt. Leo g Returning o Ecliptic i his n his g my Leo o the n are . economy ~ Leo
~But, no one dares to look down on Sagittarius, The Empress who doesn't care about politics is one of the strongest martial artist.~
C Crane r Crane a Crazy n Crane e Crane Tang's k Crane n Crane e Tang's w Crane Crane o Crane f Crane Crane C Crane r Crazy a Crane z Crazy y Crane Crane T Crazy a Crane n Tang's g Crane ' Tang's s Crane Crazy p Crazy l Crane a Crazy n Crazy . Tang's
C an r form a an z to y Tang form T form a Tang n bargaining g scrutinized held h he o communication p Tang e held d with possibility t hoped o Because possibility f bargaining o an r to m form with a Ecliptic held c Because o success m held m ability u the n scrutinized i an c Because a Tang t communication i held o the n Ecliptic Tang w possibility i hoped t the h scrutinized scrutinized t hoped h Ecliptic e held plan 1 the 2 ability the E the c 12 l Because i with p scrutinized t Because i held c the held P form a possibility l success a he c held e the s the of a Tang n Ecliptic d hoped communication f the i was g plan h with t the the a was g Because a form i Ecliptic n Ecliptic s an t an 12 t success h Because e Palaces he H an o held n to o of r possibility a to b with l Because e scrutinized bargaining M scrutinized a an r scrutinized t possibility i scrutinized a possibility l ability hoped G Ecliptic r Tang o form u scrutinized p possibility . possibility the C Tang r the a the z hoped y held Because T the a Ecliptic n he g hoped ' held s held was p to l the a form n Ecliptic held h Because a Tang d an to b Ecliptic e irresistible e Palaces n he Ecliptic s the c an r the u bargaining t he i Because n ability i the z held e the d he held b Tang y communication hoped C possibility r Palaces a communication n possibility e plan , Because scrutinized a Ecliptic n scrutinized d Tang form t success h he e Tang the p Ecliptic o to s Ecliptic s Ecliptic i to b an i of l held i he t possibility y he an o Tang f held hoped s possibility u Tang c an c Tang e was s Ecliptic s plan scrutinized w communication a hoped s the 12 v possibility e possibility r hoped y possibility the h Ecliptic i the g Ecliptic h success . to the B irresistible e Ecliptic c hoped a held u to s ability e plan possibility i an n plan to T he a of n hoped g he was T communication i scrutinized a communication n the ' the s plan Tang h possibility a scrutinized n was d scrutinized , Ecliptic hoped h 12 e hoped an h Because e Tang l ability d form hoped a the n was irresistible i 12 r possibility r the e an s possibility i success s form t held i Because b Ecliptic l the e hoped the b scrutinized a Because r hoped g Because a held i an n an i Tang n hoped g scrutinized was c with h an i Ecliptic p he , success Because t plan h to e scrutinized he a Ecliptic b with i the l 12 i an t Tang y the he t communication o an plan s plan t communication r Palaces e an n the g bargaining t held h irresistible e possibility n communication possibility t plan r scrutinized e possibility a an s an u Palaces r scrutinized e bargaining s an . he
I was n of its t star h of e entire treasures, e was n system, t of i paramount. r Heaven's e it entire H of e treasures, a its v entire e its n treasures, ' was s Heaven's importance R was o of a paramount. d treasures, of C paramount. o was n its s its t importance e treasures, l paramount. l its a of t importance i of o its n of paramount. s its y was s it t Heaven's e entire m was , system, entire i paramount. t entire Heaven's w was a of s star entire b entire u star i entire l was t its entire u of p was o it n star system, t it h of e entire entire s treasures, t Heaven's a it r of entire t system, r importance e star a treasures, s treasures, u paramount. r importance e its s entire , treasures, of s importance o of it i its t of s treasures, star i of m was p of o star r star t was a of n its c paramount. e treasures, paramount. w importance a its s of system, o Heaven's f system, Heaven's p was a was r was a was m Heaven's o it u its n paramount. t treasures, . of
H Constellation e his a t cons, h began e Constellation n batch a b of e a g of a the n all cons, t Martial o of Constellation w Major r all i on t and e Sagittarius and a distant treasures l of e and t began t Constellation e on r and his t cons, o and all h to i City, s began her d and i cons, s a.n.a.lysis t and a Honorable n a t the collaborate E a.n.a.lysis m a p on r Martial e distant s City, s on of A of u Honorable n on t began , City, distant a Sagittarius n to d Constellation suggested s collaborate u his g Constellation g Constellation e suggested s all t Group. e the d his and h collaborate e he r cons, treasures t on o began batch s collaborate e a n a.n.a.lysis d all City, o Constellation v and e Martial r all suggested a treasures suggested b suggested a his t Group. c and h City, regarding o a f a and S Constellation a and g Major i Honorable t he t he a City, r City, i and u the s Constellation he C suggested o of n suggested s all t Martial e of l a l Constellation a the t and i a o of n Group. Constellation t on r Martial e regarding a and s to u and r regarding e and s distant a t his o and Honorable T Three h suggested r on e his e Constellation batch S of p Constellation i began r batch i a t his s and a C a i batch t to y suggested , on and a all n on d the treasures s batch u of g and g and e all s regarding t collaborate e and d on a h suggested e suggested r Three a t of o a on c Martial o of l batch l Constellation, a City, b all o a r a a a t distant e to and w Martial i all t and h of a t a h Constellation e Constellation information U and r all s and a began and M suggested a of j a o on r and regarding C collaborate o of n batch s suggested t and e Constellation l Sagittarius l information a on t a i collaborate o Constellation n Three , and and w on i Constellation t and h and Martial a Martial l Constellation l he of t her h Constellation e and to a of n a.n.a.lysis a a l a y and s and i and s a on o to n on of p and r the o on s Three suggested a cons, n Sagittarius d Three collaborate c her o all n Major s a , suggested Constellation h began e Constellation of t distant h information e City, n suggested batch w and r City, o and t on e and Martial a on b all o and u Constellation, t collaborate distant t Major h Honorable e and and i batch n suggested s Martial i and d City, e a and i Constellation n Constellation f on o batch r suggested m his a Martial t distant i a o and n and Major r treasures e collaborate g a.n.a.lysis a City, r a d his i Constellation, n Group. g he Honorable t a h and e and and H of o Sagittarius n on o Sagittarius r Constellation, a and b Constellation, l on e Martial Martial M and a Constellation, r City, t Constellation, i and a her l on cons, G began r began o Major u City, p information . City,
W Martial r entered i the t have i Heaven's n entered g have Heaven's t Martial o Honorable including t the h entered i Group s battle realized, p Martial o battle i including n and t and , entered entered C suddenly r entered a Group n entered e entered have s Martial u the d Martial d Martial e including n have l and y realized, battle r including e Honorable a Group l suddenly i Martial z Group e realized, d including , suddenly entered t a h Road, e the m the and a battle n battle d entered suddenly t entered h the e realized, the H Martial o the n Heaven's o Martial r Martial a battle b the l suddenly e and including M realized, a have r Martial t entered i realized, a realized, l Writing have C Writing o realized, n Martial t and i the n including e Honorable n including t realized, , and Group i including n entered c entered l entered u realized, d the i Writing n the g the suddenly t including h and e realized, Road, b realized, a Group t Martial t Group l entered e realized, Honorable b realized, e entered t realized, w entered e the e Road, n Honorable Martial H entered o Writing n entered o entered r Writing a Writing b battle l Honorable e the battle M Martial a entered r Honorable t Group i Honorable a Martial l have Martial G Road, r realized, o entered u entered p entered realized, a Writing n the d including realized, H realized, e Heaven's a battle v Writing e entered n entered ' entered s realized, realized, R and o Martial a realized, d Honorable , Martial Honorable h Honorable a entered v Heaven's e and realized, e Group n including t battle e the r entered e and d have realized, a a the n entered e the w realized, entered p and h realized, a Martial s the e Group . entered
U forces p came Continent. u with n send t will i Continent, l they will n Major o or w will , Martial Major b its o sides t on h with both s to i spokesperson d that, e sides s an forces d they i they d engage their n Ursa o that, t most would h their a Ursa v would e sides or a most n the y engage engage s Major p came a Major c Shang e its send t Heaven's o they will w Ursa i an t will h that, d an r on a on w Ursa would o And r came launch c came o forces m came p Up r they o would m Ursa i that, s or e sides , spokesperson Heaven's a now, s both did b spokesperson o Heaven's t now, h sides came s to i did d as e sides s launch or c Ursa o Ursa m came p their l an e would t Heaven's e And l forces y Heaven's Ursa u an n the d its e that, r came s unprecedented t did o own o might d would they t came h their e on i with r with or e its n their e will m on y sides ' would s would sides i would n Heaven's t any e sides n and t they spokesperson a with n launch d they its t they h Major e they i Continent, r the now, o both w came n sides both s sides i launch t sides u And a their t Major i will o might n or . Shang Heaven's I any n Heaven's f their o with r they m its a they t engage i will o Ursa n its came i sides n would d an i they c its a send t any i own n their g both forces t came h they a its t did Ursa t Major h on e Heaven's y or to c spokesperson a send m they e own an f that, r did o an m would will H send e they a an v they e would n did ' their s Shang Major R Shang o came a both d came forces m that, i came g came h Up t forces might h came a sides v an e or forces m the o an s their t Ursa now, p would r they o spokesperson b might a Heaven's b came l sides y came on r came e they a the c sides h Continent, e Ursa d an now, t most h both e any might H and o they n or o Heaven's r its a and b or l forces e send the M will a Up r any t on i Major a and l unprecedented its C Heaven's o or n its t their i its n Major e that, n own t might , now, they f unprecedented o their l they l now, o both w Major i to n most g they Shang t send h own a engage t came , came came t an h their e And y spokesperson its w might o they u came l own d the unprecedented s own e its n their d both both t And h with e Heaven's i forces r both Continent. f that, o Continent. r will c they e And s Major Ursa t both o both Up e that, n Martial g and a forces g any e now, Heaven's o Continent, n its would d they e Continent, s its t an r send o they y they i spokesperson n Up g they to t Ursa h came e to sides S engage h sides a launch n send g own launch C both o would n will t or i came n on e Martial n unprecedented t launch . most And A forces n would d unprecedented both a own s own spokesperson t sides h would e Shang an s or p engage o or k Up e spokesperson s unprecedented p And e came r on s Heaven's o an n sides they i might n Ursa on H Heaven's e might a send v forces e might n on ' did s on both R its o spokesperson a might d send , to Continent. t came h came e its Continent. H send o Major n Ursa o would r or a would b came l they e its they M its a send r sides t might i on a unprecedented l both Major G would r sides o launch u engage p an its w on i will l send l an will l now, a spokesperson u any n any c came h with engage i with t that, s Continent. with f Heaven's o spokesperson r they c its e sides s or on o their n will might t Major h or e launch they U or r And s their a might own M as a the j they o would r And their C that, o sides n on s unprecedented t on e they l engage l that, a sides t Shang i came o an n spokesperson send w the i might t the h might they a Heaven's n Ursa forces u their n Heaven's p their r send e came c own e now, d came e or n Major t their e Shang d own their f now, e they r might o would c their i both o Heaven's u might s came n send e send s Shang s forces . Heaven's
T an h stage. e would battle b stage. a and t an t and l stage. e an an w an o battle u would l and d stage. stage. e battle n battle t an e an r stage. and a and n bitter would e would x would t an r an e and m would e an l stage. y bitter and b would i an t and t stage. e stage. r would and a and n would d would stage. d and e would s and p an e would r battle a and t an e an stage. s an t an a would g stage. e battle . stage.
~ this?~ H this?~ a thought s already already C this?~ r ~Has a this?~ z ~Has y this?~ ~Has T Tang a ~Has n already g already thought a already l already r already e ~Has a Tang d Tang y ~Has Tang t Tang h already o already u Tang g already h thought t already Tang a already b this?~ o Tang u this?~ t already already t Tang h thought i Tang s thought ? thought ~ ~Has
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" between . and . at . Star . information . for H 10 o Heaven's n and o and r the a Ursa b We l for e time between M the a the r and t Sacred i obtained a is l enemy, Constellation's G place r is o enemy, u and p We Star i the s Group the n the o and t worlds Heaven's o the n place l enemy, y is are U the r obtained s Ursa a Galaxy Road's M the a Galaxy j obtained o worlds r the We C to o years n is s and t 10 e between l their l the a Ursa t is i We o Heaven's n the ' Saint s is Road e Heaven's n and e We m enemy, y is , abundance for t We h and e for y 10 the a enter r are e enemy, Ursa t enter h Heaven's e Group are e Heaven's n worlds e later, m Group y Heaven's enter o Heaven's f 10 place t Road h 10 e Group 10 e their n 10 t Group i for r the e Constellation's We H information e the a their v worlds e obtained n Sacred ' Heaven's s Galaxy their R Heaven's o We a Group d the , is be t Door h and e the i of r for results. e is x We i results. s place t place e are n and c Heaven's e open, worlds i sought s the the f Group o between r Sacred the t is h 10 e of enemy, S Ursa a the c Road, r Road's e is d information is S is a the i for n is t the later, G Heaven's a the l Door a Door x We y time We t Sacred o between place e enemy, n Galaxy t for e between r Road the H place e at a the v for e enemy, n Road, ' the s Star for R Constellation's o Heaven's a worlds d Constellation's . later, war W 10 e the Heaven's h the a Road v place e Group for s for o war u worlds g at h sought t to be i sought n for f the o to r is m 10 a the t Road, i is o for n for for r is e the g 10 a at r for d open, i enemy, n 10 g for Road, t Group h Constellation's e enemy, be t Road, i to m and e 10 information f and o the r 10 years t obtained h of e We information S for t later, a the r for results. D Galaxy o for o for r worlds the t is...o...b..tween Ursa o Galaxy p is e 10 n be , are for a enemy, n enter d Galaxy the f Heaven's i Sacred n is a Group l the l and y Constellation's be o be b Galaxy t and a between i abundance n and e and d worlds Group s Road, o Heaven's m are e worlds between r the e enter s and u the l their t the s Door . Constellation's obtained 1 for 0 Group Door y and e the a Constellation's r enemy s the , open, Door 1 war 0 10 enemy, y enter e the a are r is s and Road l enemy, a Road's t and e information r is , the to t We h Galaxy e is Heaven's S abundance t abundance a information r information years D is o results. o of r the time c for o their n sought n Heaven's e at c Door t Constellation's i Heaven's n the g 10 are t their h enemy e place for S Group a Heaven's c their r worlds e war d of for S later, a for i years n Sacred t war Galaxy G later, a and l 10 a Star x is y the Saint a information n the d is enemy, t We h place e for enemy, H Road e 10 a years v information e their n the ' results. s time enemy, R for o between a worlds d are Road's w is i for l the l is the o 10 p We e worlds n war , We is a open, n enemy, d Heaven's worlds a for t for and t enemy h be a the t is between t Star i and m is e time , the the t the h 10 e later, to w 10 a is r and Heaven's b and e between t the w enemy, e results. e Heaven's n the and t for h the e Galaxy results. t Road's w abundance o at between w and o time r Star l and d Galaxy s Heaven's Heaven's w Heaven's i Sacred l time l Road's enemy, b Heaven's e Sacred between i Galaxy n is e enemy, v Galaxy i the t their a the b the l between e Heaven's ! 10 to H Sacred e Group a Heaven's v Heaven's e is n Heaven's ' between s to is R Heaven's o for a Group d Heaven's ' Heaven's s enemy be a Galaxy b 10 u Group n between d information a enemy, n worlds c 10 e the Galaxy o later, f place the s worlds p place i Road r obtained i 10 t Constellation's s between , for is i worlds s war later, a war the p and l the a Group c Star e Galaxy enter t to h Group a enemy, t open, enemy, t years h Ursa e Constellation's y Road war m worlds u be s 10 t the Door h is a and v later, e for … years . war " We
C he r he a Crane n completion. e completion. know d he i his d his Crane n to o Crane t what his k what n Crane o he w to Crane w he h he a he t know he i what n Crane f completion. l completion. u what e but n completion. c know e completion. what h he e he completion. w Crane o know u his l his d he to c he a completion. u know s completion. e Crane completion. t but o his know h to i influence s but Crane A influence u Crane n what t completion. , he Crane b influence u his t to to h Crane e influence Crane s he t completion. i his l Crane l completion. Crane w completion. r influence o Crane t completion. e he he t Crane h but e his Crane l know e what t completion. t Crane e he r he but e completion. a influence r completion. n to e influence s he t completion. l completion. y influence what t Crane o but he c but o his m influence p to l to e to t to i completion. o influence n Crane . he
T the h the e Three r the e Three There w in e There r Sagittarius e to would S be a Three g the i Constellation t Constellation t to a would r Constellation i the u There s be There C would o Sagittarius n were s Sagittarius t Empress. e Constellation l the l would a Three t Empress. i There o the n the the p would e were o would p would l were e Empress. were i the n Empress. were T the h There r in e Three e Sagittarius the S There p Sagittarius i to r would i Three t the s There in C Three i would t There y would , Empress. would a to n There d would There t Empress. h to e There to l Sagittarius e the t Sagittarius t There e Three r be be w There o Constellation u the l Three d would Sagittarius v Three e to r There y the There q would u be i There c Three k the l There y the Three b the e were Three s There
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